What an asian guy thinks about all this

Yanling was "outed" as a White racialist pretending to be Asian. I believe he re-registered under a different name and is one of the well-regarded posters here.
Reading Yanling's post was so touching.

One of the best piece of work I've ever concerning the racial & ethnic patterns that's happening in the US of A. It's disturbing why whites are self-hating each other, when every other racial & ethnic groups proudly standby one another regardless of what political and social issue is at hand.

Take OJ Simpson and Tookie Williams, what they did was obviously wrong, but still get unconditional sympathy support from white and black folks alike. You never saw such support or sympathy for Tim McVeigh, who is considered the worst terrorist in US history (because he's white), which is a load of crap. Blacks always cry foul loudly anytime there is some sort of racial prejudice against them.

Take the Latino immigrants, why are many legal Latinos lending unconditional support for their illegal brethren, when they bring terror and anarchy for both Mexico and USA alike? What is to be gained by helping these people who produce some of the worse criminals known to man? To best put it, most Latino immigrants want to not only live in the USA, they literally want to change the USA to their own liking.

Asians practically do the same thing, Chinatown, Koreatown, Japantown, Little Manila (Filipino), you name it. While Asians assimilate better than the Latinos, they obviously never forget their origins.

The division among whites has often been the following:

Nationality - German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, etc..
Religion - Protestant, Catholic, Judaism, Agnostic/Atheist, etc..
Regional - Midwest, Southern, Hill-Billy, Redneck, City-Slickers, etc.

Whites from the South and Midwest tend to be your classic and proud white folks, while those who live in the big cities are your self-hating white traitors. The Nationality and Religion factor has always been there, but prior to the 60's, whites tend to unite over a common issue, regardless of their nationality and religious background. The regional thing is a recent phenomenon (from the 60's), which is the real damaging factor among white folks. I've seen my share of many Midwest & Southern whites getting shunned and ridiculed by their Big-City counter parts, which is more than often displayed in many HollyWEIRD movies.

Edited by: j41181
You can watch "Boyz in the Hood" -- and there's a few interesting lines in that movie. No, I don't subscribe to there being a "White" conspiracy against blacks, but the movie vividly acknowledged that if blacks are beasts and soil their areas, "real community" is simply a pipe-dream, a total impossibility. Low-IQ folks can't go around reeking havoc, and then blame "White Devils" for their predicament. That's a p*ssy mindset. As an aside, there are different negro tribes (genetic-types; just look at the different skulls) in the West, so it's only natural that they form different gangs.
Don Wassall said:
Yanling was "outed" as a White racialist pretending to be Asian. I believe he re-registered under a different name and is one of the well-regarded posters here.

Not sure about that. I corresponded with him elsewhere for a while. He was posting Chinese language boxing videos starring White fighters on Youtube.

Edited by: ww
Changed your post huh Werewolf!! A few minutes ago you wrote that you would like to be banned and that you are really Werewolf. Well don't worry your secret is safe with me.
whiteathlete33 said:
Changed your post huh Werewolf!! A few minutes ago you wrote that you would like to be banned and that you are really Werewolf. Well don't worry your secret is safe with me.

Yeah, a-hole, I edited my post, big f'ing deal. The last one was
stoopid, so i edited it. So sue me. Makes no difference to me whether I
get banned or not. Doesn't affect my life one way or the other. I
basically pop in here every now and then just to see if I might glean a
live boxing stream - the only actual valid use I've found for any boxing
forum to tell you the truth, and this place sometimes has some good
ones. So I thought I'd pop in for a bit and contribute something,
whatever. Like it's a big secret I'm Werewolf. That's why I sign my
posts ww, same as ever.

I tried to get Stormfront to start a dedicated boxing forum. It would be
a natural there, I think, but no luck so far. Guess there's not enough


PS The jerk sends me a nasty pm too.
As for Yan Ling, I haven't heard from him in a long time. I should look him up and see if he's still active.
ww said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Changed your post huh Werewolf!! A few minutes ago you wrote that you would like to be banned and that you are really Werewolf. Well don't worry your secret is safe with me.

Yeah, a-hole, I edited my post, big f'ing deal. The last one was
stoopid, so i edited it. So sue me. Makes no difference to me whether I
get banned or not. Doesn't affect my life one way or the other. I
basically pop in here every now and then just to see if I might glean a
live boxing stream - the only actual valid use I've found for any boxing
forum to tell you the truth, and this place sometimes has some good
ones. So I thought I'd pop in for a bit and contribute something,
whatever. Like it's a big secret I'm Werewolf. That's why I sign my
posts ww, same as ever.

I tried to get Stormfront to start a dedicated boxing forum. It would be
a natural there, I think, but no luck so far. Guess there's not enough

What can I say other than you are an idiot! You like to stir the pot a lot it seems. What exactly have you contributed other than stating the only reason you use this site is to get access to free boxing streams. If you had any brains you would know how to find those streams yourself.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
Hey WW I still remember parts that story of your friend who was back surgeon and did not know what was wrong/bothering his back. Funny stuff. Maybe you can re tell that story?
lol!! I was reading the beginning of this thread without looking at the dates on it, I thought it was a recent thread or something
Don Wassall said:
j41181 said:
<div> </div>
<div>I'm not quite sure what relevance this has to the thread at hand.
<div> </div>
<div>This may be the strangest thread in CF history. 
And why is this in the boxing forum.
I thought Asians were supposed to be smart.
I have seen Werewolf posts before but I assumed that the ww stood for "worldwide." Like signing posts 14/88 or something...

Why are you so hostile to us if we think the same way ww?
Whites are not allowed to display ethnocentric pride while all colored people are allowed??? Whites are humans y'know, not zombie/robots.

I'll bet that's one of the Geneva Convention rules!
StarWars said:
I have seen Werewolf posts before but I assumed that the ww stood for "worldwide." Like signing posts 14/88 or something...

Why are you so hostile to us if we think the same way ww?

I'm not hostile to you guys, SW.  I'm not hostile to anyone who's on my side. They had some people who were hostile to me here, though, when I was here before - the crowd who followed me around the boxing forums and tried to mock me and get me banned.  Their favorite mockery is about when i related my inside knowledge of how Joe Louis' gloves were loaded in fight two vs. Max Schmelling.  Then they banned me from here because I asked why certain words were censored here, and I'm not talking about cuss words.  Anyway, I don't take any of this internet fighting stuff personally.  Same on the political forums.  I'm interested in ideas not personalities.  My main interest isn't really boxing, though I'm a boxing fan, particularly the heavies.   My main interest is exposing the 911 Israeli-Washington DC false flag hoax.


Edited by: ww
Westside said:
Hey WW I still remember parts that story of your friend who was back surgeon and did not know what was wrong/bothering his back. Funny stuff. Maybe you can re tell that story?

He was a sports medicine physician, and he treated a lot of famous people, and that story tells you a lot about the medical profession in a nutshell, doesn't it?  Funny, I was just talking about him with another doctor friend I know.  I've had a  lot of friends in the medical profession - doctors, veterinarians, nurses. Nurses are my favorite.  My theory is they get interested in me because they think I'm an interesting specimen that they'd like to dissect.

OK, sorry, this forum is about boxing, not me.  Better ban me before I start going on about Joe Louis or Andrew Golota or something.

PS Anyone here from the old original Golota board or my own short-lived PrezBoxing board?

I just looked up my old Youtube correspondence.  Yan Ling used the sign-on name "football123321123", but it says, "This account has been suspended".
Anyone posting extreme views is defeating the purpose of this website. It drives away some of our best people. Our enemies would like to label all of us as "neo-nazis".

We should keep that in mind and be cautious about what we post!

(Nobody in their right mind wants to identify as a nazi. I think Adolf Hitler was a fool who didn't listen to his top advisors and generals. Even Goring told him it would be unwise to invade Poland in 1939 because France and the UK would go to war, but he did so anyway. His top field marshalls like Von Bock gave sound advice (they said not to try to capture Moscow in November 1941 and Stalingrad the next fall) but he didn't listen and caused the deaths of millions of white men.

The white race lost many of its bravest and best men because of Hitler, including some of my relatives, and that did no good to our gene pool.)
Parody said:
The myth about native North Americans living in harmony with nature is just another creation of those who control our entertainment industry.

There is some DNA evidence, however that the American Indians are more closely related to Central Asians than East Asians. However, the same Harvard study suggests that ALL North and South American Indians are descended from only three men and several women who crossed over from Asia. This suggests severe inbreeding, which could have caused the loss of certain characteristics. It must have been very easy for the first few dozen generations to survive in North America, because wildlife lacked an instinctive fear of humans.

Good post - and you are right about mestizos and in fact the Amerindians here in California for example. They are violent, impulsive, and anti-white. People should note that there are now many more "Native Americans" in North America than when Whites first arrived. It should also be pointed out that in fact Whites were here first and simply left or where wiped out by the later arriving, and much larger in number at the time (when the groups met) Bering strait arrivals. Mestizos didn't exist as a people or "race" when Whites came to America, and in fact, the 'natives' of Mexico didn't live in what eventually became the US at all until Europeans began settlements and developing things.

As far as Asians and Hispanics speaking their mind about race; the elites allow them to. The elites encourage and teach them to see Whites as their historical oppressors, hence we now see more and more Asian groups siding with Latinos and blacks, all supervised by the same semitic string pullers, who reward the disingenuous leaders of these groups handsomely. Keep in mind for all the talk of Asians working hard, not receiving affirmative action, etc., much of it is exaggerated in many ways. They're smarter than most other non-whites when it comes to playing the semitically created anti-white system in place. For example, Asians - as of 1993 - are admitted to Harvard and Yale (and other schools) at 3 times the rate they would be if grades and test scores were the only criteria. The system in place sees them as a useful tool, being able to spout that they are 'smart enough' to deserve any and all seats in college or jobs that they occupy. As a side note, as of 1993, jews were also admitted to Harvard and Yale at over 3 times the rate they should have been based on grades and test scores. Never mind the numbers for blacks and Hispanics. Keep in mind that no doubt the figures are worse now. I hope a new study is undertaken to show how bad it is currently. Asians like other non-whites for example, can go to the SBA and not only get a business loan, no hassle, they can get a home loan. No white can get a home loan from the SBA. Unless they're a 'refugee', meaning jewish from Russia or anywhere else. (Did you know that the system is rigged to consider all jews "refugees", no matter the circumstances? George Soros could move here, declare himself a refugee and get any and all entitlements available, no exaggeration) I could go on, but with the political situation the way it is, you have to see a lot of things as us vs them. The overwhelming majority of non-whites, including E. Asians, sub Continentals, etc., voted for Obama. And I mean vast majority. This means they voted againt you, against whites as there was really no other reason to vote for the Obama, who's an even bigger zionist puppet than John McCain, a piece of garbage himself.

Whites don't need alliances with anyone at the moment. They need to become a cohesive group themselves, first and foremost. The worsening situation(s) will eventually take care of that, to the eventual disappointment of our current rulers

I have to wonder if the OP is Asian, after all, on the net, a lot of people are whoever or whatever they want to be. White success in boxing has the elites working hard to derail things. Edited by: Colonel Callan
ww said:
 Their favorite mockery is about when i related my inside knowledge of how Joe Louis' gloves were loaded in fight two vs. Max Schmelling.

I'd actually heard stories to that effect when I worked in the media. Don't know if it's true. Twice I'd heard it from jews who said it was OK because Schmelling was German which meant he was a Nazi.
Colonel Callan said:
ww said:
Their favorite mockery is about when i related my inside knowledge of how Joe Louis' gloves were loaded in fight two vs. Max Schmelling.

I'd actually heard stories to that effect when I worked in the media. Don't know if it's true. Twice I'd heard it from jews who said it was OK because Schmelling was German which meant he was a Nazi.

I'd be interested in hearing what you heard. I heard it from old boxing guys when I was dabbling in boxing in NYC, and at least one of them was Jewish himself, a relative of a big feller who once fought Joe Louis as a matter of fact. You could probably google up some of my narratives on this subject.

Colonel Callan said:
ww said:
 Their favorite mockery is about when i related my inside knowledge of how Joe Louis' gloves were loaded in fight two vs. Max Schmelling.

I'd actually heard stories to that effect when I worked in the media. Don't know if it's true. Twice I'd heard it from jews who said it was OK because Schmelling was German which meant he was a Nazi.
If Hitler's rise was Schmelling's downfall. The Aryan Supremacy thing was a big slap for Schmelling because he was unfairly singled out by Jewish sympathizers as it's shining example.

If not for all that propaganda BS, Schmelling could've been one of the greatest HW's ever. I have no doubts that he willingly lost his rematch to Joe Louis, for the sake of the Jews.
The 1st Schmelling v Louise fight, Max looked in tip top shape and had body language of a confident fighter as evidence by the beatdown he gave Joe. In the 2nd, Max looked soft and appeared to be afraid of his own shadow, and thus was massacred by Joe in the 1st round. Never understood what happeaned to him. And NO I don't think Mossaud had any influence on the decision.

What is even more odd, is the life of this thread which was supposely started by a SMART "Asian" man almost 2 yrs ago. Who knew it come back to life the way it has and also made WW to become CF's Lazarus!
Look at the age difference between Louis and Schmelling. Back in the day, Max was a very, very old heavyweight to be having title fights. As for Joe, he made a living of fighting older or smaller opponents. Not much of that is mentioned. Can't be negative about a person of color don't ya know.

No Mossad back in the day either, lol. But a lot of jewish machinations in the fight game, even then.

WW, one of the jews who mentioned the loaded gloves story to me was in fact a "relative" of a "fella" who fought Louis among others. I doubt it's the same person you spoke with, but I'll bet they know / knew each other.
"WW, one of the jews who mentioned the loaded gloves story to me was in
fact a "relative" of a "fella" who fought Louis among others. I doubt
it's the same person you spoke with, but I'll bet they know / knew each

Could you clarify that, CC? You're repeating my words, or were you acquainted with the same people I was acquainted with? Where did you hear it?

Jewish machinations coming down from the White House through the Jewish governor of NY - and then to give the final twist to the story, "big bad Nazi" Max Schmeling had a Jewish manager too, and a damn good one, Joe Jacobs, and he would have spotted Louis' loaded gloves right away, so what did they do, they f'ing wouldn't let Joe Jacobs enter the arena that night. They said they just found out he was connected with the liquor business through another boxer he managed, Two Ton Tony Galento, because Galento was a bartender in Jersey City...and all that was common knowledge of course - but the crooked boxing commission just found out about it right before the big fight. Yeah right.

Westside said:
The 1st Schmelling v Louise fight, Max looked in tip top shape and had body language of a confident fighter as evidence by the beatdown he gave Joe. In the 2nd, Max looked soft and appeared to be afraid of his own shadow, and thus was massacred by Joe in the 1st round. Never understood what happeaned to him. And NO I don't think Mossaud had any influence on the decision.

What is even more odd, is the life of this thread which was supposely started by a SMART "Asian" man almost 2 yrs ago. Who knew it come back to life the way it has and also made WW to become CF's Lazarus!

I'll have to check the video of that fight again to see if MS looked out of shape, but I don't recall him so...

Ha ha! Werewolves are hard to kill!

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