Tim Wise anti-white meltdown


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Parody said:
lost said:
I had a friend who was in prison and he said Jews in prison consider themself white...


I'm sure Jews consider themselves white in prison for protection.
Right, non-whites see a jew as white....

Jews are very clever and know when to switch fronts to further their agenda.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Tom Iron said:
My wife worked (nurse) with a Jewish woman who voted against david dinkins (black)in his mayoral reelection campaign. The woman said her hand was shaking when she voted for Guliani. It was the first time in her life she'd voted against a Democrat.

For those of you who don't know, dinkins refused to quell a riot by blacks against Jews in Brooklyn. Ordered the police to stand back and let the riot die out of its own accord.

One thing many Jews and all white liberals don't understand is that when the sh*t hits the fan in our country, it'll count for nothing that they always were on the side of the blacks, They'll look White and that'll be enough for the blacks to tear them apart.

Benjamin Franklin once said that [experience is a tough school to learn in, but fools will learn in no other].

Tom Iron...

Tom, this post was superb.

I alluded to the same thing (him being instantly murdered by those whom he fervently defends) in my post concerning the half Jewish, half Scottish Tim Wise.

The literature of Anti-White Professionals like Tim Wise and Shakti Butler litter American and European Universities. Butler's writings were the inspiration behind the 2007 University of Delaware controversy in which white students occupying the campus' dormitories were subject to rigid anti-white "tutoring."Â￾ Surprisingly, the program was investigated and shut down.

I've read the doctrines of both Wise and Butler before. They both vehemently believe that the notion of "The White Race"Â￾ never actually existed throughout the course of its history"¦and was merely a creation of the white elites during the times of colonial America in order to instill hatred between lower class whites and indentured servants / non-white slaves. The most advantageous cultural marxist aspect of that opinion is that it's impossible to comprehensively prove or disprove.Edited by: Thrashen


Nov 28, 2009


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
A poster at S.F. posted a list of Timmy's gigs. I read somewhere that he gets 4K a pop. He speaks at many universities and colleges. Is he paid with tax payer funds, I wonder?

Here is a list of Tim's upcoming paid gigs.

Tim Wise
One of the Country's Leading Anti-Racist Writers and Activists
11/9/10: Sewanee, TN Sewanee University of the South
11/10/10: Los Angeles, CA California State University, Los Angeles
11/11/10: Atlanta, GA Georgia Tech
11/15/10: Washington, DC National Park Service
11/16/10: Prairie View, TX Prairie View A & M University
11/29/10: Oroville, CA Butte College
11/30/10: Chico, CA California State University, Chico
12/1/10: Los Angeles, CA University of California, Los Angeles
01/14/11 - 01/15/11: Huntsville, AL Oakwood University
01/17/11: Kalamazoo, MI Western Michigan University
01/18/11: Mt. Pleasant, MI Central Michigan University
01/19/11: Pepper Pike, OH Ursuline College
01/21/11: Pittsburgh, PA University of Pittsburgh
01/25/11: Media, PA Delaware County Community College
01/25/11: Bethlehem, PA Lehigh University
01/26/11: Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania
02/1/11: Sioux City, IA Morningside College
02/2/11 - 02/3/11: St. Louis, MO John Burroughs School
02/10/11: Clarksville, TN Austin Peay State University
02/15/11: Bridgewater, VA Bridgewater College
02/16/11: La Jolla, CA University of California, San Diego
02/17/11: Los Angeles, CA Campbell Hall
02/21/11: Nashville, TN Jere Baxter Middle School
02/25/11: Denton, TX University Of North Texas
03/1/11: Tuscaloosa, AL University of Alabama
03/19/11: Edmonton, AB Centre for Race and Culture, Edmonton A
03/23/11: Tacoma, WA Pacific Lutheran University
04/4/11: Atlanta, GA Summit on Leading Diversity
04/5/11: Monmouth, IL Monmouth College
04/6/11: Springfield, IL University of Illinois, Springfield
04/11/11: River Falls, WI University of Wisconsin, River Falls
04/18/11: Jacksonville, IL Illinois College
04/26/11: Green Bay, WI University of Wisconsin
04/27/11: Green Bay, WI Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
04/28/11: Appleton, WI Fox Valley Technical College

Link to his just released CNN interview explaining his anti-white column.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com
Oct 24, 2005
What could he possible talk about at these colleges?
I note that he has a lecture at the National Park Service. What will he talk about? Racism and Chipmunks?
This guy is a loser. He should get an honest job.
Nov 8, 2006
Attacking normal White America, avoiding honest work and making quite a few sheckels in the process...it's a jew dream come true.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I see in a few weeks he'll be up toward my end of California. I'm curious to see how the media covers his little spiel. I was thinking maybe some of his dates would be cancelled because of his rant. Apparently not yet anyway.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
Attacking normal White America, avoiding honest work and making quite a few sheckels in the process...it's a jew dream come true.

I'm curious as to what sort of "target audience"Â￾ typically attends Wise's xenophobic, intolerant speeches?

Probably the same cast of characters that attend any normal politically-driven assembly in this sissified nation.

That is, non-whites, women, Jews, and homosexuals with a desire to hear excuses to explain their inherent inferiority"¦or racially-dispassionate, self-loathing, spineless whites wanting to hear doctrine discrediting their obvious superiority.

The gatherings likely result in orgasmic ecstasy from the purportedly "anti-racist"Â￾ hordes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good rebuttal to tribesman Wise from Winston Smith (via The Political Cesspool).

Genocide in Tim Wise's America

Category: A Conversation About Race, Death By Diversity, Hatred Of White People, Jews, The Media

The following guest commentary was penned by Political Cesspool co-host Winston Smith, in response to the venomous hatred of White people that was spewed last week by "mainstream pundit"Â Tim Wise.

Please bear with me for a few moments. . .

An Open Letter to "People of Color"Â in the Liberal Left

For all Africans in America, enjoy that grape drink, or whatever malt liquor you drink.

And for y'all Mestizos, enjoy your Cuervo, or whatever tequila you favor.

All you Jew-boys, pour yourselves a glass of Manischewitz, or whatever kosher toilet water you throw down.

Whatever non-White squatter you are, know this"¦

You need to drink up.

And quickly.

And heavily.

Because your time is limited.

Real damned limited.

So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness. . .

Pretty racist stuff, eh? And scary, too. But when you change the references to Mestizos, Blacks, Jews, and other "people of color"Â to "White people,"Â then that's just fine, no harm done. Tim Wise proved it.

We've all read Tim Wise's essay, in which he salivates like an hungry jackal for the day when enough White Americans have died to make a racial minority of those who remain. One gets the impression that Wise would sell his mother if doing so would get him the right to gloat over the corpse of that White person whose death puts the White American population at 49.9%. The reason for Tim Wise's macabre musing is the recent election results; he doesn't like the way the majority of Americans voted. So he responded by writing to the effect of "I'll be SO happy when you White people die."Â

On CNN's website, I saw an interview with Tim Wise. In the interview, he claims that what he wrote applies only to what he calls "the White right,"Â and he says that anyone who takes his words at their face value is illiterate. The interviewer lobs to Wise one powder-puff question after another, none of them coming close to addressing the supremely insulting and racist nature of Wise's screed.

Wise's essay and CNN interview could provide material for months of analysis and comment. But I'll touch upon only a few items.

I'll start with the phrase "people of color,"Â which Wise used with tracer bullet frequency on CNN. I know the definition of racist as a noun is "any White person,"Â and as an adjective is "anything any White person says, writes, does, thinks, or believes."Â (I know this because I read Racism, Schmacism by my bestest friend, James Edwards! Order your copy today!) But the phrase "people of color"Â is the most racist notion I've ever known. Joseph Goebbels would envy whoever came up with it, and he would
appreciate its artful subtlety. The phrase offends me, and it should offend every White person to the point that we protest its every use, like Africans in America protest every use of the "n-word" by White people. "People of color" segregates ALL white people â€" not just Wise's "White Right â€" from humanity. It posits two groups; "people of color," and an implied "other"Âthat doesn't even deserve a name. It dehumanizes ALL White people â€" again, not just Wise's "White Right." There is no difference between the idea behind "people of color" and Tim Wise's interpretation of those signs of another era that read "Whites" and "Non-whites," you know, those signs for which Wise says we pine and wax nostalgic. And there is no difference between Tim Wise and whatever caricature of that era he can imagine. Wise's use of "people of color" marks him with the same racism that he attributes to the White people for whose deaths he lustily yearns.

Missing from the CNN interview was any reference to Wise's maniacal giddiness and sinister schadenfreude at the thought of a rapidly decreasing White population. The interviewer quoted several benign lines from Wise's essay, but none of them had to do with those in which Wise relishes the thought of White people dying en masse so that "people of color"Â become the majority. The interviewer doesn't point out that Wise writes of it with the voice of a criminally insane sadist in one Hollywood's recent torture-porn movies. And some of what he wrote is so morbid that he had to edit it out of what he originally published.

For instance. "We just have to be patient and wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told."Â

But the CNN interviewer asked him about none of that, and Wise was very careful to avoid any mention of his stated glee in anticipating a White-minority America via White death. If CNN were to interview me regarding the parody with which I opened this essay, then the questions would be more like, "Why do you want so many people of color to die as quickly as possible? That's what you wrote! What is it that you hate about people of color, so much so that you look forward to the day when they die off in numbers so great that they are no longer a threat to the White majority in America?"Â But, Tim Wise got a pass on all that, and the interviewer asked him leading questions that allowed him stay focused on White "racism."Â The interview was not about Tim Wise's outrageous hate speech; it was a continuation of it, toned down a bit for television consumption.

For all his condemnation of White people, it matters not that Wise told CNN, "I'm white. . .I've been white for a long time."Â The fact is that Wise considers himself to be Jewish (even though some reports indicate his mother was a Gentile) and Jews consider themselves to be a separate race. In fact, the Talmud teaches Jews that they are the only race, and the rest of us are soul-less cattle, fit only to be slaves to Jews. If you take that into account, then it's easy to understand why Tim Wise is comfortable with his cherished vision of a mass White die-off, the way Stalin was comfortable with millions of Ukrainians dying of starvation from his engineered famine in 1932-1933.

All White people should thank Tim Wise, because he has given us irrefutable documentary proof of what we've known and have been saying all along â€" that the Left in America is hateful beyond description. He has revealed with crystal clarity precisely what the Left has in mind for America â€" the fewest White people possible; and he has set in high relief the Left's monumental hypocrisy â€"encouraging non-Whites to aggressively pursue the displacement and elimination of White people, while condemning White people for wanting an America "for ourselves and our posterity." That one blog posting by Tim Wise should be a standard, constant reference for why we advocates for European-Americans do what we do.

Should we be concerned about Tim Wise? Yes, we should be. His Goebbels-esque repetition of "people of color,"Â with its dehumanization of all White people, provides subtle justification for decreasing the White population "by any means necessary."Â Would Tim Wise ever do the dirty work of genocide, pulling triggers, aborting babies, raping women? Of course not; he's a cowardly keyboard commando. He simply encourages other people to stick out their necks to carry out his vision. Like the imams and mullahs who promise 72 virgins in paradise to suicide bombers, Tim Wise will always keep a safe and clean distance from the carnage and corpses required for the execution of his agenda.

On August 3, 2010 man with certain beliefs acted on his beliefs, beliefs that mirror those of Tim Wise. That man was Omar Thornton. After being forced to resign his job for stealing from his employer, Thornton believed that he had been mistreated by the White people at his workplace. So, as he was leaving the facility, he produced a pair of Rugers and began firing at forty White people, killing eight of them and seriously injuring two more, and he justified the murders by saying that every White person he shot was a racist. I've been collecting the comments of people who hail Omar Thornton as an hero, people who say of his victims, "They deserved it."Â Somehow, I think Tim Wise would agree.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
whiteathlete33 said:
Parody said:
lost said:
I had a friend who was in prison and he said Jews in prison consider themself white...

I'm sure Jews consider themselves white in prison for protection. 
Yep. That's what I've always thought. They're only White when it's to their benefit. Any other time they're oppressed minorities...blah blah blah

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I have four facebook associates who are always bleating about racism.

One day I took the trouble to google their towns and the average was about 95 percent white.

I don't think they have any idea what phonies they are.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The quickest way to bring sanity back to the country would be to pass legislation requiring White liberals to live in mostly black neighborhoods. And, pass a law requiring the "commander in chief" to spend at least six months each year on the front lines of all the undeclared and illegal wars Washington is engaged in, along with all members of Congress under the age of 70 and their children over the age of 18, and we'd instantly have an America First foreign policy again rather than one trying to rule the world.