What is "the end game" behind all the "sexual misconduct allegations" going on?

Perhaps I'll play a little "devil's advocate" here...or maybe not...

I think part of the allure and increasing demand is that the sex bot won’t rape the man in divorce court, give him an STD, try to poison him, gain weight, get old, lie, cheat or steal. Nor can the sex bot vote for a Hillary Clinton or a Barrack Hussein Obama nor otherwise be used by the State as a weapon against him. If the current situation in the West was more equitable and natural between the sexes and didn’t exempt women from accountability and responsibility nor provide them with an unfair advantage over men via favorable legislation, welfare, etc. there simply wouldn’t be a demand.

The most honest relationship between a man and woman is of that between a “John” and a prostitute; everything else is pretty much “window dressing” that we call “civilization”. I know that's probably a very cynical assessment, but perhaps someone else can tell me what a more honest relationship is. Again, honest.

I’m not trying to intentionally discount or ignore the intellectual and spiritual dimension that humans were gifted with that has enabled them to develop advanced customs, societies and civilizations...I recognize that and the importance of it...but will leave that for another time.

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Heretic, I agree that for a lot of people this is true. I agree a lot with your previous Post that men and women are not equal but are designed to complement each other. Very insightful, Thanks for that!
Heretic, I agree that for a lot of people this is true. I agree a lot with your previous Post that men and women are not equal but are designed to complement each other. Very insightful, Thanks for that!
Thanks! The Deep Red Pill ain't for all ;).
Perhaps I'll play a little "devil's advocate" here...or maybe not...

I think part of the allure and increasing demand is that the sex bot won’t rape the man in divorce court, give him an STD, try to poison him, gain weight, get old, lie, cheat or steal. Nor can the sex bot vote for a Hillary Clinton or a Barrack Hussein Obama nor otherwise be used by the State as a weapon against him. If the current situation in the West was more equitable and natural between the sexes and didn’t exempt women from accountability and responsibility nor provide them with an unfair advantage over men via favorable legislation, welfare, etc. there simply wouldn’t be a demand.

The most honest relationship between a man and woman is of that between a “John” and a prostitute; everything else is pretty much “window dressing” that we call “civilization”. I know that's probably a very cynical assessment, but perhaps someone else can tell me what a more honest relationship is. Again, honest.

I’m not trying to intentionally discount or ignore the intellectual and spiritual dimension that humans were gifted with that has enabled them to develop advanced customs, societies and civilizations...I recognize that and the importance of it...but will leave that for another time.

Yes, a good episode of Star Trek. You can bet Kirk wouldv'e hit it. So would I. But that's the thing, in 2D, yes pretty, but if she's just a machine then unlike a real woman you don't get the thrill of the scent of her hair, or feel the heat on her skin, the taste of her kiss. All the things that make being with a woman special. Otherwise it's just jacking off. I'm sure being with a sexbot is the best jacking off you can get. Hooray!! No one wants a real woman when you can spank it right?

The most honest relationship between a man and woman is when they merge their flesh to create a new and unique human being, special in the eyes of God and a miracle of life. When you hold your wife and your children you understand what it means to be alive.

Being with a whore is a big step better then masturbation, at least she is flesh and blood, but you cannot share with her what you share with the woman you love, you will never have the level of intimacy with a prostitute because you are essentially strangers. It's the same with a one night stand. It can be good but not like it can be with a woman you love. Anyway it can't really be explained, it has to be experienced.
Yes, a good episode of Star Trek. You can bet Kirk wouldv'e hit it. So would I. But that's the thing, in 2D, yes pretty, but if she's just a machine then unlike a real woman you don't get the thrill of the scent of her hair, or feel the heat on her skin, the taste of her kiss. All the things that make being with a woman special. Otherwise it's just jacking off. I'm sure being with a sexbot is the best jacking off you can get. Hooray!! No one wants a real woman when you can spank it right?

The most honest relationship between a man and woman is when they merge their flesh to create a new and unique human being, special in the eyes of God and a miracle of life. When you hold your wife and your children you understand what it means to be alive.

Being with a whore is a big step better then masturbation, at least she is flesh and blood, but you cannot share with her what you share with the woman you love, you will never have the level of intimacy with a prostitute because you are essentially strangers. It's the same with a one night stand. It can be good but not like it can be with a woman you love. Anyway it can't really be explained, it has to be experienced.
I wasn’t advocating having sex with a sexbot/fembot…or a prostitute…just expressing my belief as to why there’s an ever increasing demand for sexbots/fembots in contemporary Western society, and I stand by what I said 100%. So, there’s really no reason to get emotional and try to make it personal.

The “most honest” relationship you mention is really the “most idealized” relationship. I truly wish it were the “most honest”.

It’s no secret what the “oldest profession” in the world is and the reason for it. The woman’s need for resources and the man’s need for sexual gratification. It’s an explicit transaction with no pretense involved.

When women (either today or when first created) look for a man to marry, they are looking for one that can provide for them, one that has resources. Men, being the visual creatures they are, are looking for the most attractive (and thus healthy, for offspring-raising purposes) female to mate with. It’s an implicit “John” and prostitute transaction, involving some level of pretense, thus the “window dressing” I was referring to.

Sure, love is sometimes part of it, but that often only lasts as long as the man is able to continue to provide. If he loses his job or goes bankrupt, then more often than not the marriage and the “love” goes as well…for her...as the man often continues to love her and doesn't understand why she no longer loves him.

A more contemporary example of the “John” and prostitute relationship with the thinnest of veneers is the proliferation of “Sugar Daddy” or “Seeking Arrangement” sites where women in their twenties are hooking up with older and/or wealthier men as “companions” so they can pay off their worthless college degrees that they are on the hook for $200K. If they were more honest, they’d just call it a personal brothel site involving an explicit transaction, but that would be against the law.
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The Golden Globes was on last night but you might not have known that if you tuned in. Resembling something between a Batman convention and a funeral everyone was in black to match the color of their limos. I did a few look ins and happened to see Emma Stone. See below. I think women like her are the reason men get up in the morning. Whoa Nelly does she do it for me.


The whole sexbot thing may be disturbing to some, but it's understandable. The reality is that so many young women these days are screwed up that it's difficult to find ones who aren't wiggers, drug addicts, mudsharks, raging feminists, or all of the above, and are still single. A lot of young men are also screwed up, but the supply of normal young men far exceeds the supply of normal young women. Is it any wonder that science-minded people turn to working on sexbots?

My husband and I are two of the lucky ones. I fear for this generation. This isn't going to end well, and when the blowback finally comes we can only hope that it lands in the faces of the cultural Marxists who created this mess.
The end game is being engineered so that there is no blowback. "Blowback" entails White people actually organizing in numbers in various grassroots actions and taking their country back. Each generation is more apathetic and has less stamina and vitality than the one before it. When I was growing up as a boomer, the older generation still had a lot of tough, hardened men who wouldn't put up with crap, compared to the boomers. The New York hardhats used to punch out hippies on sight. Not saying that's necessarily an admirable thing, but Archie Bunker's generation was a lot tougher than Meathead's. The alt-righters have a lot of anger toward the boomer generation, much of it justified, but I see more young men than ever who are pansies or are degenerates of one kind or another. There are also a lot of White guys who train and are in great shape, but they are mostly clueless about what's going on and why. And Blanche well summarizes today's young women.

So again I ask, how are Whites going to end the slow boiling of the frogs that's been going on for so long now? And please don't say that a "revolution" will suddenly take place through spontaneous combustion. I really want aware Whites to think about this, because unless we help ourselves a lot more than what we've been doing, the demographic death train won't be stopped.
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I wasn’t advocating having sex with a sexbot/fembot…or a prostitute…just expressing my belief as to why there’s an ever increasing demand for sexbots/fembots in contemporary Western society, and I stand by what I said 100%. So, there’s really no reason to get emotional and try to make it personal.

The “most honest” relationship you mention is really the “most idealized” relationship. I truly wish it were the “most honest”.

It’s no secret what the “oldest profession” in the world is and the reason for it. The woman’s need for resources and the man’s need for sexual gratification. It’s an explicit transaction with no pretense involved.

When women (either today or when first created) look for a man to marry, they are looking for one that can provide for them, one that has resources. Men, being the visual creatures they are, are looking for the most attractive (and thus healthy, for offspring-raising purposes) female to mate with. It’s an implicit “John” and prostitute transaction, involving some level of pretense, thus the “window dressing” I was referring to.

Sure, love is sometimes part of it, but that often only lasts as long as the man is able to continue to provide. If he loses his job or goes bankrupt, then more often than not the marriage and the “love” goes as well…for her...as the man often continues to love her and doesn't understand why she no longer loves him.

A more contemporary example of the “John” and prostitute relationship with the thinnest of veneers is the proliferation of “Sugar Daddy” or “Seeking Arrangement” sites where women in their twenties are hooking up with older and/or wealthier men as “companions” so they can pay off their worthless college degrees that they are on the hook for $200K. If they were more honest, they’d just call it a personal brothel site involving an explicit transaction, but that would be against the law.

Heretic, Sorry I apologize for the way my post reads. It was not meant to be aimed at you personally but towards those that feel that sexbots are going to replace woman. I used a lot of "you's" and I see why you might have felt it was directed at you. It was not. I understood that you were criticizing that point of view and just meant to put another spin on it. Although you do seem jaded about male/female relationships, at least more then me, your points were valid.
The whole sexbot thing may be disturbing to some, but it's understandable. The reality is that so many young women these days are screwed up that it's difficult to find ones who aren't wiggers, drug addicts, mudsharks, raging feminists, or all of the above, and are still single. A lot of young men are also screwed up, but the supply of normal young men far exceeds the supply of normal young women. Is it any wonder that science-minded people turn to working on sexbots?

My husband and I are two of the lucky ones. I fear for this generation. This isn't going to end well, and when the blowback finally comes we can only hope that it lands in the faces of the cultural Marxists who created this mess.
Well said and congrats on your relationship.

30-year old Tramp: “I know I’ve been with many men, and, to be honest with you, because I love you, one of them was black. I admit I’ve made some mistakes in my past, but that’s all behind me now and all I care about it is you.”

30-40 year old Man, thinking to himself: (“Wow!, I can’t believe this…hmmm, what do I do?…I’m starting to get old and most of the others out there her age are like her too. I don’t want to start all over, hmmm, errrr, ugghhh, life is getting short, what do I do?”), he then says to her: “Will you marry me?”

30-year old Tramp: “Yes”

Then, movies like “The Fight Club”, “American Beauty” and “The Matrix” came out right after that and then red-pill thinking started to form and slowly evolve. With the technological advances of the Internet, blogs started to appear and many of them became MRA and other male-oriented advice blogs.

YouTube came online and a lot of that was translated into visual form with vblogs. Men like Paul Elam of “A Voice For Men” as well as dozens of others started their own YouTube channels and red-pills started raining down into the minds of men who were intellectually curious. Blogs like Heartiste’s and the now-defunct “The Spearhead” contributed heavily as well.


30-year old Tramp: “I know I’ve been with many men, and, to be honest with you, because I love you, one of them was black. I admit I’ve made some mistakes in my past, but that’s all behind me now and all I care about it is you.”

30-40 year old Man: “Get Lost”

Result: Single women (and men)
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From the article quoted on page one:

That none of his [Roy Moore's] accusers are pursuing legal actions in the aftermath of his Senate defeat tells you everything about their underlying motives, doesn’t it?

Someone remind Jimbo Jones that lawyers do cost money iirc. Iykwim.

IMO this is one of them...

Turning something that’s part of the natural order, sex, into a contractural act wher the women (and in a dystopian, (((Marxist))) future where the state has control)

In Ontario we have a open lesbian running the province but 2 one sided stories from anonymous females have torpedoed the career of opposition leader Patrick Brown.

If these stories are true he should be out of politics and if the statute of limitations haven't run out charged with sexual assault, but we only have heard one side of the story. The socialist party who is run by a frumpy middle aged cougar, already have stated any elected member would be kicked out of the party off of allegations, so we know where they stand on these issues......http://torontosun.com/news/provinci...ruggle-to-win-control-of-the-ontario-pc-party
In Ontario we have a open lesbian running the province but 2 one sided stories from anonymous females have torpedoed the career of opposition leader Patrick Brown.

If these stories are true he should be out of politics and if the statute of limitations haven't run out charged with sexual assault, but we only have heard one side of the story. The socialist party who is run by a frumpy middle aged cougar, already have stated any elected member would be kicked out of the party off of allegations, so we know where they stand on these issues......http://torontosun.com/news/provinci...ruggle-to-win-control-of-the-ontario-pc-party
Ontario seems like one of the worst places to currently live out of any of the White countries.

What is "the end game" behind all the "sexual misconduct allegations" going on?


It's part of the White Genocide Project: Stop the white race from reproducing.
Historically whenever a society thought that "female sexuality" was getting out of hand it was mainly men who put up the stop signs. Even today too many people mistakenly blame women on all of this renewed puritanical approach towards women and sexuality. Sure there are the feminists etc. but at the end of the day it is men who dictate these things.

Case in point. Some guy who runs Formula 1 has managed to put the A in ******* as he figured now the time is ripe to get rid of the Formula 1 girls. A very harmless diversion ( we are not talking porn here) the Formula 1 girls helped lighten everything up as they plugged for sponsors. They were what we call FUN.

The Formula 1 Grid Girls are VERY UPSET that they are losing their jobs due to PC gone crazy. And who can blame them?

See below story and pictures of the sexy gals who are HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES working. A dream job for many women. It beats flipping burgers. Far from the medieval notion that these gals are being "forced" to demean themselves quite the opposite is true. They like dressing up and being sexy. And the audience eats it up and polls indicate that most people are against getting rid of them.

Historically whenever a society thought that "female sexuality" was getting out of hand it was mainly men who put up the stop signs. Even today too many people mistakenly blame women on all of this renewed puritanical approach towards women and sexuality. Sure there are the feminists etc. but at the end of the day it is men who dictate these things.

Case in point. Some guy who runs Formula 1 has managed to put the A in ******* as he figured now the time is ripe to get rid of the Formula 1 girls. A very harmless diversion ( we are not talking porn here) the Formula 1 girls helped lighten everything up as they plugged for sponsors. They were what we call FUN.

The Formula 1 Grid Girls are VERY UPSET that they are losing their jobs due to PC gone crazy. And who can blame them?

See below story and pictures of the sexy gals who are HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES working. A dream job for many women. It beats flipping burgers. Far from the medieval notion that these gals are being "forced" to demean themselves quite the opposite is true. They like dressing up and being sexy. And the audience eats it up and polls indicate that most people are against getting rid of them.


The anti-whites don't want white women to be attractive to white men. So they oppose anything that presents them as being attractive. It's part of white genocide.
A lot of those neo-puritanical types are neo-cons who are highly cucked about race. They try to manipulate those of us in the Alt-Right who are Christians, using our own religion against us by cherry-picking passages from the Bible. I like to remind them that the Bible is not a suicide pact.

I'd much rather see White babies born out of wedlock than mulatto babies born in wedlock.
The dismissal of a ton of gainfully employed Formula 1 Grid Girls should be seen as a rancid anti-female maneuver which it is in my mind. But because these gals were very happy doing what they did it reveals a fault line in the ongoing discussion about the media's false portrayal about the war between the sexes.

When feminists complain about "objectification" it resorts to the ancient tradition of the JEALOUS WOMAN. And the men pulling the strings utilize angry women to make men feel bad and guilty about themselves because generally men like woman and want to make them happy.

Consider real world stuff. The make up industry is about as big as big oil or the giant drug industry. What about women's hair? Well between the hair products and the stylists we are talking a humongous investment. And as I learned from former girlfriends the search for purses/handbags and shoes is a five hour mall expedition. So women go through all this time and money just for the hell of it right? NO. They go through these enduring rituals for one reason- MEN. They WANT to be the center of attention of -MEN. They want to be looked at lustfully by -MEN.They want to be loved and encouraged and supported by-MEN. And often if they are left on the sidelines they lash out like many of these "feminists." Oh and by the way women enjoy sex too but that is a notion the media likes to withhold.

But through time it is certain men in power who feel the need to curb the "sexuality" in the air. There is a need to keep these things in check because women can turn men into drooling fools (guilty as charged). But what is going on today in society with all this fake PC crap is they have taken that logic far beyond the bending point. Behind this guise of doing all this stuff for the so called sake of women is really a deep seated fear and hatred of woman, especially their sexuality which is a powerful thing which nobody can deny.

Even in the ME TOO movement among the Hollywood elite most all of these woman have a man by their side encouraging them and offering them support. OK lets say the world has turned upside down and I am dating Emma Stone. She becomes a central figure in the ME TOO movement. So it offers me a choice. Do I fight her on it and risk not getting laid or do I go along for the ride. It doesn't take a genius to figure out which track I would be taking. Hell I am not dead yet.

Sure sexual assault is wrong and everybody agrees with that including the law. But this societal desire to kill off the sex drives of people is not healthy. It causes depression among other things and it drives men nearly insane. And it is BAD for the ECONOMY too.
A lot of those neo-puritanical types are neo-cons who are highly cucked about race. They try to manipulate those of us in the Alt-Right who are Christians, using our own religion against us by cherry-picking passages from the Bible. I like to remind them that the Bible is not a suicide pact.

I'd much rather see White babies born out of wedlock than mulatto babies born in wedlock.

Here here.
A lot of those neo-puritanical types are neo-cons who are highly cucked about race. They try to manipulate those of us in the Alt-Right who are Christians, using our own religion against us by cherry-picking passages from the Bible. I like to remind them that the Bible is not a suicide pact.

I'd much rather see White babies born out of wedlock than mulatto babies born in wedlock.

:thumbsup: Exactly.
American Freedom News