U.S. Open

Tiger gave great drama by dragging the event out to its final put on 18.

With that and the back nine charge by Furyk, the sponsors got their moneys worth.

Its rumored that Tiger gets roughly 3 million in appearance fees for non major events. Thats 3 mil just to show up. Win, lose, or draw.

Just curious, what is Furyks appearance fee for non majors?
He didn't look muscular to me, just skinny, which is unusual for some golfers but not all.
Are you really 'just curious,' or trying to prove a point? Nobody in golf will ever make as much money as Tiger Woods in appearance fees and endorsements, no matter how good a golfer he is.

Unless he's black of course.
michiganblkman said:
Just curious, what is Furyks appearance fee for non majors?

Michelle Wie probably rakes in more money on the side than most pros, male or female. She'd bring home about $3.00 per month in endorsements if she was white.
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
. Thinking about Jack Nicholson and Lee Trevino, Gary Player, etc. it embarassing what going on today.

Those three were pretty good, but Jack Nicklaus was better.  



Jack Nicholson would NEVER lost to Tiger!!!!

Poacher said:
Tiger worship has gotten so out of hand that it has become a caricature of itself. Joke.

As Don so elequently noted Tiger worship is just a sign of how sick our society is. Celebrity worship is completely overboard nowadays, Princess Diana is on the cover of People magazine (again!) and she's been dead for 10 freakin' years! Get a life people!
JackNicholson knows how to handle a golf club.In the right situation, after a few drinks, he could very easily beat Tiger Woods.
Bart said:
Michelle Wie probably rakes in more money on the side than most pros, male or female.

According to Sports Illustrated, Michelle Wie is the third highest paid golfer on earth. Only Edrick Woods and Phil Mickelson make more money golfing.

In fact, she makes significantly more money than Tom Brady, for instance.

Sorry, but that is F_ing ridiculous.
Edited by: nevada
Strangely enough, celebrity worship seems to be promoted more when there are tons of crazy news stories going on - paris hilton cries in jail - hamas takes over part of isreal(!!!). Lindsay Lohan is a coked up lesbian - Immigration amnesty may pass even though 80% of country opposes it. How are these stories put next to each other in importance?

It's no coincedence that it happens this way. They have to maintain that "everything is normal. Move along. Nothing to see here."

Why would anyone idolize Toger Woods anyway? He hits a ball around and throws temper tantrums when he loses, like a little boy. Is that the measure of a man lately? To win at all costs, with no dignity when he loses?

America gets more and more insane to live in every day.
I think a lot of us felt that Tiger was well on his way to victory as Baddely began to tighten up and miss a lot of putts, and Tiger consistently saved par. We all had that powerful gut feeling of "here we go again", another "inevitable" Tiger victory.

But it didn't happen.

That's a hopeful sign for all of us..."that sinking feeling" we sometimes get can be a very big liar.
That time of year again. ESPN was wall to wall you-know-who yesterday.

His highness is tied for 17th.

The move has been made, the messiah is now one shot off the lead. Last seen walking over a water hazard.Edited by: Poacher
Poacher said:
The move has been made, the messiah is now one shot off the lead. Last seen walking over a water hazard.

With only the always-willing-to-fold Stuart Appleby ahead of him.
It gets frustrating. Tiger and Phil are paired together getting some one on one play. Unfortunately Phil started to fade at his course. The announcers are all over him. Showing Tiger walking in, Tiger practice putting. Yes the man is the #1 golfer at this time, nobody is arguing that. But 24/7 Tiger is way too much. It is nice to see the gallery supporting Phil and shouting encouragement to him. On a bad note, NBC said that there was a couple of hecklers (father and son) that were arrested for giving Adam Scott (I believe) some heckling trouble yesterday. Adam's caddy came out and confronted them. What would be worse is if the 2 idiots were Tiger fans
. Appleby worries me. I would like for Love III to make a run. We'll see...
I have just watched Mickelson blow up on a par 5 hole in an absolutely unbelievable manner. He tried the exact same short pitch, from the exact same spot on the fairway, directly in front of the green, THREE times. Each time, the ball fell short and rolled right back to where he'd started. I'm sorry, folks, but that is simply not possible. Mickelson is somehow in on the "fix," just like he was when he inexplicably blew the lead on the 18th hole of the U.S. Open a few years back. No way a pro golfer makes the same mistake THREE times like that. No way. As I said at that time, Mickelson has won his last major.

Besides Mickelson, I've watched white golfer after white golfer hit the rough, hit the sand, miss makable putts; i.e. typical Tiger Woods "intimidation" nonsense. They're all rolling over and playing dead for the great one, as they have so many times before. If Woods doesn't win this tournament, it will be because he gives it away to someone. The question is, even if he tries very hard to do that, can any white player avoid messing up enough to take it?
It is really phenomenal how EVERY one of these white golfers just collapses in Woods's presence. Woods has been playing horribly so far, and has dropped 3 strokes. However, EVERY one of his white competitors is choking constantly, missing fairways and missing easy birdie putts. So....Woods is still right there. I will be astonished if he doesn't win.
I still don't know why you think these guys are good enough to not make mistakes like that.

They're competitive golfers. Mental and physical creampuffs who, when they were 16, choose to play 18 holes of golf everyday when all the real athletes were playing better, more competitive sports.

Phil was an NCAA golf champion. This puts him on an athletic level about equal to volleyball, tennis, and lacrosse players. Does anybody think the best guys in those minor sports is so awesome at their game that they never mess up? The guys in track, swimming, and wrestling are better at what they do than Phil is at what he does.

Don't confuse the level of media coverage that competitive golf gets with the actual level of play in the sport. It's not very high.
I do not believe that what I saw Mickelson do today at that par 5 could have been the result of a great golfer making logical decisions. No one, from duffer to world class golfer, would keep hitting the exact same shot from the exact spot THREE times in a row. Have you ever seen any golfer do what Mickelson did on that hole?

If you're watching this tournament, you can see all those different white golfers missing fairways and missing putts. With the way Woods has been playing, he should be several shots behind by now. Instead, the field keeps coming back to him, as it always does in these majors. No, I do not believe that these golfers, who are supposedly the best in the world, just happen to always wilt in the presence of the guy the mainstream media just happens to love more than any other. The law of averages would seem to dictate that once in a while SOMEONE who was in competition with Woods at these majors would catch fire and shoot a 67 or something.

Woods is trying his best to give this away, but I will be shocked if he doesn't win.
The tournament is over. Woods, after being in "trouble" off the tee once again, holed in a chip shot from the severe rough off the green. You know, the same rough that has caused the white golfers to fire the ball across the greens into a sand trap on the other side.

If you've watched Woods' shots, you've seen how he is somehow magically able to land between sand traps time and time again. Also, even when he misfires off the tee (which he has done all day), somehow his ball is always lying up, never buried, and he is able to fire at the green, when the white golfers are somehow forced to lay up, or invariably land in a sand trap or the deep rough.

Once again, we are asked to believe that EVERY one of Woods' competitors just happened to falter, time and time again, even as he tried desperately to give the tournament away. I'm sorry, but that just can't happen naturally, time and time again, year after year, in all these major tournaments. There has to be some kind of "help" here, in order for the media's favorite "athlete" to keep on winning.

Anyone who has watched this tournament knows that somehow, someway (and I can't possibly explain how), golf is fixed, just like all the other sports.
Pathetic! At least Westwood and Mediate are still in the hunt. If Tiger wins this tournament with a bad knee I will believe more so that golf is rigged. The odds are against him with supposedly a group of healthy white males...? Appleby and Karlsson should be walking around with brown bags over their heads...pathetic! The crowd reaction to Tiger is just as pathetic...all those white faces cheering for the man.

All that BS about his knee "problem",how much "pain" the media was saying he was in( "You could see the pain on his face" ). Whaddya know? A black "athlete" faking an injury.

Then he suddenly comes through, and the media act as if it's a miracle.And the media will glorify it from now until the end of time - in documentaries,books,magazine articles - about how "bravely" he played in spite of the "pain" in his knee,how he "overcame" the "pain".

And in every TV story they will do about it, every future Ralph Wiley/Bill Rhoden/Stephen Smith-type, black racist sports 'writer' will babble and PRAAAAAIIIIISE how "he had the 'streynnnth' to 'ovuh-cuuuuum' the paiiiiiiiinnnnnn in his leeehhhhhhhhhhhhhg" to win, while throwing the same moldy old unrelated BS about slavery,"oppression",segregation,lynching,discrimination.... typical racist childishness that only 3rd worlders such as blacks are capable of.

( A perfect allegory about tiger,is the "SNL" sketch from about 15 tears ago,where Rob Schneider played a man who would have a quick orgasm at the mere mention of the various people,places, and things that he absloutely loves.Just say the name tiger woods to a member of The White media ,and watch the look on them. )

Hey media know-it-alls: Don't do something like...I don't know,rightfully state that he was FAKING THE WHOLE THING.

Weltner said:

All that BS about his knee "problem",how much "pain" the media was saying he was in( "You could see the pain on his face" ). Whaddya know? A black "athlete" faking an injury.

Then he suddenly comes through, and the media act as if it's a miracle.And the media will glorify it from now until the end of time - in documentaries,books,magazine articles - about how "bravely" he played in spite of the "pain" in his knee,how he "overcame" the "pain".

And in every TV story they will do about it, every future Ralph Wiley/Bill Rhoden/Stephen Smith-type, black racist sports 'writer' will babble and PRAAAAAIIIIISE how "he had the 'streynnnth' to 'ovuh-cuuuuum' the paiiiiiiiinnnnnn in his leeehhhhhhhhhhhhhg" to win, while throwing the same moldy old unrelated BS about slavery,"oppression",segregation,lynching,discrimination.... typical racist childishness that only 3rd worlders such as blacks are capable of.

( A perfect allegory about tiger,is the "SNL" sketch from about 15 tears ago,where Rob Schneider played a man who would have a quick orgasm at the mere mention of the various people,places, and things that he absloutely loves.Just say the name tiger woods to a member of The White media ,and watch the look on them. )

Hey media know-it-alls: Don't do something like...I don't know,rightfully state that he was FAKING THE WHOLE THING.


And all of this would go away if someone else wins.

Can they?
Coming down to the 18th. Hold your breath.
Damn! Mediate and Westwood didn't exactly lay down. Gotta hope Rocco does what Hal Sutton did against Woods at The Players Championship in '99 and beat him one on one.
Wow- what a shocker. Did you all catch the little "help" Woods had with his birdie putt on 18? Ever seen one of his competitors' balls spin IN to the hole like that? You certainly have seen them spin out enough times over the years.

They almost fooled even me, when Tiger hit the bunker off his drive on the 18th, and then clunked one in to the rough. Any other golfer on the tour hits a shot out of there either over the green, or off course into the rough or a sand trap. His approach from there was absolutely impossible. Once on the green, there was no way he was going to miss any birdie putt from anywhere.

Gee, I wonder who will win the playoff?
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