What's the point anymore?

Sep 12, 2016
With the ridiculous farce we saw on football fields all across the country today, what's the point of being an NFL fan anymore? We rooted for White athletes, with the understanding that while expecting them to openly speak out against the Caste System was too much, they could at least refrain from speaking out in favor of it. When the NFL was (relatively) apolitical, we could root for Alex Smith or Aaron Rodgers without wondering if they secretly hated us for being Alt-Right. Even when idiots like Chris Long went on SJW rants, we could dismiss it by saying he's just one second-string player. Even when Aaron Rodgers went on a tirade attacking a fan who had criticized Islam, we could dismiss it as an isolated incident.

But today, we saw a so-called "show of unity" that in reality was nothing more than a gigantic left-wing circle jerk. We saw billionaire NFL owners whine that they were being "oppressed" by wicked working-class conservative White people, the fans who were boycotting the league, who just didn't understand how hard those rich liberals have it, the poor snowflakes. We saw NFL millionaire players, white as well as black, whine that they were being "oppressed" by President Trump because he dared say something that caused them butthurt. We heard a lot about freedom of speech, but the only statements from anyone associated with the NFL, whether owner, coach, player, or reporter, whether black or white, were all the exact same regurgitated ideological rhetoric about how we're all the same and must all come together, except for those right-wing deplorables, of course. That's not freedom of speech. When all the official channels are spewing the same bile and silencing opposing voices, that's the opposite of freedom of speech. That's fascism.

The liberals, with total control of the media and near-total control of corporate America, are claiming to be victims of "oppression." In a disgusting display of self-righteousness, they are claiming to be courageous heroes standing up to THE MAN, when in reality they ARE The Man. These protesters have received nothing but salivating, Pavlovian praise from the one-dimensional media. Not one person in the "mainstream" media has criticized them. What they are doing takes no courage at all.

The camel's back was broken today, and the straw's name was white liberalism. White player after white player joined in the anti-conservative pogrom, spewing the same recycled liberal rhetoric (and in some cases, like Alex Smith, outright lies). How can we be expected to root for players, though they may look like us, when they hate everything we love and love everything we hate? If they're going to be so hyper-partisan that they can't even do their jobs without going into workplace political rants, there's no reason to support them. I know there are those on this site who disagree, and that's fine. We all have our own tipping points, and this was mine.

This does not mean that all NFL players agree with this circus. When all the players locked arms during the anthem, I guarantee that there were some players who did not want to participate in that dog-and-pony show. There is no way that 53 men can share one hive mind. There were some players who wanted to speak out in favor of our flag, the military, and the police. But they stayed silent, because they would have been punished if they had spoken their minds. THEY are the ones who are truly oppressed. I sympathize with them, and I do not begrudge them for staying silent. They, just like myself and millions of other conservatives, would be treated like criminals for expressing their opinions. I understand. When liberals say they support freedom of speech, they mean only for their kind.

But a few silent allies are not enough to make the league worth watching. I used to be able to cheer whenever a White face scored a touchdown, made an interception, or notched a sack. Not anymore. I am not going to cheer for anyone, of any race, who spews hatred at my values. Nor am I going to keep a set of notes on which white players have joined the ranks of liberal douchebags and which have not. It's not worth it. We owe the NFL nothing. It is they who owe us and owe us much, starting with a sincere apology, retractions of their anti-conservative statements, and punishments for those who refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing.

Until the NFL apologizes for its shameful display of self-righteousness, makes it clear through outreach that all sides are welcome, including ours, and takes action against the rabid far-leftists who started this whole divisive campaign, I will not be giving the league any more of my time or money. Football used to be a time for fun and relaxation, a time to enjoy good food while watching an entertaining game, a time to escape from work and other stresses, including politics. No longer. By turning the league into a political whinefest that welcomes liberals only, the owners have alienated millions of good, normal, law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying human beings. They can continue down this poisonous path until the games become little more than hate-filled, left wing extremist SJW rallies, or they can pull their heads out of their a**es and realize where their bread is buttered. It's up to them.

I will continue to post on Caste Football, and I look forward to the truly diverse opinions that will be expressed here on this and other subjects, unlike the false "diversity" from the one-dimensional "mainstream" media.

God bless America, and God bless President Trump.

God bless Riley Cooper and God bless John Rocker. They know the score.

Above all, above even religion, country, and family, God bless the Alt-Right. Never in history has a movement so noble been so wrongly vilified. They are the true heroes.
There isn't much too cheer for anymore after today. The entire league got the memo to do the dumbasz arm link embrace while others sat or knelt. So many players could have made a impact by standing alone and holding their hand over their heart but only 1 stood alone.

This day will be remembered years later as the day the nnl lost touch with the people that pay them.
Great post La France Blanche! I have sworn off the NFL. I will come here to get updates on our guys. But will never watch it on my own again. Hopefully plenty of future positive updates both on the field and off. It's really something. The country's white population addicted to the opiate, the NFL, as Don likes to say, cannot or refuses to see or call out the misguided black anger or more likely black racism. In reality, it"s that group's anti-social behavior to conduct themselves as humans that most want to avoid them or condemn them. So now the country's comes face to face with the burden and divisive group called negroes. It's a 50/50 call. If left to the DWF masses, it will get worse for us in facets of life. God watch over Trump and us in the long run.
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With the ridiculous farce we saw on football fields all across the country today, what's the point of being an NFL fan anymore? We rooted for White athletes, with the understanding that while expecting them to openly speak out against the Caste System was too much, they could at least refrain from speaking out in favor of it. When the NFL was (relatively) apolitical, we could root for Alex Smith or Aaron Rodgers without wondering if they secretly hated us for being Alt-Right. Even when idiots like Chris Long went on SJW rants, we could dismiss it by saying he's just one second-string player. Even when Aaron Rodgers went on a tirade attacking a fan who had criticized Islam, we could dismiss it as an isolated incident.

But today, we saw a so-called "show of unity" that in reality was nothing more than a gigantic left-wing circle jerk. We saw billionaire NFL owners whine that they were being "oppressed" by wicked working-class conservative White people, the fans who were boycotting the league, who just didn't understand how hard those rich liberals have it, the poor snowflakes. We saw NFL millionaire players, white as well as black, whine that they were being "oppressed" by President Trump because he dared say something that caused them butthurt. We heard a lot about freedom of speech, but the only statements from anyone associated with the NFL, whether owner, coach, player, or reporter, whether black or white, were all the exact same regurgitated ideological rhetoric about how we're all the same and must all come together, except for those right-wing deplorables, of course. That's not freedom of speech. When all the official channels are spewing the same bile and silencing opposing voices, that's the opposite of freedom of speech. That's fascism.

The liberals, with total control of the media and near-total control of corporate America, are claiming to be victims of "oppression." In a disgusting display of self-righteousness, they are claiming to be courageous heroes standing up to THE MAN, when in reality they ARE The Man. These protesters have received nothing but salivating, Pavlovian praise from the one-dimensional media. Not one person in the "mainstream" media has criticized them. What they are doing takes no courage at all.

The camel's back was broken today, and the straw's name was white liberalism. White player after white player joined in the anti-conservative pogrom, spewing the same recycled liberal rhetoric (and in some cases, like Alex Smith, outright lies). How can we be expected to root for players, though they may look like us, when they hate everything we love and love everything we hate? If they're going to be so hyper-partisan that they can't even do their jobs without going into workplace political rants, there's no reason to support them. I know there are those on this site who disagree, and that's fine. We all have our own tipping points, and this was mine.

This does not mean that all NFL players agree with this circus. When all the players locked arms during the anthem, I guarantee that there were some players who did not want to participate in that dog-and-pony show. There is no way that 53 men can share one hive mind. There were some players who wanted to speak out in favor of our flag, the military, and the police. But they stayed silent, because they would have been punished if they had spoken their minds. THEY are the ones who are truly oppressed. I sympathize with them, and I do not begrudge them for staying silent. They, just like myself and millions of other conservatives, would be treated like criminals for expressing their opinions. I understand. When liberals say they support freedom of speech, they mean only for their kind.

But a few silent allies are not enough to make the league worth watching. I used to be able to cheer whenever a White face scored a touchdown, made an interception, or notched a sack. Not anymore. I am not going to cheer for anyone, of any race, who spews hatred at my values. Nor am I going to keep a set of notes on which white players have joined the ranks of liberal douchebags and which have not. It's not worth it. We owe the NFL nothing. It is they who owe us and owe us much, starting with a sincere apology, retractions of their anti-conservative statements, and punishments for those who refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing.

Until the NFL apologizes for its shameful display of self-righteousness, makes it clear through outreach that all sides are welcome, including ours, and takes action against the rabid far-leftists who started this whole divisive campaign, I will not be giving the league any more of my time or money. Football used to be a time for fun and relaxation, a time to enjoy good food while watching an entertaining game, a time to escape from work and other stresses, including politics. No longer. By turning the league into a political whinefest that welcomes liberals only, the owners have alienated millions of good, normal, law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying human beings. They can continue down this poisonous path until the games become little more than hate-filled, left wing extremist SJW rallies, or they can pull their heads out of their a**es and realize where their bread is buttered. It's up to them.

I will continue to post on Caste Football, and I look forward to the truly diverse opinions that will be expressed here on this and other subjects, unlike the false "diversity" from the one-dimensional "mainstream" media.

God bless America, and God bless President Trump.

God bless Riley Cooper and God bless John Rocker. They know the score.

Above all, above even religion, country, and family, God bless the Alt-Right. Never in history has a movement so noble been so wrongly vilified. They are the true heroes.

:clap: :thumbsup:
Great post. Black NFL players, like almost every single black person on the planet, is hyper-sensitive to racial issues (due to deep-seated inferiority complexes) and are almost unanimously pro-black, usually of the militant variety. Since whites are a political mixed bag, I was going to start a thread where we could chronicle every white NFL player that made anti-Trump comments or openly engaged in this BLM anthem nonsense. But what's the point? There have been dozens and dozens over the past month ranging from...

Alex "I Hate Neo-Nazis" Smith

Chris "I Create Scholarships for AntiFa" Long

Derek "Universal Love for Blacks and Whites" Carr

Seth "I Want to Have Brown Children" DeValve

Justin "Michael Bennett is My Spiritual Mentor" Britt

Drew Brees, normally a huge corporate advertising shill for the military complex (see his countless ads for USAA Insurance), was also triggered by Trump and called his comments "unbefitting of the office."

The press conference by this little bitch (someone who I always rooted for due to the ridiculous hatred he received from the Caste Media) really took the cake...

Yesterday was the most important day in the history of the NFL. It wasn't merely the "average DWF" that was offended and enraged, it was the average American.

Donald Trump brings out the worst in everybody and creates a divisiveness the likes of which have never been seen...and I love it.
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Great post La France Blanche and I agree with your sentiments entirely.

I want to try to answer your thread's question from my point of view. I think the point for us is the same point that I imagine Don Wassall had in mind when he created this wonderful slice of the internet many years ago; to spread awareness and fight for the interests of White athletes and be the cultural critics of the modern sports-industrial complex and sports media complex. We can gain some enjoyment from seeing our guys do well within this system but I think most have us have realized for a while that for us to truly win, these institutions would need to be torn down. What we witnessed yesterday was the biggest blow to this system since it took hold in the 1960s. We are seeing the beginning of the end and I believe it is our duty to document these moments in history and discuss them honestly. We are the true sports journalists in that regard.

So I'll continue to watch. I'll cheer the White players I like and I'll continue to study the Caste System as I have for 10 years now. We've got front row seats for a truly great spectacle exploding under its own ideological weight. I wouldn't miss this for anything!
If you hope or expect White athletes to speak or act off the field in the way you want them to, you're going to be disappointed every time. First, because most of them sincerely believe differently than you, and secondly because they are in a work environment that is anything but conducive to espousing pro-White or "alt-right" beliefs even on the chance they happen to have them. It's no different for them than what it is for all public figures, a lot worse really because the NFL is 70% black and because of its importance as Amerika's now troubled national secular religion.

That said, which is what I've been saying since day one, the past few days have been fantastic. Donald Trump used the presidential "bully pulpit" to reach in an instant far more people than the combined efforts of CF over the past 13 years, and make no mistake, we have reached many ourselves. I truly believe we are the reason there isn't nearly as much caste-speak heard on broadcasts now and in the media in general. Think about that -- we've actually changed things for the better a bit in this country, and how often does that happen!

Someone like the president can change opinions overnight. So can what we've been doing, over time. What we're trying to do is far more important, because it's related to White survival, whereas Trump is invoking kneejerk patriotardism and not talking about the deeper issues. When the Caste System is exposed to enough people, and we have a certain amount of power, measured in the number of people we reach, then some White athletes may begin to speak out. We are living in an era when mankind's future will be decided, and as of this moment nothing is yet determined with certainty and anything is possible.

I've always enjoyed rooting for White athletes knowing very very few are "alt-right" in their beliefs. I will continue to root for all of them, including Alex Smith and whoever. They are misguided, or more likely misinformed, but I respect what he and all of them do on the field of play, and that's what this site is about. We have a gift in being able to see and discern the Caste System, just as they have athletic gifts. It's as pointless to condemn them for not having our gift as it is for them to condemn us for not sharing theirs. It's not about any individual and what his personal belief system is, it's about an issue called the Caste System in sports. And right now I'm more pumped than ever to root for all White athletes.
If you hope or expect White athletes to speak or act off the field in the way you want them to, you're going to be disappointed every time. First, because most of them sincerely believe differently than you, and secondly because they are in a work environment that is anything but conducive to espousing pro-White or "alt-right" beliefs even on the chance they happen to have them. It's no different for them than what it is for all public figures, a lot worse really because the NFL is 70% black and because of its importance as Amerika's now troubled national secular religion.

That said, which is what I've been saying since day one, the past few days have been fantastic. Donald Trump used the presidential "bully pulpit" to reach in an instant far more people than the combined efforts of CF over the past 13 years, and make no mistake, we have reached many ourselves. I truly believe we are the reason there isn't nearly as much caste-speak heard on broadcasts now and in the media in general. Think about that -- we've actually changed things for the better a bit in this country, and how often does that happen!

Someone like the president can change opinions overnight. So can what we've been doing, over time. What we're trying to do is far more important, because it's related to White survival, whereas Trump is invoking kneejerk patriotardism and not talking about the deeper issues. When the Caste System is exposed to enough people, and we have a certain amount of power, measured in the number of people we reach, then some White athletes may begin to speak out. We are living in an era when mankind's future will be decided, and as of this moment nothing is yet determined with certainty and anything is possible.

I've always enjoyed rooting for White athletes knowing very very few are "alt-right" in their beliefs. I will continue to root for all of them, including Alex Smith and whoever. They are misguided, or more likely misinformed, but I respect what he and all of them do on the field of play, and that's what this site is about. We have a gift in being able to see and discern the Caste System, just as they have athletic gifts. It's as pointless to condemn them for not having our gift as it is for them to condemn us for not sharing theirs. It's not about any individual and what his personal belief system is, it's about an issue called the Caste System in sports. And right now I'm more pumped than ever to root for all White athletes.
True about Trump's "patriotardism", but that's the only language the DWFs understand and the only way to get through to them (for the most part, as there's been, at most, only a very small percentage of them that have seen the light and become anti-Caste).

It's just what was needed as the vast majority of DWFs would never have been convinced otherwise that the Caste system even existed. It opens up another front to help confront and partially the overall culture war that has been going on for almost 50 years now.
True about Trump's "patriotardism", but that's the only language the DWFs understand and the only way to get through to them (for the most part, as there's been, at most, only a very small percentage of them that have seen the light and become anti-Caste).

It's just what was needed as the vast majority of DWFs would never have been convinced otherwise that the Caste system even existed. It opens up another front to help confront and partially the overall culture war that has been going on for almost 50 years now.

I agree completely. This is the best thing Trump has done as President so far.
If you hope or expect White athletes to speak or act off the field in the way you want them to, you're going to be disappointed every time. First, because most of them sincerely believe differently than you, and secondly because they are in a work environment that is anything but conducive to espousing pro-White or "alt-right" beliefs even on the chance they happen to have them. It's no different for them than what it is for all public figures, a lot worse really because the NFL is 70% black and because of its importance as Amerika's now troubled national secular religion.

That said, which is what I've been saying since day one, the past few days have been fantastic. Donald Trump used the presidential "bully pulpit" to reach in an instant far more people than the combined efforts of CF over the past 13 years, and make no mistake, we have reached many ourselves. I truly believe we are the reason there isn't nearly as much caste-speak heard on broadcasts now and in the media in general. Think about that -- we've actually changed things for the better a bit in this country, and how often does that happen!

Someone like the president can change opinions overnight. So can what we've been doing, over time. What we're trying to do is far more important, because it's related to White survival, whereas Trump is invoking kneejerk patriotardism and not talking about the deeper issues. When the Caste System is exposed to enough people, and we have a certain amount of power, measured in the number of people we reach, then some White athletes may begin to speak out. We are living in an era when mankind's future will be decided, and as of this moment nothing is yet determined with certainty and anything is possible.

I've always enjoyed rooting for White athletes knowing very very few are "alt-right" in their beliefs. I will continue to root for all of them, including Alex Smith and whoever. They are misguided, or more likely misinformed, but I respect what he and all of them do on the field of play, and that's what this site is about. We have a gift in being able to see and discern the Caste System, just as they have athletic gifts. It's as pointless to condemn them for not having our gift as it is for them to condemn us for not sharing theirs. It's not about any individual and what his personal belief system is, it's about an issue called the Caste System in sports. And right now I'm more pumped than ever to root for all White athletes.

White athletes who make the NFL probably think the system works well enough for them. And such people are tunnel vision anyway. I once knew someone who had been the agent for 60's Boston Red Sox star Tony Conigliaro. I once asked him about Tony C's political views. "Tony never gave it a thought," he answered.

If there are any white NFL players with contrarian views, they know to keep them to themselves. They do have to survive. And make money.
White athletes who make the NFL probably think the system works well enough for them. And such people are tunnel vision anyway. I once knew someone who had been the agent for 60's Boston Red Sox star Tony Conigliaro. I once asked him about Tony C's political views. "Tony never gave it a thought," he answered.
I remember Tony C, he played right field.

I talked about this before but I remember reading about racial politics dividing teams back during the Vietnam era and some teams being hopelessly divided during the Nixon era. Nixon was as much of a lightening rod as Trump is now and Jimmy the Greek talked about teams that had this problem were red flagged as underachievers when it came to betting.
If you've been a member of CF for very long you have given a thought to packing it all in or giving up. Many loyal posters have come and gone and I imagine they chose to either give up on sports like the NFL or surrendered and just decided to enjoy it without questioning. I know it's difficult no matter which way you go on the issue. I've decided to be a guy that follows it pretty well but criticize and grumble about it to everyone I meet. I won't wear team gear or hero worship any players, I don't buy tickets. But I do follow it. If it's free on TV I'll watch the teams with white players. If someone offers a ticket to a local game I'll go. So in a way I'm contributing to the situation. But I figure if I drop out (which I have done before) there is virtually no effect on this system, if I linger around to harass the system at least I'm doing "something".

Our world is full of stuff we should boycott. TV, movies, newspapers, even most religions. You could move to a cabin in the woods, get off the grid, go native. I guess that would show them! Or you could just stick around and bug the hell out of them every chance you get. Depends what works for you.
If you've been a member of CF for very long you have given a thought to packing it all in or giving up. Many loyal posters have come and gone and I imagine they chose to either give up on sports like the NFL or surrendered and just decided to enjoy it without questioning. I know it's difficult no matter which way you go on the issue. I've decided to be a guy that follows it pretty well but criticize and grumble about it to everyone I meet. I won't wear team gear or hero worship any players, I don't buy tickets. But I do follow it. If it's free on TV I'll watch the teams with white players. If someone offers a ticket to a local game I'll go. So in a way I'm contributing to the situation. But I figure if I drop out (which I have done before) there is virtually no effect on this system, if I linger around to harass the system at least I'm doing "something".

Our world is full of stuff we should boycott. TV, movies, newspapers, even most religions. You could move to a cabin in the woods, get off the grid, go native. I guess that would show them! Or you could just stick around and bug the hell out of them every chance you get. Depends what works for you.

Since football is being used for propaganda purposes by the leftists it behooves us to monitor what is happening in the world of football. We need to know what's happening and act to oppose the leftists.
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