Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

Flash said:
I might get some abuse for this. But for once I will actually half defend an athlete on this one. Does anyone here know what DHEA is (what he got banned for), it does absolutly nothing for any athlete and can only demonstrate effects in old men (plus 60). It shouldnt be on the banned list atall, the IOC don't have a clue with some of stuff on there banned list, its not like it even has abuse potential. Probably get more of a testosterone boost having a wank.The otherside of me thinks that the guy is an IDIOT for taking a supplement over a prolonged period of time without looking at ALL the ingredients!!! He might have been taking other stuff which is serious (we cant prove it though) but DHEA is a very unfortunate supplement to get banned for.

do you really think it's DHEA, or is that just his alibi? it could be a new designer drug that comes up as DHEA when tested or the DHEA could be a masking agent. sort of like McGuire with the andro. take this so if you get busted you can just say it was the DHEA. the fact that its "embarrassing", just makes the story sound more legit. who would believe someone would humiliate themselves like that. I have said it before and will always say it again, that boy is on PEDs. not because of how fast he runs, but because how big he got in just a year or two. too much muscle mass for a 400m guy.
By F Labrie, V Luu-The, E Calvo, C Martel, A Chernomoretz, J Morissette and C Labrie
Molecular Endocrinology and Oncology Laboratory, Laval University Hospital Research Center (CRCHUL) and Laval University, Québec City, G1V 4G2, Canada
"DHEA is an anabolic steroid like testosterone and THG"Â￾
We have recently taken advantage of the unique sensitivity of DNA microarrays to compare the genomic expression profile of tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) with that of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the most potent natural androgen, thus clearly demonstrating that THG is an anabolic steroid. We use the same DNA microarray technique in the present study to demonstrate that DHEA exerts an effect similar to DHT and THG on a large series of genes, thus demonstrating that DHEA is, without any doubt, an anabolic steroid like the other natural androgens and a series of synthetic compounds already included in the list of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004. Recently, this Act has amended the Controlled Substances Act to include androstenedione (4-dione) as an anabolic steroid. Despite the well recognized steroidogenic pathway showing that DHEA is a precursor of both 4-dione and androst-ene-3α, 17β diol (5-diol), two steroids directly transformed into testosterone, DHEA has been excluded from the list along with estrogens, progestins and corticosteroids, three classes of steroids well known to have no androgenic activity (except for some progestins).
In fact, DHEA is an obligatory intermediate in the synthesis of testosterone and DHT in peripheral tissues in both men and women. C57BL6 mice were gonadectomized and treated for 24 hours or 4 weeks with daily subcutaneous injections of 0.1 mg DHT or 3 mg DHEA. Treatment for one month with either DHT or DHEA increased ventral prostate, dorsal prostate, seminal vesicle weight (p < 0.01 for all tissues). Twenty four hours after single injection of DHT or DHEA, 228 genes were differentially expressed in the ventral prostate by both DHT and DHEA. In the seminal vesicles, gastrocnemius muscle and preputial glands, the number of probe sets commonly modulated by DHT and DHEA were 389, 30 and 135, respectively. After 1 month of treatment, on the other hand, 519 and 849 genes were commonly modulated by DHEA and DHT in the ventral prostate and seminal vesicles, respectively.
The power of gene expression profiling has been well demonstrated in clinical medicine, especially in acute myeloid leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, medulloblastoma, lung carcinoma and breast carcinoma, thus giving a molecular classification of diseases which permits specific treatments and more accurate prognosis. In analogy with THG, the present microarray data provide an extremely precise and unquestionable genomic signature and proof of the androgenic anabolic activity of DHEA. Such an approach is applicable to all potential androgenic or anabolic compounds.
Work supported by Genome Quebec and Genome Canada.
Note that the opinions expressed within the abstracts and presentations are those of the
authors/presenters alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of WADA.
Keywords: Androgens, DHEA, muscle
Not only will Wariner be back in a big way this year, but I predict he breaks his personal best in the 200. He might just do it in the 400 as well. With no major championships for Jeremy, he can focus on some serious speed work. The difference between him and many others is that Wariner is natural. He is still very skinny. The guy just was born to run. He has such a beautiful natural stride.

Long live King Wariner!
Theres a lot of flaws in that study you posted WL, not to mention the very poor use of classifying it as an anabolic steroid.... but anyway in young healthy men it does not provide a hormonal based advantage and the further raise above already healthy levels of DHEA does not lead to increased testestoerone etc. However, in men with lower than normal levels of the stuff (i.e 65+ year olds), testorone can be increased significantly.

I can give refs to all this sort of stuff in anyone has partiular interest in this sort of stuff... lol

I will agree that he may well of been taking other stuff though, but then again thats what fekkin everyone seems to be doing. This could certainly be some sort of alibi.
Maybe he was using it to hide the other PED's figuring he could blame it on the over-the-counter drug if he ever got caught.
Flash said:
Theres a lot of flaws in that study you posted WL, not to mention the very poor use of classifying it as an anabolic steroid.... but anyway in young healthy men it does not provide a hormonal based advantage and the further raise above already healthy levels of DHEA does not lead to increased testestoerone etc. However, in men with lower than normal levels of the stuff (i.e 65+ year olds), testorone can be increased significantly.I can give refs to all this sort of stuff in anyone has partiular interest in this sort of stuff... lolI will agree that he may well of been taking other stuff though, but then again thats what fekkin everyone seems to be doing. This could certainly be some sort of alibi.
When a drug cheat gets caught. Many times in the beginning it looks innocent enough. But after you scratch the surface the true story is told. Similar to an older house getting a new paint job and then you get an inspector to look at the house and you find out the foundation is cracked or the house has a termite infestation.
The likely reason DHEA showed up in Merritt's test is because he was taking it to help counter the effects of "real" steroids. Guys using steroids and prohormones often use DHEA to mitigate side effects like lethargy, loss of libido and the like. Merritt put on too much muscle mass in '07, in sudden fashion, for it to be natural for someone involved in hard training for the 400 meters.

The "Enzyte" horse crap is something his lawyer Jacobs most likely came up with. He probably figures it's so embarrassing that no one would believe that someone would make something like this up to try and get out of trouble. Officials are probably trying to figure out a way to keep Merritt from being axed, to hide the complete results of whatever tests have been performed. Something they would not do for a white athlete, but something they will do for black affletes, with the claim that it's for the good of the sport. If one thinks about it, Merritt was being monitored as he tested positive three times for "DHEA". What were they (really) looking at and what did Merritt do that drew the ire of officials? We've all seen how track officials in the US have to be dragged kicking and screaming into situations that force them to go after affletes who are doping.

If Wariner hadn't been away from coach Clyde Hart for two seasons, even the doped up version of Merritt wouldn't have beaten him. I hope that Wariner's return to Hart and his training program get him back on course. I also hope officials come clean and give us the full "dope" on Merritt. Between the shysters and shylocks controlling media and sports and self-hating sh*tball wimps involved in same, it was almost sickening hearing them almost pray for some ***** to come along and knock Wariner off. Same thing we see in every other sport in America and most of the West today on a larger scale.
Welcome back Colonel Callan. Your insight into track and sports in general is always a joy to read. Your knowledge is amazing. Please post more. I know your a very busy man but we love having you here. Even if it's only on occasion. I agree with everything you said. Merritt even got into modeling in the last year because he wants to market his new muscular frame. What a joke!

Wariner seems to be postponing his season alot longer this year. I believe that Coach Hart knows what he is doing. Similar to Pickerings Coach, it will pay big dividends this summer as Wariner returns to form.
very good points being made, i wasnt aware of this guys sudden increase in size. DHEA would indeed help with loss of libido in athletes on steroids. I'm more suprised that he was bothering with roids tbh as there soooo much other stuff right now that 400m sprinters could be using at the moment without the side effects of roids and detection. Its a massive shame really as we definetly seem to be fighting a losing battle.
It truly is amazing. We all know, yet we're the crazy ones when we say Merritt is dirty and Michael Johnson is dirty, but Wariner is clean. Obviously, the 400 is a white man's event. The Jeremy Wariner effect has taken hold, and again the caste system will do everything they can to redouble and come back harder yet. Like Don said though, they can increase resistance to this rebirth in racial consciousness and awareness, but only we can gain followers at this point. Do whatever you can to spread the truth without becoming a martyr.
Hey guys. Wariner is running later today in the 400 meters at the Drake Relays from what I've been told. I haven't seen a starting list yet but I assume it's true. He needs to start getting some races under his belt before the summer hit. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping he does ok. I'm even more anxious to see him run a couple of deuces to see where he is at speed wise.
So, guys, do you think there's maybe a chance that Usuain Bolt may someday get busted for drugs (if he's indeed taking them, and I think he is), or is he too far entrenched in saint-dom now?
Don't know about Wariner at Drake--t and f is still in the stone ages as far as marketing goes. Athletes often won't commit themselves into the last minute, and, seeing as nothing is ever televised (especially not live), we're left reading the news later to find out if there was an event or not.

At any rate, the US chose Jordan Boase to run the 400 leg of its Distance Medley Relay at Penn. Quite an honor, although not quite as good as running the 4 by 4. Boase is a real talent.
GiovaniMarcon said:
So, guys, do you think there's maybe a chance that Usuain Bolt may someday get busted for drugs (if he's indeed taking them, and I think he is), or is he too far entrenched in saint-dom now?
Only the Jamaican Federation could protect him. From what I know of testing to avoid favoritism your sample is given a random number and then tested. Otherwise monkey business could occur with a sample with a famous athlete. It's similar to a drug screen for the police or doctors office.
The way athletes in certain "Third World" countries avoid testing is to have their Federation/officials simply state the athlete is out of town, off somewhere where there's no phone - or he's far away, and it will take a couple of days for him to return, what with poor travel options available, etc. Then you have the docs working to find ways around testing - sometimes just for the challenge, and crooked officials looking to keep the status quo by burying positive results in whatever fashion they can, if they can. It's highly unlikely Bolt is clean as anyone with a lick sense knows. With all the attention he's garnered for the sport, it's just as unlikely, at the moment, that a word would be said should a test turn up positive. It would disappear or a cover story would pop up necessitating a re-test that would exonerate him. Maybe down the line he'd have to face the music, but not right now. Merritt has a good chance of getting off IF they figure out a way to keep the DHEA story going, make people believe that's all he was taking. Which of course is silly. But you know the public. They still eat up whatever the media says when it comes to affletes.

I like to know Wariner's thoughts on this whole mess. I probably do know what he's thinking, vs what he'll be allowed to say.
Wariner opened up his outdoor season running a 45.47 today in P.Rico. He finished in 2nd place and he was not at full health. I'm suprised he ran with some injury issues. Overall though, he didn't look too bad. He has a long way to go to back to his form of several years ago. Good luck to Jeremy in getting back to being the best 400 meter sprinter in the world.
I heard a rumor he was hurt and was hoping it was just a rumor, I guess not. does anyone know whats wrong? I pray he has a speedy recovery. a season with no pressure is what he needs to get back on top, and he has it. let hope this injury doesn't F things up.
Wariner was injured and is trying to regain form. There are no "championship" meets this season, so he can work through if needed. If I were coaching him, I might have him skip the nationals (unless he recovered a lot of lost form over the next ten days). I did see remarks to the effect at the TAFNews board that Wariner is through. They are so hopeful that they forget that even when Jeremy was in peak form ('05 for example) he would lose some early season races to his training partner. A lot of whites are so brainwashed they feel a perverse pride in being negative toward their own.
forty-four said:
Looks like Jeremy's main comp, LaShawn Merritt, has been cheating!

Best news I've seen this year!
Merritt's downfall will be Wariner's redemption. This automatically makes Wariner the 400 meter top dog again.
Just watched the 400 of the Diamond League Shanghai. Wariner won comfortably over an extremely strong field. However, the time was poor for him (mid 45's). Of course, that means that all the other runners were even slower, so the announcers posited that it may have been wind-related. At any rate, a win over a strong field.

Young Ben Offereins of Australia also ran well--fading after a blazing first 200 to finish 4th, I think. He's up and coming.

Johann Wissman did not have a particularly good race.
Wariner won today in Rome running a worlds best time of the year of 44.73 seconds. A very good win for him. It was a close race but he got the victory. He is far from his peak condition but Jeremy has still won his last few races. Bigger and better things to come soon! Edited by: white lightning
I love Wariner, but he wasn't even the fastest white runner in this race. He only won because of a bizarre interruption on the outer lanes. Watch the video. Right around 200-250 meters, something happened. The runners in lanes 7, 8, and 9 all abruptly duck from something. The 7 and 8 runners both drop out immediately. The 9 runner is none other than the Belgian flash Borlee (I forget whether it's Kevin or Jonathan). He was running a brilliant race, possibly in the lead when the fiasco occurred, but then he ducks and comes to a nearly complete stop while looking behind himself to see what happened to the other runners. Incredibly, he resumed running and finished with a low 46. If it hadn't been for the interruption, Borlee probably would have won. As for Wariner, he still doesn't seem like the Jeremy of old. The announcers nailed it: Ordinarily, he would have been putting distance between himself and the field in the final 50 meters, but in this race, he was actually allowing other runners to catch up with him. Hopefully, he's rounding in the shape, but, in the meanwhile, I say keep a close eye on Borlee.
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