U.S. Mint excludes White men


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
U.S. Mint excludes White men from face of new coin


2009 One-Ounce Platinum Proof Coin Available December 3

The 2009 design depicts four faces representing the diversity of our Nation, with the clothing and hair weaving together symbolizing the principle, To Form a More Perfect Union. A new design element, an American Eagle "privy mark," has been added to the reverse of the coin. The privy mark is from an original "coin punch" identified at the United States Mint at Philadelphia. The reverse was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program Master Designer Susan Gamble and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.
The link doesn't work.
Menelik said:
The link doesn't work.

I don't know why so many links don't work from here. I copied and pasted it to Google that brought up two links to the article that work. Edited by: Bart
That coin is the most insulting thing I've ever seen.

It's no coincidence that this coin has come out during the Rahm Emmanuel administration. In fact, I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that everything this administration does is intended to hurt, taunt, degrade and dishearten white Americans in general and white men in particular.
White Men were the ones who founded the United States of America, and this is the ultimate gratitude and thanks they get for founding a truly great nation.
To me this just symbols the theme of America, corporate culture, societal culture, exclude the white man's presence as much as possilbe. White people in this country better wake up very soon or they will be elimiated. The first step is to take back our schools from the liberals which is were the educators brain-wash white children into buying into multi-culturalism, and diversity and that they are inherently evil and should bend over backwards by sacrificing their lives and careers to make up for historical sins of the past.
Yes, white men founded this once First World nation, and ironically invented the equipment on which those coins will be printed. Actually, when you think of it everybody who lives in civilized society can thank white men. It's the ultimate irony when white inventions are used to degrade white men, like TV, the internet, and coins. Sometimes I wonder if white people have evolved with a timed "self-destruct" gene. Then, when looking back at history, I realize that you can get people to believe anything, even against their own good. It's just up to us to reclaim the the sphere's of influence from nefarious forces. We must call out anti-white racism and radical tyranny when it is safe to do so. Look, people are easy to influence. Once we get the sphere's of influence back, we can reestablish a world where people are free and will require personal responsibility to survive, and are able to formulate their own thoughts without having to believe mind-crippling political correctness. Down with multiculturalism and other deadly practices!
Piece of trash propaganda. Not only no White man (who founded this great nation and all of the world's greatest civilizations), but they placed the White woman at the bottom...below the negro.

I can't believe White Americans have been so sheeplized & castrated we allow this constant barrage of "downgrading" by the PTB. No wonder the Republic's imploding!!!
Ahh, sweet diversity, the turd that just won't flush.

This is more yawn-worthy "Opposite Day" mantra...containing so much hypocrisy that it would make a 5-year old do a double-take.

The U.S. Mint, not unlike all things federal, is a small portion of the NWO-Zionist-American Tapeworm. Thier "brainwashing" is so lame and so scripted and so blatant that it's becoming a little mundane, even for cyborg white men and women.

That coin (which nobody will use or buy) looks f*cking gay, BTW.