UFC 70

Cro Cop is going to get upset from time to time because of his relatively weak chin. It was pointed out by a commentator in the last UFC. Fedor, is a guy with a great chin. As was seen when he was kicked in the head by Cro Cop and slammed head first by Rampage Jackson. Looking at the size of their necks and heads, Cro Cop's is noticably smaller. Cro-Cop is still one of my favorites. I can't fault a guy for not being born with a huge melon.
Peter Aerts is the destroyer of black hopes. He has beaten Gary Goodridge [who hasn't!!]Twice beat the overrated Maurice Smith and twice whipped Micheal McDonald. Aerts also beat Carter Williams.
Cro-Cop is a tough guy who don't take a shot like Fedor [who does ?]. Randleman is a bum. Rampage Jackson hopefully will get whipped by Brother Randy Couture.
We want the White Brothers to control all MMA fighting plus the higher classes of pro boxing.
Turner said:
Sean said:
Turner said:
Looks like Cro Cop underestimated an opponent again did'nt he learn anything from the McDonald & Randleman debacle ? .
He learned well enough to tap out Randleman in the rematch. He and McDonald only fought once, and it's true he lost, but McDonald was twice dominated by Peter Aerts.
Yes he tapped out Randleman in the rematch. He also said that he would never underestimate an opponent again after the randleman debacle.

Cro Cop is a great fighter but he has a history of underestimating opponents when things go well for a  time he has paid the price 3 times now for this.

What does Aerts have to do with a Cro Cop discussion ?.


Aerts has to do with the fact that the two people you mentioned beating Cro Cop happened to be black.

BTW Gary, Liddell will be facing Rampage Jackson. Hopefully he will continue his great winning streak.
In a recent interview CroCop said when the fight was stood up he had blurry vision from being elbowed in the temple on the ground. Elbows are not allowed in PRIDE so he is really not used to that and he got kicked in the head shortly thereafter. Hopefully, he can adjust to the new rules, I think he has 4 fights left on his UFC contract.
I would prefer to see Cro Cop drop down to the 205 division. He comes into his matches at 223 when most of the division is anywhere from 240 to 265. CC at 205 would retain his power and have an excellent chance of beating Liddell, Jackson or Silva (again).
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