What if Tim Tebow was black? How would his career have turned out?

Oct 6, 2023
Let’s say everything about Tim Tebow remained the same except for his melanin content. He’s got the same ability to process information, same work ethic, passion , athleticism, etc it’s just that his skin is dark enough to qualify as being black in America. How do you think his career would have played out?

Dec 24, 2022
I may be in the minority here, but probably not that differently. I watched Tebow's time with Denver closely, and while he pulled off an improbable run to a playoff win, it was largely on the back of the defense and a handful of clutch offensive plays. He was an inefficient passer with terrible mechanics.

His lack of second chances was less about his skin color and more about the perceived baggage surrounding him (his faith and the media circus that followed), plus the fact that the offense has to be tailored to his strengths. Most teams want a plug and play backup who can run the same system as the starter, and decided a project backup wasn't worth the trouble.

He probably would've fared better in today's NFL where he could backup a guy like Jalen Hurts, to be honest. Or as a Taysom Hill type player.


Nov 25, 2004
No way. He'd would have been a first overall pick and given several years in the league as a starter. The criticism of his throwing motion would never had existed. After his run in Denver he would have been the face of the league lauded by the media. The offense he would have ran would not have been the pop warner sabatoge crap he was forced to run in Denver but would have been styled after the offense he ran in Florida. If he actually didn't do well after a few years of starting he would have been given a new team to start on and try again and again before relegated to backup. Do I need to give examples? Some truly awful throwing mobile black quarterbacks were still on rosters for about a decade. Again, I can give examples and name names but I don't think I have to.


Oct 5, 2022
A black qb who won a heisman and 2 titles in college would’ve been an easy top 3 draft pick. I think in todays atmosphere he would clearly be #1 overall. But say he still goes to the Broncos they may have been afraid to go and get Peyton bc of the racist accusations that would’ve been hurled their way (remember ty willingham saga when he got fired and he sucked as a coach). He would’ve been given far more leeway and the tiny hats in the media wouldn’t have attacked his christian faith nearly as much. All in all like every other job in this country the black guy gets far more leeway and more opportunities than his white counterpart. No reason to think differently with Tebow

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
What happened to Tim Tebow was the same thing that happend to Jimmer Fredette. Both WHITE CHRISTIANS and that
is two strikes in todays society. Both had immense talent yet were screwed over very unfaily because of their skin color and
also because of their beliefs. Both talked about God and Jesus and that is just taboo in this sick twisted America we live in.
I will always be fans of both of them and know they both could have been stars if given a fair chance!
Oct 6, 2023
No way. He'd would have been a first overall pick and given several years in the league as a starter. The criticism of his throwing motion would never had existed. After his run in Denver he would have been the face of the league lauded by the media. The offense he would have ran would not have been the pop warner sabatoge crap he was forced to run in Denver but would have been styled after the offense he ran in Florida. If he actually didn't do well after a few years of starting he would have been given a new team to start on and try again and again before relegated to backup. Do I need to give examples? Some truly awful throwing mobile black quarterbacks were still on rosters for about a decade. Again, I can give examples and name names but I don't think I have to.

That’s what really sticks in my craw. These DWF morons would look at the box score and then mindlessly repeat what they heard from the media about how Tebow “sucks” and doesn’t even belong in the league as a 3rd stringer. The offense he was put in was designed for him to fail with all of those constant third and longs he was forced into. Even his own coach looked like he didn’t want him to succeed, during press conferences he would call him a “fine young man” while refusing to compliment his quarterback play. Yet with all that Tebow still went 7-4 and won a playoff game against the favored Steelers.


Jun 3, 2014
The Tim Tebow era was the last few years I watched football. He led the broncos to a playoff win if I remember correctly yet was still replaced the following year. He absolutely would have been given more chances if he was black.
Oct 2, 2022
A black QB with the kind of ability shown in this video would never be blackballed from the league like Tebow was. There's some really special stuff in here. Plays that many QBs dream of making. People focused so much on his throwing motion that they irrationally disregarded the positives of his game. Tebow wasn't just a power runner who embarrassed defenders with bull-like shoulder charges and stiff arms from hell; he was an incredible scrambler who could throw on the run with great accuracy and power. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of his game were those devastating play action fakes he used to set up equally destructive downfield passes. It's a real treat to watch that video and see all the defenders get sucked into the box when he fakes the handoff only for him to unleash a powerful deep ball with great velocity. You never hear that get talked about, though. It's all about his throwing motion and how he couldn't play the position properly or some other nonsensical claim that doesn't hold any water when you think about it for more than ten seconds. Tebow's ability to put back-breaking stress on opposing defenses should've warranted him a starting job in the NFL as a franchise QB. His talent ought to be celebrated and remembered, but it's been almost systematically scrubbed from the collective memory of the football world.
The Tim Tebow era was the last few years I watched football. He led the broncos to a playoff win if I remember correctly yet was still replaced the following year. He absolutely would have been given more chances if he was black.
You are correct. In the playoffs he threw 2 TDs and ran for another against the Steelers, who had the best defense in the league that year. They were ranked 1st in points per game allowed and Tebow put up 29 points against them.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2020
No way. He'd would have been a first overall pick and given several years in the league as a starter. The criticism of his throwing motion would never had existed. After his run in Denver he would have been the face of the league lauded by the media. The offense he would have ran would not have been the pop warner sabatoge crap he was forced to run in Denver but would have been styled after the offense he ran in Florida. If he actually didn't do well after a few years of starting he would have been given a new team to start on and try again and again before relegated to backup. Do I need to give examples? Some truly awful throwing mobile black quarterbacks were still on rosters for about a decade. Again, I can give examples and name names but I don't think I have to.
Agree 100%.

His completion percentage is so low because he thrived on the deep pass. He completion percentage on deep throws was something like the highest % in forty years.

Look at how offenses have been tailored to a guy like Hurts or Jackson? Coaches willing to run a system similar to the one they played in college and which supports their style and strengths.

Taysom Hill has become a gadget player only because he is white. The league cannot allow him to operate full time and put up similar numbers like a Jackson.


Jun 4, 2020
The Tim Tebow era was the last few years I watched football. He led the broncos to a playoff win if I remember correctly yet was still replaced the following year. He absolutely would have been given more chances if he was black.
Also… the only time in history someone led a team to a playoff victory and never started another game after.
Oct 6, 2023
A black QB with the kind of ability shown in this video would never be blackballed from the league like Tebow was. There's some really special stuff in here. Plays that many QBs dream of making. People focused so much on his throwing motion that they irrationally disregarded the positives of his game. Tebow wasn't just a power runner who embarrassed defenders with bull-like shoulder charges and stiff arms from hell; he was an incredible scrambler who could throw on the run with great accuracy and power. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of his game were those devastating play action fakes he used to set up equally destructive downfield passes. It's a real treat to watch that video and see all the defenders get sucked into the box when he fakes the handoff only for him to unleash a powerful deep ball with great velocity. You never hear that get talked about, though. It's all about his throwing motion and how he couldn't play the position properly or some other nonsensical claim that doesn't hold any water when you think about it for more than ten seconds. Tebow's ability to put back-breaking stress on opposing defenses should've warranted him a starting job in the NFL as a franchise QB. His talent ought to be celebrated and remembered, but it's been almost systematically scrubbed from the collective memory of the football world.

You are correct. In the playoffs he threw 2 TDs and ran for another against the Steelers, who had the best defense in the league that year. They were ranked 1st in points per game allowed and Tebow put up 29 points against them.
Seeing that video makes me angry. Tebow should have been a superstar


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Seeing that video makes me angry. Tebow should have been a superstar
I remember all of the "experts" constantly criticizing Tebow's throwing motion. In truth, Tebow's motion was what it needed to be for any particular play. It wasn't always the slow looping motion for chucking the long balls that he often used. They acted like it was not able to be overcome. Fast-forward to Lamar Jackson, whose throwing motion and throwing ability his first year or two were beyond bad. He was able to clean that up and look at him now. That's how I see Tebow. He could have been Lamar, only better. But being the wrong skin color he wasn't going to get an offense based on his strengths like Jackson.


May 4, 2024
White Christian QBs are slandered and destroyed...Carson Wentz, Zack Wilson, Kirk Cousins, and Johnny Manziel

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White Christian QBs are slandered and destroyed...Carson Wentz, Zack Wilson, Kirk Cousins, and Johnny Manziel
Kirk Cousins has had a nice career, has made more $ than any QB ever. Wilson was drafted by a bad organization but hasn't exactly looked great on the field. Hopefully he can still turn it around in Denver. If he's some kind of outspoken Christian that's news to me.

Wentz suffered from a dramatic falloff in accuracy after playing at an MVP level for a couple seasons. He wasn't liked by the "locker room" either, but whether that was because of being Christian I don't know.

And Manziel was a self-destructive loser. I've never heard him described as a "Christian." Hedonist and immature among other adjectives, but not Christian.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Wilson was drafted by a bad organization but hasn't exactly looked great on the field. Hopefully he can still turn it around in Denver. If he's some kind of outspoken Christian that's news to me.
Wilson was baptized in the Mormon Chruch...and without debating this, I am a born again Christian, but I don't consider Mormons Christian as they are a works salvation faith. Christianity is what Jesus Christ did for you, not what you have to do. Also, Mormons don't believe Jesus was God. Christians do.
Although Wilson states he is a spiritual person and says he has a relationship with God.
I'm not here to say whether he's a saved Christian or not. That's between him and Christ, but his Bio states the above.


Jul 23, 2015
I think if Tebow was black and was as outspoken in his beliefs as white Tebow he would have received the same treatment. All sports teams are trying to erase Christianity from their sports.
Dec 18, 2004
Kirk Cousins has had a nice career, has made more $ than any QB ever. Wilson was drafted by a bad organization but hasn't exactly looked great on the field. Hopefully he can still turn it around in Denver. If he's some kind of outspoken Christian that's news to me.

Wentz suffered from a dramatic falloff in accuracy after playing at an MVP level for a couple seasons. He wasn't liked by the "locker room" either, but whether that was because of being Christian I don't know.

And Manziel was a self-destructive loser. I've never heard him described as a "Christian." Hedonist and immature among other adjectives, but not Christian.

Sixty years ago Joe Don Looney was similar to Johnny Manziel. Fran Tarkenton (among others) others) said in his 1971 book on his time with the Giants, "Joe Don Looney blew out of Oklahoma with the talent to be another Jimmy Brown." When drafted Number 1 by the Giants in 1964, Looney wouldn't follow instructions or make any effort. The Giants traded him to the Colts and Looney bounced from team to team, doing little anywhere.

Looney's Oklahoma teammate, Lance Rentzel, once said, "Joe Don just wouldn't work." Looney would spend hours lifting weights but had no desire to be a great running back.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Sixty years ago Joe Don Looney was similar to Johnny Manziel. Fran Tarkenton (among others) others) said in his 1971 book on his time with the Giants, "Joe Don Looney blew out of Oklahoma with the talent to be another Jimmy Brown." When drafted Number 1 by the Giants in 1964, Looney wouldn't follow instructions or make any effort. The Giants traded him to the Colts and Looney bounced from team to team, doing little anywhere.

Looney's Oklahoma teammate, Lance Rentzel, once said, "Joe Don just wouldn't work." Looney would spend hours lifting weights but had no desire to be a great running back.
Looney was a strange duck, he didn't need football for money and acted like it.

From what I remember about his life his family was what Manziel concocted so that he could flash money as an "amateur" athlete ie from a family that struck it rich in the Texas/Oklahoma oil fields. He also served time in Vietnam and from what I remember never was sent to military prison and had an honorable discharge on his military record. He also later became involved in an Indian cult where he was described as a bodyguard and enforcer. After the cult years ended he was supposedly working as an oil field hand and died in a motorcycle accident.

His story reminds me of something similar to former WBO heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison where a boxing writer stated in an obituary that if a piano fell out of the sky and landed on his head or another strange fate killed Morrison it would be believed by people who knew about his personal life.


Jan 16, 2022
Manziel earned everyone of his failures.. and consider me skeptical that he's a Christian..

Regarding Tebow, if he was not White the league would've showed him much more tolerance. The league does not prefer outspoken Christian athletes of any color but, the real enemy are Whites who have faith and a sense of community.. Cant have the sheeple seeing that..


Jun 4, 2020
Wilson was baptized in the Mormon Chruch...and without debating this, I am a born again Christian, but I don't consider Mormons Christian as they are a works salvation faith. Christianity is what Jesus Christ did for you, not what you have to do. Also, Mormons don't believe Jesus was God. Christians do.
Although Wilson states he is a spiritual person and says he has a relationship with God.
I'm not here to say whether he's a saved Christian or not. That's between him and Christ, but his Bio states the above.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I think if Tebow was black and was as outspoken in his beliefs as white Tebow he would have received the same treatment. All sports teams are trying to erase Christianity from their sports.
I respectfully disagree that he would have received the same treatment.

We only need to look to last season for an example of a black, outspoken Christian quarterback, rookie CJ Stroud. Now CBS (or was it NBC), made sure they removed his praise of Jesus from his post game interview clip in the playoff game but that’s about it. There is no media campaign to deride Stroud and run him out of the league. In fact it is the opposite, heaps of deserving praise with countless articles listing him as on of the future black stars at the position.

The league wants QB to be as black as RB. They would allow Stroud to perform baptisms on field before games and prayer sessions on field afterwards if it furthered the goal of White erasure.


May 4, 2024
Kirk Cousins has had a nice career, has made more $ than any QB ever. Wilson was drafted by a bad organization but hasn't exactly looked great on the field. Hopefully he can still turn it around in Denver. If he's some kind of outspoken Christian that's news to me.

Wentz suffered from a dramatic falloff in accuracy after playing at an MVP level for a couple seasons. He wasn't liked by the "locker room" either, but whether that was because of being Christian I don't know.

And Manziel was a self-destructive loser. I've never heard him described as a "Christian." Hedonist and immature among other adjectives, but not Christian.
Wentz threw 27 tds and 7 ints in 2021 with the Colts with a banged up offensive line and 1 weapon....Pittman...give me a break...Washed up T.Y hilton....he played great his accuracy was fine...2022, he goes to Commanders bad owner bad coach, no offensive line gets killed...

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Wentz threw 27 tds and 7 ints in 2021 with the Colts with a banged up offensive line and 1 weapon....Pittman...give me a break...Washed up T.Y hilton....he played great his accuracy was fine...2022, he goes to Commanders bad owner bad coach, no offensive line gets killed...
Wentz was scapegoated for the Colts just missing the playoffs to be sure. But that was the only season his stats were reminiscent of what he was putting up earlier in his career. In '17, '18 and '19 he threw 81 TD passes to just 21 picks, tremendous numbers. But in '20 it was 16 TDs to 15 picks, in '22 it was 11 TD passes to 9 picks. I rooted for him big time and his play did decline unexpectedly after the great start to his career.

You wrote: "White Christian QBs are slandered and destroyed...Carson Wentz, Zack Wilson, Kirk Cousins, and Johnny Manziel." I don't agree with that statement for the reasons I wrote above, mainly because it's simplistic and inaccurate when it comes to all four of them. And when Johnny Manziel starts recording Christian music, let me know.