Vote them out.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Frosty Woolridge has the right idea.

If America is to survive this invasion, you, dear reader, you fellow voter, must stand up, speak out, and vote most incumbents out of office. Save Tom Tancredo, Steve King, Mike Price, Nathan Deal, J.D. Hayworth, Ron Paul, James Sensenbrenner and a few other patriots, we need to clean out the deadwood in the House and Senate.
Let's start with some of the big ones. Dick Mountjoy faces Dianne Feinstein of California in November while Ken Chase tries to unseat Ted Kennedy. Both enjoy a good chance of being elected because their opponents are two of the most vocal open-borders and amnesty-for-all advocates in the country.
These constitute two of the most important races in our nation in the upcoming election. Go after the big ones and the rest tumble like Humpty Dumpty.
All you conservatives and right wingers out there, make sure to get out and vote and encourage others to do likewise.

If you don't and a Democrat gets in they will quickly take away our freedoms and put those who oppose them in prison. They're evil and tyrannical people.
Just remember Republicans are part of the problem too. The Democrat/Republican two party system are just two sides of the same coin - both sides have sold out the country. It is nothing but a false dichotomy.

Also, I would start calling any acquaintances either Communist or Marxist if they identify as a liberal because even if they are left-center they are part of the problem and only "useful idiots" to the goals of the far left.
Physical removal of all those dinosaurs in Congress would be preferred. There should be limits on terms. No more lifetime politicians would be great. Make the Deep State at least work harder to rig elections.

That's if we're inclined to believe the old system is worth saving/preserving in current climate.
Just remember Republicans are part of the problem too. The Democrat/Republican two party system are just two sides of the same coin - both sides have sold out the country. It is nothing but a false dichotomy.

Also, I would start calling any acquaintances either Communist or Marxist if they identify as a liberal because even if they are left-center they are part of the problem and only "useful idiots" to the goals of the far left.

Yup many Republicucks preserve/conserve nothing. See Missouri as an example. Throwing the couple that simply stood their ground and held a weapon while being White to the masses. Tucker had him on his show last night. Turns out the witch that is the circuit attorney's campaign was 70% financed by Soros. Go figure.

Poor Tucker is off on a “trout fishing” expedition. I sure hope this trip doesn't include a re-education camp. He had to throw his top writer under the bus as well. I wont pretend to understand his contractual obligations but when the moment is right he had better jump ship and go full scorched earth, teaming up with the kid that made him in the first place.
Poor Tucker is off on a “trout fishing” expedition. I sure hope this trip doesn't include a re-education camp. He had to throw his top writer under the bus as well. I wont pretend to understand his contractual obligations but when the moment is right he had better jump ship and go full scorched earth, teaming up with the kid that made him in the first place.

I watched a video on RedIce the other day detailing the "crimes" Neff his writer committed. Big Deal made a few mild jokes..
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