US military intervention in Syria

If bombing Syria means we prevent Iran from building nukes, I am all for it

Anything to prevent another 9/11
If bombing Syria means we prevent Iran from building nukes, I am all for it

Anything to prevent another 9/11

What did Iran, a Shia theocracy, have to do with the Sunni fanatics who carried out 9/11? Iran should get nukes ASAP as we know the the Israeli lapdog known as the USA is going to attack it just like it did to Libya when that country gave up its WMD.
All this syria nonsense is just a ploy to take people's attention away from the fact our economy is in the toilet. Good jobs disapearing and deadend jobs on the upswing. Thousand of young people (college grads) unable to make the transition to adulthood, living endlessly with their adoring moms and dads, etc, etc., etc.

All this syria nonsense is just a ploy to take people's attention away from the fact our economy is in the toilet. Good jobs disapearing and deadend jobs on the upswing. Thousand of young people (college grads) unable to make the transition to adulthood, living endlessly with their adoring moms and dads, etc, etc., etc.


Sadly very true..
Have you guys seen President Putin's op-ed in the New York Times today? I really enjoyed reading it. He puts forth a logical argument and makes a strong effort for peace. He also takes a shot at the neo-con coined term, "American Exceptionalism", which I firmly agree with.

What is everyone's thoughts on Putin? Trust him? Good leader? Etc.
Putin is just looking out for his country's interest. And doing an infinitely better job than Oblummer. He is running circles around him (any shock?...not). Unfortunately, if Putin's success continues sooner or later his accomplished "interests" will be a detriment to the rudderless ship called USS Amerika. We are the laughing joke of the world. The star of david is getting nervous.
Armenian Christian civilians are being attacked by Al Qaeda gangs in Kesab, Syria.

The US is showing its control over everyone, going to Orthodox Christian nations and telling them to stop Russia from flying over their airspace.
It's all orchestrated. Destabilize the country by demonizing Assad and importing mercenaries and weaponry, then label them "freedom fighters". Then create various crisis and false flags, basically create "ISIS/ISIL" and the hordes of "refugees" to screw up stupid socialist western democracies.
It's all orchestrated. Destabilize the country by demonizing Assad and importing mercenaries and weaponry, then label them "freedom fighters". Then create various crisis and false flags, basically create "ISIS/ISIL" and the hordes of "refugees" to screw up stupid socialist western democracies.

Sounds "par for the course" via the 'usual' (globalist) suspects.
The network news shows every day feature stories on the refugees invading Europe. They are always sympathetic to the refugees and hostile to any attempts by European governments to limit the invasion. It's pure one-sided emotional propaganda.

What's never mentioned is that these refugees are fleeing wars started by, or at the very least exacerbated by, unwarranted U.S. military intervention. We've yet to see a sympathetic story on the plight of civilians in the countries Washington is bombing or has bombed, while they're still in those countries (such as Iraq); but when they get to Europe all of a sudden they're all angels deserving of an open borders welcome.
The network news shows every day feature stories on the refugees invading Europe. They are always sympathetic to the refugees and hostile to any attempts by European governments to limit the invasion. It's pure one-sided emotional propaganda.

What's never mentioned is that these refugees are fleeing wars started by, or at the very least exacerbated by, unwarranted U.S. military intervention. We've yet to see a sympathetic story on the plight of civilians in the countries Washington is bombing or has bombed, while they're still in those countries (such as Iraq); but when they get to Europe all of a sudden they're all angels deserving of an open borders welcome.

Funny that they all seem to be military age young males. What, women and children don't flee?

The end of western Europe and the final solution to the goyim problem.

All you need to do is compare the racial types that the USSSA occupational government is fighting against with the reptiles in Washington-Aviv.... like President Barryetta and her tranny "wife" Michael-Michelle, with Dr. Assad and Putin and you know all you need to know about what's what.
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Pentagon is all bent out of shape over the air strikes that they say were aimed at Assad enemies, not ISIS. Last time I looked, the "rebels" and al queda/ISIS were and are one and the same. Get ready for lots of sabre rattling and indignation from the PTB
It's honestly refreshing to see Putin take action here. I am not a war hawking neo-con in anyway but the current mess in the middle east was created by the current USSA administration in power. They have created the civil unrest and power vacuum that is now allowing for the flow of non-whites - muslims, sub-sahran africans into European countries. The USSA has vilified Assad while trying to support the "rebels" which include supposed enemies of this country - namely Al Qaeda and ISIS. Putin seems to play by his own rule book - unfettered by the backwards moral compass of the pussified western countries. I hope he introduces total warfare into Syria to help blast the religious fanatical muslim mongrels off the face of the earth. He is doing something to address the actual symptom of the droves of non-white invaders of Europe hiding under the label of refugees.
Pentagon is all bent out of shape over the air strikes that they say were aimed at Assad enemies, not ISIS. Last time I looked, the "rebels" and al queda/ISIS were and are one and the same. Get ready for lots of sabre rattling and indignation from the PTB

You are correct sir!
I''ve done some brief research on Syria and found it interesting the Al Assad family that has been in power since the 70s is a minority Islamic sect called Alawites. They're only 12% of Syria's population but have ruled ever since French took a liking to them in 30s and 40s to corral Sunni majority.

Anyways it looks like the Alawites are Caucasian. Noticeable difference between their appearance and appearances of Sunni Syrians..
I'm no fan of Syrian refugees flooding the West but as Don mentioned. The US military complex is direct cause of this mass migration. Bomb their cities to **** what do we expect?
I''ve done some brief research on Syria and found it interesting the Al Assad family that has been in power since the 70s is a minority Islamic sect called Alawites. They're only 12% of Syria's population but have ruled ever since French took a liking to them in 30s and 40s to corral Sunni majority.

Anyways it looks like the Alawites are Caucasian. Noticeable difference between their appearance and appearances of Sunni Syrians..

All Syrians are Caucasians, some are just paler than others. Assad's wife Asma is from a Sunni family but she looks almost exactly like one of my aunts.
Middle Eastern women are often very personable, pretty and feminine.

However, I've found most Middle Eastern men to be jackasses.
Middle Eastern women are often very personable, pretty and feminine.

However, I've found most Middle Eastern men to be jackasses.

That 1st part is largely subjective, but I'll take the 2nd as fact. ;-)

Nah, there's pretty women of all races...but Whites have the highest percentage (by a long shot). :)
So...Putin was right and ISIS should be bombed in Syria? That means US Gov policy, media saber-rattling, and politician pandering was wrong. The US is on the wrong side in that conflict. Expect apologies from Obama, Fox News, the NY Times, John McCain, nearly every R running for President any time now. :icon_rolleyes: