"WE" are Winning :)

That lady is completely deranged and it looks staged to show us in a bad light. You don't destroy property no matter how annoying or dangerous the brainwashed protesters are.
Even stereotypical "soyboys" are not completely lost, or did the left get so vile it turned them away.

the comments section is a war.
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One issue that I don't think has been brought up yet is what about all the other left-wing crybaby special interest groups who always want their piece of the pie? The Mexican lobby, the Chinese lobby, the Muslim lobby, the feminist lobby, the enviro-nut lobby, the tranny lobby, the homosexual lobby? All of them have essentially been pushed to the side as all the worship and cuckery are now being given to just two groups - the black nationalists and their white libtard Antifa allies. The homosexuals must be especially butthurt because June is supposed to be Homo Pride Month (remember last June? Rainbow logos everywhere.) But now, it's all about the dindus.

There is enormous division among the Left, which is nothing more than a bunch of special interest groups with often conflicting interests who are united only by hatred of all things White, straight, and normal. This focus on only one or two groups while ignoring the rest can only make those divisions worse. I'll have my popcorn ready.
One issue that I don't think has been brought up yet is what about all the other left-wing crybaby special interest groups who always want their piece of the pie? The Mexican lobby, the Chinese lobby, the Muslim lobby, the feminist lobby, the enviro-nut lobby, the tranny lobby, the homosexual lobby? All of them have essentially been pushed to the side as all the worship and cuckery are now being given to just two groups - the black nationalists and their white libtard Antifa allies. The homosexuals must be especially butthurt because June is supposed to be Homo Pride Month (remember last June? Rainbow logos everywhere.) But now, it's all about the dindus.

There is enormous division among the Left, which is nothing more than a bunch of special interest groups with often conflicting interests who are united only by hatred of all things White, straight, and normal. This focus on only one or two groups while ignoring the rest can only make those divisions worse. I'll have my popcorn ready.

To add onto that - Asians, Indians and Latinos all have issues with blacks.

I enjoyed this guy with a chainsaw scaring off a bunch of wanna be hipster protesters.


And due to the clown world in which we live he was arrested and the mayor is apologzing stating that the guy's conduct will not be tolerated. On the other hand killing, destruction of property and looting are all ok if you are on the left.
Yes La France Blanche, the Left is eating itself right now. Let's get out of the way and let them do it. This was a good idea for a thread. We need some good news during this vicious attack on this country and all that's good and normal in the world. All part of The Long War.
Another thing to remember: Yes, a lot of mega-corporations are cucking hard to BLM - but no group is more distant from and out of touch with the common White person than the owners and "leaders" of giant corporations.
A lot more people are (((noticing))). I’ve witnessed exponential growth to the JQ in the last couple of years. This is critical to “winning”.


Other than the first two, which aren't specifically pro-White, none of those other links you posted in the thread starter are pro-White or laudable AT ALL. Those are acts of stupidity that make us look bad. They are totally detrimental to our cause. These people come across as criminals and lunatics. The first two, eh, maybe. The rest are bad optics and retarded.
Other than the first two, which aren't specifically pro-White, none of those other links you posted in the thread starter are pro-White or laudable AT ALL. Those are acts of stupidity that make us look bad. They are totally detrimental to our cause. These people come across as criminals and lunatics. The first two, eh, maybe. The rest are bad optics and retarded.

Agree, those "acts of patriotism" are well beyond embarrassing.
Even stereotypical "soyboys" are not completely lost, or did the left get so vile it turned them away.

the comments section is a war.

I am happy this man has changed his views but now he must turn himself around. Leave the gaming forever and get himself in reasonable physical condition (anyone can see his weakness) find himself a suitable White woman and marry her (in a Christian ceremony preferably) impregnate her and raise the children according to western cultural values and if need be protect them to his last breath.
This is not primarily a racial battle and anyone thinking strategically needs to understand that. It's communism vs. freedom, anarchy vs. civilization, anti-American vs. pro-American. Here's some promising articles I found today:

Truck Drivers Reject Delivery To Cities With Defunded Or Disbanded Police





The title of this thread would make “Baghdad Bob” blush. Its been a while but I’ve felt winning before and this is worse than a normal defeat.
The title of this thread would make “Baghdad Bob” blush. Its been a while but I’ve felt winning before and this is worse than a normal defeat.

Dont be so negative. What about our spectacular victory in East Lansing where somebody wrote something on a banana!? (#5 in OP)
Dont be so negative. What about our spectacular victory in East Lansing where somebody wrote something on a banana!? (#5 in OP)
My apologies I skipped over that gem. Did see the last one where a crazy woman attacked signs and figured the rest would be best skipped. There might be 10 real dudes on here.
On the "winning" front, Trump's Oklahoma rally has had 800,000 ticket requests. That is an incredible amount. When almost every single news item shows that we are in the minority and might as well shoot ourselves, this comes out as a sign that it might not be over yet. Predictably, the media has come out blasting the event as a "COVID-19 superspreader" event, while at the same time praising the multiple "peaceful protests" as being immune.
Today we get nondiscrimation black quarterback’s for trannies along with sanctuary cities. This is all thanks to Trumps “greatest people appointed”. Add to that previous wins in the largest Israel aid ever, prison reform, and the much needed record low AA unemployment do to preference in hiring and impossible firings.

Mr President Im begging you “ No More Winning”, but just like a young beauty queen screaming “No”. No doesnt always mean no and Im sure he will keep on winning.
Fellas I’m getting ready to get off the Trump train. Well actually I’m not on the train, just sort of walking along with it hoping it will pick up speed and go some where. But these Supreme court Decisions Show that the one reason to have Trump in office just doesn’t make any difference. He really doesn’t do much to advance the agenda. And if the only government left in the country, the Supreme Court, can’t make good decisions with a solid “conservative” majority there isn’t much left.
As bad as some of the things Trump has done - or not done, let's not forget some of the good things he's done. He stopped the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, which would have sent more manufacturing out of the country. He also appointed numerous conservative judges to the federal courts including 2 Supreme Court Justices, keeping those judgeships out of the hands of crazy liberal judges. He's also galvanized his voting base, getting people to discuss things they never would have before.

Now let's look what will happen if a Democrat gets in. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be replaced with a crazy, liberal judge on the Supreme Court. Laws will be passed taking away your gun rights. Laws will be passed to give "reparations" to blacks for injustices they never suffered. Immigration from third world countries will be increased massively.

Those are just a few things. Trump is by no means ideal, but the alternative would be disastrous for white people.

I'm going to vote for Trump and do what I can to get him re-elected.
Trump has also made some dents in child trafficking. Numerous arrests across the country that are ignored by MSM.

Took him 3yrs to declare Antifa terrorists but at least he did it.
Conservative justices that make liberal law is not a win. Declaring antifa a terrorist organization and then not doing a damn thing to them is not winning. Being the “law and order” President and not trying to establish order does not constitute a win. These are all empty gestures.

I’m not saying he’s not better then a flaming liberal I’m just saying it doesn’t make any difference.
Conservative justices that make liberal law is not a win. Declaring antifa a terrorist organization and then not doing a damn thing to them is not winning. Being the “law and order” President and not trying to establish order does not constitute a win. These are all empty gestures.

I’m not saying he’s not better then a flaming liberal I’m just saying it doesn’t make any difference.
I think I’m past politics at this point and I don’t think we will ever get any legislation that we like under this system. I just saw yesterday that 10 of the last 14 Supreme Court justices have been appointed by republicans. Let that sink in. The country has gone leftward off a cliff in this time, mostly due to the court’s rulings, while we should have had a “conservative” super majority. The game is rigged. We need to smash the game and present a viable alternative to normal Americans.

I’m not sure if I’ll vote for Trump. There are two potential positive outcomes if you favor furthering the divide and making moderates choose a side. If a “flaming liberal” wins, it will likely galvanize the conservative base into out of the box solutions. Our solutions. If a black negress takes over for Biden a few months into the term, we could expect a much faster and more radical awakening. Of course, all of this comes with the risk of extreme legislation against White people (far worse than what is happening now).

Option 2 is we get Trump re-elected and let the left go even more insane for 4 years. Trump won’t do us any legislative favors and he certainly won’t crack down on the antifa and radical non-white groups. But what he will do is be a lightening rod by his mere presence to create the chaos needed to galvanize Whites and awaken more moderate normies (some non-whites included). Perhaps this is the better route?
Very nice post! I see it exactly as you do. More Trump will drive the left insane (I think they would actually try to off him.). And a liberal will accelerate the decline. Talk about “pick your poison”

I guess from a personal point of view more Trump is preferred so that I might have a few more years before a collapse but really this year the whole system has gone off the rails. I don’t see it ever getting back to even a little bit of normal.
Although this is certainly not a win, as noted above, this is a good place to put this. Here are the most likely consequences of this contorted ruling.

Horowitz: SCOTUS decision redefining sexuality will wreak havoc on society
Daniel Horowitz · June 16, 2020

Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg | Getty Images
When Anthony Kennedy discovered a right to force states to redefine marriage in the 2015 Obergefell case, he promised that religious liberty would remain untouched. “The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered,” wrote the former justice for the majority at the time.

Yeah, right.

Thanks to Justice Gorsuch’s contorted reading of the word “sex” in anti-discrimination law, you now have a right to sue for protection for biological traits you do not possess. This means that legitimate rights of others will now have to yield. Anyone who can’t see the devastating real-world effects of this decision – well beyond firing someone simply because you hate their private behavior – is clearly not paying attention.

Codifying into anti-discrimination law the concept that a man who says he is a woman must be treated according to his mental illness is not something we can live with as a society. Gorsuch might want to dismiss the earth-shattering ramifications of his opinion, but he knows well that there are already pending lawsuits to demand that men be treated as women, in very dangerous or disruptive ways that go well beyond trying to use the boot of government to stamp out mean or discriminatory behavior.

Here is an outline of some of the most immediate threats from this decision. These are not hypothetical societal and legal problems; these issues are in contention as we speak and have now been decided by this court.

Forcing states and doctors to perform castrations

Forcing employers to retain gay employees and not fire them simply because of their private behavior sounds very innocuous and even laudatory. But what about forcing doctors to perform “sex change” operations and forcing states to fund them? Codifying the desires of someone afflicted with gender dysphoria into sex-based anti-discrimination law will force states and hospitals to treat anyone who believes they are really the opposite gender as that preferred gender.

In fact, the Supreme Court has already tacitly mandated this. In May, justices declined to take Idaho’s appeal from the Ninth Circuit, where the lower court ordered the state to pay for a castration surgery for a male serving time in Idaho prison for sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy.

Similarly, a federal judge in Wisconsin mandated that the Badger State use its Medicaid funding to pay for “gender confirmation” mutilations, which can include castration, mastectomies, hysterectomies, genital reconstruction, and breast augmentation.

Those radical decisions will now be backed up in all circuits. There are already numerous lawsuits suing employers to provide castration and hormone procedures under the employer health insurance mandate of Obamacare. Obamacare uses civil rights laws to bar discrimination in offering health care coverage. It would be easy for the courts to now apply Gorsuch’s interpretation of Title VII to other areas of discrimination in the ACA statute.

Will Gorsuch be there for us to overturn those decisions?

Women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and all-female sports

Barring a male who says he is a female from an all-girls sports team, bathroom, or locker room now constitutes sex-based discrimination. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 reads as follows:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

It’s not even a jump to apply this ruling to that law; it’s a logical outgrowth. All separate gender school activities and private dressing rooms are out the window because the 1972 law, which liberals already felt included transgenderism, will now be so interpreted.

College dorms

As Justice Alito warns, similar lawsuits may be brought under the Fair Housing Act against colleges that have separate dorms for males and females. Also, female prisoners will be subjected to males living with them. Again, once sex is redefined, it is no longer limited to employment or animus-based discrimination. As Alito warned, “The Court … argues, not merely that the terms of Title VII can be interpreted that way but that they cannot reasonably be interpreted any other way. According to the Court, the text is unambiguous.” This wasn’t even a close call for the majority, and it will therefore reverberate across all areas of law, politics, and society.

Religious schools must become pagan

We were told not to worry about Obergefell creating a right to gay marriage because it was merely an issue of a marriage certificate and would never affect private religious institutions. Well, what happens now if a cross-dresser or a prominent homosexual activist wants to teach in a Catholic, Orthodox Jewish, or Muslim school? The majority opinion blithely denied these concerns and noted how title VII protects religious liberty by offering some long-standing exceptions. However, those exceptions have been interpreted more and more narrowly as time goes on. The same way Gorsuch has evolved on the definition of a sex, the courts are evolving on religious protections, and the former will now accelerate the latter.

What about pedophilia, nudity, and the next frontier in our “evolving” society?

Justice Gorsuch dismissed (p. 30-32) the dissent’s charge that he was backfilling into the statute ideas that its crafters would regard as absurd and immoral as “naked policy appeals” and as complaints about “undesirable policy consequences.”

What happens when the next letters of the alphabet get codified into the sacrilege of the sexual behavior legal protections, such as “N” for nudity and “P” for pedophilia?

“My sexual orientation is to be with children.”

“My sexual orientation is to express myself freely and be proud of my body, not to hide it.”

You might laugh, but at the speed with which transgenderism became in vogue, there is nothing stopping more sexual fetishes from joining the quasi “legal” distinction with a fancy acronym. The mainstreaming of pedophilia is already under way. Could employers still not fire those individuals for being disruptive to the decorum of the office the same way they can’t fire a man who walks in one day dressed like a woman, even if he has to deal with clients? Those ideals can be read into the word “sex” of a 1964 statute just as much as transgenderism can. After all, gay expanded to LGB and T, and then an undefined “Q” got added in. Others add on IAPK to include “intersex, asexual, pansexual, and kink.” It has broadly become known in those circles as “LGBTQ+.”

So, Justice Gorsuch, now that man and woman no longer mean what they mean, can you tell us what is and is not included in “sex” and why there should be protection for some fetishes or mental disorders over others? Can we lay down that marker now so that it doesn’t grow?

Freedom of speech

As Justice Alito warned in his dissent, the New York City government has already made it a criminal offense not to address someone by his or her preferred pronoun.

“After today’s decision, plaintiffs may claim that the failure to use their preferred pronoun violates one of the federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination,” wrote Alito.

Supporters of this decision claim that because the court did not create a constitutional right, merely a retroactive reinterpretation of statue, Congress is still free to legislate. But who are we kidding here? The Civil Rights Act is as politically untouchable as the Fourteenth Amendment, and there is no way Congress will have the guts to deal with this fallout. State legislatures will be cut out from the process entirely.

Also, as Alito warns, the jump from codifying transgenderism into statute to into the Constitution is nothing more than a hiccup for its supporters to overcome, and the court has consistently done that in the past. There are already numerous cases percolating in the lower courts to do just that. Once the lower courts codify a new right, we have seen the Supreme Court first ignore the lower court radicalization and then downright legitimize it.

Yesterday, Mitch McConnell didn’t even mention this travesty in his press briefing. Trump bizarrely commented, “they ruled and we live with their decision” and called it a “very powerful decision.”

Very powerful, indeed. Now who will stand up for the forgotten Americans and use separation of powers to push back against this travesty?

American Freedom News