University of Alabama-Huntsville Shooting


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Well, almost from the outset, they made it into an anti-southern story, claiming that the profs in the department didn't like the killer because she's a yankee educated at Harvard. That is until they found out the victims/profs were all black, so now the killer isn't being discriminated against, she's the one doing the discriminating. So it is within the "news" media in modern day AmeriKa.

From James Edwards' blog.

<h2>Backward Southerners blamed for UAH shooting</h2>
Category: <a href="" target="_blank">A
Conversation About Race</a>, Blacks, <a href="" target="_blank">Hatred
Of White People</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Racism

Amy Bishop, a female professor, shot and killed three of her
colleagues at the University of Alabama at Huntsville on Friday. She
had made no secret of the fact that she was angry that she had been
denied tenure, and one of her victims had described her as not right in
the head. And now we find out that back in 1986 she shot and killed her
own brother. Clearly the woman is a psychopath, but that's not good
enough for the liberals and blacks in the media. The shooting happened
in the South, so there has to be some way to blame it on Southerners,
even though Amy Bishop is from Massachusetts. It didn't take long for
the hate spinning to begin. <a href=";entry_id=57192" target="_blank">Here's
one black "journalist"Â￾ weighing in:</a>

Since Amy Bishop's not yet entered a plea regarding the
murder charge, and the "person of interest"Â￾ is still outstanding, we
can't be absolute in our discussion of what happened. But what's clear
to this blogger is there's a weird "Southern"Â￾ issue with a
"Harvard-trained"Â￾ professor. The Alabama media stuck that tag as if to
imply it had something to do with her alleged shooting of the three
faculty members.

But the reference may be a clue to another problem: Dr. Bishop may
have experienced a kind of anti-intellectual prejudice from the
University of Alabama-Huntsville culture that could have just driven
Bishop batty. A "You think you're better than us because you're from
Harvard"Â￾ attitude that may very well have blocked her from fair
consideration by her peers.

I think there's something there worth investigating. This is not to
excuse the action of murder, but an honest, cold, read of the situation
with the current available information would lead a reasonable person to
think Bishop was being discriminated against in the way I described.
What's the point of mentioning that she's "Harvard-trained"Â￾?</blockquote>

I sometimes think all black professionals should have to wear a badge
saying "Warning: I'm An Unqualified Affirmative Action Moron. Deal
With Me At Your Own Risk."Â￾ This guy should certainly have to wear one.
Yeah, "the Alabama media"Â￾ pointed out that she was Harvard trained
because they're a bunch of backward yahoos who hate Yankees. And the
Alabama media's approach is reflective of a larger "weird ‘Southern'
issue"Â￾ with people who went to Harvard, which is why she didn't get
tenure. What an imbecile. I guess the New York Times is now
part of "the Alabama media"Â￾, since <a href="" target="_blank">they also
brought up the Harvard connection right away</a>:

On Friday, this city of rocket scientists and brainy
inventors was stunned when a neuroscientist with a Harvard Ph.D. was
arrested in the shooting deaths of three of her colleagues after she was
denied tenure.</blockquote>

If you still don't think this guy's a complete imbecile, then look at
the "Southerners"Â￾ in the biology department that Amy Bishop killed for
denying her tenure. By "Southern"Â￾, he means white Southerners, of
course. Unfortunately for this black Einstein, none of the dead
professors were white people from the South. <a href="" target="_blank">One
was Gopi Podila,</a> from India, who headed the biology department in
this university in a backward Southern state. One dead professor was <a href="" target="_blank">a
black man, Adriel Johnson.</a> And the other murder victim <a href="" target="_blank">was
a black female, Maria Ragland Davis.</a>

Yeah, I think I know who's got a "weird Southern issue."Â￾

Of course, once it became known that the victims were non-whites, you
where this was headed. Yep. Amy Bishop isn't a psychopath;
she's a racist. <a href=";offset=9&amp;scp=8&amp;sq=amy%20bishop%20harvard&amp;st=cse" target="_blank">Here's
a comment from a NYT article</a>:


north carolina

February 13th, 2010

12:15 pm

The faculty members who were killed were people of color. The
accused, a minority in the department, ensured that the chair and the
African Americans were dead. The tragedy is the sense of entitlement
that the majority population in this country sometimes feels, to the
point to taking lives of "the other"Â￾.</blockquote>

And that comment was "Recommended by 9 Readers."Â￾

No matter what the facts of a horrific story are, liberals and
non-whites can always spin it in order to attack whites. Before it was
reported that the dead professors weren't white, the story was that
Bishop had probably been pushed over the edge by "Southerners"Â￾ who
discriminated against her because she was a Yankee. When it comes out
that the victims were all non-whites, it's now because Bishop was a

Yeah, I guess that's why she killed her own brother, because she's a


Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Yankee, Racist. Doesn't mean anything to me.

How many rounds did she use. That's the important part.

Tom Iron...

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
You've heard of "postal service rage". "black rage",---welcome to a possible case of "elite Jewish rage."

Bishop is jewish, a daughter of a wealthy father from Massachusetts. She was able to attain a prestigiouseducation at Harvard.

Turns out she was only an average professor, so she was denied tenure. [see modifications /retractions in my posts below--SK]

However--perhaps because she was jewish--she could not contain her rage that Gentiles--especially brown and black gentiles--were being ranked ahead of her. So perhaps shewassaw herself asenactinga righteous jewish vengeance against the goyim.

Sometimes it seems that if a Jewish person does not get a prestigious position, it'streated asa major league injustice, an anti-semitic slur of the first magnitude.

It also shows the negative consequences for Jews of affirmative action. Since the 1950's jews have beena major force for affirmative action and mass immigrationfor blacks and third-worlders, especially in higher education. The idea apparently was to diminish white christians and take up the chairs in the universities.

Now affirmative action and mass immigration are starting to hurt the Jews. Shakaleisha Jackson and Sanjay Choudry are being promoted. Oops--that means fewer seats for Jews!

Then there's her weird past--she apparently accidentally killed her brother--with three shots from a shotgun. Mysteriously, no charges were leveled. it was dropped--a three shot accident!

she also apparently has somesuspected relationto a mysterious pipe-bomb incident/apparent frame-up circa 93.

Colonel, you are spot on about the media looking for an "evil southerner" , "evil white" angle to this story.

She was apparently a mediocre Jewish professor angered because "they" "dared" to deny her tenure. [see retractions/modifications in my posts below--SK]

Edited by: Solomon Kane


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for the info about the killer's race, Solomon Kane! Pertinent info that I was unaware of.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I had been wondering if she was Jewish. She shot and killed her brother Seth (often a Jewish name) some years back but it was ruled accidental, and she was a suspect in another shooting after that.


Apr 6, 2007
Tom Iron said:
Yankee, Racist. Doesn't mean anything to me.

How many rounds did she use. That's the important part.

Tom Iron...

How so?


Mar 23, 2009
Menelik said:
Tom Iron said:
Yankee, Racist. Doesn't mean anything to me. How many rounds did she use. That's the important part. Tom Iron...
<div> </div>
<div>How so?</div>

I would imagine he means that the consequences are more important than the blame game. However, it seems ironic that the media tried to turn it into the blame game and a crazed Jew turned out to be the killer. I wonder how they'll spin that.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
StarWars said:
I would imagine he means that the consequences are more important than the blame game. However, it seems ironic that the media tried to turn it into the blame game and a crazed Jew turned out to be the killer. I wonder how they'll spin that.

They'll spin it by ignoring it.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

People should learn to shoot properly and not squander ammunition. The rule of thumb for White people should be, one round, one kill. I always faulted Bernie Goetz for using all that ammo and not killing even one of those bums on the subway.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Don Wassall said:
I had been wondering if she was Jewish.  She shot and killed her brother Seth (often a Jewish name) some years back but it was ruled accidental, and she was a suspect in another shooting after that. 

I also thought this rabid feminazi might have been a Jew. I've also heard that Huntsville has a significant number of Jewish faculty, which is par for the course..
Nov 8, 2006
Agreed on the ammo issue. A single shot rifle is far more dangerous than a "spray and pray" assault weapon...especially in the right hands. Gun fetishism and "you'll need at least 10,000 rounds of ammo!" are the calling cards of the hobbyist.

We should all spend some time learning to shoot/hunt. It's an enjoyable activity and who knows when it might come in useful. Make no mistake, the jewish contempt for life, especially White life, is a very real thing.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Pretty good shooting if she did all that on one clip. That's Clint Eastwood type of accuracy.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
<H1>more from a boston newspaper (the herald): apparently her politics were far-left and very pro-Obama. i think part of article this got clipped (my apologies)</H1>
<H1>‘Oddball' portrait of Amy Bishop emerges </H1>
<H2>Suspect's family, pals offer clues </H2>
<DIV id=bylineArea>By Laurel J. Sweet, Jessica Van Sack, Jessica Fargen and Ira Kantor
Monday, February 15, 2010 - Updated 1d 7h ago

<DIV id=bylineBio style="DISPLAY: none">
<!-- < ="text/" =";=website&amp;Text=Share&amp;s=true&amp;style=rotate">
-->hooBuzzArticleHeadline = "‘Oddball' portrait of Amy Bishop emerges "; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =
<DIV id=ratingDiv>As authorities searched for clues into what could have sent a University of Alabama neurobiology professor on an alleged killing spree, friends and family yesterday described Braintree native Amy Bishop as an awkward introvert on the brink of losing her teaching job.
<DIV id=articleFull ="articleFull">

Bishop's husband, James Anderson, told the Herald his wife had been fighting the university for over a year about a tenure denial, and several months ago received a final decision. She was upset, but not overly emotional, approaching her appeal "like a game of chess,"Â he said.

Police in Huntsville, Ala., charged Bishop, 44, with capital murder after she allegedly opened fire on six colleagues at a faculty meeting Friday, killing three. Afterward, she calmly called her husband and asked him to pick her up as if nothing had happened, said police Chief Henry Reyes.
She was an oddball - just not very sociable,"Â said Sylvia Fluckiger, a former lab technician who worked with Bishop in 1993.

Bishop acknowledged at the time being questioned in the bombing attempt of a Harvard medical doctor evaluating her on doctorate work, a professor with whom Bishop was known to quarrel, Fluckiger said.

Reyes confirmed he is working with the FBI to learn more about why Bishop was a suspect in the attempted bombing of Dr. Paul Rosenberg, who received a double-pipe bomb in the mail on Dec. 19, 1993. He ran from his Newton home with his wife, escaping without injury. The bomb never exploded.

"She was quite cavalier about it,"Â Fluckiger said of Bishop's description of her interview with police. She said Bishop "grinned"Â as she described being asked by cops whether she'd ever taken stamps off an envelope and fastened them onto something else. "I cannot tell you what the grin meant,"Â Fluckiger said.

Seven years prior, Bishop shot her brother to death in Braintree in an incident that was ruled an accident at the time.

But Braintree police Chief Paul Frazier has raised questions about the handling of the case, and officials are investigating missing records in the 1986 death of 18-year-old Seth Bishop.

A classmate of Seth Bishop's recalled yesterday that the boy, who was "painfully shy,"Â never talked about his older, only sibling.

"It was as if he was a complete stranger in her life. It seemed like a dysfunctional family. We just accepted them as being odd,"Â said the classmate, who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity.

Amy Bishop, he said, "wasn't mean because she wasn't someone you could get close to. She wasn't an attractive girl, she didn't have friends. She didn't work at having friends. I think people probably, over time, learned to leave her alone."Â

The Bishop household, he said, "was anything but a home . . . It was just a really dreary, dark place where there wasn't a lot of love."Â

Meanwhile, in an interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, Anderson said he was searching for the "trigger"Â to his wife's breakdown, and that he wondered whether an e-mail message - potentially in the form of a final tenure denial - might have upset her, because university higher-ups were known to send "nastygrams"Â on Fridays.

A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was "obsessed"Â with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.

But Mercedes Paz, a Brookline biochemist who also oversaw Bishop's work in 1993, described her as a friend and a likable woman.
<DIV id=articleSidebar style="DISPLAY: none">
<DIV id=sidebarer>Quincy man recalls Bishop holdup:
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<LI>+ Quincy man recalls Bishop holdup </LI>[/list]
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<DIV id=articleCommentsTease> (370) Comments|Post / Read Comments
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<H1>‘</H1>Edited by: Solomon Kane


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
SK, you beat me to the punch in posting that. I'm sure the PTB are PO'd it's not a "dangerous right-wing" White man, so they could utilize for more propaganda & police-state bolstering.

***FYI, here's the link to that article...

***Reference articleEdited by: DixieDestroyer


Dec 11, 2004
The Indian and blacks denied her tenure because she was white according to them. Her work was much better than the dothead who was chairman. She had developed a device to replace the petri dish. The blacks killed were not close to her equal academically but had tenure. I hate liberal whites/Jews especially those who supported Obama. But this women was denied tenure IMO, because she was perceived by non-whites as white. Finally, a white/Jew answered discrimination with more than turning the other cheek.


Dec 11, 2004
Solomon Kane;

I'm sure I would despise this lady if I ever had to work with her. However, I have spent time on the net reading about her work and there's no way she was not superior academically to the people whom she shot. She may have been a fanatic Hussein Obamination supporter. But the shock of being denied tenure (despite her sick politics),opened her eyes to how no amount of ass kissing of blacks will impress them. Even if she was a jew, she was denied tenure because she was perceived as white therefore, I'm not upset she shot these pseudo- academics.


Apr 6, 2007
jwhite96 said:
Solomon Kane;

Even if she was a jew, she was denied tenure because she was perceived as white therefore, I'm not upset she shot these pseudo- academics.

Do you have any proof that they were in fact pseudo-academics?


Dec 11, 2004
Why is it important? Bishop was a sick, vile person but it doesn't mean she was very bright. But since you want "proof" :Bishop had more publications and was first author which is by far the prestigious author. Being first author indicates the person whose idea the study was, who was the main designer of the study protocol. Bishop had 4 years as a fellow at Harvard following completing her Ph.D. Was on faculty of Harvard Med school for one year. The Indian chairman has less publications was the first author on 2 research studies. His credentials were less impressive unless you think Michigan Tech, and Indiana State University are as impressive as Harvard. As for the 2 black professors , I have better things to do than search for their credentials. I assumed if an IQ of 130 is usually required to be a successful researcher and academic in the "hard"Â￾ sciences and there probably less than 1000 blacks in the entire country who have an IQ of 130 or above and they would be in greater demand at much better schools. So I don't have proof the black professors weren't future Nobel prize winners. I also know the standards for blacks having tenure are very watered down. Haven't you ever heard of black privilege?


Apr 6, 2007
I sure have but wtf does that have to do with three innocent people being murdered?


Dec 11, 2004
You asked me a question and I answered. Are you always upset when innocent blacks are murdered? Maybe you should join the NAACP.Edited by: jwhite96


Apr 6, 2007
Good one.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This story is the case of liberal agendas running amok. The first lesson is never anglicize your Jewish surname.
Also when you have hit all of the ugly branches on the Ugly Tree assert your true sexuality....
Finally if all else fails you sue the university and become a hero to media....
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
white is right said:
This story is the case of liberal agendas running amok. The first lesson is never anglicize your Jewish surname.
Also when you have hit all of the ugly branches on the Ugly Tree assert your true sexuality....
Finally if all else fails you sue the university and become a hero to media....
