TV shows

Also, two white men won on the "Dream Job" show. This
seems to be despite their best efforts to put as many blacks
through as they could. Of the thousands of people who tried to
get on this show, I doubt if all the blacks who got into the top
ten or twelve or whatever really belonged there. I saw the first
season and only the promos for the second (where they told
which contestant got cut), and it seemed liked the viewers
voted most of the blacks off early in both seasons.

Well they've found a better way to stack the deck: they're
taking six former basketball players- five black, one white- to
compete in the third season of the show. I can't help but to
admire their ingenuity in finding new ways to screw the White
They just can't stand to see us succeed.

Another show I won't be watching.
I think the simpsons is still pretty decent, they seem to tell it like it is a lot of the time..

I'm a long-term fan of The Simpsons. I remember when they first came on the scene, the show was viewed by many as being subversive, including Barbara Bush publicly criticizing the show. Personally, I always viewed The Simpsons being light, self-effacing cultural satire; as opposed to corrosive subversion like recent 'reality' tv. The Simpsons ridicule 'Merican idiosyncrasies, but still depict an intact, traditional, Church going family. They'd probably be viewed as quaint if they premiered now(?), as opposed to 25 years ago.

Looking back tho, I understand the opinions of ppl who were criticizing The Simpsons & Married w/Children, because they were right about the slippery slope. Now tv-watching 'Murica is enthralled with Bruce Jenner publicly turning into Buffalo Bill, & his stepdaughters searching for a drug-addled, M.I.A Lamar Odom, etc
My favorites at the moment are Walking Dead,Justified, and Vikings. Thought this thread could use a bump. It really is too bad the lack of History that is actually shown on the History channel these days.
Bastard Executioner New show on FX I've been watching. Kurt Sutter director of Sons of Anarchy, new project.
I only watch old TV shows. The new ones have too much leftist propaganda. Almost all of them degrade white men in some way.

I like such shows as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.

I despise hate propaganda shows such as All In The Family and MASH. These shows attack traditional values and mock and ridicule white men. They're shows that have a left wing political agenda.

In addition they're not even funny.

In MASH a white man is mocked, ridiculed and bullied in every single episode. It's pure bigotry. And a man dressing in women's clothing isn't funny to me, no matter how many times they show this "gag." MASH is boring and predictable too. Let's see, the food is bad every other episode. This wasn't even funny the first time.

TV shows started degenerating in the early 70s. You're better off sticking to shows made before then.
I like shows like The Andy Griffith Show which, to me anyway, is harmless enough. I've always considered I Love Lucy to be sometimes humorous but most of the time mind-numbingly annoying, as I find the Lucy character to be a disrespectful, ungrateful, spoiled, lying and selfish snob.

Most new shows aren't worth a damn, particularly the comedies where in ******* act faggish for laughs, but if you ever point that out the PC police will call you a bigot.

Oh and don't get me started on the shows where the Black family is together in a nuclear unit and they live in a huge mansion. LOL.
In MASH a white man is mocked, ridiculed and bullied in every single episode. It's pure bigotry. And a man dressing in women's clothing isn't funny to me, no matter how many times they show this "gag." MASH is boring and predictable too. Let's see, the food is bad every other episode. This wasn't even funny the first time.

To be fair, I believe the entire cast of MASH was white except a few asian background characters. I never really found it funny either though. The only show I watch regularly these days is Supernatural. Two white guys from Kansas traveling the country in an old muscle car, saving people from various Demons and monsters to honor their parents who died basically doing the same. Probably not for the extremely religious here though, due to their depiction of Angels.
I got a DVD of an old black and white TV show, Love That Bob, for my birthday. Robert Cummings is a fashion photographer. There are beautiful women in the show. It's a comedy. It's all good.

Love That Bob is another show from the past made by white people that needs to be seen and preserved.
I know the Lawrence Welk show has probably been discussed on here. It was really before my time but my dad would have it on. Now I get it and know why. The women were for the most part gorgeous. Yes, it was lame in some ways, but there were loads of very talented White people in different musical categories and they dressed like White people should and did back in the day unless the skit was for obvious narrative. And good Lord, the women were super wholesome looking and beautiful. They were galaxies beyond better looking than these modern day tattooed and pierced vile skanks that pass for 95 percent of females in America today. Good grief how we've fallen culturally...
I know the Lawrence Welk show has probably been discussed on here. It was really before my time but my dad would have it on. Now I get it and know why. The women were for the most part gorgeous. Yes, it was lame in some ways, but there were loads of very talented White people in different musical categories and they dressed like White people should and did back in the day unless the skit was for obvious narrative. And good Lord, the women were super wholesome looking and beautiful. They were galaxies beyond better looking than these modern day tattooed and pierced vile skanks that pass for 95 percent of females in America today. Good grief how we've fallen culturally...

The Lawrence Welk Show was a good show. It had good singing and dancing as well as having pretty women. I recommend it.

My aunt gave me a DVD of Lawrence Welk Christmas shows. They're pretty good.

The leftists targeted The Lawrence Welk Show with a campaign of ridicule and mockery. That's because the show is very white, it was popular and older whites liked it. The wanted younger whites to turn against older whites as part of their anti-white campaign of hate. Divide and conquer. They tried to degrade everything about older white people, including shows they liked, so they attacked The Lawrence Welk Show.
Back in the 1950's they'd run articles about how television was an intellectual "wasteland". Now the 50's is considered to have been the Golden Age of television, it has gone downhill so far. Almost everything on tv now, shows and commercials alike, is overt or covert propaganda. White man, kill your tv!
The Lawrence Welk Show was a good show. It had good singing and dancing as well as having pretty women. I recommend it.

My aunt gave me a DVD of Lawrence Welk Christmas shows. They're pretty good.

The leftists targeted The Lawrence Welk Show with a campaign of ridicule and mockery. That's because the show is very white, it was popular and older whites liked it. The wanted younger whites to turn against older whites as part of their anti-white campaign of hate. Divide and conquer. They tried to degrade everything about older white people, including shows they liked, so they attacked The Lawrence Welk Show.

Every show now is seemingly anti-White and anti-Christian, and therefore anti- Western Civilization. The top snakes in all of television nowadays and all of Hellywood are pure evil. Terrorists don't hold a candle to the levels of destruction they've caused.

Back in the 1950's they'd run articles about how television was an intellectual "wasteland". Now the 50's is considered to have been the Golden Age of television, it has gone downhill so far. Almost everything on tv now, shows and commercials alike, is overt or covert propaganda. White man, kill your tv!

Tv (Talmudvision) is one of the tools the elite string-pullers have used for sure. I am at a cafe right now and a TV across the room is on. I can't see it exactly but I can tell it's Megan Kelly and it seems to be some White "parents" with their transgendered son/girl/psycho demon-possessed child. The agenda to destroy all that is good or normal in our nation formerly known as America never ends.
Every show now is seemingly anti-White and anti-Christian, and therefore anti- Western Civilization. The top snakes in all of television nowadays and all of Hellywood are pure evil. Terrorists don't hold a candle to the levels of destruction they've caused.

Tv (Talmudvision) is one of the tools the elite string-pullers have used for sure. I am at a cafe right now and a TV across the room is on. I can't see it exactly but I can tell it's Megan Kelly and it seems to be some White "parents" with their transgendered son/girl/psycho demon-possessed child. The agenda to destroy all that is good or normal in our nation formerly known as America never ends.

I Married Joan is a 1950s sitcom starring Joan Davis and Jim Backus. It's similar to I Love Lucy and just as good.

If you want to laugh watch I Married Joan, another quality product of 1950s White America. It's available on DVD.
If you want to watch a tv show that isn't PC and has white hero's and villians watch Breaking Bad, if there is any PC crap I don't remember it. It was made on cable television so the violence can be realistic and the language authentic.
ABC cancels new "Roseanne" show after she tweeted that Valerie Jarrett looks like a combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and The Planet of the Apes. Pretty accurate really...I got a good laugh out of it at least...and so true if you've ever watched the original one with Charlton Heston.

ABC cancels new "Roseanne" show after she tweeted that Valerie Jarrett looks like a combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and The Planet of the Apes. Pretty accurate really...I got a good laugh out of it at least...and so true if you've ever watched the original one with Charlton Heston.


Lol kinda funny. Her show was ok, more for modern republicucks. When they made her grandson a cross dressing twink, lost all interest in the show.
Another show to watch is Animal Kingdom. It's based on a modern Barker type family that robs and steals in the greater Los Angeles area. They do have a Butch closeted son who beats his lover when his nephew catches them in a public restroom getting a "quickie" in. Like Son's of Anarchy a Jewish lead plays a "White Trash" anti-hero but her ethnicity is glossed over and she plays an Anglo-Saxon career criminal. Other than those flaws the show is written quite well.....
Another show to watch is Animal Kingdom. It's based on a modern Barker type family that robs and steals in the greater Los Angeles area. They do have a Butch closeted son who beats his lover when his nephew catches them in a public restroom getting a "quickie" in. Like Son's of Anarchy a Jewish lead plays a "White Trash" anti-hero but her ethnicity is glossed over and she plays an Anglo-Saxon career criminal. Other than those flaws the show is written quite well.....

Big fan of Animal Kingdom! I'll be catching up on the new season shortly.

Recently I've been switching back and forth between The Shield and The Sopranos. Both really solid shows I never got the chance to watch when I was younger. I'm enjoying watching them from the beginning!
A new show premiered on CBS last night, FBI, that had one of the most egregious anti white plot lines I’ve ever seen. The producer of the show is none other than (((Dick Wolf))) who gets paid millions to make the same variations of shows over and over and ignore decades of FBI crime statistics to obfuscate the public into thinking white on black crime, racism, and anything white is the most serious problem of our time any any crimes committed by women or POC was because of the “system” or an abusive husband.

The pilot begins with a “too good to be true” and timely angle with a series of community bombings that lead back to MS-13, a group which Donald Trump has referenced a lot since being elected. Well. It was to good to be true. Halfway through the viewers learn that some notorious “alt right” figurehead, who appeared to be modeled after Richard Spencer was the one that financed the bombings. When The POC FBI agent questions him, he says some hurtful (truthful) things about gangs and Jews in the community which leaves him speechless. We find out took out a 15 million dollar bank loan that he generously gave to an ms-13 leader (apparently the alt right and ms-13 are best buds) to plant the bombs and inflict violence and try and start a race war(the implication being if not for the evil alt right the tattooed POC would not have ever carried out such a heinous attack (and maybe even become a doctor) and thus the viewer should relate and empathize with the gang member because it’s just another instance of the white man being evil)

Dumbest f***ing garbage I’ve ever seen. Turned it off after that scene
Pretty much anything and everything on talmudvision made after about 1970 is anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-White and not worth watching. The show you mentioned is one of thousands of examples of unadulterated brainwashing from the tribe. It's been the main vehicle of the destruction of White people and the nation we built. I haven't a clue how even moderately racially aware Whites pay for jewish sewage to be pumped into their living rooms.
I couldn't agree with you more tv has destroyed more minds than any drug.
aside from defaming white people on these so called modern shows, they are also trying their hardest to turn women into dominating men...disgusting
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