Unite the Right Rally

"They" made things worse. You're ignorant. It's was one lone guy. The other people there behaved responsibly and were not to blame for the incident. You sound like every establishment talking head, using the actions of one person to condemn the rightful and righteous actions of the only resistance for our people out there.

And I bet we find that the driver was fleeing for his life as the antifa had targeted his car and so he panicked and tried to get away. If a mob of people was trying to attack me in my car I would do what was necessary to survive.

I never wrote about the driver, the car, or that incident. I wrote -and not in one sentence- that protests are a waste of time and I wrote why I reason so. You don't like my reasoning? What better methods than what I wrote?
We will have to agree to disagree on that. Public protests are an important way of effecting social change. We've seen that time and time again. I do not disagree that private gatherings are important too but to really get the message across to our allies and enemies there has to be public action.
Why do the politicians and media keep side stepping the fact that the violence didn't break out until antifa and black lives matter idiots showed up?
Even if this was a gathering of "White supremacists", which it wasn't, there were no incidents of violence until antifa and blm began harassing, throwing objects, spitting, and pepper spraying our brothers.
You can be the most well-intentioned person, going out there for all the right reasons, but if some antifa goon spits in your face for no reason other than being white, what are you supposed to do? And that's exactly what happened yesterday. Apparently, we're not allowed to defend ourselves anymore.
This weekend's protest was not a roving mob of Whites going around beating people up, and destroying property, yet that is exactly what is being portrayed. Where is all the condemnation of black lives matter and antifa yesterday, or the last 8 years? God Bless America...

"Say hello to vice mayor of charlottesville Virginia. Wes Bellemy"

THERE'S a huge part of the problem. That boy shouldn't be "supervising" a broom closet or shoe shine stand.....much less a town or city (outside of Kenya). :facepalm:

To HELL with this bastardized "Amerika 2.0"!!! May the sovereign Lord of the Bible bring down His judgment & wrath on this wicked nation! :teeth:
The most important lesson to take away from this, for those that still weren't aware of it, is that liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, and CNN and Fox News, are all deadly enemies of racially aware Whites who oppose their rapid diminishment and replacement in the U.S. and in all one-time White countries.

I fear a spate of lawsuits will follow, by the SPLC and others, against various White individuals and groups involved in setting up a legal demonstration that was deliberately shot down and turned into a violence-filled day due to the combined efforts of the local and state government, law enforcement agencies, and the communists of antifa and BLM. There will also likely be lawsuits filed by the good guys against Charlottesville and the police, but in the American justice system, he who has the most gold usually wins. At any rate, the alt-right will either come out of this much stronger and more determined, or they will wilt in the face of this ferocious, unified attack by the forces of "diversity" and "tolerance." My bet is on the former.
If the Nationalist had a permit, the police should have been there in force to keep the parties separate and let them excise their 1st Amend rights. I suspect as usual the police were directed not to keep the peace and let it spiral out of control. By orders of the mayor and other f**ks. So tired of this.
If the Nationalist had a permit, the police should have been there in force to keep the parties separate and let them excise their 1st Amend rights. I suspect as usual the police were directed not to keep the peace and let it spiral out of control. By orders of the mayor and other f**ks. So tired of this.

The Nationalists did have a permit, the city then denied it and the Nationalists went to federal court, which upheld their permit and right to demonstrate. The vice mayor of Charlottesville is a Black Panther Party and BLM supporter, the mayor is a super liberal White a-hole, and the governor of Virginia is a die-hard liberal. They totally violated the permit and the rights of the Nationalists, and had the police not only make them disperse, but herded them right towards the hordes of communist scum. The Nationalists were the only party involved not responsible for the violence, but of course are getting all the blame for it.
The Nationalists did have a permit, the city then denied it and the Nationalists went to federal court, which upheld their permit and right to demonstrate. The vice mayor of Charlottesville is a Black Panther Party and BLM supporter, the mayor is a super liberal White a-hole, and the governor of Virginia is a die-hard liberal. They totally violated the permit and the rights of the Nationalists, and had the police not only make them disperse, but herded them right towards the hordes of communist scum. The Nationalists were the only party involved not responsible for the violence, but of course are getting all the blame for it.
If that is the case, hopefully, they can get a proper spokesman and lay out how their rights were violated. They will need to articulate properly how they went through the proper procedures and the permit granted and turn the blame on the usual suspects.

"Say hello to vice mayor of Charlottesville Virginia. Wes Bellemy"

So we have the black deputy mayor of Charlottesville, the city that went apoplectic about whites having the unbelievable gall to hold a pro-white rally in their city, wearing a Black Panther backpack. This is the kind of blatant hypocritical idiocy that is great for our side because it brings more people around to our point of view.
After all the hatred and physical violence, up to and including murder, like in Dallas, that BLM has hurled at the police, the Charlottesville cops take BLM's side and help them attack the peaceful pro-White demonstrators.

It only starts to make sense when you realize that BLM and the Charlottesville police are both servants of the same master.
Well here goes my rant on all of this. White people truly are the stupidest humans on the planet. And no I don't mean those white nationalists, I mean the retarded liberals who support BLM and attack the white nationalists and stir up trouble. Does anyone even believe for a second that blacks or Muslims would stand up against their own in support of white people? Never, not in a million years. Yet these drunk white liberal idiots do whatever they can to attack the white "racists." Now Trump is being attacked again for not denouncing the white nationalists. It is becoming perfectly clear that it is now completely legal for BLM to incite violence against white with zero repercussions. BLM can screan death threats against white people and pull them out of cars legally but whites can't even protest discrimination? Is this justice? That retard Fields who ran over those people just gave the media and PTB even more ammunition to go after the white nationalists.
Well here goes my rant on all of this. White people truly are the stupidest humans on the planet. And no I don't mean those white nationalists, I mean the retarded liberals who support BLM and attack the white nationalists and stir up trouble. Does anyone even believe for a second that blacks or Muslims would stand up against their own in support of white people? Never, not in a million years. Yet these drunk white liberal idiots do whatever they can to attack the white "racists." Now Trump is being attacked again for not denouncing the white nationalists. It is becoming perfectly clear that it is now completely legal for BLM to incite violence against white with zero repercussions. BLM can screan death threats against white people and pull them out of cars legally but whites can't even protest discrimination? Is this justice? That retard Fields who ran over those people just gave the media and PTB even more ammunition to go after the white nationalists.

He probably shouldn't have taken his car there, but it looks like he was being attacked. We know that white nationalists will be vilified in the media for defending themselves against physical attacks no matter what. The (((media))) is relentless in their lies and propaganda. They are the exact inversion of truth.
It should be plainly evident now that we have no allies in Public government. Stop complaining about and stop complaining to Public government. The black people at the City of Detroit know they have to rely on themselves, so many whites still have fantasies about what Public government is and can do.

The organizer here, attempting to speak to reporters, gets shouted down, his microphone hijacked, and he is assaulted. How many times must it be said that the solutions to attacks of all kinds on white society are not to be found in Public government? We have no allies! This man should have had private security around him -what was he thinking?

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A bit of the truth is emerging today, just check out the links on the Drudge Report. Antifa and its violence is finally being mentioned, as is criticism of the Charlottesville police stand down. The narrative is still overwhelmingly against the White nationalists as one would expect, but not nearly as much as the two previous days. The alternative media's much more truthful reporting on what happened has made the "mainstream" media realize that its cartoon version of events won't wash with a public that already regards it as a purveyor of fake news.
Trump caves to the mainstream media and condemns KKK, Nazis, etc, but fails to even mention the instigators - antifa and blm.....
And as Don mentioned, the truth is starting to become clear, the opportunities for violence were orchestrated by the liberal mayor and black panther deputy mayor of Charlottesville....
Trump caves to the mainstream media and condemns KKK, Nazis, etc, but fails to even mention the instigators - antifa and blm.....
And as Don mentioned, the truth is starting to become clear, the opportunities for violence were orchestrated by the liberal mayor and black panther deputy mayor of Charlottesville....

Don't you love this highlighted doublespeak phrase that's been reported numerous times: As President Donald Trump remained out of sight and silent, pressure mounted from both sides of the aisle for him to explicitly condemn white supremacists and hate groups involved in deadly, race-fueled clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Pressure from "both sides of the aisle"??? Why then bother with the pretense of having two sides of the aisle and put them together on one side where they belong? On issues like race, Israel, and condemning Russia, how is Congress any different than was the Supreme Soviet or any other legislative body of a totalitarian regime? The typical vote on these issues is 435 to 0 in the House and 100 to 0 in the Senate, with the occasional heretic voting against. Lots of hot rhetoric on the minor stuff, but when it comes to the issues that count, as always the two parties are one.
Was just watching Faux News and the black anchor lady started to say "racial: violence then changed in mid word to "racist" violence.

I wouldn't be surprised her script said racial but she decided to change it.
No matter how anyone feels about the first 7.5 months of the Trump administration, the "Unite the Right" rally and the dozens of other such violent street melees that've occurred over the past 2.5 years would have certainly never transpired without his influence. He's been far from perfect as POTUS, but without his charisma, divisive rhetoric, and cast iron testicles, there is no "alt right," no exposing the Democrat/Rebulican establishment, no hatred for the "fake news" MSM, no college snowflakes hiding in "safe spaces," no feminists in pink pussy hats, no Antifa parasites committing their evil deeds, no unhinged Hollywood celebraties, and no mainstream platform for pro-White activism at all. It all happened because of one man. Trump has brought out the absolute worst in every group of people in America and I'll always be thankful for that.
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