Urlacher's half black child


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Me neither, but I think I already made that clear.


White_Savage said:
Note: I am not particularly defending any kind of miscengenation, just pointing out it is biologically impossible for a White male to "brown" the White race. They can only "White" other people. Only a White woman can produce White or mixed children. Biologically speaking, a woman is very limited in here offspring, while a man has several billion rounds to fire off. This is the basic biological root of a historical double standard, which in light of understanding, is justifiable.

Triad said:
While the gender of the individual mixing races may matter to some in a psychological way, there is no genetic or biological difference. Do a Punnett square and see for yourself. The offspring is mixed, their genes are half one race and half another. The dark race is lightened and the white is darkened. The effects of miscegenation on society are the same regardless of who is doing the mixing - males or females.

At the risk of lending more fuel to the fires of eugenicist pseudo-science, I'll lend my opinion that White_Savage is actually sort of correct in qualifying between male- and female-specific miscegeny. It's been said that the bodies of a species are a physical record of the minds of it's females. I think that might have been Darwin himself...not really sure.

Further, mitochondrial DNA is passed exclusively through matrilineal inheritance. See: Endosymbiotic Theory. I didn't major in molecular biology or nothin', but from my understanding, mitochondria are exclusively responsible for the production of ATP (what biologists, without hyperbole, call "molecular currency") as well as governing such key organic functions as cell death & proliferation, steroid & heme synthesis, cellular redox, as well as in specialized functions within organa (an example they tell you in highschool is that the liver's ability to detoxify ammonia is a function of liver cells' mitochondria.) If DNA is a roadmap, then mitochondria really are the engines and of our bodies. Objectively, Brian's kid is more "Black" than Heidi's.

So, if 3 or 4 times more Black Men go for White Women than the converse, who's breeding out whom?Edited by: JerveyGotGypped

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It's what sphere of circles socio-economically the children run in. The higher the whiter(in general). Eventually the children's children will get absorbed into the larger community. Wilkopedia has stories of formerly black families over so many generations becoming white and in Latin America this is quite common. A famous case of this was the offspring of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. One set of descendants became NYC wasp elite.Edited by: white is right


Jul 30, 2007
I don't mean to jump on anyone's toes, but can you tell me what exactly what it is that you hate about miscegenation? Do you consider it to be morally evil? Some of you won't like me saying this, but I have never had a problem with inter-racial relationships. You can talk about "psychological brainwashing" all you want, but people will choose who they want to be with, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Just my opinion.

I'm not trying to rile up or make anyone angry by talking about this, I'm just trying to get an understanding of what you believe in and why.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
My problem with miscegenation is that it can never produce a white baby.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
gsm1988 said:
I don't mean to jump on anyone's toes, but can you tell me what exactly what it is that you hate about miscegenation? Do you consider it to be morally evil? Some of you won't like me saying this, but I have never had a problem with inter-racial relationships. You can talk about "psychological brainwashing" all you want, but people will choose who they want to be with, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Just my opinion.I'm not trying to rile up or make anyone angry by talking about this, I'm just trying to get an understanding of what you believe in and why.

How will we be able to celebrate our diversity if we're all the same color?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
C Darwin and White Shogun, both great posts. I wonder if the trolls have released another upon us?


Oct 20, 2006
Most normal people try to pass on their racial identity, culture, religion,
and way of life to their kids. Miscegenators don't care about this or the
future in general. I can't tell you how many people I have seen who have
a mixed marriage of some sort (usually white guy asian girl) who transfer
none of this to their kids--no religion, no sure identity, no single culture,
no nothing. They are just happy to hook up with somebody--anybody!

I also can't tell you how many times I have heard people say that all that
stuff doesn't matter--all that matters is that so and so is a good guy/gal
and treats you well. Man, what a low standard! It used to be that so and
so would have to treat you well, be the same race, religion, nationality,
etc. Its just another indication of the cultural free-fall we are in. I mean,
if you are white, its not too hard to find a white date! Ask yourself about
what you are going to hand down to the next generation.

Of course, if you are not going to hand anything down by not having kids,
then still set a good example for others of your kind. Old-fashioned, but
good advice. Besides, the more you have in common with your other half,
the easier it is to stay together. Miscegenation is mostly for the
desperate, dumb, and instant gratification crowd. No wonder our culture
is so debased--people are trying to get status and identity from money,
physical pleasure, and entertainment, because they have ditched
everything that defines a culture. Ass clowns.Edited by: PitBull

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Gentlemen, Excellent posts.

It's my view that a lot of this stuff has to do with our White women acting in a manner that drives men away. Who wants a competitor for a mate? I'm not a young guy, but what I hear in the change shanty in the morning about our young women is incredible. I wouldn't want to be around such people as these young women either. I'm not for dating and marrying outside my race either, but at some point, I guess young guys get fed up with all the baloney from the women they meet. From what I understand, many young guys end up on foreign co,puter dating sites looking for a women as well. They want a woman who acts like a woman. That's the problem I think.

A good friend of mine has tried everything. He'll get a woman's phone # and when he calls, they're either not home and he leaves a message that they don't respond to, or if they answer, they start all this garbage about how it's not a "good time" for her, etc. What's that? Why the hell did she give him her phone # to begin with? He went to one of these dating things where you all sit down and talk to each other for 8 mins. and then rotate to another woman for eight mins. The women acted like such maniacs that when it was over, the woman who ran the thing emailed the men and apologized for getting such a collection of nuts together.

I'm glad I'm married to a wonderful woman and don't have to put up with this baloney. That's not to say we don't have our problems either, but when we fight, we know we're not going for each others throats, we're just having a disagreement, and in the end, we'll just be on to something else.

Tom Iron...
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Tom Iron

I agree with alot of what you say. I am in that boat I suppose. My wife is Australian (serbian-Greek origin) and I am American. I met my wife when I was in the Marines. I could not believe how well she treated me. I still love our American women I suppose considering my mom, my aunts,cousins etc are all American. However there has been a downward spiral in my opinion in regards to their culture. In fact I would say that I have little in common with most american white women. I dated several before settling down. We liked different music, different movies, different dress, different philosophy of life, diffent ethics. When I was with one I often thought to myself WOW! This is weird, I have 0 in common with these chicks. Now don't get me wrong, I am sure there are American girls out there that I would have things in common with (the women in my family have alot in common with me so I am sure there is obviously other women that are not related to me that would have similar inclinations)them.
It is much different in Australia. For the most part Australian women regardless of their particular european ethnicity still love European-Australian men. Also, MTV culture has much less of an effect on Australian culture. I suppose if you look hard enough you can still see it in certain circles but it is out weighed by strong fathers in the home that lead the family in the way a family needs to be led.
In fact I encourage any Euro American out there to take a surf on the net for the single section in the Australian singles adds. Living in Australia is probably like living in the states was like in the Late 60's.
I know I went on a bit of a rant but I love this nation of Australia. This is my country now. Australia has accepted me as one of it's own sons and for this I have nothing but love for her.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Tyna Robertson, the black slut who is currently battling Urlacher over custody of theirson, just lost a defamation suit in Los Angeleswhen Irish dancer Michael Flatleysued after she claimed he raped her in a Las Vegas hotel room. Flatley was awarded $11 million in damages. The judge in the case ruled that Robertson made the false allegations to extort money from Flatley.


Nov 15, 2007
White Shogun said:
gsm1988 said:
I don't mean to jump on anyone's toes, but can you tell me what exactly what it is that you hate about miscegenation? Do you consider it to be morally evil? Some of you won't like me saying this, but I have never had a problem with inter-racial relationships. You can talk about "psychological brainwashing" all you want, but people will choose who they want to be with, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Just my opinion.I'm not trying to rile up or make anyone angry by talking about this, I'm just trying to get an understanding of what you believe in and why.

How will we be able to celebrate our diversity if we're all the same color?

hahahah!!!!!!! by far the funniest joke ive read in a long time! kudos.
Sep 24, 2006
My marriage to a half-Japanese girl makes my feelings known. Nothing you say is changing my mind, and as long as the racial purity people stay away from me and mine, we'll get along just fine in open-carry Virginia.

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
Knowing all of this I care even less about Urlacher and I didn't even know he existed before someone around here brought his name up last year.

People that mix do not have a desire and affection for their own kind. How can I trust a man who doesn't like himself?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I think Urlacher was star f#cked more than anything else in this case. There is no way he would want to have a child with a woman that is using the child as spring board to the upper middle class.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
My marriage to a half-Japanese girl makes my feelings known. Nothing you say is changing my mind, and as long as the racial purity people stay away from me and mine, we'll get along just fine in open-carry Virginia.

No problem here at all with that. I have seen and met alot of racially mixed Asian/White women and most of them are very beautiful and I suspect your wife falls in the same category.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
man I saw a picture of his wife and she is very lightskinned. so I think their childs look like average white kids
.D'ont forget afro's have a lot of non black admixture espacially that women.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
waterbed said:
man I saw a picture of his wife and she is very lightskinned. so I think their childs look like average white kids
.D'ont forget afro's have a lot of non black admixture espacially that women.

I believe the woman you're talking about is his ex-wife, who is white. They divorced but got back together after she gave birth to his child at about the same time Tyna Robertson had Urlacher's mixed-race child. This is Tyna Robertson:

Edited by: Don Wassall