What an asian guy thinks about all this

WW hopefully no one finds a silver bullet or reply!
White Shogun said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Those of you who speak of Native Americans and Mexicans who are part native normally, as trouble for the American infrastructure are mostly wrong IMO. Native Americans were here first remember.

Just because they populated the continent before the arrival of Europeans doesn't mean that they aren't trouble for the MODERN American infrastructure. That is illogical and is akin to voting for Romney because Utah is a nice place to live. If you doubt that there would be anything wrong with 'Native Americans and Mexicans' taking over and running the day to day to operations of this country, I encourage you to visit your local reservation or take an extended vacation in Mexico City. Or perhaps Nuevo Laredo would be more to your liking.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
BTW, my girlfriend is 5/8ths Italian, but she is 1/8th Native American and a quarter Arab.

That's the problem with this country, imo. Who the hell counts down to being 1/8 of anything?

ToughJ.Riggins said:
...she dated a black man in college though. Fortunately she is a good girl and wouldn't have sex with him which is why they broke up.


I remember when I made this post in Yanlings thread lol. It was soon after I joined this site and early on in my dating days with my wife. She wouldn't be happy with me for posting some of these innaccuracies.

The black guy I talked about was actually a good friend of hers that "wanted" to date her. One night when she, some other friends and him were drinking, he got pushy to try to do the deed with her. When she resisted, he became nasty and insulting to her. After this my wife cooled her friendship with him. My wife is actually more like 3/16s Native American b/c she has some Huron Indian as well as Cherokee Indian in her.

She isn't a big fan of this site, but she reads these boards once in a while, so I try to talk about her or brag about her when the situation calls for it, lol, so she can find some interesting things to talk to me about- about CF.
"The Oriental doesn't put the same high price on life as does a Westerner...We value life and human dignity. They don't care about life and human dignity."

- William Westmoreland (1914-2005)

They value freedom like everyone else though.
"WW hopefully no one finds a silver bullet..."

I hate those things.  They should be against the law.

"They value freedom like everyone else though."

And they value life and human dignity too - and they can be savage murderers like other humans, too.  I don't dislike Asians.  I think that at this point in history Asians contribute to the white countries and vice versa.  There are things that they are much better at than white people, for instance so far they are pretty immune to the egalitarian celebrate diversity race propaganda that is reducing all the western nations to third world status.  You don't see any david hayes getting passed off as Japanese or Chinese or Korean, do you?

Edited by: ww
Yes, Asian nations have no desire for "diversity". Even after all of this time and interaction with the West, and being among the better allies, Japan is not "diverse" in any significant way. On my visit to China last year, there was no "diversity", no call for immigrants to swarm the country. If anyone there was not mongoloid, they must be tourists! Go after them for their money!
The East Asian countries haven't had the Jewish Supremacists controlling their politicians and messing with the peoples' minds through the media like in the West, that's why there will never be a lot of African and South Asian immigration into China and Japan.

The Chosen Ones are starting to get worried about China, though. I don't think they really have a plan to deal with them. The Chinese see Jews as white people and so the Chosen would have trouble taking over and controlling the Chinese media. Some of the manipulation techniques they use on to create guilt and self-hate in white people won't work on Asians.

The Western countries have generally become weaker economically and the East Asian countries have become richer, although there have been bumps along the way. Some Chinese business immigrants into Canada have been returning to their homeland.Edited by: Parody
You cannot deny though white men and asian females have to be the biggest interracial partnership in pure numbers in the west.

My brother in law is married and had children in china with a asian women, my collegue at work has also had a relationship with a philopino.

Its remarkable why white men are addicted to asians. Dont get me wrong, they are very decent atractive people(far more so than blacks), but surely there has to be some cultural issues?

Edited by: f3dor
f3dor, a lot of the issue centers around the femininity of asian women. They haven't been "screwed up" by the feminists like so many White women have been. They act like a real woman is supposed to, by and large.
good points colonel, its a shame that white men are more attracted to white women, we need to get more decent white women in the media.

In the uk we have trash like jordan, katie price, and chryl cole....ironically i think the best female role model, is mylene klass, whos asian, and is with a white man.

This must change....

Edited by: f3dor
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