The Starz Movie Channel Package is showing the 2015 film "My All American" this month, about Freddie Steinmark, safety on Texas' 1969 National Championship team. Steinmark played on a bad leg that turned out to have a malignant tumor in the famed Texas-Arkansas game that year. His leg was amputated a few days after the game and he died in 1971.
The movie (which got almost no theater release) is mainly about Steinmark's relationship with Texas' famed coach Darrell Royal, who is shown as a strict authoritarian, but has a soft spot for Freddie Steinmark. However, it's a nuanced portrayal indicating this is how Royal has to be in order to win. Royal is played by Aaron Eckhart who recently portrayed Jimmy Doolittle in "Midway." The 1969 Texas team was the last all white team to win a national championship but the film (thankfully) never mentions this. The 1969 Texas-Arkansas game is detailed in a thrilling fashion.
There is a lot about Steinmark's Middle American family and lovely girlfriend.
It has some similarity to "Brian's Song" and "Something For Joey." "My All American" can also be seen on streaming and Blu-ray and DVD. IMO very much worth seeing.