What about me?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
One thing that bugs me most about the cultural marxism that rules our society is how it perverts things like the free market. For example, I stop by the local bookstore, ie Borders/Barnes and Nobles every once in a while with my kids who like to pick up stuff to read. I'm glad to encourage them. While waiting I usually busy myself at the magazine rack, which is extensive in those stores.

What do I find? Almost nothing that interests me. Nothing. Other then Reason and Liberty magazine of which only half the viewpoint I can stand. There's some gun mags and sports mags that I will occasionally look at, but the sports mags are filled with the kind of negro loving/white bashing stuff that we bitch about here so it's not really interesting to me why the newest rookie thug is the greatest thing in sports today.

Hot rod mags are OK but really just picture books, similar to the "mens" magazines like Maxim and such. Okay for a glance but not to sit and read for any length of time. What I want to ask is: what about me? I know that by the standards of the MSM I would be considered a vile racist because of my views but I know this for sure---there are plenty of guys like me because there are lot of internet sites with a lot of people following them that have guys that feel just like me. So that's a market. And who's serving it?

I notice that there are about 6 or 7 magazines devoted wholly to gays. Uh-huh, 2-5% of the population is served by a good chunk of the magazine industry. There is even a magazine "Girlfriend vacations" aimed solely at lesbians interested in taking vacations. Hmmm vacationing lesbians, a bigger market then racially aware white men?

There were 2, count them 2! magazines aimed at "Black Entrepreneurs", okay, there might me exactly 2 black entrepreneurs in the whole area in which I live. And please explain why there are 4 or 5 magazines on "black hair"??? Not to mention that the black only magazine count probably exceeds the number of black people that can actually read in my area. Jet, Ebony, Essence, Vibe, black this and black that. WTF?

Then there are Time, Newsweek, US News, blah blah, rags that are so out of tune with where I'm at they might as well be published in Latin.

I understand what's at work here. The magazine industry is full of the people I can't stand. The kind of people that I hate and am sure hate me. They have the printing presses and they are ultra-liberal, minorities and f-a-g-s, so that's what they want to write about, so they do.

I also know this. Not many people are reading those magazines. I never see any blacks reading any of that crap. I have never seen a guy breezing thru the gay stuff, no black entrepeneurs avidly reading how to milk the racial spoils system. So I thinks it's all a phoney system, propped up by the same BS that props up the caste system and the two-party farce.

All this gives me hope. Someday someone is going to tap that market and will make the kind of money necessary to get the kind of power that you need to buck the establishment.

I hope it's soon because there are only so many times I can read about the Civil War in the Blue and the Grey magazine.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
All the Black entrepreneurs I have ever seen(beyond the multi-millionaires)are guys that have had front businesses that have been busted by the police in drug stings....
You know the ethnic food shop that sells two racks of ribs in the evening and the owner is tooling around in an Escalade.
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I just wonder how all these magazine companies stay in business with the racks always full and I rarely see anybody purchasing one. I guess all the profits are on the subscription side of the business and not the impulse buying at the news racks.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Publications that are mailed second class have to disclose their circulation figures once a year. Usually there are lots of returns from newsstands, with as 301 says a lot of their business coming from paid subscribers, which determines how much they can charge for advertising. A lot of them are niche magazines published by corporations that specialize in printing periodicals, so they can absorb some money losers as long as most of their main ones are doing well.

Occasionally "politically incorrect" publications are distributed to newsstands by distribution companies. I've seen Shotgun News, Paranoia, and The Free American at different times, but the vast majority of newsstand publications are hobby and niche stuff along with crap that virtually no one is interested in.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
jaxvid said:
Then there are Time, Newsweek, US News, blah blah, rags that are so out of tune with where I'm at they might as well be published in Latin.

I understand what's at work here. The magazine industry is full of the people I can't stand. The kind of people that I hate and am sure hate me.

Ha ha. Good rant, man. That makes two of us.

Edited by: The Hock


Mar 23, 2009
Fantastic post. It does seem that there is a large market to fill, but the powers that be would fight another world war before they let our point of view seem mainstream. Even youtube lowers the amount of views that really happened on white friendly videos.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Great post, Jax, I concur.

I find magazines, newspapers, TV, and almost all forms of "their"Â￾ media (aside from the almighty internet) pretty lame. As you said, there is nothing out there for me / us.

I suppose WN's are too violent, too bigoted, too non-materialistic, and too clever to be even somewhat entertained by their EveryMan style of mass-produced distractions.

I used to subscribe to ESPN The Magazine for a few months about 10 years ago when I was 12-13 (because I played 4 sports in HS)...yeah, that paper-feces was even more out of touch that the manufactured, "WeLoveNegroBlood"Â￾ TV version.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Most "Sheepletainment" (including "ragazines") are filled to the brim with propaganda & serve as mindless fluff and a distraction from the real issues (the agenda & actions of the PTB)!


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
I've been asking a variation of this question to myself my whole adult life.

"Where is my civil rights movement?"

"What about my racial activist organization?"

"Where do I go to complain about anti-white racism?"

"Who is making sure white history and culture are valued, protected and passed on?"

"Show me the magazines that cater to me."

"Can you point out the politicians, pundits and think tanks whose sole purpose is to advocate for white people?"

The answer has always been the same. Our people have nobody looking out for us and we have failed to develop a race based movement and identity like every other race has developed.

Edited by: Liverlips


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Liverlips said:
I've been asking a variation of this question to myself my whole adult life.

"Where is my civil rights movement?"

"What about my racial activist organization?"

"Where do I go to complain about anti-white racism?"

"Who is making sure white history and culture are valued, protected and passed on?"

"Show me the magazines that cater to me."

"Can you point out the politicians, pundits and think tanks whose sole purpose is to advocate for white people?"

The answer has always been the same. Our people have nobody looking out for us and we have failed to develop a race based movement and identity like every other race has developed.

Yes exactly! Just the point I was getting at. Those are great questions that are never asked and never answered.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
jaxvid said:
Liverlips said:
I've been asking a variation of this question to myself my whole adult life.

"Where is my civil rights movement?"

"What about my racial activist organization?"

"Where do I go to complain about anti-white racism?"

"Who is making sure white history and culture are valued, protected and passed on?"

"Show me the magazines that cater to me."

"Can you point out the politicians, pundits and think tanks whose sole purpose is to advocate for white people?"

The answer has always been the same. Our people have nobody looking out for us and we have failed to develop a race based movement and identity like every other race has developed.

Yes exactly! Just the point I was getting at. Those are great questions that are never asked and never answered.

The answer is that American Whites have been successfully deracinated except for a remnant. That has been the main purpose and goal of the power structure for a long time, and it was achieved. The question is how can we regain what has been lost when it is hammered over and over again into themass of DWFsby the PTB that White racial consciousness is the number one evil.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Well, Theodor Herzl said that where there was no anti-semitism, there were no Jews.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don Wassall said:
jaxvid said:
Liverlips said:
I've been asking a variation of this question to myself my whole adult life. "Where is my civil rights movement?" "What about my racial activist organization?" "Where do I go to complain about anti-white racism?" "Who is making sure white history and culture are valued, protected and passed on?" "Show me the magazines that cater to me." "Can you point out the politicians, pundits and think tanks whose sole purpose is to advocate for white people?" The answer has always been the same. Our people have nobody looking out for us and we have failed to develop a race based movement and identity like every other race has developed.
Yes exactly! Just the point I was getting at. Those are great questions that are never asked and never answered.
<div> </div>
<div>The answer is that American Whites have been successfully deracinated except for a remnant.  That has been the main purpose and goal of the power structure for a long time, and it was achieved.  The question is how can we regain what has been lost when it is hammered over and over again into the mass of DWFs by the PTB that White racial consciousness is the number one evil.</div>

Tremendous commentary gentlemen!

IMO, the PTB have leveraged mass propaganda via multiple avenues & means to largely castrate & sedate the biggest threat to their agenda...the White, Christian man.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I can remember back in grad school having a discussion (about what I can't recall) with a professor (happened to be Jewish) and she suddenly she said "you want to be included don't you?"

"What?" I asked.

"You want to be included don't you?" She had a little smile and a twinkle in her eye. I think she was taking advantage of the opportunity to teach a somewhat redneckish white male a little lesson. There were plenty of us in the surrounding community, but few found their way into her world. She must have thought it was a nice teachable moment for one of the few white males she encountered who wasn't metrosexual or gay or at least sufficiently pliable to their program.

I just looked around, then looked at her.

"Not really."

They can put out all the stupid magazines and television shows and movies they want and pretend we're irrelevant. But we're not. I don't know how much longer the center (to me the center being by now just the dollar bill) can hold. When it gives out it most likely will get very ugly. I might be a casualty in all the mess, but when it all shakes out I think I know who will come out on top. And they'll all want still want to be around us and what we build, even if they won't admit they want to be like us.