Hall of Famer
Me neither, but I think I already made that clear.
White_Savage said:Note: I am not particularly defending any kind of miscengenation, just pointing out it is biologically impossible for a White male to "brown" the White race. They can only "White" other people. Only a White woman can produce White or mixed children. Biologically speaking, a woman is very limited in here offspring, while a man has several billion rounds to fire off. This is the basic biological root of a historical double standard, which in light of understanding, is justifiable.
Triad said:While the gender of the individual mixing races may matter to some in a psychological way, there is no genetic or biological difference. Do a Punnett square and see for yourself. The offspring is mixed, their genes are half one race and half another. The dark race is lightened and the white is darkened. The effects of miscegenation on society are the same regardless of who is doing the mixing - males or females.
gsm1988 said:I don't mean to jump on anyone's toes, but can you tell me what exactly what it is that you hate about miscegenation? Do you consider it to be morally evil? Some of you won't like me saying this, but I have never had a problem with inter-racial relationships. You can talk about "psychological brainwashing" all you want, but people will choose who they want to be with, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Just my opinion.I'm not trying to rile up or make anyone angry by talking about this, I'm just trying to get an understanding of what you believe in and why.
White Shogun said:gsm1988 said:I don't mean to jump on anyone's toes, but can you tell me what exactly what it is that you hate about miscegenation? Do you consider it to be morally evil? Some of you won't like me saying this, but I have never had a problem with inter-racial relationships. You can talk about "psychological brainwashing" all you want, but people will choose who they want to be with, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Just my opinion.I'm not trying to rile up or make anyone angry by talking about this, I'm just trying to get an understanding of what you believe in and why.
How will we be able to celebrate our diversity if we're all the same color?
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:My marriage to a half-Japanese girl makes my feelings known. Nothing you say is changing my mind, and as long as the racial purity people stay away from me and mine, we'll get along just fine in open-carry Virginia.
waterbed said:man I saw a picture of his wife and she is very lightskinned. so I think their childs look like average white kids.D'ont forget afro's have a lot of non black admixture espacially that women.