US Flag Merchant Ship Hijacked!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Hey it was nice to see that the president has a set. I'm surprised he didn't try his great oratory skills. You know "ummm we coulllld tryy and negotiate with these reasonable men" Or even his "Hi I'm Barrack Obama" I'm running for president earnestness.
On a more serious note. I have never seen an Olympic medalist that was black in any of the shooting events. They are all White or East Asian.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Menelik said:
Tom Iron said:

The chances of the sniper being other than White are near zero.

Tom Iron...

Not true. When I went to sniper school at Ft. Benning back in 83 there were quite a few black soldiers there. I'm just glad that the Capt. was rescued. That is was this thread is about isnt it?

Did you have to swim? SEALS have to be good in the water. That would lessen the chnce of there being a black sniper.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

That's interesting. I never saw a black guy who could shoot past low sharpshooter. But, as jaxvid said, they have to be swimmers to be SEALS. That'd pretty much cancel out any chance that the sniper were black.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
It was amazing that all of those african clowns were sniped at the same moment from an incredible distance. One buffoon was looking out the window, and two had their heads sticking out of the boat for air.

Shockingly, I havent heard any Obongo supporters suggest how "cruel" and "inhumane" this action was. I suppose ordering 3 murders is OK when you're a member of God's chosen race (or in his case, half of it).

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Madam President ordered the sniping of these villians...I'm just surprised that he did so without trying other more wimpy methods first.

Conversely, a little PC girly like John McCain would have tried to "talk it out" or simply given them the ransom. Unlike Obama, McCain's every move would have been under intense scrutiny from the News Jews...and he would have yielded to their every command.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Very happy for Captain Phillips and his family.

I guess a mention should be given to the on-scene commander who is characterized as making a split-second decision to take out the pirates. From a Reuters article:


A U.S. Navy commander made a split-second decision to fire on the pirates because he believed that Phillips, who tried to escape on Friday, faced imminent danger amid tense hostage talks with his captors and deteriorating sea conditions.

"They were pointing the AK-47s at the captain," Vice Admiral William Gortney, head of the U.S. Naval Central Command, said in a Pentagon briefing from Bahrain. "The on-scene commander took it as the captain was in imminent danger and then made that decision (to kill the pirates) and he had the authorities to make that decision and he had seconds to make that decision."

President Barack Obama granted the Pentagon's request for standing authority to use appropriate force to save the life of the captain, Gortney said.

The U.S. Navy 5th Fleet in Bahrain said the rescue took place at 12:19 p.m. EDT (1619 GMT) and the lifeboat had drifted to about 20 miles from lawless Somalia's

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this was posted over at Stormfront, so take that into account. however, it paints a very different picture of the "Messiah's" role in the SEALs' saving of Captain Phillips.

the meat of the message:
Having spoken to some SEAL pals here in Virginia Beach yesterday and asking why this thing dragged out for 4 days, I got the following:

1. BHO wouldn't authorize the DEVGRU/NSWC SEAL teams to the scene for 36 hours going against OSC (on scene commander) recommendation.

2. Once they arrived, BHO imposed restrictions on their ROE that they couldn't do anything unless the hostage's life was in "imminent" danger

3. The first time the hostage jumped, the SEALS had the raggies all sighted in, but could not fire due to ROE restriction

4. When the navy RIB came under fire as it approached with supplies, no fire was returned due to ROE restrictions. As the raggies were shooting at the RIB, they were exposed and the SEALS had them all dialed in.

5. BHO specifically denied two rescue plans developed by the Bainbridge CPN and SEAL teams

6. Bainbridge CPN and SEAL team CDR finally decide they have the OpArea and OSC authority to solely determine risk to hostage. 4 hours later, 3 dead raggies

7. BHO immediately claims credit for his "daring and decisive" behaviour. As usual with him, it's BS.

So per our last email thread, I'm downgrading Oohbaby's performace to D-. Only reason it's not an F is that the hostage survived.

Read the following accurate account.

Philips' first leap into the warm, dark water of the Indian Ocean hadn't worked out as well. With the Bainbridge in range and a rescue by his country's Navy possible, Philips threw himself off of his lifeboat prison, enabling Navy shooters onboard the destroyer a clear shot at his captors  and none was taken.

The guidance from National Command Authority  the president of the United States, Barack Obama  had been clear: a peaceful solution was the only acceptable outcome to this standoff unless the hostage's life was in clear, extreme danger.

The next day, a small Navy boat approaching the floating raft was fired on by the Somali pirates  and again no fire was returned and no pirates killed. This was again due to the cautious stance assumed by Navy personnel thanks to the combination of a lack of clear guidance from Washington and a mandate from the commander in chief's staff not to act until Obama, a man with no background of dealing with such issues and no track record of decisiveness, decided that any outcome other than a "peaceful solution" would be acceptable.

After taking fire from the Somali kidnappers again Saturday night, the onscenecommander decided he'd had enough.

Keeping his authority to act in the case of a clear and present danger to the hostage's life and having heard nothing from Washington since yet another request to mount a rescue operation had been denied the day before, the Navy officer  unnamed in all media reports to date  decided the AK47 one captor had leveled at Philips' back was a threat to the hostage's life and ordered the NSWC team to take their shots.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Getting back to shooting. I thought the snipers made some incredible shots from the way things were reported.
My God, we're talking twenty five yards with night vision gear and an outstanding riflemen. Don't give me any baloney about the sea. Anyone who is called a "sniper" and misses that shot at twenty five yards, after taking up a good position should be ashamed of themselves. Lord, everything's BS in this country.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tom Iron said:

Getting back to shooting. I thought the snipers made some incredible shots from the way things were reported.
My God, we're talking twenty five yards with night vision gear and an outstanding riflemen. Don't give me any baloney about the sea. Anyone who is called a "sniper" and misses that shot at twenty five yards, after taking up a good position should be ashamed of themselves. Lord, everything's BS in this country.

Tom Iron...

You've never been on a boat in the middle of a heaving pitching sea.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Yes I have sir, and We're talking about 25 yrds here. Plus, in this case we're not talking about a boat. The captain was on a boat. The marksmen were on a ship. Two completely different things.

I'm not looking to argue. I'll drop this now, but I'm talking about all the BS, nothing else.

I'm as happy for the captain as anyone else.

Tom Iron...