Vitali VS. Haye

I see this fight ending in the 10th round. Haye will get destroyed. MSM will say he was not that good anyway. Then immediately start the drum beat that Eddie Chambers has the ability to beat both Vitali and Wlad. Rather than stating both Vitali and Wlad are the best heavyweights today and are building on something special. They continue to dominate and kick ass.
After Haye destruction, I would be pleasently surprised to see both brothers on the front of Sports Illustrated, below a caption that reads, "the worlds best Heavyweights and they are white!". I can only dream.
Haye is going into a career ending fight. I want Vitali to smash his face up real good. You just can't beat the 2 superhuman brothers. Sometimes I wonder about the Klitschko's? What human being on this earth could be built like a tank, hold 2 PHD's, and the greatest boxer in the heavyweight division?
If this fight really happens -and I'm still not sure it really will- Haye will get flattened inside of five. I saw pictures of Haye next to Wladimir and don't be fooled by thinking there is only 25 pounds between those two because Wladimir is much, much bigger than Haye. Vitali is even bigger and meaner than his brother. I imagine Haye saw the Chambers/Dimitrenko fight and thought: "I can do that!" Well he can't and his skinny neck won't let him take too many jabs let alone rights from the heavyweight king. Vitali on the other hand will be able to take everything Haye has to throw at him and walk right through him.
If this fight does happen I wouldn't be surprised to see Haye go back down to cruiserweight.
American Freedom News