Without any hostility it is quite clear that the negro race is a failed race.
The easiest method of predicting how decent a place will be to live is figuring out how many negros are living there. whether it is a country, state, city, neighborhood, etc.
They should be thankful that the Anglo-Americans decided to buy their ancestors from the competing african tribes that captured them. Otherwise they would have to risk drowning by trying to sail across the Mediteranean sea to make it to the EU.
Not only are the various negro tribes dysfunctional when it comes to building and maintainin society's, they often seem ungrateful when they get there.
A little toon I hum to myself whenever I see an African invader:
Whiteman feed me
Whiteman house me
Whiteman clothe me too
White man teach me
White man freed me
from my race of fools
I don't work
I don't care
for what I want comes free
While whiteman
and his churches
and his government pays for me.
I actually do hum it to myself sometimes.