TV shows

Pretty much anything and everything on talmudvision made after about 1970 is anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-White and not worth watching. The show you mentioned is one of thousands of examples of unadulterated brainwashing from the tribe. It's been the main vehicle of the destruction of White people and the nation we built. I haven't a clue how even moderately racially aware Whites pay for jewish sewage to be pumped into their living rooms.
Circa 1977:
That was a great series.

I did state in my post "pretty much everything...". There are exceptions to every rule.
That was a great series.

I did state in my post "pretty much everything...". There are exceptions to every rule.

While they injected a modicum of cultural marxism near the end of the series run...compared to the complete garbage on air these days, LHOtP was solid gold. They portrayed Charles Ingalls as compassionate & caring, yet willing to stand & fight when needed.
A new show premiered on CBS last night, FBI, that had one of the most egregious anti white plot lines I’ve ever seen. The producer of the show is none other than (((Dick Wolf))) who gets paid millions to make the same variations of shows over and over and ignore decades of FBI crime statistics to obfuscate the public into thinking white on black crime, racism, and anything white is the most serious problem of our time any any crimes committed by women or POC was because of the “system” or an abusive husband.

The pilot begins with a “too good to be true” and timely angle with a series of community bombings that lead back to MS-13, a group which Donald Trump has referenced a lot since being elected. Well. It was to good to be true. Halfway through the viewers learn that some notorious “alt right” figurehead, who appeared to be modeled after Richard Spencer was the one that financed the bombings. When The POC FBI agent questions him, he says some hurtful (truthful) things about gangs and Jews in the community which leaves him speechless. We find out took out a 15 million dollar bank loan that he generously gave to an ms-13 leader (apparently the alt right and ms-13 are best buds) to plant the bombs and inflict violence and try and start a race war(the implication being if not for the evil alt right the tattooed POC would not have ever carried out such a heinous attack (and maybe even become a doctor) and thus the viewer should relate and empathize with the gang member because it’s just another instance of the white man being evil)

Dumbest f***ing garbage I’ve ever seen. Turned it off after that scene
Outlandish but remember the Ghandi quote. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

They are fighting us with this propaganda in the Jewish controlled media. Most normies realize it is not right wingers creating “terrorism”. Shows like this will back fire on (((the powers that be))).
Anyone notice the blatant Luciferian/NWO occultic visual overtones and symbolism in the commercials for the upcoming "show" on Fox "Masked Singer"? Absolutely satanic. This is making Satanism/Luciferianism/Occultism mainstream and "fun" to the masses.

I would bet the executives, directors, producers and several of the hosts and regulars are literally demon-possessed. Very disturbing...
Anyone notice the blatant Luciferian/NWO occultic visual overtones and symbolism in the commercials for the upcoming "show" on Fox "Masked Singer"? Absolutely satanic. This is making Satanism/Luciferianism/Occultism mainstream and "fun" to the masses.

I would bet the executives, directors, producers and several of the hosts and regulars are literally demon-possessed. Very disturbing...

Disturbing indeed!
Anyone notice the blatant Luciferian/NWO occultic visual overtones and symbolism in the commercials for the upcoming "show" on Fox "Masked Singer"? Absolutely satanic. This is making Satanism/Luciferianism/Occultism mainstream and "fun" to the masses.

I would bet the executives, directors, producers and several of the hosts and regulars are literally demon-possessed. Very disturbing...
I immediately thought the same exact thing when i saw it on tv. These people are sick!
A few decent shows to watch: The Legend of Oak Island, all white. Breaking Bad, Eastbound and Down, Vice Principals, a lot of the survival tyhpe shows on Discovery are PC free. And HGTV is has some shows that are tolerable.

Everything on broadcast TV has mixed, diverse casting. Was just thinking the other day how amazing it was just 10 yearsa ago there were all white sitcoms and shows on tv. But no more. Home IMprovement, Friends, etc.
Anyone notice the blatant Luciferian/NWO occultic visual overtones and symbolism in the commercials for the upcoming "show" on Fox "Masked Singer"? Absolutely satanic. This is making Satanism/Luciferianism/Occultism mainstream and "fun" to the masses.

I would bet the executives, directors, producers and several of the hosts and regulars are literally demon-possessed. Very disturbing...

So many endlessly naive conservatives swear by Fox News as some kind of genuine opposition to the PTB, but never notice that the same network shows the exact same degenerate sewage on its regular "entertainment" shows as CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. MAGA indeed.
What's amazing is that many liberals think that Fox is a far right station. Some of them also believe that both the Democrats and Republicans are right of center parties. Totally delusional.
The news divisions of the various networks are separate from the entertainment divisions, with markedly different people running them. So although Faux News is decidedly more "conservative" than the entertainment division, it's still filled with never-Trumpers and are shills for the DC establishment.
The news divisions of the various networks are separate from the entertainment divisions, with markedly different people running them. So although Faux News is decidedly more "conservative" than the entertainment division, it's still filled with never-Trumpers and are shills for the DC establishment.

Zionist Rupert Murdoch founded and owns the Fox network, though I think ownership is more spread out now among corporate stakeholders. He hired "conservative" Roger Ailes to run Faux News, while also hiring the usual Hollywood change agents to churn out its "entertainment" fare, which is indistinguishable from that of its rivals. Even the most gullible conservative should be able to see the agenda at play, but few can if they've ever bothered to even think about it.

I would bet a large majority of DWFs are Republicans and Trump supporters, yet besides being blind to the blatant Caste System in sports, they can't connect even two dots without it being done for them by the corporate media. Once the system has them trained it's almost impossible to penetrate their craniums with enlightenment -- "that does not compute" is their reaction as the robot on "Lost in Space" liked to say.
Zionist Rupert Murdoch founded and owns the Fox network, though I think ownership is more spread out now among corporate stakeholders. He hired "conservative" Roger Ailes to run Faux News, while also hiring the usual Hollywood change agents to churn out its "entertainment" fare, which is indistinguishable from that of its rivals. Even the most gullible conservative should be able to see the agenda at play, but few can if they've ever bothered to even think about it.

I would bet a large majority of DWFs are Republicans and Trump supporters, yet besides being blind to the blatant Caste System in sports, they can't connect even two dots without it being done for them by the corporate media. Once the system has them trained it's almost impossible to penetrate their craniums with enlightenment -- "that does not compute" is their reaction as the robot on "Lost in Space" liked to say.

Around 20 years ago, a few establishment conservative writers did raise the issue "If Rupert Murdoch is a conservative, why does his network have the kind of programming it does?" If anything the Fox network was even more degenerate than ABC, NBC, and CBS at the time.

I even saw an interview in which Murdoch was asked about it. He just rambled about "taking a look at it," and asserted there was some "conservative" programming on Fox. The topic went away.

As Sam Francis wrote toward the end of his life, "The typical conservative voter thinks things are just fine, and likes to be told that."
So many endlessly naive conservatives swear by Fox News as some kind of genuine opposition to the PTB, but never notice that the same network shows the exact same degenerate sewage on its regular "entertainment" shows as CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. MAGA indeed.

The worst is Fox because the network masquerades as "conservative" when it is anything but. The disdain we should have for fake conservatives and Rinos is almost entirely lacking and people are so naive to still think Fox is any different from the known Leftist empires. It's comparable to the lunacy of people still thinking Disney Corp and it's entertainment nowadays is safe and good for kids. Blind and blinder...
In the 1950s there was a TV show called "How to Marry a Millionaire." It stars three beautiful white women, one of whom is Barbara Eden. Eden was later in a popular show called I Dream of Jeannie. The plot is obvious from the title. The title sequence is interesting as it shows jewelry falling slowly. It's not a bad show.

The show reminds me of a classic line from the Three Stooges. Shemp has to get married by a certain date to inherit a million dollars. He asks Larry, "Who'd want to marry me?" Larry answers, "No one. But if you look real hard you might find someone who wants to marry a million bucks!"

The shows are currently available on the internet if you want to check them out. Here's one episode.

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Barbara Eden was one beautiful, feminine, sexy woman. I watched I Dream of Jeannie as a youngster and her genie outfit made quite an impression on my prepubescent self. She is 88 years old now.


Barbara Eden was indeed beautiful, and the role she played was totally sexy and seemingly innocent. Totally hot. The exact opposite of today's skank slut, foul-mouthed, feminazi powermad whores. God, bring real women back to these vapid days of duped lunacy pervasive in females...
Muhammad Ali Talks About Race - 1970's - Powerful - YouTube › watch
  1. Similar
upload_2019-12-19_6-44-7.jpeg▶ 4:08
Feb 26, 2016 - Uploaded by Boxing Hall of Fame Las Vegas
Muhammad Ali Talks About Race - 1970's - Powerful.
Every young White man and woman should be shown this video. I despise that interviewer for being such a slimy bastard.
thanks for sharing that, Tom.
Ali was totally on target. This should be seen for what it is: Truth. Period.
American Freedom News