UFC 100 - Lesnar vs. Mir

Shogun, whiteCB: you guys got it right again. Brock embarassed White when he sl*gged the sponsors. Its all about the money. Budweiser needs an official appology and Brock needs to do something to restore could client relations.
Lorenzo Fertitta said they offered a sweet deal, and the ball's in Fedor's court, etc...

Fertitta on FedorEdited by: DixieDestroyer
Nice link Dixie. I always find it hard to understand when a athlete's "handlers" know more about a offer on the table than the athlete they are representing. If Fedor truly does not know what the UFC has offered him then he is a tool and should know better. I suspect he does know however and is just trying to bargain the best possible deal for himself.
Thank you for the link Dixie. It was very informative. I heard rumours but I was not sure they were true. Fedor is not like all of those other fighters that have signed with UFC and he does not want to be treated like them nor have a contract like them. Basically he does not want to sign a 6 fight exclusive contract with UFC that will not let him fight anywhere else. UFC wants total control over him and pay him modestly well. Fedor does not see that as good enough and I do not either. It seems Fedor fights with whom he wants and when he wants. He wants what most of the other fighters would love to have and that is to run an entertainment business as themselves and not work as an employee of UFC.
Fertitta is not going to give in because he'll have a mutiny with the other fighters so do not expect Fedor ever to sign with the UFC.
Fedor doesn't need the UFC. Hard thing for Dana, et al to grasp that there is a fighter out there who doesn't care about the glory of Vegas nights and his name in lights. Fedor is an enigma and they don't know how to deal with him.
Tough talk: Mir wants rematch with Lesnar to 'break his neck in the ring'

Las Vegan irritated at heavyweight's antics after July bout

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The postfight antics of Brock Lesnar after his unceremonious disposal of Frank Mir at UFC 100 in July sparked conversation about sportsmanship in mixed martial arts.

Recent comments by Mir during a radio interview aren't likely to do much good to the sport's image either.

Mir, who is 1-1 against the currently sidelined heavyweight champion, said he would like to fight Lesnar for a third time, and didn't hold back on what he'd like to do to the former professional wrestler.

"I hate who he is as a person. I want to break his neck in the ring," Mir said Friday in an interview with Mark Madden on WXDX-FM in Pittsburgh. "I want him to be the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries."

After Lesnar defeated Mir in July, he got in the Las Vegan's face and made an obscene gesture to Mir and the crowd. Lesnar then took the microphone and disparaged Mir and the Ultimate Fighting Championship's sponsors before making a comment about bedroom plans he had with his wife later that evening.

Mir said in the interview that those actions still irritate him seven months later.

"His very being bugs me just because I've seen a lot of children out there who look to athletes and martial artists as role models, and it just makes me cringe," he said. "I sit there and go, 'Man, I lost to this guy the second time around, and now people think that's the way to be -- be big, obnoxious and angry.' That's not right."

Mir acknowledges the feeling probably is mutual.

"We have anger toward each other. Everything I stand for he despises and dislikes, and I can tell you I truly do not like him as a person whatsoever," he said.

Mir will fight Shane Carwin for the interim heavyweight title on March 27 in Newark, N.J. The winner is the next likely opponent for Lesnar, who expects to be able to return to action sometime in the summer. He has been out since that July victory over Mir after a bout with diverticulitis.
Looks like Francisco Mir can't take his own medicine. He'd been trash talking Brock since before their first fight. Now, I don't cotton to Brock's post-fight antics either, BUT Frank was shooting his yap off about Brock for a long while. Frank's also PO'd because Brock smashed his face in BOTH fights. Mir talks alot of trash (against afflete Kongo...which he backed up
), and Brock made him eat that smack talk...along with his 4X fists!

Mir's gotten c0cky because he beat a Nog (who was recovering from a staph infection) & an (grossly) overrated Kongo. IF Mir can get by the monster Shane Carwin (the All-American wrestler with heavy (5X) hands), then he'll learn his final lesson against the Nordic warrior/freakish monster Brock Lesnar in their "rubber match"!
Ive watched all of Mirs interviews, and apart from being supremely arrogant, the stuff he talks about is gibberish half the time.
One pre-UFC 100 interview, he said " I have a better muscle to fat ratio than Brock", and then he started to explain the logic that if "LHWs couldnt take down machida, brock certainly couldnt".He goes on these long rants that have nothing to do with the fight or the question asked.

Then he went on to contradict himself saying, he could easily outsquat and out deadlift brock ( lol), but then later says" Im not going to bulk up for this fight, because even if I put on weight Brock will still be bigger and stronger than me". See the contradiction?

He may have won the first fight, but he got thrown around like a rag doll and his face smashed like DD said. Second fight he was completely dominated.
Mir makes a comment of basically killing Brock inside the octagon and he is upset with Brock's post fight words and antics, such blatant over the top hypocrisy sickens me. I hope Carwin shuts his mouth up with his big oversized fist at UFC 111.
Umm, didn't the self-proclaimed "samurai"Â￾ already have two chances to "break the neck"Â￾ of Lesnar? He barely even punched him during those two fights, and only won the first fight by lucky kneebar submission. Not that I care what's said about that wigger, Brock "Built Like a Black Man"Â￾ Lesnar, anyway. Both of these guys would catch a royal beating from the GOAT, Fedor. At least Mir (who passes the ‘eye test') pounded that chicken-legged frenchman, Cheick Kongo.

It's hard to root against Brock, however, as the DWFs and the brazenly homosexual MSM members only see a blond haired Nordic man smashing the competition.
Trashen, despite Brock's caste-like comments ("build like a black..."), I seriously doubt he's anything close to a wigger or race traitor. He grew up on a farm, loves to hunt & his gym (on his property) has "Slayer" painted/written on the wall (he's a big metal fan). I think his comment was probably caste-duped ignorance on his part. I'm no fan of some of his post fight BS, but I'll pull for him in most all fights (except against the more gentlemanly Shane Carwin).'

Fyi, it looks like Frank's back-tracking on his latest Brock bashing...

Mir Apologizes for Recent Statements

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
American Freedom News