Toby Gerhart

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So Gerhart who has pretty much learned how to pass protect lost his ability to play 3rd downs now? We were told he struggled with learning it and then eventually got better throughout the season. Apparently some guy who has been out of the league knows how to better than the Stanford grad who has been with the team all year? The guy isn't a retard. He has shown that he can pick up the blitz as well as pick up yards in the receiving game. Wouldn't want him having a bunch of receiving yards now that Jackson is in, we all know Jackson likes to throw nothing but 5 yard passes.

He isn't relaxing when he is running like he did in college. He had a long of 22 against the Rams first team defense in preseason with 2nd string blocking, if he got more opportunities, gains like that would be common. but yes healso isn't getting that good of blocking. My guess is the starting sumos don't block as hard, why else would their be better blocking in preseason when the 2nd string offensive line is in, and the opposing defense has their starters still in?

"News: Gerhart will return kickoffs with Percy Harvin
inactive for Sunday's game, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reports. However,
he won't start at running back with Adrian Peterson active despite a
sore ankle.
Spin: Gerhart could still get
significant carries if Peterson's ankle becomes a problem during the
game, but we wouldn't count on Gerhart for most fantasy lineups unless
there are few other options."

Yeah, lets put a 230 pound back on kickoffs. I bet the coach is hoping he screws up in a crucial situation, similar to the one Hillis fumble that put him permanently in the doghouse. I kept hearing from Broncos fans in 09 that Hillis was good, but he just couldn't hold onto the ball, after one fumble.

Edited by: snow
Great, put Gerhart on kick offs to get him injured.
Return Kickoffs? I think they (Viqueens) are setting up Toby for catastrophic failure. When was the last time Toby returned kicks? Catching the ball is the hard part. Kick returners need hours of practice in getting comfortable with catching the ball.

They want Toby to muff, fumble and lose the ball on kickoff returns. They want to unleash the DWFs on him, and thus destroy his confidence. If Toby refuses, he will be label scared and not a team player. Being signed by the viqueens is becoming a disaster. Toby's one saving grace is that he played outfield in baseball, but still.
I agree with y'all that this sounds very much like an ambush for Toby. I hope he does well and doesn't get hurt this week. I surely don't want a repeat of early '09 Denver and Peyton.
i really don't think they ill actually let him do it. WTF is happening! he just had 2 very solid running games and now that??
Can anyone imagine the reaction of the DWFs if Gerhart had to sit because of migraines like Percy Harvin does regularly?

We'd be hearing about how he's "soft", "isn't cut out to play running back", or "can't handle the rigours of an NFL season."

Obviously the migraines are outside Harvin's control, but the DWFs have a HUGE double standard when it comes to these things.

Black are always given the benefit of the doubt while Whites are given the worst possible labels. Edited by: TorontoArgos
I checked various places, including Rotorooter, but did not find any recent reports of Gerhart being pushed towards kick-off return duty. It's a non-sensical move at best, especially coming at the heels of 2 very decent games running the ball and Peterson's ankle still not being 100%.

Gerhart is not built to be a return man, has never done it in his life, and to be moved into that role in such notice would be a very stupid decision. He's a running back who could start for many teams, or at worst, share equal carries with another back.

Let's hope this is all a false alarm.
The only bright side to Gerhart in returning kicks (if it happens) is that it shows the team thinks he is a guy with some quickness. Nobody returns kicks who isn't thought to be fast and shifty in some way. Power backs, no matter how good are never put in that position, so at least they see him as more then that. Also if he has some good results it really improves a players image. Look at Devin Hester, he never would have a pass thrown his way if he didn't light it up as a return man. On the Detroit Lions, the return guy, Logan, was rarely used outside of kicks but after some good returns he is now seeing action in regular formations. White guys have to go the extra mile in the Negro Football League, like why the hell is Woodhead the gunner on kick-offs?

Anyway if you get a lemon, make lemonade.
Toby has to content with a hamstring injury this week as well,although not serious,but still a hassle.You know I get this feeling Toby just isn't happy doing his thing being in Minny.This past Sunday looking at him on the sideline and have you seen his headshot at guy looks miserable.Hope he hangs in there and doesn't decide to give baseball a chance.
jaxvid said:
Also if he has some good results it really improves a players image. Look at Devin Hester, he never would have a pass thrown his way if he didn't light it up as a return man. On the Detroit Lions, the return guy, Logan, was rarely used outside of kicks but after some good returns he is now seeing action in regular formations. White guys have to go the extra mile in the Negro Football League, like why the hell is Woodhead the gunner on kick-offs?

Anyway if you get a lemon, make lemonade.

Unfortunately, this rarely works for good white punt and kick returners. This year's most pertinent example is that of the Titans' Marc Mariani.

It's great to have you back, man, your insight has been sorely missed by all.
Didn't Welker hang on because of his punt returning for a while?
Yeah, he did nothing but special teams for Miami in '04.
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<H1 =nofuc>Vikings RB Toby Gerhart Strong In Place Of Injured AdrianPeterson</H1>
by David Fucillo "¢ Dec 21, 2010 12:44 AM PST

The Vikings deactivated star running back Adrian Peterson fortonight's gameagainst the Chicago Bears, but they received a strong substitute effort from backup running back Toby Gerhart. AP suffered a combination of knee, ankle and thigh injuries last week and wasn't comfortable playing on the frozen field of the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium. In his place, the Vikings went with former Stanford star Toby Gerhart.

While Gerhart had replaced Peterson on one occasion earlier in the season, his carries had otherwise been limited. While he won't be replacing AP long term anytime soon, Gerhart showed what he's capable of in the Vikings 40-14 loss to the Bears. Gerhart rushed for 77 yards on 16 carries and caught three passes for 18 yards. Although the Vikings were blown out, most of Gerhart's yards came while the game was still close, and thus weren't the normal garbage time stats we often see in blowouts. He did fumble the ball once on a short pass from Joe Webb, but other than that he had a strong performance.
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It remains to be seen whether Gerhart will see extended action the rest of the season. Adrian Peterson thought he might be able to go but decided it was a no-go after testing himself on the field before the game. The Vikings close out the 2010 season at Philadelphia and Detroit but are eliminated from playoff contention at this point. Peterson has already surpassed 1,000 yards so one has to wonder if the Vikings might just shut him down for the rest of the season.

If the Vikings were to shut down AP, that would give Gerhart a prime opportunity to showcase his skills. Peterson isn't going anywhere, but a strong close to the season by Gerhart could get him some additional touches in 2011. I wouldn't imagine the Vikings will be going to a platoon anytime soon, but the more solid running backs a team has the better. At the very least they've got that much more trade bait.
Looks like they are really missing Chester Taylor, with is 252 rushing yards on 105 carries 2.4 ypc and his 20 catches for 129 yards. Toby has him beat in both categories, so why shouldnt Gerhart see an increased role, he has gotten better every game. Its always a "may" and the author made sure that Gerhart wasn't going to be taking many carries away from Peterson in the future. Peterson might get jealous and come back too soon. Peterson's best season ypc wise came when Taylor had close to 200 touches, Peterson still had over 1,300 yards rushing and a full yard more per carry than he has avged the past few seasons. So it makes the most sense to give Gerhart more touches. Maybe if Law Firm has a decline in level of play next year we can see a Gerhart/Woodhead duo.
Edited by: snow
Toby is already better than the incredibly-overrated Eddie George!

I would tell my father that "Eddie isn't an athletic freak" (the promos and announcers' were ridiculous and treated him like he was a thoroughbred..), and Eddie George was simply boring as well. My father would chastise Eddie as well! Good memories!
Eddie George was a solid but not great RB. His greatest strength was resilience. His career YPC is lower than Alstott's, and with all his affaleticism he managed exactly on 60+ carry in over 2,800 attempts.
Gerhart reminds me of Corey Dillon more than Eddie George. Tim Tebow could be a better version of Eddie George if he wanted to play rb, and someone was willing to give him that role.
Looks like some good news for Toby.

Toby Gerhart could see a significant number of touches even if Adrian Peterson (thigh) is ready to play this weekend.
<div ="s_pNewsTextMain">
"Toby did a great job of stepping up in Adrian's role and was really
proud of the way he carried that football," interim coach Leslie Frazier
said. "Wish we could have given it to him even more." Even before AP
was hurt, the Vikes had occasionally given Gerhart a series, and they
could be giving him more over the final two weeks.
Wow. And we had to wait for a black interim coach to come in and recognize Toby's talent. I guess Les Frazier missed out on the Hatie Smiff/Herm Edwards school courseof keeping "whitey" down.
FootballDad said:
Wow.  And we had to wait for a black interim coach to come in and recognize Toby's talent.  I guess Les Frazier missed out on the Hatie Smiff/Herm Edwards school course of keeping "whitey" down.

While this is far from universally true, as there are many blacks that hate white athletes, I believe that oftentimes blacks are less shocked and surprised to see a white guy playing RB, returning a punt, making a sick catch or even playing corner than many white people are. I have some personal experiences where this is the case as well. Don't get me wrong, I believe it's a segment of the black population that feels this way, and by no means does this even mean they want a white guy to succeed over a black guy. It just means their not shocked, dismissive, or apprehensive of a white guy in situations where it's usually a black guy.
This is good news, and I hope it plays out to be true over the course of the last 2 games of the season.
We have all been fooled and disappointed before. Significantly more carries can mean two or three more carries a game for a white athlete. I hope that's not the case here.

Toby Gerhart might not be Adrian Peterson, but he has done one thing
better than Peterson this season â€" less negative rushes. With the focus
on him as the starter, that could change, but Gerhart still ranks among
the leaders in fewest stuffs:

Michael Bush, Oak â€" 130 attempts, 4 stuffs (3.1 percent)

Danny Woodhead, NE â€" 82, 3 (3.7)

Jason Snelling, Atl â€" 78, 3 (3.8)

John Kuhn, GB â€" 74, 3 (4.1)

Peyton Hillis, Cle â€" 252, 12 (4.8)

Ricky Williams, Mia â€" 139, 7 (5.0)

Toby Gerhart, Min â€" 77, 4 (5.2)

Maurice Jones-Drew, Jac â€" 299, 17 (5.7)

Shonn Green, NYJ â€" 173, 10 (5.8)

Jamaal Charles, KC â€" 203, 12 (5.9)

Source: Stats LLC

interesting that just about the only 4 White RB's who get to carry the
ball in the NFL are all in the Top-Ten of the least stuffed RB's.
That is a very interesting stat, JReb1! This lends even more credence to our argument that White RBs are as dependable and productive as anyone. It also helps shatter the myth that the best players are on the field and the belief that there is no caste system holding skilled White players back.
Toby Gerhart finished the season with a respectable 4 YPC average (322 rushing yards, 489 yards from scrimmage) in his rookie year. Here's a look at the YPC average of the 4halfbacks drafted before Toby:

CJ Spiller(Round 1, 9th overall).................3.8 YPC
Ryan Mathews (Round 1,12th overall)......4.2
Jahvid Best (Round 1, 30th overall)...........3.2
Dexter McCluster (Round 2, 36th overall)..3.9

As you can see, the DWFs were correct. Gerhart was clearly a reachcompared to"the real athletes" drafted before him.
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