Two Nigerian Negroes behead a man in London

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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada

According to the out-of-Africa evolutionary theory, Caucasians were the second migration out of Africa, and this migration became Europeans, Middle Easterners, and those in the Indian subcontinent.

So, all of these populations actually originated in the same migration.

Your comments in this thread are disruptive.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
You have no quarrel with them coming to our countries then sidling up to their Jewish friends and demanding all kinds of privileges including the right to crush free speech that offends them?
The Muslims I've talked to hate Zionists and don't side with them.

I'd stop ALL immigration into Canada if I could, as well as into the lands of my ancestors (British Isles and France).
You have no quarrel with their demands for more immigrants from their homelands?

You have no quarrel with them demanding that our countries fight their wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, and no doubt soon, Syria?
Are they demanding it? I don't think so. The Zionists are pushing for US involvement in Syria. I think Western countries should stay out of those places.
You have no quarrel with them planting bombs in Madrid, London, and Paris and shooting soldiers in Texas and New Jersey?
Of course I do. But there are a few nutcases and fanatics within any group, most Muslims obviously don't approve of those attacks.

And I wonder if some of those were false flags, like the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty?
You have no quarrel with them pimping out white girls throughout England, and gang raping others in Sydney, Brussels, etc?
The people doing that are generally not White Muslims, they are Pakistanis and Negroes (from Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, etc).

Islam forbids pimping and gang rape. It's not the religion that causes people to behave like that, it has more to do with race.
What would it take for you to have a quarrel with them?
I wouldn't mind seeing the USA going to Nigeria or Somali and bombing those countries into oblivion. But I have no quarrel with Arabs, Persians, Avars, etc.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
The Muslims I've talked to hate Zionists and don't side with them.

in france there is only 1 political party that is not anti-french, it's the front national
the front national has always had an antisemitic image, or antizionist
they suport palestine
they are the definition of what you are refering to: a party that has nothing against arabs or muslims, but that just want to stop inmigration, and for them ideally each people should live in their respective lands: arabs in arab countries, french people in france

but the french arabs/muslims don't vote for them, of all the parties in france the front national gets the fewest votes from the muslims
they do rallies against the party, calling it racist ect
they did side with jews in the process
every anti-racist movement in france was created by jews, and the arabs have suported them

here is a picture of "la marche des beurs", a march for inmigrants rights in 1983 (beur= slang for arab)


you can read "non aux expulsions"= "no to expulsions", so they ask that france shouldn't be able to kick the inmigrants out (the illegal inmigrants, ofcourse)
"pour une france pluriethnique et pluriculturelle"="for a multiracial and multicultural france"
these rallies were organised by SOS racisme, an antiracist organisation, created by jews to attack the french people

the muslims have voted massively (more than 90%) for the left, the left that said before the elections that they would allow gay marriage (very muslim :suspicious: ) and that also is in favor of israel and has many, many jews in it
but the french arabs didn't care about that, they voted for the left because they know that they are the most anti-white parties, there are no other reasons why they would have voted for them, absolutely none

so for the arabs, whites have to be anti-zionists (palestinia is for palestinians) but they can't be against inmigration in european countries
this is a fact
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Let's try not to go off-topic with this thread. This thread is about a Negro "Muslim" Nigerian, who killed and beheaded a white British man on the streets in London.

Rebajlo and Matra seem quick to blame this attack on Islam. Even though, as I pointed out above, statistically speaking Negroes (many of who are Christian) dominate violent crime and interracial crime more than any other race and literally as a white person, you have a 50 times greater probability of being murdered by a Negro than you do by a Muslim.

Africa leads the entire world in murders, here is the murder rate by region of Africa:

Southern Africa - 30.5 murders per 100,000 people (a world record)
Central Africa - 20.8 murders per 100,000 people
Eastern Africa - 21.9 murders per 100,000 people
Western Africa - 15.4 murders per 100,000 people

Northern Africa (almost all Caucasian Muslims) - 5.9 murders per 100,000 people (a fair murder rate, comparable to European countries)


This data would strongly suggest that there is no relationship between religion and murder rate. In fact, its actually Muslim Africans in the North that are safer, and less likely to murder than Christian Africans in the South. Rather, the data would suggest a relationship between race and murder rate (Negroes more likely to murder). Caucasian Muslims in the North are safe. Negro Christians in the South lead the world in murder.

Quite literally, the darker someone's skin is, the more likely they are to commit murder. This is especially true of Negroes near the equator. Negroes dominate murder rates and this irrespective of religion.

In conclusion, Matra and Rebajlo are totally incorrect in blaming Muslims or Islam for this attack. Actually, Muslim Africans tend to be safer and less likely to murder than Christian Africans. This is because of the fact that most Muslim Africans are Caucasian.

The fault of this attack lies in the fact that the perpetrator is a Negro. Had the perpetrator been Christian, he still would have killed Lee Rigby, the British soldier. Clearly, looking at these statistics, religion has no effect on the murder rate.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
a jewish propagandist would blame this murder on religion alone
you, as a muslim propagandist, choose to totally hide the FACT that he was muslim and that he did this because of what british soldiers do to his brothers in faith in africa
so as always, jews and muslims are actually not so different :thumbsup:


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
You know, people like you Matra and Rebajlo, badmouthing Muslims and talking about Muslim crime. Do you understand that black crime is killing literally 50 times as many whites as Muslim crime is? Are you aware of that (and if you are, then why do you continue to ignore Negro crime while focusing your efforts on Muslim crime)?

As a white man, you are about 50 times more likely to be murdered by a Negro, than a Muslim.

I'm not saying that all Muslims are perfect, or don't on occasion commit crimes. But what I am saying is that statistically speaking, Muslims are much safer than Negroes are. That's not my opinion that is a statistical fact. Its also a theoretical fact if you believe in human genetic variation as an explanation for racial crime trends.

As someone who is pro-white, it's important for you both to prioritize your message. Jewish crime and Negro crime, should *always* be your main point of argument. The statistical reality of life is that Negro-on-white crime is a much more significant issue than any other type of crime.

Pro-whites talking badly about Muslims, Latinos, or Asians. When you do that, you're really distracting yourself from the statistically more important issues.

Here is the reality of race and crime, and race and interracial crime:

Source: (This source is based on United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

- Negroes lead the entire world in murder, by quite a large margin. No other race, religion, or people are as violent as Negroes. In particular, it is Negroes in the Southern region of Africa that constitute the world's leaders in murder. This would apply mainly to Christian Negroes in countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Other areas of the world that are particularly violent include Eastern Africa, Central Africa, the Caribbean. Some parts of Brazil, Colombia, and the USA also have high murder rates, but in those instances it is mainly the Negro populations that is making the murder rates so high.

- Negroes lead the entire world in interracial murder, and murder of whites, by quite a large margin. Once again, no other race, religion, or people are as violent as Negroes, or killing as many whites as Negroes. In the USA, we see an alarming figure of roughly 1,200 (according to the FBI's data on homicides), but by my own calculations roughly 1,500-2,000 whites murdered per year by blacks. It's been realistically estimated that blacks have murdered about 45,000 whites from the 1970's to the 90's. In South Africa, we also see literally thousands of whites murdered by blacks per year (though it's hard to get reliable statistics on the murder of whites in South Africa, because the country is so unstable and chaotic). No other race, religion, or group of people is killing whites anywhere close to this extent.

- I wanna emphasize this point to Rebajlo and Matra: According to United Nations statistics on national murder rates, Muslim African countries are much safer, and much less prone to murder than Christian African countries. Looking at the rate of murder in Africa, what you'll notice is that Northern Africans (many of who are Muslim) are much less likely - literally several orders of magnitude - to murder than Southern Africans (many of who are Christian). The murder rate in some North African Muslim countries is on par with some European and North American countries. In fact, a country like Algeria (almost completely Caucasian Muslims) has a murder rate of 2.5 is much safer than USA, which has a murder rate of roughly 4.5. No doubt this is because many North African Muslims are Caucasian. Clearly, this data would imply that murder rate is much more associated with RACE than anything else. This data completely contradicts the position of Matra and Rebajlo in saying that Muslims are violent.

I agree with you for the most part. I don't have an issue with Muslims, but whites deserve their own countries and should not have to be forced to live with them. If America wasn't constantly meddling in Muslim countries business attacks on white Christians wouldn't be happening. Blacks on the other hand murder at 50 times the rate of whites in the US and all over the world as that chart shows. Murder is only a drop in the bucket though. Add up all the blacks raping, robbing, assaulting, and burglarizing whites in this country and I believe it's around a million total black on white crimes a year in the US alone. That's much more crime against whites by blacks than all other races combined. We are being taught that these are great people and these numbers are not true.


Aug 22, 2012
How can someone say they're pro-Caucasian but anti-Jewish? What are Jews again?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
How can someone say they're pro-Caucasian but anti-Jewish? What are Jews again?
Jewish supremacists absolutely DESPISE white Gentiles and have done everything they can to destroy our lives.

For that reason, you can't be pro-Caucasian and support Jewish Supremacism.

Rabbi Wants an Islamic Europe as Jewish Revenge! — With Dr. Duke Commentary

Jews should “rejoice” at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity in favor of Islam as “punishment” for its “wickedness” and “corruption,” a leading Israeli settler rabbi has announced.

According to a report on YNet news,
the well-known rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, made the remarks on a Jewish website in response to a question about the Islamification of Europe.

“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there,” Efrati said.

“We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly . . . throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity.

“And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for,” he said.

“With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,” the rabbi added.

“Even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity,” rabbi Efrati concluded.

The outburst by the Yeshiva head illustrates two important points: firstly, that Jewish Supremacist hatred of Europe is so great that they would rather see Europe overrun by Islam, the Zionist’s mortal enemy, than see it survive and preserve its own identity; and secondly, it underlines the true nature of Jewish Supremacism and media control.

Imagine if a Christian priest anywhere announced that “Judaism is fundamentally corrupt, wicked and that Israel deserved to be overrun by Muslims.”

The media would leap on such a priest and he or she would be hounded out of their work and society in general.

Yet a leading rabbi can make such remarks and not only attract zero media attention, but be nurtured and protected by the Jewish state.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Other than apostate theology, I generally have no issues with muhamedans. I just think they should stay in the middle east (similar to das juden needing to stay in Israel). As a White nationalist, I'd (optimally) prefer a White, Christian nation free of sub-races & non-European nationalities. However, that's a pipe dream given our current state (under the thumb of the PTB & surrounded by castrated sheeple). <:-(

I do (however) respect the moral code of the Saudis & devotion of many Muslims. I can appreciate the Arabians not wanting any "Hellyweird" smut, fa99otry or drugs in their nation.


Aug 22, 2012
You can't be pro-Caucasian and explicitly hate a whole Caucasian group.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Werewolf’s current post count isn’t entirely accurate, as he’s been posting at CF for at least 6-7 years, but (if I recall correctly) he has been unfortunately banned twice before by the moderators. He was posting under his current username, “werewolf,†many years ago, but was banned. He then began posting under the username “WW†around 2009, but was banned about two years ago. He then returned under “werewolf†in May 2011, weeks before the new CF board was unveiled. Since it occurred so long ago, I could be mistaken as to chronology.

Personally, I think he’s a great contributor who, in all those thousands of posts over many years, has never composed a single anti-white sentence at CF. His early posts concerning the ghastly horrors that whites face in post-Apartheid South Africa were dazzling stuff, his boxing posts have always been informational (especially when insulting David Haye and Max Kellerman), his political posts (particularly when pertaining to Bush and Obama) are truthful and humorous, his posts on International Jewry are candid, and even most of his “conspiracy†posts are, even if one doesn't agree, thought-provoking.

And yes, I can certainly understand why several posters have quarreled with him (and why he was banned in the past), as he can become quite abrasive to those who disagree with or deride his posts. It’s mostly harmless, and certainly nothing when contrasted against former Greek poster EuroKing/Alexsander/Spartan/Crixus/Zeus, who seemed to contaminate every single thread with name-calling, insults against white males in the US/UK, threats of violence, tremendous egotism, Greek Supremacy and general forum discord. Even so, Zeus’ diversions were amusing in moderation.

I’m not attempting to criticize any posters who dislike werewolf’s posting style, as Jaxvid and Rebajlo are certainly invaluable, heavyweight veteran posters, and the “Black-Jewish Prince†(sic :icon_tongue:) has certainly had his moments over the years.

Thrashen (Don, the moderators, and everyone else) -

Yes, I know that werewolf has previously been a member under a couple of related usernames but the post counts I most readily had access to provided sufficient evidence to make my basic point. :icon_wink:

During my past run-ins with werewolf I've made it unambiguously clear that I don't have a problem with him stating his views (whatever they may be). That's not the issue. The issue is the manner in which he articulates them and, most importantly, his exploding-though-the-roof-and-straight-into-the-clouds reaction to the merest electron of mild disagreement, let alone proper criticism.

Despite reading all of the Happy Hour posts (or as many as I have time for...), I don't really get too involved in overly polemic non-soccer threads as it appears that when I do, things can occasionally get a bit out of hand. :icon_wink: I'm generally content to make a non-controversial post or two in the Great Music Videos and Crime threads and leave it at that. But one of the things I just cannot abide is discourtesy, let alone unprovoked aggressive rudeness so when I see someone flinging abuse I cannot help myself and eventually wade in to say my bit.

People are inevitably going to disagree at some juncture, but when a member of a pro-White forum begins to automatically label fellow members who criticise his self-styled "sacrosanct" opinions as "Zionist shills" and accuses them of being crypto-Jews et cetera, this - to me, at least - is unacceptable and shouldn't be tolerated.

I'm never keen on exchanging "un-pleasantries" with fellow "White Nationalists" but when someone - in this case Carcharias - opines that the Woolwich murder had nothing to do with Islam (!!!) and insinuates that another member must be a Jew to believe otherwise then I'm not going to let such insulting ****e pass. For it is insulting...


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Before I get stuck in, I'd just like to point out that our loudest critics of Islam just happen to be those members who have had the most everyday contact with Muslims. Matra2 is from the UK, frederic38 is from France, Menelik has lived in Saudi Arabia, while good old Yours truly has had the displeasure of Muslim company both in Australia and the UK. Arend (who lives in Germany and has family in the Netherlands) has not participated in this thread but has been very critical of Muslims in the past. Now, what does that say? :icon_wink:

Matra2 and frederic38 have made excellent posts which have conveyed much of what I have to say on the subject, so I'll simply respond to Carcharias' sagacious points...

Wow. Look at Menelik's posts in this thread. Why do you approve of his constant insults against other members? I'd say you and he are the two worst for childish name-calling.

When Menelik referred to Mohammed as a paedophile (Mohammed's third wife, Aisha - daughter of Abu Bakr, the first caliph - was nine years old when their marriage was "consummated") and drew attention to the "original" muezzin, the Negro ex-slave Bilal ibn Rabah you instantly leapt to the defence of Islam with your self-righteous "no religious slurs" quotation, thus implying that his statement was somehow inaccurate. You then attempted to twist Menelik's unequivocally pro-White statement that the West would be a better place to live without Negroes and Mohammedans by pitifully insinuating that his disapprobation of Muslims must mean he is a White-hating Jew:

Carcharias said:
And in your opinion, without white Gentiles too Mr. Cohen?

Do you wish to further elaborate on this thread's "insult trail"?

Carcharias said:
I've yet to see you or Menelik post the slightest criticism of Jewish Supremacism, yet you're always quick to attack Islam.

I don't criticise the jews or Jewish supremacism? Really? Well, that's news to me. Here's a post I made in the English Premier League thread a couple of months ago:

Rebajlo said:
I could effortlessly expound at length (something which would doubtlessly upset certain members...) upon the subject of the Jews in Poland, but I'll let the following little facts speak for themselves. Of the ten post-1989 Polish Ministers of Foreign Affairs, three have been Jews. In addition, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, who served two terms, is an open Semitophile while the current holder of the post Radoslaw Sikorski is married to a Jew. Incidentally, so is the incumbent President, Bronislaw Komorowski.

Perhaps - like that fine intellectual specimen werewolf - you only read the boxing and Happy Hour sections? Or perhaps that brain of yours just isn't very retentive? Either way, how do the following (from the "Non-Whites in White Roles" Happy Hour thread) strike you?

Rebajlo said:
Speaking of comic book characters, the American comic book industry has always been largely dominated by Jews and they have used it as a seemingly innocent and whimsical, hencemuch-overlooked, propaganda device.
The great Marvel guru, Stan Lee (Stanley Lieber) is, of course, Jewish and he had a hand in creating most of the firm's "flagship" characters. Jack "King" Kirby (Jacob Kurtzberg) and Joe Simon, the co-creators of the iconic Captain America - you guessed it, Jews. On the DC side of the ledger,Superman co-creators Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were Yids, as was Bill Finger, who co-created most of the stock Batman characters. Industry giant Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, can also be filed under the "Jewish" category. Like that other major 20th century medium - cinema - the comics industry was a largely Jewish domain, and generally remains so, especially at the executive / editorial levels.

Rebajlo said:
As for comics in general, looking at my above post it appears that in my typing haste, I embarrassingly forgot to mention Batman creator Bob Kane (Robert Kahn) as being Jewish. As You mentioned vis-a-vis Kirby, Jews always felt the need to hide their identities. How many people who read L'il Abner back in the 50's and 60's would have thought that Al Capp (Alfred Caplin), whose characters were "hillbillies",was a Yid? I always like to surprise people by mentioning that screen icon Lauren Bacall is Shimon Peres' cousin, unlikely as it seems.

Back when whites were still only partially indoctrinated, the Jews always changed their names to avoid drawing attention to their various monopolies in the entertainment industries - after all, the goyim may become suspicious and wish to throw a few spanners into the works. Once the Jewish financial and political power bases were fully secure and political correctness had commenced it's reign, the Jews started to officially come out of the woodwork. The largely Jewish themed Seinfeld appeared in 1989, followed by The Nanny (Cue annoying nasal voice: "I'm Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewiiiiiiiiiish!!!!!!!!!!!"). That talentless fat sl*g Roseanne Barr started to flaunt her Jewishness during the 1990's - all of a sudden, in the Age of Anti-Discrimination, it became trendy to be openly Jewish...

Here's my final exhibit (from the "Marvel Kills Off Peter Parker" Happy Hour thread):

Rebajlo said:
I didn’t claim that every aspect of Western culture is Jewish-derived (nor did I attempt to negate the historical significance of Christianity), just that many of the 20th and early 21st century “White” icons of the West were either created by Jews, portrayed by Jews, or are Jews. This, of course, is what differentiates post-1900 Western culture from that of “traditional” Western culture, which was a product of “genuine” Whites (with rare Jewish exceptions such as Spinoza and the half-Jewish Montaigne).

Let’s have a look at a few things which an average White would smugly enumerate when asked to provide examples of “unmistakably White” popular culture, in contrast to that of blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

Maybe our notional White would begin with a few of “our” best-loved and biggest-selling singers and songwriters: Leonard Cohen, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, Simon and Garfunkel, Bette Midler, Barbra Streisand and, of course, Robert Zimmerman (oops, sorry, Bob Dylan). Perhaps he prefers the vocals of Joey Ramone, Lou Reed or Marc Bolan or the guitar work of Mark Knopfler. He may point to legendary superstar rock band Kiss, featuring “core” members Stanley Eisen (a.k.a Paul Stanley) and Chaim Weitz (a.k.a. Gene Simmons). If someone claims that jazz is a purely black form of music, chances are that the White shall bring up the names of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, in addition to mentioning the “classic White standards” penned by Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein. One never knows - he could even drop in Kenny G...

Next, he might highlight the rich White comedic tradition, beginning with the Marx brothers and Al Jolson through Jerry Lewis, the British “Carry On” films starring Solomon Cohen (er, I mean Sid James) and the Pink Panther series featuring (half-Jewish) Peter Sellers. The oft-kicked-in-the-arse Manuel from Faulty Towers is also a perennial favourite, portrayed by Andrew Sachs.

By now, the White is on a roll and begins to brag about the “golden age of cinema” and even boldly reinforces his statements by referring to the “pre-cultural Marxist days”. Being a bit of a buff, he informs his interlocutor that the magnificent film scores for such swashbuckling gems as “The Adventures of Robin Hood”, “Captain Blood” and “The Sea Hawk” were all composed by Erich Korngold, while Max Steiner wrote the music for “Gone With The Wind”, “Casablanca”, “The Big Sleep” and “Key Largo” (and, damn, wasn’t Lauren Bacall classy...).

Bursting with pride, our White states that he is a science fiction fan and that his favourite author is Isaac Asimov (who, in his opinion, should have won a Pulitzer Prize, just like Herman Wouk) while nothing beats watching re-runs of that quasi-religion of a TV series, the original Star Trek starring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. The only thing which comes even close is viewing re-runs of Warner Bros. cartoons voiced by Mel Blanc. Speaking of franchises based on cartoons with a long history, one cannot forget Betty Boop, created by Max Fleischer.

Our White suddenly notices the time and hurriedly makes his apologies, explaining that he has to meet his girlfriend later in the afternoon. It’s her birthday, You see, so he’s bought her books by Nigella Lawson and Alain de Botton, a Woody Allen DVD set and a Chagall facsimile print. He’d best be on his way now as it’s time to go to the gym, but he shall stop at home first in order to drink a Joe Weider protein supplement and don his Gold’s Gym gear (after all, he can’t lift weights in his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt).

Actually, he only goes to that particular gym to ogle one of the female instructors - he doesn’t know her name, but she wears that Calvin Klein perfume. He feels a bit guilty, but his girlfriend doesn’t have a clue. She is likewise unaware of his stash of vintage High Society magazines and Ron Jeremy porn videos. Put it this way – if she ever found out, he’d have to pull a real Houdini act. So it’s best to avoid any potential Freudian slips then, eh?

Is that all anti-Semitic enough for you? Care to admit that you were wrong, you ignorant bull**** artist...

How about you, werewolf, you ****ing soft-c0ck? Still around? I guess those posts constituted part of my "deep cover" for that Mossad-and-Brillo-sponsored mission to harass you for your East Side Boxing "steel wool hair" posts. Come on, we're all waiting for the Youtube video which shall finally "expose" me, so get those fat little fingers of yours tapping (the keyboard, that is - not your permanently limp cod...)...

Carcharias said:
Childing insult and name-calling? Why does it matter to you that I've changed my username?

I changed my username for a good reason, not what you think. Send me a PM if you're really interested in finding out why, otherwise don't mention it again.

"...otherwise don't mention it again". Or what, you'll spring forth from my modem like Aphrodite from Uranus' severed balls and bust me in the chops? Look, I couldn't care less about why you've changed your username several times (I'm genuinely sorry if that sounds harsh, as you may very well have done so for personal reasons...) and I've already explained why I brought the issue up in my earlier reply to BoxingSpecialist2.

Carcharias said:
I wasn't trying to be funny. Websites like this one are bound to attract Jewish Supremacist shills, I was just pointing one out.

What, just like you and the wormy-arsed lycanthrope pointed me out? I've got to laugh, as this is the first time I've actually had to provide evidence of my open anti-Semitism. Well done! I believe that you two "high achievers" are about to receive a prize...


Carcharias said:
I can discuss whatever I want, or not discuss whatever I want. You don't want to discuss Negro crime? That's up to you....
...I'm not going on any pro-Muslim tirades. I have the sameopinion as David Duke on the subject. I don't think they are our biggest problem.

Ten bonus points (count them off on your fingers...) for replying to statements I specifically addressed to BoxingSpecialist2. Another prize beckons, this time for basic comprehension...


Carcharias said:
And it makes me wonder, if those members really are pro-White and are genuinely supportive of this site, why do they keep baiting us and throwing childish insults at us?

How remiss of me, for I forgot that an inordinate admiration of Islam forms the quintessence of "White Nationalism"

Let's recap your "case", shall we? A couple of Nigerian Muslim converts butcher a British soldier on the streets of south-east London, all the while shouting Islamist slogans and calmly telling everyone in sight to record the fact that they are doing this in the name of their religion. They do not flee the crime scene, instead waiting about until armed police arrive and shoot them.

According to your expert opinion this is a garden-variety Negro street crime which happens all the time and this particular example has only gained publicity as the perpetrators were Muslims. In fact, despite all of the above, their actions have nothing to do with Islam - apart from the fact that Islam gave them an excuse to kill a White man at that time and place - because, being Negroes, they would have done "something like that" anyway...

Well, how the hell can anyone argue against such a devastatingly logical assessment..? 'Tis the equivalent of standing in a torrential downpour and insisting that the weather is rather dry...

Here are a few photos from a violent Muslim protest against an "anti-Islamic" film held in Sydney last September. Note all of the "Negro" faces:



See the "white" Muslim smashing the milk-crate into the windscreen of the police car? Well, you are looking at the recipient of a taxpayer-funded disability pension who is normally "unable to work":


How about this little girl holding a "Behead All Those Who Insult The Prophet" placard while her mother proudly looks on? Islam is all about families, don't you know...


Any thoughts? Don't be shy...
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Jul 6, 2011
You know, people like you [COLOR=#009900 !important]Matra[/COLOR] and Rebajlo, badmouthing Muslims and talking about Muslim crime. Do you understand that black crime is killing literally 50 times as many whites as Muslim crime is?

Let's see your evidence. It would not surprise me if blacks commit crimes at, say, double, maybe triple or even quadruple the rate of Muslims, but 50 times? Do you have any idea what life is like in England amongst Bangladeshis and Pakistanis? Do you know about the crimes committed by Albanian "muscle" for Turkish and Kurdish gangsters? Have you been to a banlieue of Paris? I could provide you with lots of links but it is obvious you are a Muslim supremacist so I'm not going to waste my time.

Cacharias - if you have not noticed that Muslims, including Arabs, are on the side of Jews when it comes to immigration and multiculturalism then you are, as I said earlier, willfully ignorant.

  • davidholly
    How can someone say they're pro-Caucasian but anti-Jewish? What are Jews again?​

  • Jews are Middle Easterners. Unless your people are indigenous to Europe you are not white.​


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Perhaps - like that fine intellectual secimen werewolf...

Don't mention my name if you don't want me to come back, a-hole. But hey we can't all be such sophisticated intellectuals such as yourself, can we? To wit:

Originally Posted by Rebajlo

Are you that unacquainted with the concept of manners? How old are you anyway, for your hysterical comportment would suggest a pimply fourteen of fifteen? Just because someone is not in fanatical agreement with your eternally recycled, "irrefutable" proclamations (which you probably even mumble during your few fitful hours of drooling sleep...) does not give you an automatic license to insult them or accuse them of being Zionists. In fact, your modus operandi is no different from that of the Jews, whose primary weapon of debate is yelling "anti-Semite". In your case, it's "Zio-shill"...

Hang on, what was that noise? Ah, not to worry - it's just the Tooth Fairy popping in her diaphragm so she doesn't get knocked up again by her boyfriend, the Easter Bunny (who's a Mason in addition to being a secret Supernumerary Knight of the Garter and significant shareholder in NewsCorp).

If you look out of your window right this moment (or emerge from the cellar to a level which features an aperture to the outside world) you'll notice the luminous Bat Signal etched against the sable night sky. Of course, any idiot can see that it represents the Sigil of Baphomet (which, incidentally, also adorns Jack Frost's jockstrap - just think about the implications of that for a moment...). Anyway, it was activated by closet homo Commissioner Gordon, who heard rumours about a meeting of the Anti-Justice League (hepatitis B-infected pederasts to a man, each of whom sports a small but highly distinctive purple gannet tattoo on his sinister - for the Classically and heraldically challenged, that means left - buttock) to be held in a St. Vincent de Paul "charity shop" on the outskirts of Gotham City. By the by, Gotham City's mayor siphons off significant sums of ratepayers' money to purchase guns, explosives and, most importantly, Glasgow Celtic jerseys for the Real IRA - which goes some way to explaining the poor state of that city's stormwater drains...

But sorry, I digress. Batman hasn't even noticed the Bat Signal as he is otherwise pleasantly engaged shagging Lois Lane (and using the opportunity to test a couple of Bat-gadgets with plenty of commercial potential) on a custom-made four-poster bed manufactured by a Faroese company covertly financed by MI6. This bed just happens to be located in a hotel owned by Supo. To top things off, there's a KFC outlet three blocks down the road - can't you see the connection?!?! Come on, it's bloody self-explanatory! All you have to do is open your eyes, you ignorant zio-chump-shill with bells on!

But the obvious question to pose at this juncture is "why is Batman porking Superman's sheila?" Now, here's something the media most definitely doesn't want you to know: the so-called Man of Steel is actually a whimpering impotent who hasn't been able to crack a fat without the aid of industrial doses of erectile dysfunction drugs (the costs of which are covered by General Motors and - therefore - the US taxpayer...) since the age of seventeen (insert Stevie Nicks soundtrack here...)

Superman usually has a vast stash of ****-stiffening pills locked away in a booby-trapped warehouse, but his entire supply of triple-strength Erecto-Max (the variant not sold to the public and normally exclusively available to Benedictine monks - but only on feast days...) was stolen by ASIO triple-agent Elmer Fudd, who simply blasted his way in with an oversized shotgun. In case you weren't aware, Fudd uses the same speech pathologist as Chris Eubank. With Superman soft as a newborn's crap and that slapper Lois Lane (as usual) just panting to get off, Batman plunged straight into the breach - but not before hastily applying some free-from-animal-testing makeup to conceal the purple gannet tattoo on his left arse cheek...

As we speak, the now freakishly boned up Fudd is copping a tit wank off Jessica Rabbit, who is employed as a part-time "honey trap" operative by an obscure splinter group of the FLNC! She was once in a menage a cinq with - get this! - Nick Clegg, Johnny "Mad Dog" Adair, "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and Prince Albert of Monaco (the latter's active participation was hampered by the effects of a "bobsledding mishap", which was in truth an assassination attempt ordered by Herman Van Rompuy's dentist). Mind you, I didn't just google it up, mate. No, this is all true, as I heard it directly from Meat Loaf's cousin, who was right there at the scene of that Red Bull-fuelled five-way debauch, which took place in an abandoned abbatoir fifteen miles and three yards north-northwest of Tadcaster. He filmed the whole thing (perforce holding the camcorder in his non-dominant hand). The footage is shaky but clear. This episode plainly throws an entire new light upon the price of cashews, doesn't it..?

By the way, that fellow across the road who is staking out the seedy dump you call home - you know, the geezer in the trench coat and fedora hat - is a Mossad spook. But don't be alarmed, as he's only waiting for the right moment to break the news that your real father is a Jewish sperm donor who, notwithstanding his rabid Zionism, was expelled from Gush Emunim on account of his "unhealthy" obsession with Negro boxers and their "steel wool" hair...

That last sentence - yes, I know who you are, you pompous Zionist BS of the "anti-racist" crowd - because I know what you're trying to mock there - namely my analysis of the Vitali-Lewis fight.

And as for Moslems and these zhids in sheeps' clothing who always want to bring the topic back to hating and killing the zhid's enemy du jour, and this season it's Moslems...

The Zhids, and their Zio-American and Zio-UK vassals, expect everyone in the world to happily lie down and die when they feel like killing them...

But sorry, schmucks, it doesn't work that way. What goes around comes around. You don't want people to hate you, don't fu ck with their countries! Here are these zhids, and zhid slaves, getting outraged because Islamic people want revenge for bombing the hell out of and invading and trashing their countries by the Israhellis and Israhelli hirelings and the Wall Street profiteers.

"When Menelik referred to Mohammed as a paedophile..."

You want to talk about perverts, Moish? Then shall we discuss the Talmud? You want to discuss the Talmud, Moish?

I'm not a follower of any of those nasty middle eastern semitic religious cults, but Islam reveres Jesus as a holy prophet while the Talmudists hate his guts and say he is boiling in manure in Hell. They don't tell you about that on your telavivavision.

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Apr 6, 2007
Before I get stuck in, I'd just like to point out that our loudest critics of Islam just happen to be those members who have had the most everyday contact with Muslims. Matra2 is from the UK, frederic38 is from France, Menelik has lived in Saudi Arabia, while good old Yours truly has had the displeasure of Muslim company both in Australia and the UK. Arend (who lives in Germany and has family in the Netherlands) has not participated in this thread but has been very critical of Muslims in the past. Now, what does that say? :icon_wink:

Matra2 and frederic38 have made excellent posts which have conveyed much of what I have to say on the subject, so I'll simply respond to Carcharias' sagacious points...

When Menelik referred to Mohammed as a paedophile (Mohammed's third wife, Aisha - daughter of Abu Bakr, the first caliph - was nine years old when their marriage was "consummated") and drew attention to the "original" muezzin, the Negro ex-slave Bilal ibn Rabah you instantly leapt to the defence of Islam with your self-righteous "no religious slurs" quotation, thus implying that his statement was somehow inaccurate. You then attempted to twist Menelik's unequivocally pro-White statement that the West would be a better place to live without Negroes and Mohammedans by pitifully insinuating that his disapprobation of Muslims must mean he is a White-hating Jew:

Do you wish to further elaborate on this thread's "insult trail"?

I don't criticise the jews or Jewish supremacism? Really? Well, that's news to me. Here's a post I made in the English Premier League thread a couple of months ago:

Perhaps - like that fine intellectual specimen werewolf - you only read the boxing and Happy Hour sections? Or perhaps that brain of yours just isn't very retentive? Either way, how do the following (from the "Non-Whites in White Roles" Happy Hour thread) strike you?

Here's my final exhibit (from the "Marvel Kills Off Peter Parker" Happy Hour thread):

Is that all anti-Semitic enough for you? Care to admit that you were wrong, you ignorant bull**** artist...

How about you, werewolf, you ****ing soft-c0ck? Still around? I guess those posts constituted part of my "deep cover" for that Mossad-and-Brillo-sponsored mission to harass you for your East Side Boxing "steel wool hair" posts. Come on, we're all waiting for the Youtube video which shall finally "expose" me, so get those fat little fingers of yours tapping (the keyboard, that is - not your permanently limp cod...)...

"...otherwise don't mention it again". Or what, you'll spring forth from my modem like Aphrodite from Uranus' severed balls and bust me in the chops? Look, I couldn't care less about why you've changed your username several times (I'm genuinely sorry if that sounds harsh, as you may very well have done so for personal reasons...) and I've already explained why I brought the issue up in my earlier reply to BoxingSpecialist2.

What, just like you and the wormy-arsed lycanthrope pointed me out? I've got to laugh, as this is the first time I've actually had to provide evidence of my open anti-Semitism. Well done! I believe that you two "high achievers" are about to receive a prize...


Ten bonus points (count them off on your fingers...) for replying to statements I specifically addressed to BoxingSpecialist2. Another prize beckons, this time for basic comprehension...


How remiss of me, for I forgot that an inordinate admiration of Islam forms the quintessence of "White Nationalism"

Let's recap your "case", shall we? A couple of Nigerian Muslim converts butcher a British soldier on the streets of south-east London, all the while shouting Islamist slogans and calmly telling everyone in sight to record the fact that they are doing this in the name of their religion. They do not flee the crime scene, instead waiting about until armed police arrive and shoot them.

According to your expert opinion this is a garden-variety Negro street crime which happens all the time and this particular example has only gained publicity as the perpetrators were Muslims. In fact, despite all of the above, their actions have nothing to do with Islam - apart from the fact that Islam gave them an excuse to kill a White man at that time and place - because, being Negroes, they would have done "something like that" anyway...

Well, how the hell can anyone argue against such a devastatingly logical assessment..? 'Tis the equivalent of standing in a torrential downpour and insisting that the weather is rather dry...

Here are a few photos from a violent Muslim protest against an "anti-Islamic" film held in Sydney last September. Note all of the "Negro" faces:



See the "white" Muslim smashing the milk-crate into the windscreen of the police car? Well, you are looking at the recipient of a taxpayer-funded disability pension who is normally "unable to work":


How about this little girl holding a "Behead All Those Who Insult The Prophet" placard while her mother proudly looks on? Islam is all about families, don't you know...


Any thoughts? Don't be shy...

Excellent post.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Rebajlo, Matra, and Menelik in this thread are totally ignoring worldwide statistics on race and crime. They are emphasizing Muslim crime, and as I pointed out, that has no statistical basis in reality. Looking at crime amongst Africans, what you'll actually see is that Christian Africans tend to kill more whites than Muslim Africans. The reason for that has to do with *race*, most Christian Africans are black, and many Muslim Africans are whiteish and Caucasian, hence lower murder rates.

Race, and one's genetic hormonal composition is the primary driving force behind murder rates. You can see that very easily in the statistics I posted on the last page, blacks of all religions dominate violent crime. Religion seems to have little to no effect on murder rates.

The reality, and statistical facts of life are:

1) Negroes lead the world in murder
2) Negroes lead the world in interracial murder and the murder of whites
3) Negroes lead the world in other types of violent crime such as robbery, assault, and rape.

As a white person, you should realize that whites are being massacred by blacks in USA and South Africa at a rate that is not even close to being equalled anywhere else in the world. Thus, as pro-white person, you should make this your #1 issue.

In the interest of Zionists and Jewish supremacists, they would love to see whites fighting Muslims, as it will help to sustain Israel and that is why media in the USA for example tends to emphasize Muslim crimes while censoring the much more abundant black crimes. For example, we know that blacks have killed 150,000-200,000 Americans in the past 20 years (statistical fact), yet Muslims have only accounted for about 4,000 American deaths. Strangely, the Zionist controlled media tends to concentrate their coverage on Muslim crime.

The position of Rebajlo, Matra, and Menelik is very much a position that a Zionist, or liberal white person would take. I'm not accusing anybody of being a Zionist, but I am stating that your position is in line with the Zionist agenda.

David Duke, a white American and white rights activist that I have a deep respect for, seems to side in and agree with Muslims, and understands that Muslims are actually useful as allies in fighting against Zionism. David Duke has been to Iran, and seems to have a healthy respect for Caucasian Muslims. Clearly, Mr. Duke understands and prioritizes his issues as a pro-white man.

I would encourage ALL pro-whites on this site to follow in the good example of David Duke. Zionism and Negro crime and the primary issues whites are facing, this is demonstrated statistically.

This will be my last post in this thread as I find the discussion has really went downhill.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Speaking of comic book characters, the American comic book industry has always been largely dominated by Jews and they have used it as a seemingly innocent and whimsical, hencemuch-overlooked, propaganda device.
The great Marvel guru, Stan Lee (Stanley Lieber) is, of course, Jewish and he had a hand in creating most of the firm's "flagship" characters. Jack "King" Kirby (Jacob Kurtzberg) and Joe Simon, the co-creators of the iconicCaptain America - you guessed it, Jews. On the DC side of the ledger,Superman co-creators Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were Yids, as was Bill Finger, who co-created most of the stock Batman characters. Industry giant Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, can also be filed under the "Jewish" category. Like that other major 20th century medium - cinema - the comics industry was a largely Jewish domain, andgenerally remains so, especially at the executive / editorial levels.

That’s the stock reply I constantly read in Polish-language forums :icon_wink: - “Ha, ha, You worship Jesus who was, of course, a Jew! Post-Roman Western civilisation was built upon Christianity”. I’m not about to engage in any form of religious debate but FootballDad’s response was quite appropriate.

I didn’t claim that every aspect of Western culture is Jewish-derived (nor did I attempt to negate the historical significance of Christianity), just that many of the 20th and early 21st century “White” icons of the West were either created by Jews, portrayed by Jews, or are Jews. This, of course, is what differentiates post-1900 Western culture from that of “traditional” Western culture, which was a product of “genuine” Whites (with rare Jewish exceptions such as Spinoza and the half-Jewish Montaigne).

Let’s have a look at a few things which an average White would smugly enumerate when asked to provide examples of “unmistakably White” popular culture, in contrast to that of blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

Maybe our notional White would begin with a few of “our” best-loved and biggest-selling singers and songwriters: Leonard Cohen, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, Simon and Garfunkel, Bette Midler, Barbra Streisand and, of course, Robert Zimmerman (oops, sorry, Bob Dylan). Perhaps he prefers the vocals of Joey Ramone, Lou Reed or Marc Bolan or the guitar work of Mark Knopfler. He may point to legendary superstar rock band Kiss, featuring “core” members Stanley Eisen (a.k.a Paul Stanley) and Chaim Weitz (a.k.a. Gene Simmons). If someone claims that jazz is a purely black form of music, chances are that the White shall bring up the names of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, in addition to mentioning the “classic White standards” penned by Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein. One never knows - he could even drop in Kenny G...

Next, he might highlight the rich White comedic tradition, beginning with the Marx brothers and Al Jolson through Jerry Lewis, the British “Carry On” films starring Solomon Cohen (er, I mean Sid James) and the Pink Panther series featuring (half-Jewish) Peter Sellers. The oft-kicked-in-the-arse Manuel from Faulty Towers is also a perennial favourite, portrayed by Andrew Sachs.

By now, the White is on a roll and begins to brag about the “golden age of cinema” and even boldly reinforces his statements by referring to the “pre-cultural Marxist days”. Being a bit of a buff, he informs his interlocutor that the magnificent film scores for such swashbuckling gems as “The Adventures of Robin Hood”, “Captain Blood” and “The Sea Hawk” were all composed by Erich Korngold, while Max Steiner wrote the music for “Gone With The Wind”, “Casablanca”, “The Big Sleep” and “Key Largo” (and, damn, wasn’t Lauren Bacall classy...).

Bursting with pride, our White states that he is a science fiction fan and that his favourite author is Isaac Asimov (who, in his opinion, should have won a Pulitzer Prize, just like Herman Wouk) while nothing beats watching re-runs of that quasi-religion of a TV series, the original Star Trek starring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. The only thing which comes even close is viewing re-runs of Warner Bros. cartoons voiced by Mel Blanc. Speaking of franchises based on cartoons with a long history, one cannot forget Betty Boop, created by Max Fleischer.

Our White suddenly notices the time and hurriedly makes his apologies, explaining that he has to meet his girlfriend later in the afternoon. It’s her birthday, You see, so he’s bought her books by Nigella Lawson and Alain de Botton, a Woody Allen DVD set and a Chagall facsimile print. He’d best be on his way now as it’s time to go to the gym, but he shall stop at home first in order to drink a Joe Weider protein supplement and don his Gold’s Gym gear (after all, he can’t lift weights in his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt).

Actually, he only goes to that particular gym to ogle one of the female instructors - he doesn’t know her name, but she wears that Calvin Klein perfume. He feels a bit guilty, but his girlfriend doesn’t have a clue. She is likewise unaware of his stash of vintage High Society magazines and Ron Jeremy porn videos. Put it this way – if she ever found out, he’d have to pull a real Houdini act. So it’s best to avoid any potential Freudian slips then, eh?
I give you full credit, those were very informative posts. Your people have definitely had a huge influence on the trusting, good-natured White goyim.

I remember as a naive boy in the 1960's becoming hooked on Marvel's continued stories from the likes of Martin Goodman (publisher), Stanley Martin Lieber (Stan Lee), Jacob Kurtzberg (Jack Kirby) and Gene Cohen (Gene Colan). I bought every single Marvel comic from 1966 to 1969, even though my father said they were garbage. What a complete waste of time that was.

Similarly, like many boys growing up during the past 50 years have been hooked on comics, many middle-aged women have been addicted to TV's soap operas (likewise produced by Jews).

To add to what you said, Jewish managers have had a big influence on rock bands like The Beatles (the long hair combed over the forehead was originally Brian Epstein's idea, and within a few years later most young men grew their hair longer). The Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper had Jewish managers. Badfinger's Jewish manager Stanley Polley ripped them off and left them broke, as their most talented member Peter Ham indicated in his suicide note before he hanged himself in 1974.

The Woodstock Festival was a Jewish idea. It was organized by Artie Kornfeld and Joel Rosenman, and was at Jewish attorney Sam Yasgur's farm.

More than any before, the "baby boom" generation has been manipulated by the "chosen" race.


Sep 19, 2012
World of ****
Blacks and mestizos in California famously opposed the homosexual "marriage" bill a few years ago, and plenty of fuss was conjured by idiot Republicans over whether or not these two blocs of miscreants were latent "social conservatives" who just needed a bit of prodding in the right direction to suddenly vote against their handouts. Of course, a simple glance at childbirth statistics reveals that neither of these groups are particularly concerned over "traditional" marriage either, generally forgoing the process altogether. I marveled at the cognitive dissonance required to engage in these mental gymnastics; they were obviously just too stupid to become brainwashed over normalizing sodomy, duh.

The parallel exists with Islam: just because they are cast as the enemies of our loathed Establishment does not qualify them as peers or allies. The "caste system" in sports affects all the races. I'd be interested to hear the take of a Chinese or Indian poster, who would probably have the same bit of "skin in the game" as the rest of us here. Of course, I know that his self-interests will eventually draw at odds with mine, and at that point he will no longer matter as a "pro-White" ally regardless of any/all common ground. The same goes for Islam: whether it be sooner or later, it is going to become irreconcilable with White interests.

Personally, it is so foreign to me that I can't wrap my head around the idea of a Muslim "ally" in any sense of the term. Then again, I may in fact be a brainwashed zio-shill marrano or some obtuse prole. How deep does this rabbit hole go?!?!

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Blacks and mestizos in California famously opposed the homosexual "marriage" bill a few years ago, and plenty of fuss was conjured by idiot Republicans over whether or not these two blocs of miscreants were latent "social conservatives" who just needed a bit of prodding in the right direction to suddenly vote against their handouts. Of course, a simple glance at childbirth statistics reveals that neither of these groups are particularly concerned over "traditional" marriage either, generally forgoing the process altogether. I marveled at the cognitive dissonance required to engage in these mental gymnastics; they were obviously just too stupid to become brainwashed over normalizing sodomy, duh.

The parallel exists with Islam: just because they are cast as the enemies of our loathed Establishment does not qualify them as peers or allies. The "caste system" in sports affects all the races. I'd be interested to hear the take of a Chinese or Indian poster, who would probably have the same bit of "skin in the game" as the rest of us here. Of course, I know that his self-interests will eventually draw at odds with mine, and at that point he will no longer matter as a "pro-White" ally regardless of any/all common ground. The same goes for Islam: whether it be sooner or later, it is going to become irreconcilable with White interests.
Good thoughtful post.

Make no mistake about it, they usually gang up on whitey when the chips are down, joined by self-loathing Whites too.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Two different Zhids, or the same Zhid with two different names?

Zhids? Zio-shills? You call pro-White posters jews, israelis, and other assorted jewish themed insults. These relentless attacks on your White brothers is the kind of thing that drives people away in droves. No wonder only about 10 people post regularly. You can get this kind of infighting at places like Stormfront. Why don't you haunt that place where your viewpoint is supported? Is it because you get treated with kid gloves here insteak of KTFO like at other places?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
In the past, when European countries have been at war with Islamic countries, Jewish Supremacists side with the Muslims and attempt to undermine the European efforts.

A perfect example is Henri Alleg.

He continually propagandized against the French during the Algerian War, attempting to influence world opinion against France. Of course, he had no problem with random bombings and massacres against French civilians by the Algerian terrorists.

Ironically, after the Algerian War, Alleg was banned from Algeria by the Muslim leadership. He moved to France, where as a writer, he continued to propagandize against the French people.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Zhids? Zio-shills? You call pro-White posters...

If they behave like "zio-shills" that's what I call 'em. You ignore the disruptive "zzz" crap and the "jessica rabbit" crap from your brainless little PC buddies here and attack me for calling them out on it. And here I was trying to be friendly to you. But it's always a mistake trying to be friendly to fools and sub-humans. They just take it as a sign of weakness.

"No wonder only about 10 people post regularly."

I'm not bothering with this silly place anymore, so all the thousands of people I've been chasing away can come back now.

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