What an asian guy thinks about all this

As far as what I said about my GF having less of an opinion of black people since she dated one, I meant it along the lines of her opinion of black culture and that she wouldn't date a black man again. I have briefly discussed this with her and both of us have a very low opinion of MTV and Rap culture... My GF is 4 years younger than me and just graduated college, so she's just learning the way of the world and still evolving her views. She is going to move down to Jersey to join me, and I assume Jersey will be a shock to her because she has lived in the Toronto area all her life and only been to the U.S once. Toronto and the NY area are quite different IMO.
White Shogun said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Those of you who speak of Native Americans and Mexicans who are part native normally, as trouble for the American infrastructure are mostly wrong IMO. Native Americans were here first remember.

Just because they populated the continent before the arrival of Europeans doesn't mean that they aren't trouble for the MODERN American infrastructure. That is illogical and is akin to voting for Romney because Utah is a nice place to live. If you doubt that there would be anything wrong with 'Native Americans and Mexicans' taking over and running the day to day to operations of this country, I encourage you to visit your local reservation or take an extended vacation in Mexico City. Or perhaps Nuevo Laredo would be more to your liking.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
BTW, my girlfriend is 5/8ths Italian, but she is 1/8th Native American and a quarter Arab.

That's the problem with this country, imo. Who the hell counts down to being 1/8 of anything?

As far as the first comment, If you read what I said later, I give my opinion of Mexicans. I didn't give my opinion of Native Americans, but I have a respect for their culture and achievements especially their extensive knowledge of herbal and natural medicine. As a person who loves nature it gives me a great respect for how the Native Americans lived off the land and valued it rather than looking at it in terms of money.

And to the second comment, she is actually really an 1/8th Native Canadian...Huron Indian actually. I actually asked her about her heritage before she asked me. I asked her pretty early on b/c I liked her right away when we met, but was worried she might be an 1/8th black or something b/c she is dark compared to me. That would have definitely turned me off. The Huron Indians are an interesting tribe I have read up on them recently.

I am still debating whether to tell her that I post on this site. I have told her my opinion that white athletes are discriminated against briefly, but I just have a feeling she would have a problem with me being a regular poster on this site.
Native Americans are multiracial. Indians of the east and central and northern North America are largely descendants of very ancient European immigrations. I just posted pictures of some Aryan indians on another website.

The true history of the Americas has been lost in the mists of time and is much more complex and fascinating than the politically correct version about "red men who came over the Siberian land bridge".

I had some good conversations about this with a Yaqui Indian policeman and another with a Hopi. Both were also very interested in the subject of the varied Indian races and both fully agreed with me.

Wow Riggins, you really surprised me with that PC drivel about "Native" "Americans" (They really aren't either) and "Hispanics" (They really aren't, either...lol).

Where do I start....

First, the idea that the North American Stone Age Tribes had some noble culture based around a grand understanding, love of and relationship with nature is absolutely false. This is propaganda created by marxist leftists in the twentieth century to defame European culture and achievement. The Tribes had no understanding of balance with nature, they simply did not have the technological know-how to get beyond a simple subsistence. In fact, evidence exists that the slower megafauna that were abundant in North America before they arrived were hunted into extinction by these folks. The more difficult "modern" species that survived had attributes that allowed them to out-survive the primitive native hunting techniques.

When we do have information regarding the behavior of these native groups interacting with others, its rather brutal and uncivilized. They had no qualms about slaughtering women and children, taking slaves, abusing drugs and later alchohol (after we introduced it), raping, theft, etc. They had no noble code of honor, only Hollywood can create that for them.

Then we have the Mestizo, whom should never be confused with terms like "Latin", "Hispanic", "Spanish", etc. They are a surly bunch, created through hundreds of years of inter-breeding of European, Central American and Negro stock. Despite having one of the resource richest pieces of real-estate in the world, they continue to live in squalor and infest their neighboring countries to live off the European Teat like the Bastards that they are. The powers that be have tried to paint a picture of them being "hard workers" and "just trying to make a better life", but anyone who has had the displeasure of seeing them up close and personal can tell you how ironic these charactures really are. They are dishonest, lazy and will only do the bare minimum to get money from your pocket. They actually discourage their offspring to achieve in school, as "outperforming" your parents would make them look bad. They have no respect for the rights of others, and refer to themselves as "La Raza", translated "The Race", believing themselves to be superior to all others. Finally, despite the fact that they only held what is now the Southwestern U.S. for 35 years (Look it up, the facts can't be hidden), invaded the United States and then were summarily beaten in the ensuing war, and then paid cash for the territory they sold as part of the negotiated peace treaty, somehow believe they are entitled to ownership of it today.

Anyone who thinks that Mestizos and/or North American Tribal peoples are better then Negroes really should spend some time around them, and learn what they are truly about. They are nothing more then people revised by the politically correct marxists who will stop at nothing to destroy Western Culture.
The myth about native North Americans living in harmony with nature is just another creation of those who control our entertainment industry.

There is some DNA evidence, however that the American Indians are more closely related to Central Asians than East Asians. However, the same Harvard study suggests that ALL North and South American Indians are descended from only three men and several women who crossed over from Asia. This suggests severe inbreeding, which could have caused the loss of certain characteristics. It must have been very easy for the first few dozen generations to survive in North America, because wildlife lacked an instinctive fear of humans.Edited by: JD1986
reclaimsocal said:
Where do I start....

First, the idea that the North American Stone Age Tribes had some noble culture based around a grand understanding, love of and relationship with nature is absolutely false. This is propaganda created by marxist leftists in the twentieth century to defame European culture and achievement. The Tribes had no understanding of balance with nature, they simply did not have the technological know-how to get beyond a simple subsistence. In fact, evidence exists that the slower megafauna that were abundant in North America before they arrived were hunted into extinction by these folks. The more difficult "modern" species that survived had attributes that allowed them to out-survive the primitive native hunting techniques.

Spot on comments. I couldn't agree with them more.
While I admire some of Mr. TJRiggins commentary I think the comments regarding indians and hispanics were incorrect.
I just have to put in my two cents:

Without white settlement, I believe Africa would just be a mud-hut society little removed from the way it was 10,000 years ago. Maybe I'm just badly educated, but I don't think there was such a great, independent civilization over there like there was in the Orient or the Middle East.

I always use the "airplane" rule, as in:

Would this people -- independently of the Wright brothers -- have eventually invented flying machines to transport themselves through the air?

</span></span>I think Europe and Asia would have probably, eventually done it.

I think Africa would still be perfecting the crappily-constructed spear.</span>

yanling said:
I think Africa would still be perfecting the crappily-constructed spear.

That they won't throw very well, either.
yanling said:
I think Africa would still be perfecting the crappily-constructed spear.

A former poster named Futuregohan upbraided us for our lack of knowledge concerning the spear. Apparently, the legendary African leader, Shaka Zulu,is credited with the amazing invention known as - The Short Spear - which is a long sharp stick broken in half, thereby making it a more effective weapon in close quarters.A true genius.
Pretty funny! I heard some nitwit on National Public (z o g) Radio instructing us how black Africans were the world's most brilliant scientists because some of them figured out how to recycle used oil drums and turn them into bathtubs or something.

Actually, the Negro never even invented a system of writing and thus it is by definition a prehistoric race. The Negro also never invented the wheel or the sail or built a bridge or any structure taller than one story high.

Again, American indians are from from being monolithic. Here are pictures of two Aryan indians, blond and blue-eyed Mink of the Mandan, andChief Cornplanter of the Seneca.



Some other now-forgotten ancient White races of the Americas are:

the original Aztecs, The Clovis people, the Mound people, the Kenniwick people, the
Allegewi giants...The history of ancient America is lost in the mists of time.


Edited by: werewolf

Reconstruction of Kenniwick man, northwest USA, c. 9,000 BC. He has been described as looking very much like Abraham Lincoln. Washington DC buried the site where he was found under thousands of tons of rubble to preclude further explorations and discoveries.


Edited by: werewolf
werefolf said:
He has been described as looking very much like Abraham Lincoln.

He is the absolute likeness of Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise! I swear, Patrick Stewart could have posed for that bust!
great thread, asians are always baddies/hench men, when in reality they are very decent people that keep themsevles to themselves...

Yet blacks are the voice of reason, blacks are the lawyers, the judges, the head cia agents etc.

I think aisans should boycott hollywood etc, as they are portrayed worse in the media than whites...
f3dor said:
great thread, asians are always baddies/hench men, when in reality they are very decent people that keep themsevles to themselves...

Yet blacks are the voice of reason, blacks are the lawyers, the judges, the head cia agents etc.

I think aisans should boycott hollywood etc, as they are portrayed worse in the media than whites...

Every college themed\frat movie always has a nerdy asian, it's become a "must".
celticdb15 said:
f3dor said:
great thread, asians are always baddies/hench men, when in reality they are very decent people that keep themsevles to themselves...

Yet blacks are the voice of reason, blacks are the lawyers, the judges, the head cia agents etc.

I think aisans should boycott hollywood etc, as they are portrayed worse in the media than whites...

Every college themed\frat movie always has a nerdy asian, it's become a "must".

exactly, its seems like hollywood are racist to the wrong groups. Indians are bumblings corner shop owners or geeks, asians are hench men or over protective fathers who have kung fu backgrounds.

Yet blacks who are failures in every way shape and form get a gleaming representation.

i think its because whites, asians, and indians tolerate it, hollywood know that on the whole we wont complain. Wheras blacks are violent agressive loud people, that shout racism at every given opportunity...
johnnyboy good to see you posting again as well. Where have you been? I agree yanling did post some good stuff. What happeaned to him? His last thread is almost 2 1/2 years old!
The Airplane rule!
Westside said:
johnnyboy good to see you posting again as well. Where have you been? I agree yanling did post some good stuff. What happeaned to him? His last thread is almost 2 1/2 years old!

hi westside.

yeah i haven't come on here in awhile. i've been busy with work and school. it sucks man, it seems the older i get, the less time i get to do things i like. good to talk to you again bro.
j41181 said:

I'm not quite sure what relevance this has to the thread at hand.

Thismay be thestrangest thread in CF history.
I went back and read the original post by Mr. Yangling. I had never read it since it was posted prior to me joining. I must say it ranks with this sites greatest/prolific posters i.e. Mr Wassall, Jimmy C., Thrashen, Dixie, Guest 301, Shogun and many others. It is a must read and tells the story of how Whites are being corner or boxed in.
American Freedom News