Whatever Happened to AIDS?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
In the 1980s and 1990s, AIDS was predicted to become an epidemic that would rival the Black Plague and maybe worse, killing untold millions of people, particularly homosexuals and blacks.

It's been years now since I've even heard AIDS mentioned. The last thing I remember reading was that parts of Black Africa were supposedly being ravaged, but apparently not. In the US of A, now the US of Gay, it's obvious that AIDS is no longer a threat to homosexuals, otherwise it would be a major news story.

What happened? I don't think there's been a cure, but perhaps drugs that keep the HIV virus from mutating into full-blown AIDS have eliminated the threat. AIDS was still a huge story when Magic Johnson announced he had HIV, but nearly a quarter century later he's still going strong.

So what's the deal? Is the HIV virus still spreading? Is it even a big deal to have? Are people still dying of AIDS?
There are actually liberals who think that HIV was a programmed virus for wiping out gays and blacks. Biggest failure in history by my count. Modern drugs keep it entirely in check. The average HIV carrier now lives longer than the average non-HIV carrier in America last time I checked. Of course in countries like Africa they're entirely reliant upon international aid for their HIV drugs but even then they aren't dying from HIV all that much anymore. In fact I read in some African countries they have so much HIV medicine that some of them even use the surplus to get high.
There are liberals who think that HIV was a programmed virus...

Yeah, I've heard varying theories on that.. I'm always open to conspiracy theories, bcuz there are conspiratorial things transpiring.. but the AIDs conspiracies I've personally heard are thin @ best, & stupid @ worst. When I've made the mistake of trying to extract details from theorists.. there's never a lab they can pinpoint for it's origin, a guilty conspirator who broke his silence, no paper trail indicting any ex-scientists, etc. It usually just kinda' lands at Reagan's feet..
You're right about the anti-retrovirals (ARV)s, they've changed the game some in sub-Saharan Africa, where AIDs is still readily spread. But the Western medicines are heading off full blown AIDs & AIDs-related deaths there.

To Don's original post, I think the 'shock & awe' factor of AIDs has diminished some. Ppl always ran risks w/promiscuous sex, but AIDs really magnified that, now effective treatments are trimming those effects.
I read a good used book, that was written before AIDs commentary became really politicized History of AIDs (Grmek). :thumbup:
In the 21st century, a high percentage of the new AIDs cases have been promiscious blacks. Looks like most of the white gays have learned to take precautions.

The number of deaths from AIDs in the US kept increasing during the 1980s and early 1990s, reaching a peak in 1995 with 48,371 deaths from AIDs. The number of deaths declined each year for several years after that, to 17,403 in 1998 down to 8,998 in 2001.

But although AIDs has received far less media attention, the number of deaths per year in the US has actually been somewhat higher in some years since 2001, for example 15,529 deaths in 2010.

Still, far more people die of other causes such as heart disease and cancer than of AIDs.




  • More than 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV infection, and almost 1 in 6 (15.8%) are unaware of their infection.
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men particularly young black/African American men who have sex with men, are most seriously affected by HIV.
  • By race, blacks/African Americans are more likely to get AIDs
I saw an interesting presentation by a doctor who was quite convincing in his assertion that HIV does not cause AIDS. There were many political and financial motivations around the so-called AIDS epidemic. In particular, the medical and pharmaceutical industries were profiteering. The drug AZT is nothing but a poison administered in small enough doses to slowly kill the recipient.
Medical science has advanced to the point where we can extend the lives of HIV/AIDS ******* far beyond their expiration dates. Modern medicine has created a subculture known as bugchasing where sodomites go to gay sex parties where they intentionally become infected and infect others with the virus. HIV is seen as liberating in the sodomite """community""", as it allows the recipient to have endless amounts of consequence free anal sex.

Documentary on the subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rf85eRNze0
I remember the height of the aids alarm. Wasn’t it Donna Shalala of the Clinton administration who made it the top health priority? Maybe once it was discovered that some Whites are genetically immune and other Whites show a greater resistance to the HIV than other groups, the noise settled down. The agenda is that Whites are genetic weaklings, so – shsssh, hush up.
Our popular culture is celebrity driven. If it involves famous people, then it must be important. AIDS blindsided everybody and took no prisoners, no matter how rich and famous they might be. Big names went down like dominoes: Rock Hudson, Rudolph Nureyev, Liberace, Freddy Mercury, Anthony Perkins and so on all kept the disease in the headlines. And this was pre-internet before a million movies and a billion TV shows were available on a zillion channels. Fame was more concentrated, not so spread out. So the term AIDS had all that more impact on the public mind.

The wages of sin is death I've read somewhere and that sure seemed the case.

There were innocent victims too. Arthur Ashe and Isaac Asimov got it from transfusions. Amanda Blake (Kitty on Gunsmoke) probably got it from her husband.

It was quite a bump in the road for the gay agenda. They recovered in part by blaming Reagan and conservatives and Republicans and Christians and any other boogeyman than could invoke. They have managed to mostly get over it and keep barreling on to where we are today.

So part of the answer is famous people just aren't dropping like flies as they did in the eighties and early nineties.

On a side note, there was a diet candy called Ayds that had been on the market for decades when the disease came out. Needless to say sales for Ayds dropped so badly in the eighties it went off the market.

So that's what happened to Ayds. AIDS happened to Ayds.

You can't make this stuff up folks.
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The AIDS scare led to safer sex which slowed the spread and modern medical advances can keep HIV from turning into full-blown AIDS for looooooong time in any given HIV+ individual. It's actually possible for an HIV+ person to have a "viral load" that is so low that they stand very little chance of infecting anyone (although who would risk it?).

Almost everything, whether it be disasters or diseases, ends up being overblown by the media, unless it only affects white people, in which case it is shushed.
I remember the height of the aids alarm. Wasn’t it Donna Shalala of the Clinton administration who made it the top health priority? Maybe once it was discovered that some Whites are genetically immune and other Whites show a greater resistance to the HIV than other groups, the noise settled down. The agenda is that Whites are genetic weaklings, so – shsssh, hush up.
I think this is the reason, its mainly black people. I was exposed to the virus multiple times (manipulative slutty ex gf, of course wasn't aware of the cheating at the time). She got tested after our break up years and years ago and was positive and nope, i don't have it, been tested multiple times (and yes I am aware it takes 6 months for it show up). Also was exposed to Hep c on top of that, not sure if a small amount of White are imune but the results are negative. Moral of the story, never trust bitches, my wife wand I both got tested for everything before marriage, even though she thought it was odd and that I was paranoid. Of course I think more blood to blood contact has to happen so maybe I am not immune, and it just means more blacks are on the dl (****). Of course this girl was so manipulating she could have just been lying about the positive result like "oh we both have it, we should be together instead of risking infecting others", so not entirely sure if I am immune, but it is likely she was exposed to the virus.

After Katrina we managed to get this place in a rich part of Atlanta for cheap and a gay couple lived next to us. One had it, the other didn't. The guy said with all the meds its not a problem anymore, except the money part. The dude said he made 300k a year as an interior decorator but gets it under the table because it wouldn't be enough to afford the treatments (I don't know know if he meant afford as in being broke or up to his living standards) so he was on medicaid or medicaire, so we are footing the bill for his treatment, when he makes more than a good deal of people.
Female to male transmission of HIV is rare. Makes you wonder what all them Africans are up to.
Female to male transmission of HIV is rare. Makes you wonder what all them Africans are up to.

Since us white devils created this vicious disease to attack blacks, we sure as hell did a good job "containing" it and making sure all those infected live long, productive lies. You'd be surprised how many blacks actually believe it was created the white people.
In 2016, Negroes represented 12-13% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 44% (17,528) of new HIV diagnoses.

They have higher rates of STDs because they have a higher sex drive and are very promiscuous, not faithful to their wives and girlfriends.
I work in the medical field and HIV is still very common, however, it's not the death sentance it once used to be. The medications HIV patients take now, lower the viral load in the body to undetectable or nearly undetectable levels. I'm sure this has caused a bit of a resurgence in the disease as I'm sure people aren't deathly afraid of it anymore. The promiscuity of the gay community is disgusting to say the least.
In 2016, Negroes represented 12-13% of the U.S. population, but accounted for 44% (17,528) of new HIV diagnoses.

They have higher rates of STDs because they have a higher sex drive and are very promiscuous, not faithful to their wives and girlfriends.

Blacks are more likely to be homosexual also.
The high number of people in prison contributes to the spread of hiv and aids.
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