TV - Television Series Reviews / Discussion

Hey Don, not sure what series you are referring to. The Paramount Waco mini-series 2nd episode is titled "The Strangers across the street". Just finished watching it on DVR and it is a very accurate portrayal of Koresh and the Davidians. And the government is definiitely the bad guy in this series. So far it's been worth watching.

Yes, there are multiple ones airing given that this year marks 25 years since the Branch Davidians were exterminated. I highly recommend "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" for anyone who wants a straightforward documentary of what happened.
The Cartwright father (((Lorne Greene))) and either three of the sons or all four were portrayed by Jews. I could be wrong but there weren't a lot of Jewish rancher families in the Old West. :rolleye:

Hoss (Dan Blocker) & Adam (Pernell Roberts) Cartwright were portrayed by (Southern) goys, but Ben (Lorne Greene) & “Little Joe” (Micheal Landon) Cartwright were played by tribesman.
One of my favorite TV shows as a school boy was the short lived “Strike Force” starring Robert Stack. It only ran one season (81-82), but I thoroughly enjoyed it as a kid. While they had the token black (Dorian Harewood) & skirt/eye candy (former Aussie pop star Trisha Noble), it was a great action series for TV. I wish they’d release that season in DVD or Blueray.

One of my favorite TV shows as a school boy was the short lived “Strike Force” starring Robert Stack. It only ran one season (81-82), but I thoroughly enjoyed it as a kid. While they had the token black (Dorian Harewood) & skirt/eye candy (former Aussie pop star Trisha Noble), it was a great action series for TV. I wish they’d release that season in DVD or Blueray.

Man, I don't remember that one at all. I think TIH was on at the same time on another channel and I always watched that. Robert Stack was always good, though. I wonder if the "A" Team replaced this. I didn't watch that either, or anything from about then on, outside of Magnum P.I. until it went off the air in May '88.
You know something's awful when even liberal reviewers can't say anything nice about it. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving person than the despicable Lena Dunham, but of course her Jewish privilege provides her with the needed "upside" to continue to produce garbage "comedies." I forced myself to watch the trailer at this link:

Lena Dunham, HBO Face Rare Failure as New Series “Camping” Gets a Zero, Critical Roasting
This is a warning about HBO's comedy High Maintenance you won't find any normal White males on this show beyond the lead who is a hippy type 40 something dealer of pot to a weird client list that only seems to be Black gays/lesbian, Latino gays and lesbians, White male gays. His business is mostly conducted in newly gentrified Brooklyn and Manhattan. I always thought Brooklyn was being gentrified by young families but not according to this show......
So I bought into the hype and watched Tiger King over the weekend and the mini-series doesn't deliver anything beyond Jerry Springer type entertainment. The lead is a whacko gay "redneck" who has a "zoo" of wild animals that he get niave tourists to visit so that his hobby can be paid for.

The mini-series follows his descent into madness and his inevitable arrest, the other characters in the story seem to be a collection of misfits and weirdos that you usually see panhandling on a freeway exit. Even the female heroine has a dark past with a potential murder charge hanging over her head over an unsolved death of her late husband.....
So I bought into the hype and watched Tiger King over the weekend and the mini-series doesn't deliver anything beyond Jerry Springer type entertainment. The lead is a whacko gay "redneck" who has a "zoo" of wild animals that he get niave tourists to visit so that his hobby can be paid for.

The mini-series follows his descent into madness and his inevitable arrest, the other characters in the story seem to be a collection of misfits and weirdos that you usually see panhandling on a freeway exit. Even the female heroine has a dark past with a potential murder charge hanging over her head over an unsolved death of her late husband.....
Thanks for the review! I wasn't really planning on watching it, but was seeing all of the hubbub over it. Now I'm sure to give it a miss!
I don't even bother with modern TV shows. All of them are propaganda designed to denigrate white men.

Instead I go to the past. One TV series I found was M Squad (1957 - 1960), a police drama starring Lee Marvin. Another is the TV series Blondie (1957) starring Arthur Lake, a light comedy.

Why subject yourself to abuse? Delve into the past. There are many old TV shows worth watching that are far better than the garbage they put on now.
I don't even bother with modern TV shows. All of them are propaganda designed to denigrate white men.

Instead I go to the past. One TV series I found was M Squad (1957 - 1960), a police drama starring Lee Marvin. Another is the TV series Blondie (1957) starring Arthur Lake, a light comedy.

Why subject yourself to abuse? Delve into the past. There are many old TV shows worth watching that are far better than the garbage they put on now.

I couldn't agree more EP. I despise modern tv. I haven't subjected myself to anything past the early 90's and that was only two shows, which were "The Commish" and "Walker, Texas Ranger". Everyday, Whites subject themselves to not just drivel, but anti-white, anti-christian, disgusting, hate-filled poison. I don't get it.

I have no cable nor satellite since 1997 nor would I pay for it. I wouldn't even watch it for free. I watch MeTV occasionally for old shows and some Grit TV for old Westerns. I make it a goal to never put money in the coffers of corporations that push the anti-white narratives, which is almost 100 percent of them.
Walker Texas Ranger? Chuck Norris with his black side kick fighting off evil Texas Nazi’s each week. You crack me up, once a week he’d have a flashback off growing up facing racism on the Indian Reservation. The only good thing to come from those besides hilarious round house kicks in boots and tight pants were the Chuck Norris jokes for over a decade.

When you guys finally break down and admit to watching “The Tiger King”, Ive got theories to last the remainder of this Zombie Apocalypse. Just let me know when your ready, no judgement.
So you're giving me crap about something I watched 28 years ago? Were you racially aware 28 years ago?
I’m joking, my parents watched that as well. So by default of having one normal size tv Ive seen a lot of roundhouse kicks. Even back then my dad would joke about Chuck’s Indian spirit ways of meditation. Without knowing why, there was quite a few mentions of “how many nazi criminals” could there be in Texas. You can actually see the agenda in work way back to the early days of tv as well, they had to babystep us into the filth of today.

For anyone seeing Tiger King, the Joe Exotic guy was clearly set-up for the attempted murder case. He thought he was just acting out for the TV Show, and they took advantage of a drugged out psychopath to make it a better story. The guy in SC clearly has a brainwashed sex cult type thing going using who knows what type of MK Ultra type stuff.
I watch MeTV occasionally for old shows and some Grit TV for old Westerns. I make it a goal to never put money in the coffers of corporations that push the anti-white narratives, which is almost 100 percent of them.

MeTV and Grit are two of the channels I watch. They both feature older shows.
I've noticed the Smithsonian Channel is now on my DirecTV package along with a few other new ones, temporarily I assume. The TV fare on the other thousand channels I get is as terrible as always, but I've watched hour-long drone footage of Utah and Idaho on Smithsonian among other cool shows, two awesomely beautiful states.

Have also watched a few classic football and hockey games on various channels, also Randy Johnson's perfect game in '04 when he was 40 years old. At 6' 10" Johnson may have been the most freakishly great athlete ever.

Anyone else watching anything interesting during these days of lockdown?
I've noticed the Smithsonian Channel is now on my DirecTV package along with a few other new ones, temporarily I assume. The TV fare on the other thousand channels I get is as terrible as always, but I've watched hour-long drone footage of Utah and Idaho on Smithsonian among other cool shows, two awesomely beautiful states.

Have also watched a few classic football and hockey games on various channels, also Randy Johnson's perfect game in '04 when he was 40 years old. At 6' 10" Johnson may have been the most freakishly great athlete ever.

Anyone else watching anything interesting during these days of lockdown?

The Starz Movie Channel Package is showing the 2015 film "My All American" this month, about Freddie Steinmark, safety on Texas' 1969 National Championship team. Steinmark played on a bad leg that turned out to have a malignant tumor in the famed Texas-Arkansas game that year. His leg was amputated a few days after the game and he died in 1971.

The movie (which got almost no theater release) is mainly about Steinmark's relationship with Texas' famed coach Darrell Royal, who is shown as a strict authoritarian, but has a soft spot for Freddie Steinmark. However, it's a nuanced portrayal indicating this is how Royal has to be in order to win. Royal is played by Aaron Eckhart who recently portrayed Jimmy Doolittle in "Midway." The 1969 Texas team was the last all white team to win a national championship but the film (thankfully) never mentions this. The 1969 Texas-Arkansas game is detailed in a thrilling fashion.

There is a lot about Steinmark's Middle American family and lovely girlfriend.

It has some similarity to "Brian's Song" and "Something For Joey." "My All American" can also be seen on streaming and Blu-ray and DVD. IMO very much worth seeing.
Thanks, sport historian I certainly enjoy movies that inspire. I recently watched the movie "Greater" about a former walk- on Brandon Burlsworth of the Arkansas Razorbacks. A very moving story about his struggles to just to make the team and then become a starter. It is well worth 2 hrs of our time just to what see we can accomplish if we put our heart and soul to it.
CBS showed the final round of the 2004 Masters yesterday, Phil's long-awaited first major title and punctuated by his famous leap after his birdie putt on the 18th went in for the win after it looked like it might lip out. Definitely one of my top three Masters though there have been so many memorable ones, in fact it's rare when the final round of one isn't compelling theater.

The last round of many of them can be found on YouTube. Jack's win in '86 will always be my favorite. I've watched highlights of it more times than I can count.
CBS showed the final round of the 2004 Masters yesterday, Phil's long-awaited first major title and punctuated by his famous leap after his birdie putt on the 18th went in for the win after it looked like it might lip out. Definitely one of my top three Masters though there have been so many memorable ones, in fact it's rare when the final round of one isn't compelling theater.

The last round of many of them can be found on YouTube. Jack's win in '86 will always be my favorite. I've watched highlights of it more times than I can count.

It's raining down in here in NC, so I've been watching The Golf Channel most of the afternoon. Watched some of a biography on Ben Hogan. IMO, the second best golfer of all time behind Jack Nicklaus. They're now showing a three part biography on Jack. I forgot he finished sixth at the 98' Masters when he was 58 years old! They''ll no doubt be showing highlights of that 86 Masters. My favorite as well.

I've also been watching a lot of "A Football Life" biography's. I came across one I haven't seen. The one on San Francisco WR Dwight Clark is really good if anyone hasn't seen it.
You can see them on You Tube as well.
I just watched Adam Scott win the 2013 event, yet another fantastic Masters, becoming the first Australian to win it after Greg Norman came so close on several occasions not to mention all the other great Aussie golfers through the years.

The Golf Channel has been running not only the three-part series on Jack, which is outstanding, but also their three-part series on The King, originally shown in 2014. That one should be mandatory watching not only for golf fans but anyone who values America 1.0 and wants to know more about it because Arnold Palmer exemplified so much of what was good and honorable about our nation.
The Starz Movie Channel Package is showing the 2015 film "My All American" this month, about Freddie Steinmark, safety on Texas' 1969 National Championship team. Steinmark played on a bad leg that turned out to have a malignant tumor in the famed Texas-Arkansas game that year. His leg was amputated a few days after the game and he died in 1971.

The movie (which got almost no theater release) is mainly about Steinmark's relationship with Texas' famed coach Darrell Royal, who is shown as a strict authoritarian, but has a soft spot for Freddie Steinmark. However, it's a nuanced portrayal indicating this is how Royal has to be in order to win. Royal is played by Aaron Eckhart who recently portrayed Jimmy Doolittle in "Midway." The 1969 Texas team was the last all white team to win a national championship but the film (thankfully) never mentions this. The 1969 Texas-Arkansas game is detailed in a thrilling fashion.

There is a lot about Steinmark's Middle American family and lovely girlfriend.

It has some similarity to "Brian's Song" and "Something For Joey." "My All American" can also be seen on streaming and Blu-ray and DVD. IMO very much worth seeing.

Thank you sport historian for mentioning this movie. I just finished watching it. I don't have Starz, so I pulled it up on my phone on You Tube. I had never heard of Freddie Steinmark. It's seems as though I had heard of the movie somewhere back in 2015-2016, but some things back then are a little foggy as I was battling my own bought with stage 4 throat cancer. This movie along with others you mentioned make me remember my own battle with Cancer. I am currently almost four years in remission.
Also, I noticed that former Texas WR and NFL player Jordan Shipley played Texas WR Cotton Speyrer in the movie. Hard to believe Shipley didn't stick in the NFL. Good movie.
Thanks again!
While it seems like an eternity the sports world has been shut down a little over a month. Once the Indian Wells Tennis tournament was cancelled on the night before March 9th everything else fell like dominoes. A couple of days later the NBA clumsily stopped which naturally was followed by the NHL the following day.

The NCAA basketball tournament was sending out some hope of going forward but that got scrapped after some conference championships shuddered to a close. It looked like for a moment the Premier League would play that weekend but that got stopped cold too. Bottom line the curtains went up in virtually every major sport with a minor exception or two.

Watching sports repeats just doesn't satisfy like watching live events. In fact it only reminds me of how much I miss watching live sports. I find it hard to stay tuned to repeats.

While I am trying to feed my sports addiction with NFL draft news sadly this will be a big downer of a draft despite a few nuggets mixed in.

They have been replaying NFL games on various channels and I kind of check in when Super Bowls like the recent vintage Pats wins or Jordy's breakthrough game against the Steelers are televised. Being a naturally negative person watching the white heavy Patriots receiving core makes me think we will never see that again. In fact I often wonder if the very notion of a white wide receiver may become a thing of the past some five years from now. The way things are trending it isn't out of the realm to think in the future white receivers will resemble white defensive backs. Few and rare. I sure hope not.

Anyway the game tonight on ESPN at 8:00 will probably have me checking in. I think it is Brett Farvre's first game against his former team. Jordy scored a late TD but it was only his second season where he was used randomly. He wouldn't explode onto the seen until the following Super Bowl in 2011. That year ( 2010) he caught 45 passes but it wasn't until the 2011 season that Jordy became the best deep threat in the NFL for the next several years.

The game tonight is from the 2009 season and the Packers featured DL Aaron Kampman and linebackers Clay Matthews, AJ Hawk and former FB Korey Hall. Stud Clay returned a fumble for a TD in this game.

But it was the Vikings defense that stole the show. Chad Greenway was a great rangy linebacker who had a nice long career with the Vikings. Think Joe Schobert like. DE Brian Robinson was young and coming off the bench but he had quickness around the edge and had a very solid career. But what stands out most in this game was DE Jared Allen. He had 14.5 sacks that season and in this game he massacred the Pack. He had 4.5 sacks including one for a safety in the Vikings home victory. So enough stuff going on to get my attention.
At the same time tonight on FS1 will be a 2017 replay of Ohio State against Penn State. RB Barkley got stuffed throughout and remember that big stink regarding Clowney's tackle during his junior season? Well DE Sam Hubbard has a big one here that might even be better where he tackles two guys at once. I think it was during the second half.

One other thing I noticed in the box score was S Troy Apke making eight tackles. I watched the game and recall Troy running all over the place. This might have been the game where I said thought to myself he had NFL potential.

So all in all a couple of interesting games being replayed tonight.
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