Toby Gerhart

On the plus side, Toby has the unique opportunity to shatter the caste stereotypes and pave the way for thousands of white running backs in the future high school, college and pro ranks!
The thing I took from this article is this:

Yahoo sports is oft read. The fact that it popped up as one of their "lead" stories this morning is fricken leaps and bounds of what people know about the caste system. SI and ESPN have given this issue a few looks, but this article may actually take the metal spoon to the frying pan. Folks that normally won't read ESPN/SI/Sporting News will see this. It also comes from Mike Silver, a feel-do-goodnik liberal sports writer...and well known.

High School kids and college kids are going to see this and take heart.

Probably one of the most timely "mainstream" articles I've read on this travesty.

A tip o'the hat to Silver. Probably took a lot of guts to get out there.
DixieDestroyer said:
Westside said:
Was watch an ESPN program with Korn Julio and some black guy. Both said if Toby was black he would be drafted in the first round. Both like him and both said being white will hurt his draft status and pocket short term. But believe Toby will excel and become a major player and become a feature back. So at least they are speaking the turth.

Glad "Kornhole(d)iser" & his pal spoke the truth. Those NFL GMs bad-mouthing Toby are probably totally immersed in caste propaganda.
Are you talking about PTI?
I couldn't tell by the nickname. If they said that (wilbon and kornheiser), it's great, because almost every dwf watches that. that's really hitting mainstream.
A toast to Mike Silver for having the courage to talk openly about this taboo subject. The best part of the article were the quotes from different scouts who remain unnamed. It just shows the amount of discrimination against whites running the football. We have know this for decades. Come on NFL. Give Toby a chance. He is a stud and they know it. Let him start from day one and just sit back and watch. It will be a site to see! Two more days till the NFL Draft!
Great posts by Alpha Male, Riddlewire and others. I have noticed that more "white" sports writers have gotten the courage to write about this issue when in the past it was mostly fair-minded blacks, Latinos or even Chinese writers like Lorne Chan.

As Alpha Male pointed out: If whites can start, stop, twist, turn and dart around on the field making tackles on RBs from the LB spot than that shows "many" of the attributes a RB possesses.

I think we may finally see the caste system cracked a little bit at RB. RB is an easy position to evaluate from production for fans. Most fans know Hillis is a good RB and "some" know Woodhead is good enough to be another Darren Sproles or Leon Washington.

IMO it will be harder to see improvement at Safety and CB. Fans see a white safety make a tackle and they immediately get riled up and think that "whitey" was the one who got beat before recovering. In truth, it often times was actually the black CB. Your average fan is tough and hostile toward white safeties and therefore would be even less likely to believe whites can play CB. Most fans don't seem to evaluate defenders as well as offensive players with the ball (myself included). It's been a long time since fans recognized the success of Jason Sehorn.

CB is a position that should only be about 40% white IMO. Every other position should be a white majority position, many even at around a 80% white demographic. The NFL needs diversity and I advise everyone at this site to buy Gerhart's jersey and watch him when he's on t.v. The NFL might take notice of Gerhart jersey sales and t.v ratings for games he plays in!
Who's even going to watch Round 1 of the Draft on Thursday? I know I'm not. It's going to be an unmitigated blackfest.

A few awesome White players, including Gerhart, should be Drafted on Day 2, so that might be worth checking out.
Good point Deadlift. I'm much more excited about watching the 2nd-4th rounds- which will probably have Gerhart & hopefully AT LEAST 3 or more white WRs drafted this year that should have gone higher. Players drafted in this range have enough invested in them- that they will have a better chance than last 3 round guys to get their shot!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
It looks like that Yahoo article is gaining steam. Its on the front page of the Drudgereport. Looks like some in powerful media outlets want the truth to out in the open.

Deadlift, your right who wants to watch traitor whites select all affelets/thugs. How depressing would that be. No way, I got better things to do with my time. For some reason thought I suspect Toby will selected in the first round.
The Michael Silver Yahoo article is linked on Drudge today with a picture of Toby holding his Doak Walker trophy: headline "NFL Shaft: Race factors into evaluation of pick..."

Now the article will get millions of views including non-sports fans. Toby Gerhart has shown a spotlight on the NFL's caste system. They cannot hide from it. Edited by: icsept
Good on Toby for having the balls to speak about these issues, and for having so much confidence in his talent. Normally this kind of confidence is reserved for black players only, as is the tendency to discuss racial discrimination.

Toby's cajones are probably gonna help his draft stock, but more importantly shed light on the caste system that has been plaguing white ballers for years.
I'll watch Thursday night, so I can see whether the Texans or Chargers take Mathews. That could go a long way into determining where Toby goes.

I read a piece by Adam Schien on Foxsports that says if the Texans take a CB or S in the 1st round, they'll use their 2nd rounder on Gerhart. If the Chargers don't draft Best or Mathews, they would be a good spot for Gerhart to go with the 40th pick.
I just caught the tail end of the Sean Hannity show. They were discussing Toby Gerhart. The consensus of Hannity's Great American Panel is that Gerhart and his supporters are whining. One of them, whose name I didn't catch, said Gerhart isn't good enough. Hannity wondered how Gerhart almost won the Heisman if he isn't any good.

Juan Williams said that he was a Redskin fan and "I loved John Riggins." Williams thinks football fans would love to have a great white running back.
The Denver Post covers the recent Yahoo! article on Gerhart.

There are some very good posts too...many slamming "Eminem" and some comparing Gerhart to Hillis. Almost all think Gerhart is getting the shaft because he's White. There is also a poll at the link that asks if you think Gerhart will be stereotyped and won't be given a fair chance. I voted "Yes".

Here's one of the reader's comments:
"What if his name was LaTobian Gerhart? I mean, he's still white but could be from a rough part of town or lived the thug life prior to attending Stanford. Just a thought."

<h1 id="articleTitle" ="articleTitle">Is
Stanford RB Gerhart too white for first round?</h1><div id="articleByline" ="articleByline"><a href="" target="_blank">By
Patrick Saunders
The Denver Post
</a></div><div id="articleDate" ="articleDate">Posted:04/21/2010 01:07:23 PM MDT
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if(requestedWidth < 200 requestedWidth = 200; <div ="article" style="width: 200px;"></span><div ="articleCaption" style="width: 100%;">Stanford running back
Toby Gerhart punished would-be tacklers in college. Can he do the same
in the NFL? (AP | Paul Sakuma)</div></div></div></span></div>
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running back Toby Gerhart busted through college defenses like a
rampaging white rhino.

The key word here being "white."

There is speculation out there that Gerhart might not be selected in
the first round of Thursday's NFL draft because of the color of his
skin.'s Michael Silver, the former
Sports Illustrated writer, covered the touchy subject in a <a href="" target="_blank">
fascinating piece </a>earlier this week.

According to Silver, Gerhart believes that it his race has colored
the opinions of some NFL personnel types.

"One team I interviewed with asked me about being a white running
back," Gerhart <div ="article2">< ="text/" ="">
var count = -1;
var values = new Array();
var total = 0;
var num = -1;
var percent = 0;

values[++num] = 135;
total += values[num];

values[++num] = 233;
total += values[num];

var threshold = 'null';
var options = 'null';
function writeValue(num, thisTotal) {
if (thisTotal > 0) {
var thisPercentage = ((num / thisTotal) * 100) + "";
if (thisPercentage.length > 4) {
thisPercentage = thisPercentage.substring(0,5);
if (total < threshold .Percentage + " %"; else switch s case 'numbers': .num + " Votes"; break; case 'both': .num + " Votes, or " + Percentage + " %"; break; case 'percentages': default: .Percentage + " %"; break; else .num; <table ="polls" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="polls">Post Poll -- Draft Bias</td></tr><tr><td ="pollsQuestion">Some believe Stanford running back Toby Gerhart
will get passed over in the first round of the NFL draft because he's
white. Do think his race will be a factor?</td></tr><tr><td ="pollsViewResults">Total Votes = < ="text/" ="">document.write(total);368</td></tr><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><t><tr><td ="pollsAnswer">< ="text/" ="">
if (total > 0) {
percent = ((values[++count] / total) * 100) + "";
if (percent.length > 4) {
percent = percent.substring(0,5);
} else {
percent = 0;
No. I think he'll be selected based on talent and
character.</td></tr><tr><td ="pollsResult">< ="text/" ="">

< ="text/" ="">writeValue(135,total);36.68
%</td></tr><tr><td ="pollsAnswer">< ="text/" ="">
if (total > 0) {
percent = ((values[++count] / total) * 100) + "";
if (percent.length > 4) {
percent = percent.substring(0,5);
} else {
percent = 0;
Yes. I think he's being stereotyped and won't be
given a fair chance.</td></tr><tr><td ="pollsResult">< ="text/" ="">

< ="text/" ="">writeValue(233,total);63.31
said. "They
asked if it made me feel entitled, or like I felt I was a poster child
for white running backs. I said, 'No, I'm just out there playing ball. I
don't think about that.' I didn't really know what to say."

But one longtime NFL scout told Silver that Gerhart's skin color
likely will prevent the Pac-10's offensive player of the year from being
drafted in the first round.

Other NFL personnel men and scouts say that race has nothing to do
with it. They simply believe Gerhart is not quick enough through the
hole, absorbs too many hits and won't punish defenders the way he did
during college.

"I'm just a running back who tries to do what he can to win games and
score touchdowns, but people have their opinions, and it's kind of
frustrating," Gerhart told Silver earlier this month. "People say, 'He's
slow,' or 'He's not going to be able to break tackles at the next
level.' In college I went up against players like (USC's) Brian Cushing
and Clay Matthews â€" guys who ended up making the Pro Bowl (as NFL
rookies) â€" and I ran through their tackles. It's too bad people look at
you all weird because of a stereotype."

For the record, Gerhart stands 6-foot, 230 pounds. At the NFL
Combine, he ran a 4.50-second 40-yard dash and registered a 38-inch
vertical leap. Last season, he rushed for 1,871 yards and 27 touchdowns,
barely losing out to Alabama's Mark Ingram in the closest Heisman
Trophy vote in history.

It will be interesting to see where Gerhart gets picked.</div>
Quite a few DWFs in Denver now seem to "get it" after watching Hillis get screwed first hand. The Drudge Report averages around 30 million visitors a day, so Silver's article being on there will be the most exposure this kind of article has ever received. This is reminiscent of 2003 when Rush Limbaugh was royally skewered after his remarks about Donovan McNabb and the media wanting a black quarterback to succeed, except this time there's actual sympathy toward the negative stereotyping of a White football player.

I think it will be more difficult now for the team that drafts Gerhart to screw him over. Hopefully the team that takes him now plans on using him quite a bit. I read today that New England wants to move away from the 4-man RBBC they've been using in recent seasons and go back toward a workhorse type back. Gerhart is tailor-made for that kind of situation. Houston would be nice too because it was obvious by the way Kubiak used his running backs last year that he was unhappy with all of them.

Other than those two, it's hard to say about other potentially good landing spots. After the way the Chargers misused Jacob Hester I can't get too excited about them taking Gerhart even though he would seem to be a good fit for what they need.
I just can't wait to see where he is drafted. I would love to see him get picked tommorow but I doubt that will happen. Too many teams worried about him not panning out which is a joke! The kid did everything you could ever ask in a running back. He won the Doak Walker Award as the best running back in college football. He got screwed in the Heisman but still finished 2nd. The guy is a beast! Any team would be lucky to have Gerhart play for them.

He will probably be picked in the 2nd round sometime Friday Night. I know one thing. Every one here at Caste will be making a toast to Toby as soon as it happens. I do hope that floods of people go to buy his jersey. He can help to change things drastically if he can rush for over 1000 yards and lead a team to the playoffs. Let's see what happens. I can't wait! Good luck Toby.
The flood of these recent articles proves that the writers probably would talk about this off camera to close friends. But like weak willed corporate robots nobody had the balls to write a story about this. The first to crack this Area 54 type story were writers with the least to lose ie Black writers and female writers. The well entrenched White males didn't go near this story until they were become the equivalent of the newspaper in the internet age. I wonder if a Jason Sehorn clone is out there in the near future will the white corner story be far behind....
I'm not so sure about the Texans b/c of how their lousy astro-turf is rough on the knees Don. I've seen lots of ligament tears on their turf including Welker's last year. Toby already has a slightly damaged knee (PCL). Now that crybaby LT is gone the Chargers might be a good fit because Sproles has proven he isn't an every down tailback. I like the Patriots best though. The Colts would've been a great fit too, but they just drafted Donald Brown last year and aren't willing to give up on him already (after a fairly unimpressive rookie season). I hear the Eagles are high on Gerhart. If Andy Reid wasn't with the those "Black Birds" Gerhart could be the starter with McCoy getting 1/3 of the carries as the complimentary scat back. I'd also like to see my Packers draft Toby and trade away Grant- as Grant is a poorer less powerful version of Gerhart's running "style". The same goes for the Giants w/ Brandon Jacobs.

As I said, I think RB will be an easier position to chip away at the caste system than safety or CB b/c the fans can evaluate the success of players easier there. All of us should buy a Gerhart jersey to contribute to his jersey sales!

Any other teams you guys think would be a great fit for Gerhart?
I'm not going to count on Toby being given an opportunity to start or even play significantly. Just look at how many scouts and gm's ripped him in that article. We may be very upset once the season starts. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I don't understand how some compare Gerhart to TJ Duckett, when Gerhart himself thinks he's more like Michael Turner. How Gerhart is more of a plodder, when in fact he's quite elusive. Gerhart wouldn't get such remarks if he were black. Simple as that!

When one runs a 4.53 (40-yards), and possess a 38-inch vertical leap, that should automatically qualify anyone as a feature back, regardless of one's skin color. Another possibility for such skepticism on Gerhart might be his durability (which is beyond my comprehension).
At 235 pounds, running a 4.53 is one of the best times for weight if not the best time for weight in a long while. In fact, although I typically don't compare whites to whites (to screw with caste logic), Toby IS a lot like John Riggins. I would agree that his top speed is better than his acceleration, but his acceleration is not that slow at all, and way faster than the vast majority of blacks starting at runningback. Funny these guys bring that up because by far the fastest accelerator is Jake Sharp, who won't get a shot in hell.
I would even buy a Raiders or 49rs jersey if Toby ends up in Oakland/SF.My first instinct is to think Gerhart will get screwed, but even I must attempt to change and not be so cynical.So lets hope he gets his fair shot, while supporting him and the team that drafts him all the way, until proven otherwise.

Can't believe I just wrote the above paragraph.
I would even buy a Raiders or 49rs jersey if Toby ends up in Oakland/SF.My first instinct is to think Gerhart will get screwed, but even I must attempt to change and not be so cynical.So lets hope he gets his fair shot, while supporting him and the team that drafts him all the way, until proven otherwise.

Can't believe I just wrote the above paragraph.

Whitenoise, I don't think we have to worry about Toby ending up in Oakland. Al Davis only picks the fastest players regardless of skills. We know Toby didn't run the top time for a running back so he's safe from that hell.
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