That was exactly my fear in my post a few days ago and it has happened. Mario is Italian football now.

I can't say I like the Germans because they are pretty arrogant, especially Ballack.

What do you think these stupid coaches are going to be thinking: we have got to get us a black striker. Any black striker as a youth is going to be looked at over a white kid.

Passing over White kids like they do in the USA and even fairy Canada, has already been in the works in Europe. How long until more Totalitarian Race Laws like in the USA, come to government handout loving Europe? Not long lol. France is no longer a white country, England will allow the next James Bond to be black (Look up the facts on that one, it's going to happen lol). What more will you take in the face White Males? I'm sorry but "government" doesn't exist for White people anymore. ******s scare easily (that's why they always travel in packs). We had two trying to sell drugs in my small 97% White town. We went down there and gave them the option to get out, or ass beaten. People can say all they want that violence isn't the answer, but guess what IT IS lol. I lived in Russia with an ex g/f for three years. I met MANY White males with Pride and a Realization that without force, this problem won't go away. Southern Italy is up to it's chin with Blacks and Mixed-raced freak alien people. How much more can yeah take? Ending up like the poor ****s in South Africa is the future for ALL White people. Fight or Die like a limp wrist.
I don't understand. He scored two goals in a match they got three points out of. They were hammered by the French. Against England the Ukrainians were average and the disallowed goal was offside so it was irrelevant. Ukraine just aren't that good. If they were good they would not have lost to both England and France.

Overall though, it has to be said that the quality of football at this tournament (and at the World Cup and Copa America) is almost always poorer than at the club level. The reasons for that are well known. Also, the quality was better in the group stage than in the knock-out stage.

Zeus has an inferiority complex towards North Europeans. If a Southern European team with a black guy as its star beats a North European team, Zeus will take it.

Needless to say, I'll be cheering for Spain on Sunday even though I haven't enjoyed watching them in this tournament.

He reminds me of the idiots in the USA that wear Black players sport jerseys lol. 1. Blacks barely wear their Black "heroes" stuff. 2. Your basically giving off the message you hate your own kind, and wish all White males were banned from professional sports. 3. Yeah let's let the little kid were a jersey of someone that would kill his race people ANY chance they can get LOL. Bah 2012 and White people still hate themselves?! It bleeping boggles the mind. Can anyone name a SINGLE White majority country that has a sustainability birth-rate still?! lol. England and France don't count, the only reason their above 2.0 is because the hordes of non-whites out-breeding the whites 10-1. USA will be 30-40% White in less than 50 years. Blacks will be a majority in most Southern States. France, England, Germany, and Italy will follow just as hard seeing they breed less than Southern and Midwestern USA whites. Ah a 40% White France, i wonder what that will look like eh? LOL.
I suspected as much when he made the comment about Merkel. I guess he's still smarting from the thrashing the Greeks received from the German team.

You'd think a Greek would be more grateful to the Germans, seeing as they're giving them the money the Greeks were begging for.

LOL. Man oh man Whites in Germany just get it on the chin dailyyyyy. The new anti-white left-wing Ruler of France will rise the government debt to record heights lol, and then plunge them into meltdown. I don't understand how much more the Whites in Germany think they must keep saving and paying for everyone else. Grow some balls, and have some realization that Free this and Free that and zero private sector growth equals inept country. Bah to think Asians will control the world soon enough. You know our White Forefathers are rolling over in their grades daily.
What happened today was terrible, but an even worse-case scenario awaits if Italy win the Euro 2012 and somehow Ballotelli scores in the final. The resulting damage from that would be too much to contain, IMO, and could be the start of a new movement where every European team/country will go and look for their very own Ballotelli. I truly hope Spain can defend their title and win. I will be rooting for them in a big way.

Ballotelli's disgusting mug is already all over the sports pages and TV. His 2nd goal was the top play of the night on SportsCenter. The sheep American DWFs who see this will undoubtedly be asking, "We are our Ballotellis? They are playing in the NBA/NFL. Let's get them to play soccer and dominate the world."

As for the multi-kulti Germans, they have nothing to show for all their talent in the major competitions. Ideally, this should be the end of that nose-picking, metrosexual negrophile Loew's reign, but most likely he'll continue thru the 2014 WC.

It's hard to look at the bright side that 21/22 starters on Sunday will be white. Let's hope it was the stupid German defensive errors that made this clown look for good for one game, and he'll be shut out by Spain.
Let's hope it was the stupid German defensive errors that made this clown look for good for one game

with that kind of defense, even djibril cissé can look good
this is not football, you can't have the whole field whithout any defenders like in the second goal

on the first goal, what was badstuber doing? what a bad defender, he didn't even try to get the ball on the cross, yet he was in a better position than balotelli
and they have mertesacker on the bench

All you have to do is BAN abortion, and re-grasp religion. It's a known fact countries that are more atheist, and adore their free taxpayer abortions have 1.45 area birth rates, which is EXTINCTION.

whites do not have to compete with non-whites about the birth-rates
that's just an excuse to get white people extinct in europe
the french population is bigger than ever, yet they still get inmigrants in
the population is too big

in france and in other countries we had birth control in the middle-ages before the christians made it forbidden
yet france didn't die
the population was just smaller, and that means that we had more space and more autonomy (it's impossible to feed so many people - 70 millions - with such a small country)
france would be a much better country to live in with 30 million inhabitants less

europe starts looking like asia with over-populated areas:
and the spanish defense is notoriously out of shape too...so i really hope that balotelli won't score in the final!
remember the big opportunity that the spanish defense offered to balotelli in the group stage?
balotelli can score against spain because their defense is bad
hopefully they will keep the ball with a 90% possession so their defense won't be in danger
had italy faced greece, this wouldn't have happened
thanks UEFA for your double standards refereeing that totally ruined greece's tournament
I see my words were taken the way some "newbies" wanted to take them and a new "hunting of the witch" started against Greece and me of course on a personal level.......at least I have the guts and I say what I have to say with my one and only account, that's what men do I guess :)

First off, I never said that IT'S OK, for Ballotelli playing for team Italy or that black guy for team Greece in basketball (even though he has a Greek father) what I clearly said is that one has to be STUPID OR BLIND to claim that Italian soccer or Greek Basketball are now BLACK DOMINATED SPORTS, simply because 2 blacks make it to the team. Of course EVERY EUROPEAN nation should be 100% white, that's a given, that's not even to discuss about it, but what do you want me to do personally when there are Europeans who adopt black kids or have babies with non white ladies? Sue them or something else? We are supposed to have freedom and democracy and some people make their choices in life. If it was in my hands and I had the power, we would not even have "democracy" or "freedom" as we define them today in our liberal anti-white societies, but unfortunately I do not have any political power, so please the "newbies" be quiet :)

I also find laughable that it's English and American the people who criticize Italy for having just ONE black in the team, when their national teams in soccer and basketball look almost all black, now that's ironic........Matra said I have a complex of inferiority against North Europeans............sure buddy, especially when it comes to England, I always dream for our national teams to look just like this :

Your claims are at least laughable! I find funny how I am the only (from what I have seen at least) posting photos of his house, self, office etc but according to people who hide behind anonymous "newbies" accounts I am the one being a coward, I am the one being hiding, I am the one being uneducated and a "white trash" when I studied law with scholarship and I speak and write in 4 languages, I am the one being this or that.........typical example of jealous people who attack one constantly out of envy!

Firstly I had a complex of inferiority against Negroes according to one, then it was Jews, now it's North Europeans.......LOL
One call me short (even though I am 1,84cm, that's 6'1 I believe), another Turko-Mongol, another claims that I have no muscles (he has X vision I guess and can see through the suit) and I lie about being a former Navy Seal, because you see the average Navy Seal looks like Brock Lesnar and Arnold.......hahahahaha Funny people indeed! See as bigger as you are, it helps you more to jump from a plane better or being an ace in underwater missions............LMAO

Guys you need to deal with anger and my suggestion would be to fight for your rights by protesting, marching, being vocal etc in the society you live, not on the Internet!

Now back to football, like I said before, this Sunday on the field will be 48 people (including the coaches) 46 of them will be white, statistically that's 96%..........I can't help it but be happy about it. As for Ballotelli, if ONE man manages to change sporting history in Italian sports and be the reason Italian media and sports start to look like American Basketball, American and British Boxing, English soccer, American and British track teams and so on, THEN I WILL BE THE FIRST IN HERE TO CONDEMN SUCH THING, but until that happens, let's stay calm and hope that SPAIN OF THE 23 WHITE BROTHERS WIN THE TROPHY THIS SUNDAY :)

I would root for Italy of the 21 whites against the only black dominated team of this Euro aka England (a disgrace), Holland, Portugal, Germany, France, anytime, any-day of the year..........Statistically Ballotelli is just ONE Negro in a fully white team, statistically Italy's case is exactly the same with Czech's, statistically I can't help it and be happy about Italy dismantling Germany of the Negroes, Turks, Arabs and so on. Have a nice day guys!

As for the media portraying Ballotelli as a "God" today, should I be shocked or you think I didn't kno this would have happened? It's the "chosen" people we are talking about and let's be realistic for once, if it was not for the US and England (and it's millions of white people who ENJOY this situation) this situation would be non existent on a global basis. So instead of putting words in my mouth you better do something about the real problem in here!
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And one last thing. I understand there are cultural differences between us (whites from different countries) and I respect that, that's why I am not being as offensive anymore, even though I am the one being attacked on a personal and national level constantly.

It's important to mention that our media, keep focusing on Andrea Pirlo, calling him Maestro, a leader, guiding Italy like a second Baggio, they even say that if Italy wins he's then the big favorite for the golden ball this year, considering how he leaded Juve winning the campionato after a decade and how's now leading team Italy. Sincerely nobody has cared or mentioned the Negro of Italy until now, all they write or say in here is about Andrea! Has it been mentioned in any of the countries you guys live that if Italy wins it, then Andrea is #1 candidate for golden ball too? Here's the article :

Of course if you are from England all you are going to hear from your media is gonna be about the Negro, I mean look at the roster of England in the first place........but let's be honest, when's the last time white English men have been protesting peacefully as organized sober men and not drunk Hooligans (for all the wrong reasons) in the streets of London for their rights and heritage? NEVER! So what do you expect?
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there is something very wrong in european football
i'm going to take the example of spain and their 2 main clubs, real madrid and barcelona, and the players they produced in their youth teams, to show how sometimes it looks like organized crime:

-did you know that sergio busquets was the son of a professional goalkeeper who played for spain and barcelona?
-did you know that piqué was the grand-son of the former barcelona chairman?
-did you know that bojan krkic was the son of a professional football player and scout?
-did you know that both alcantara brothers, who play for barcelona, are the son of a former professional brazilian player who played in europe?
-did you know that the 3 dos santos brothers, 2 of them playing for barcelona (another one in mexico) were the son of a former brazilian professional football player?

now on to real madrid:

-did you know that 3 of zidane's sons, enzo, theo and luca, play for real madrid's youth teams?
-did you know that 2 of bodo illgner's sons (former real madrid and german goalkeeper) play for real madrid's youth squad?
i could go on for days
this is not football anymore, it's mafia

it's the proof that europe doesn't play at its full potential
did you know that some people have good genes and propensity towards certain things? and obviously being born in soccer families left them with little choice but to follow suit (and who wouldn't want to try and make millions as a professional athlete)

it's only normal, all the player you listed (the ones that i've seen, at least) made it because they are talented, many more (who may have gotten off to a good start, privileged by their last name on very good junior teams with great coaching) we don't hear about didn't.
did you know that some people have good genes and propensity towards certain things? and obviously being born in soccer families left them with little choice but to follow suit (and who wouldn't want to try and make millions as a professional athlete)

it's only normal, all the player you listed (the ones that i've seen, at least) made it because they are talented, many more (who may have gotten off to a good start, privileged by their last name on very good junior teams with great coaching) we don't hear about didn't.

i don't buy it
the players i listed are good compared with the african blacks and european blacks, but i think that the fact that there are so many family ties is not a good sign

there is even a bigger problem with the blacks in this regard, for example the 3 (!) aubameyang broters who are the son of a gabonese professional player and milan ac scout, and who ALL turned pro in ac milan

currently obi mikkel an chunkumgumba obi (don't really know how to write it) are also related, and both are mediocre
there are also the touré brothers from beveren the fake club who now play in big european clubs like manchester city or barcelona
djibril cissé was the son of a professional player also
the ayew brothers, who both play at marseille, are the son of abedi pele, they are also the nephew of a professional player, and they have another brother who plays soccer professionally
lilian thuram's cousin, yohan thuram, also plays professionally
boumsong and etoo are also related
drogba has also a very mediocre cousin who plays soccer professionally in france also
this list could go on for days...

some great players who were related and/or the son of a former football player: the laudrup brothers and forlan (that could be because they have a very rare profile in their respective countries - like flair for a northern european player in laudrup's case)
gourcuff also is incredibly good, he's not just here because he's the son of a professional coach
Germany and their Marx-Wig coach, Löw, deserved such a flogging, and then some, for that rancid performance. Again, the manager started three non-whites (Boateng, Khedira, Ozil) out of eleven, finishing the match with two non-whites after Boateng was replaced by Thomas Müller out of sheer offensive desperation.

As putrid as Germany’s non-white players performed (the much-celebrated metrosexual-midfielders, Ozil and Khedira, were particularly invisible, creating zero chances for Gomez and Klose), their white players were nearly as poor. Schweinsteiger continued his struggles with routine passing and retaining possession. Kroos, a natural talent at right wing, played out of position in the middle and was average. Gomez wasn’t great in his start over the legendary Klose, but he wasn’t granted much of an opportunity from his midfielders. And, as has been mentioned, Lahm, Boateng, and the rest of “defense” logged their worst performance since their 2010 loss to Serbia in World Cup Finals.

Going forward to World Cup 2014, Löw should rid the team of Boateng, their least talented player. Also, with the presence of Reus and Kroos, I doubt Lukas Podolski will ever start for Germany again. Despite 100+ caps (and zero obligation to sign the German national anthem), the washed-up veteran brings very little leadership or tenacity to the field. I’m not sure what’s been the matter with Thomas Müller (who looked to be a future German star after his World Cup 2010 performance), but he too is in danger of losing his position to players such as Kroos, Reus, Götze, and Schürrle. I’m hoping for Khedira to fall out of favor in the coming months, but the lord-of-hideousness seems entrenched as a starter. Ozil is young and talented, and unfortunately, will likely have a long tenure with Germany.

I’m not sure what’ll become of Miroslav Klose, but I wish for him the very best. He’s been the class of the German roster for 10 years, and he still is…it’s a damn shame that he’s been so tantalizingly-close to victory, but has never tasted it. I hope that Germany re-tools for World Cup 2014, whitens their roster, and sticks with the classy veteran as their main striker (who'll be turning 36 when the time comes). If it's not be, I hope they call upon Stefan Kießling or some other budding German striker.

To be honest, I wish that Denmark would have qualified from the “Group of Death.” They were a far “whiter” squad and would have likely beaten Greece and certainly put up a better fight against Italy than Germany did yesterday. Speaking of Italy, I noticed a gaggle of self-abhorring Italian wiggers dressed as the Nintendo character, “Mario,” screaming with rapture for their pea-brained black striker…


CAPTION: Wop Wigs Disgrace Themselves, Race, and Nation

Honestly, Italy wasn’t that impressive either, in this game or in this tournament. They had unexciting draws with Spain and Croatia, beat a winless Ireland squad, then beat England on penalties after a 0-0 draw. Yes, they peaked against Germany, and certainly won the game in every conceivable manner. Like Spain, they play an effective, yet mind-numbing brand of soccer. I doubt I’ll watch the final on Sunday, as I’m not too interested in defensive games that’ll likely end in a zero-zero draw, go to extra time, then end in penalty kicks to decide a winner. I'm hoping for Spain to win...perhaps Balotelli will get badly injured or embarrass himself.
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To be honest, I wish that Denmark would have qualified from the “Group of Death.â€￾ They were a far “whiterâ€￾ squad and would have likely beaten Greece and certainly put up a better fight against Italy than Germany did yesterday.

Honestly, Italy wasn’t that impressive either, in this game or in this tournament. They had unexciting draws with Spain and Croatia, beat a winless Ireland squad, then beat England on penalties after a 0-0 draw. Yes, they peaked against Germany, and certainly won the game in every conceivable manner. Like Spain, they play an effective, yet mind-numbing brand of soccer. I doubt I’ll watch the final on Sunday, as I’m not too interested in defensive games that’ll likely end in a zero-zero draw, go to extra time, then end in penalty kicks to decide a winner. I'm hoping for Spain to win...perhaps Balotelli will get badly injured or embarrass himself.

the funny thing is that they keep saying that italy embraced a new brand of football, very offensive minded
they were more spectacular when they played catenaccio
i have seen some legendary matches involving this team, especially against france, my country
but i won't remember this italian squad, that's for sure

they criticized this danish team for being too defensive, they said the same about greece
yet every match involving denmark or greece was much more spectacular
and the greek team was amazing, a bunch of fighters
it will be the only thing that i will remember from this tournament

this tournament only confirmed what i was afraid of: the european teams are not going the right way
there are the teams that are obsessed with "changing the way they play" like germany and italy - it just makes them worse
then there are the non-white dominated teams like france and england: it's a shame because they have great white players

in 2014, at the world cup, these teams might look out of place
except france who is always hard to beat and does great against the south ameican teams
teams like germany, spain or italy would get destroyed
they overlook the defense (they play with players who are not even defenders like sergio ramos) and they can't do the difference because right now there is no game-breaker in these teams
Speaking of Italy, I noticed a gaggle of self-abhorring Italian wiggers dressed as the Nintendo character, “Mario,” screaming with rapture for their pea-brained black striker…


CAPTION: Wop Wigs Disgrace Themselves, Race, and Nation

as a man who lives in a city with a very strong italian population (i am myself 1/8th northern italian despite having a french name) i can tell you that these italians love their black striker...
another example of what rebajlo and porthos were mentionning, these DWF hate the blacks that play for other teams and make fun of them, but they love a black player if he plays for their team
another important thing: balotelli is tied for the top goal-scorer of the tournament with the ridiculously low amount of 3 goals (that's because teams with great goal-scorers like bendtner of schevchenko didn't make it far enough)

balotelli is tied with cristiano ronaldo, but ronaldo can't score anymore because he's out of the tournament

there are 3 spanish players who have 2 goals so far: fernando torres, xabi alonso and cesc fabregas
if one of them scores 2 goals balotelli won't be the tournament's top scorer
they said the same about greece
yet every match involving denmark or greece was much more spectacular
and the greek team was amazing, a bunch of fighters
it will be the only thing that i will remember from this tournament

Even though I disagree in some things with Frederic, I tend to believe that he's the most fair and bright member of this forum along with Carcharias, Liverpils (I know I butcher your nickname mate, sorry lol) Tom Iron and some more. Not because you talk good for Greek team most of the times, but simply because you are trying to see things neutrally.

Football in Greece has been professional only in the last 29 years and Greek players started playing massively in foreign major leagues only recently (last 10 years basically), plus let's not forget that the equipment, money, soccer fields, in here are in the same state with our economy. Sometimes I really feel proud being Greek considering all the achievements we achieve in various sports with the extremely poor support our athletes get from the official state, it must be genes I think!

Frederic, give to the Greek footballer 10-15 more years of major European leagues experience, better organization, more funds and money and I guarantee you that you will have one fully white team to root for, in every major competition for many years to come. An organized German man came like 10 years ago (Saint Otto, I love this man, which proves I have nothing against Germans of course) and since then Greece has been in 3 straight Euros, a confederations Cup, a world cup and of course there's the epic 2004 story and so on.

Give Greece and the new super athletic and confident Greek generation the same opportunities, money, chances, that English and American state give to their Negroes and soon Greek Football might turn just like Greek Basketball, dominant. It's no secret that Greek basketball is the most organized sport in the country and we all witness for nearly 20 years now Greece dominating European and even global basketball in many cases and all ages!

I might be too optimistic and too patriotic, but I have huge faith to the Greek heart and the Greek warrior spirit, I hope more whites around the world had the same fighting spirit!
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Even though I disagree in some things with Frederic, I tend to believe that he's the most fair and bright member of this forum along with Carcharias, Liverpils (I know I butcher your nickname mate, sorry lol) Tom Iron and some more. Not because you talk good for Greek team most of the times, but simply because you are trying to see things neutrally.

Football in Greece has been professional only in the last 29 years and Greek players started playing massively in foreign major leagues only recently (last 10 years basically), plus let's not forget that the equipment, money, soccer fields etc in here are in the same state with our economy, sometimes I really feel proud and great considering all the achievements we Greek achieve in various sports with the extremely poor support our athletes enjoy from the official state, it must be genes I think!

Frederic, give to the Greek footballer 10-15 more years of European major leagues experiences, better organization, more funds and money and let's hope Greece can develop as a northern European nation in the next 2 decades and you will have one fully white team to root for in every major competition. An organized German man came like 10 years ago (Saint Otto, I love this German, which proves I have nothing against Germans of course) and since then Greece has been in 3 straight Euros, A confederations Cup, A world cup and of course there's the epic 2004 story and so on.

Give Greece and the new super athletic and confident Greek generation the same opportunities, money, chances that English and Americans give to their Negroes and soon Greek Football might turn just like Greek Basketball, dominant. It's no secret that Greek basketball is the most organized sport in the country and we all witness for nearly 20 years now Greece dominating European and even global basketball in many cases!

I might be too optimistic and too patriotic, but I have huge faith to the Greek heart and the Greek warrior spirit, I hope more whites around the world had the same fighting spirit!

there is one thing that makes me mad, is seeing a team that has accomplished everything in order to be respected being treated like they are nothing
greece qualified to these euro-champs as group F winner, ahead of croatia
they now are officially one of europe's big football nations: they are now top seed for the qualifications
they qualified to the last world cup as group winners too
yet everybody act like they are nothing

that refereeing was atrocious:
-the most ridiculous red card ever, in the opening match (plus a possible penalty for a polish handball)
-2 wrongfully disallowed goals in the second match (one disallowed and one where the greek player was about to score)
-a denied penalty and a yellow card for simulation while the foul was 100% real, that yellow card had terrible consequences because their captain and best player was suspended for the next match, against germany, which they lost (but not without showing that they were able to score against germany)
and overall, a constant interference by the referee, to the point where it's almost impossible to play

there is no way you can win a competition with such refereeing

the same thing happened to uruguay in 2010, the team that has hands down the biggest palmares in the world and 4 stars on their jersey were treated like a bunch of no-names
FIFA said that the referees should protect the star players, but forlan wasn't considered a star and his tournament was ruined because he was injuried because you could do every foul to foraln in this world cup since he was not a star

people here might have had the impression that i was uruguayan, but i'm not
i just can't accept this BS
especially when the teams that get disrispected are mostly white
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this is the old italy:


buffon doesn't care about the fancy playing style, the only think that matters is the victory

“We are playing for something unique and totally prestigious, so it’s not right with the performance we put in to risk it in the last five minutes and play with fire. If they had scored with a lucky ricochet for 2-2, we’d end up losing in extra time 9-2. We are playing in the Euros here and cannot take it lightly. I always evaluate performances and attitudes rather than strictly wins or losses. We are still young, apart from a few old men in the squad, and need to learn. It’s only right for the old men to tell them off and stir up trouble. We played a great game and could’ve won with a larger result, but there were times when we were even and made the most of incidents. It doesn’t take much to change a match. It went well for us.” – Gianluigi Buffon.

In the second half, Buffon made an excellent save from a Marco Reus free-kick but it was his post-match reaction that could have deeper meaning come Sunday.

The Juventus custodian stormed off, embraced Germany coach Jogi Low but refused to be embraced by a team mate and even gave a little push to one of the mascots
Even Vox Day, who lives in Italy, and, if I'm not mistaken, favours repatriation of non-white immigrants says Balotelli is proof that some Africans can integrate:

His story is a touching tribute to humanity regardless of how one looks at it, but Mario Balotelli also illustrates that true integration into a foreign culture is at least partially possible in some circumstances, as the first thing that "the Italian boy with the dark skin", as La Repubblica calls him, did after his match of a lifetime was to run into the stands to the mother who adopted him at the age of two.


Zeus will be happy. The more non-whites in Europe the easier it will be for dark featured people like Zeus to say "I'm relatively more white than many northern Europeans".

On the abortion issue, in the United States (and I believe Britain too) blacks have disproportionately more abortions than whites. Blacks make up 10-12% of the US population but one third of abortions. So if abortion had not been legalised in the early 70s the black population would probably have doubled by now.
i had never heard of vox day

i stopped reading at "It was a masterpiece of a game" :icon_rolleyes:

On the abortion issue, in the United States (and I believe Britain too) blacks have disproportionately more abortions than whites. Blacks make up 10-12% of the US population but one third of abortions. So if abortion had not been legalised in the early 70s the black population would probably have doubled by now.

even amongst whites, the ones who have the most children are not the best ones
that's why we invented birth control and have used it since antiquity, and did it until the middle-ages when christians began their witch hunting:

As for female sexuality, witches were accused, in effect, of giving contraceptive aid and of performing abortions:

i stopped reading at "It was a masterpiece of a game"

He was quoting a Rome newspaper as an example of Italian exuberance. From an Italian point of view I suppose it was a masterpiece. They had a plan, and they successfully executed it.

On the subject of the Germans, this tournament reminded me of the last World Cup. After they beat England then shredded Argentina to pieces in what was one of the most lopsided matches between football powers in my lifetime everyone talked about Germany being the team to beat. Yet they were mediocre against Spain. The reality was that England and Argentina were both rubbish. This year Germany were lucky against Portugal, they played well against a Dutch team that was in disarray, then scraped through against Denmark. The Greeks scored twice against them in the QF. If anything the Germans are going backwards. Their reliance on inexperienced youthful players hasn't worked for them.
Ideally, this should be the end of that nose-picking, metrosexual negrophile Loew's reign, but most likely he'll continue thru the 2014 WC.

:laugh: You'd think someone would say to him "there will be a camera on you the whole match, so don't pick your nose".

I don't know about his contract but (if I'm right) he's already been in charge for three tournaments - Euro 2008, World Cup 2010, and now 2012. (He was also involved with the 2006 team). What has he accomplished to justify keeping him in charge? This has been one of the worst periods of German football in decades.

1970s - Euro 1972 Winners; World Cup 1974 Winners; Euro 1976 Runners-Up

1980s - Euro 1980 Winners; World Cups 82 & 86 Runners Up

1990s - World Cup 1990 Winners; Euro 1996 Winners

2000s - World Cup 2002 Runners Up

2010s - No finals

No finals since 2002 - that's five tournaments. In my lifetime (1970s onwards) Germany has never gone this long without being to a final. Also this past decade is the first in which they've fielded multicultural teams (Hmm...coincidence?). And as Frederic said this is the first time they've been metrosexuals who dress up. What they are doing is obviously not working. So why would they keep Loew on until 2014? It's as if they care more about image - multicultural and metrosexual - than winning.
His 2nd goal was the top play of the night on SportsCenter.

That's interesting. It wasn't even that great a goal. He was wide open and all he did was whack it as hard as he could and hoped it went in. It veered to the right dramatically and almost didn't go in. He could have easily missed that.

I wonder if the Gerrard to Carroll goal was on plays of the day. That was the best goal of the tourney that I remember.

Mario's first goal was easy. Any decent striker could have headed that on goal. It was the pass that made it.
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