U.S. Open

Maybe we'll get a telltale piece of evidence one day, like one of Tiger's putts going backwards into the cup after going several feet past it, reminiscent of when the protaganist in "The Truman Show" started realizing what was going on. But even if that happened Johnny Miller would credit it to a new "backspin putt" Woods had been working on.

I was hoping so bad that as a reward for listening to Johnny Miller's mandatory airhead ramblings for the past two days that Rocco would win. No such luck.
Somewhere Al Pacino(Devil's Advocate) is cackling while his son is doing the impossible.....Edited by: white is right
Don't tell me Satan didn't help guide that ball in,keeping it from rolling in and out.

Why couldn't that devil suffer a large number of brutal and unexplainable losses and collapses like Greg Norman?Edited by: Weltner
Tiger's mystical prowess must be getting to me. I had no doubt that he would make that putt and ruin my Father's Day.
Chuck Swirsky, soon to be the play by play commentator for the Chicago Bulls, is telling his radio audience in Canada that Tiger Woods is the greatest athlete of his generation AND the only reason golf is a major sport.

Earlier in this thread Poacher said that the MSM worshipping of Tiger has become a caricature itself. Poacher said that in 2007. The last day since Tiger's eagle putt has gone well beyond caricature. I think it has been the worst it has ever been. If you have been away from MSM today be thankful for small mercies.

Go Rocco!
Further more my main memory of yesterday's 4th round was the crowd shouting "woo-hoo" after one of Tiger's shots and the fist pumps from the white fans standing behind Tiger. It was around the 15th or 16th hole and the guy leading the "woo-hooing" and fistpumping was a blond haired guy in his forties. If you were watching you had to have seen him because he was prominent on TV for about 10 seconds.
Matra1 said:
Further more my main memory of yesterday's 4th round was the crowd shouting "woo-hoo" after one of Tiger's shots and the fist pumps from the white fans standing behind Tiger. It was around the 15th or 16th hole and the guy leading the "woo-hooing" and fistpumping was a blond haired guy in his forties. If you were watching you had to have seen him because he was prominent on TV for about 10 seconds.

Was it Johnny Miller?
Weltner said:
Don't tell me Satan didn't help guide that ball in,keeping it from rolling in and out.

Why couldn't that devil suffer a large number of brutal and unexplainable losses and collapses like Greg Norman?
I meant that statement in jest, but with his clutch/lucky bounces over the years it looks like that scenario. At least Rocco didn't give it to Woods, Woods had to earn this.
We learned several things from this year's U.S. Open:

- Tiger Woods is never really in trouble, no matter where his ball is.

- All other players are still in trouble, when they hit their ball where Tiger routinely does.

- No matter how bad it looks for Woods, he is never out of it, and there is no end to the "miraculous" shots he pulls off to thrill the media jock-sniffers.

- Jack Nicklaus can kiss his record of 18 majors goodbye. They will probably broadcast it live on all television networks when Woods gets his 19th major.

- Anyone who watched this fiasco and still believes that golf is not rigged is naive. All that's missing is Vince McMahon in the booth with Johnny Miller and co.

- The first rule of Don King'a America stands; no black male shall ever be allowed to lose to a white male, in any highly publicized competition, under any circumstances.

And please don't let me hear any comments about what a "great effort" Rocco put up. The bottom line is; Woods won, because our corrupt masters wanted him to. Besides, if he's like every other defeated white male in Don King's America, Rocco's probably extremely happy that he didn't win.
Matra1 said:
Chuck Swirsky, soon to be the play by play commentator for the Chicago Bulls, is telling his radio audience in Canada that Tiger Woods is the greatest athlete of his generation AND the only reason golf is a major sport.

Swirsky is typical. First off Chuck, stop confusing golfers with athletes and secondly, Woods is not the greatest "athlete" of his generation, Roger Federer is.

Concerning the Open...

I never saw a picture on any of the MSM sports sites of any golfer but Woods. I could have missed one but I never saw anyone but him. How insulting is that?

Woods just got pushed to the limit by a 45 year old man. Kind of funny really. What are the odds Michael Phelps loses to a 45 year old man in the 200M butterfly in the Olympics?

Rocco played great.
Any game at which fat people can play and excel is not a sport, and the people who play it are not athletes.

Except boxing.
I rate golfers as sportsmen. Similar to pool players or shooters. If you don't tax your body then you aren't an athlete in my book.
Don Wassall said:
Matra1 said:
Further more my main memory of yesterday's 4th round was the crowd shouting "woo-hoo" after one of Tiger's shots and the fist pumps from the white fans standing behind Tiger. It was around the 15th or 16th hole and the guy leading the "woo-hooing" and fistpumping was a blond haired guy in his forties. If you were watching you had to have seen him because he was prominent on TV for about 10 seconds.

Was it Johnny Miller?

Did you hear Jonny Miller on Rocco Mediate? "He looks more like the guy who cleans Tiger's pool."
My mother is as swept up in Woodsmania as anyone. However, not everyone with her genes shares her enthusiasm iykwim. I'm as much a Tiger basher as most anyone on CF, thanks to CF, Stormfront, and their ilk (and my disgust over Eldrick's race mixing). I wonder, though (playing devil's advocate, perhaps), if Woods would receive as much a bashing as he has had on this board if he'd actually lost a couple of majors after having 54-hole leads.

I was off from work today, but due to two doctor's appointments (scheduled far enough apart to allow me to, among other things, get my driver's license renewed [a wait unto itself due to a computer slowdown]) I missed the playoff. (I live in the Eastern Time Zone.)

When I walked in the door, I saw Mediate being interviewed and it was apparent he had lost from his rhetoric. Of course mom was all giddy that Tiger had won in sudden death.

Did Rocco lead at all during the playoff?

white is right said:
I rate golfers as sportsmen. Similar to pool players or shooters. If you don't tax your body then you aren't an athlete in my book.

I imagine jockeys/equestrians would qualify as sportsmen, not athletes, too. Maybe even bowlers. How about race car drivers (or pit crewmen

Matra1 said:
Did you hear Jonny Miller on Rocco Mediate? "He looks more like the guy who cleans Tiger's pool."

Wow! More humor at the expense of the white man. Would he joke about an Asian, Negro, or Mexican the same way? Not if he wants to keep his job!
foreverfree said:
Of course mom was all giddy that Tiger had won in sudden death.

Most people in America root for the underdog in almost any competition. It is almost axiomatic that fans want to see champions fall. It seems to me that golf is the only sport in America exempt from this phenomenon.
Matra1 said:
Don Wassall said:
Matra1 said:
Further more my main memory of yesterday's 4th round was the crowd shouting "woo-hoo" after one of Tiger's shots and the fist pumps from the white fans standing behind Tiger. It was around the 15th or 16th hole and the guy leading the "woo-hooing" and fistpumping was a blond haired guy in his forties. If you were watching you had to have seen him because he was prominent on TV for about 10 seconds.

Was it Johnny Miller?

Did you hear Jonny Miller on Rocco Mediate? "He looks more like the guy who cleans Tiger's pool."
At one time Italian Americans were slurred by Anglo Saxons in this manner, because they were largely in jobs that Mexicans stereotypically do today. Maybe he meant it in this fashion. After all Miller is about 60 and might remember those times. Some younger posters might not know this but Italians faced severe discrimination when they came to America and weren't considered white by Anglo-Saxons.
white is right said:
Matra1 said:
Don Wassall said:
Matra1 said:
Further more my main memory of yesterday's 4th round was the crowd shouting "woo-hoo" after one of Tiger's shots and the fist pumps from the white fans standing behind Tiger. It was around the 15th or 16th hole and the guy leading the "woo-hooing" and fistpumping was a blond haired guy in his forties. If you were watching you had to have seen him because he was prominent on TV for about 10 seconds.

Was it Johnny Miller?

Did you hear Jonny Miller on Rocco Mediate? "He looks more like the guy who cleans Tiger's pool."
At one time Italian Americans were slurred by Anglo Saxons in this manner, because they were largely in jobs that Mexicans stereotypically do today. Maybe he meant it in this fashion. After all Miller is about 60 and might remember those times. Some younger posters might not know this but Italians faced severe discrimination when they came to America and weren't considered white by Anglo-Saxons.

Very true, but all European ethnicities went through the same process, and understandably so. The Italians were a littletanner on average than other whites and thus considered somewhat exotic (Rocco being a good example) and were the last major Euro migration here, so their time of trial and tribulation is still within the living memory of many Americans. But they came through it with flying colors. It's everything that's come since (the massive non-white immigration with its seething, Establishment-approvedhatred of Euro America) that's screwed up the works big time.

Miller can be incredibly insulting of all golfers but Tiger. But that's so typical of all white media personalities in all sports. They are so careful when talking about non-whites, but free-wheeling when it comes to whites because theyknow very few whites will even notice much less call them on it. Whites making fun of whites is the new National Pastime.
I just brought up the possibility. But the Italian stereotypes of the blue collar mule worker probably died in the early 60's. I do still remember Bob Hope doing "that's a spicy meatball" and the more recent stereotypes of track suits and violence.
WIR, Iwasn't disagreeing with you in any way, I just like to reiterate the point that there is a gigantic difference between white immigration and non-white immigration. So many deracinated whites stillhaven't figured that outeven as they keepscrambling to live in the ever-declining number of "safe" neighborhoods-- "we're a nation of immigrants," blah, blah, blah.
Just look at formely white ethnic neighbourhoods in NYC, Philly or many other major cities. Even if they hold a decent real estate value the neighborhoods are much more violent. Brownsville has houses that sell for just under 300K. I would rather go on a crack smoker bender then buy a house(and live there)for 300K....
maybe Woods has white bloodline family in my country(the netherlands).because he is family of some people here.childs of nephews of him(or they are joking that they have same great grand parent)The media says he is black and some sometimes they say he is half black half asian.Anybody knows what he really is.
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