Tim Tebow

He just set the record for most combined yards in a BCS bowl game -- 533.

But he can't play QB in the NFL!!! We've scientifically proved his throwing motion won't work!!!!

Vince Young and Byron Leftwich have lousy mechanics but that didn't prevent them from being drafted early in the first round. Tebowwill be a much better pro QB than either of them.
Tim Tebow scares the heck out of the cultural marxists. A white man becoming a successful, athletic QB in the NFL (one who can run and pass)is a nightmare scenario for them. That's the chosen position for the superhuman blacks, so efforts will be in full force to undermine and delegitimize Tebow all the way thru April.
The so called "draft experts" have been SO off on ranking a college QB's pro potential that I don't know why ANY GM would take them seriously. Draft Tebow to play QB and if he somehow doesn't pan out as a QB only then should he switch positions. IMHO, Tebow will be better than 50% of the current starting QB's in the NFL. Jackson, Russell, Campbell and Garrard start in the NFL but arguably the greatest college player ever doesn't even warrant a try... Give me a break!

I don't get the Caste's hatred for Tebow. He will be a winner (is that what they fear?) just like he was in High School and college while also being the most popular player in the city of whatever team is fortunate enough to draft him. Tebow will make some owner a lot of money, so I don't see the downside of having him as your starting QB. Tebow is also a great role model for every kid in America. I can almost guarantee that Tim will never be arrested like SO many affletes are...
Don, good points about Vince YOung & bYrOn Leftb_tch. Their crappy mechanics were swept under the rug, whereas the caste lackeys keep pressing Tim's to the forefront. Typical double-standard!

Tebow's one of the best college players of all time. I hope the NFL doesn't deny a QB chance for this outstanding young man. He's got the size, speed, drive & intelligence to be successful as an NFL QB.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
They don't like his unabashed Christianity for one thing. They tolerate it when players thank the Lord or thank God, but when Jesus is mentioned that's taking it to another level for the anti-Christian Cultural Marxists. Chris Myers looked like he cringed when Tebow thanked "my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" after the game.
Eric Crouch and Matt Jones are prime examples of what the NFL does to fiercely athletic, duel threat, white quarterbacks. And the Jaguars are the last team I want to see Tebow go to. The racist, white hater, Del Rio is probably drooling over the opportunity to convert Tim into a receiving tight end, or H-back.
Good point about Del Rio, but this could be his final year as the coach. If the owner and whoever replaced Shaq Harris and his control over player personnel have any intelligence at all they'll realize that Jacksonville isn't real fond of an all-black team.
Should Black Jack and other racist conspirators leave Jacksonville, then yes, Tebow may be a good fit there, for the team and the fans.Edited by: WHITE NOISE
Eric Crouch and Matt Jones are prime examples of what the NFL does to fiercely athletic, duel threat, white quarterbacks. And the Jaguars are the last team I want to see Tebow go to. The racist, white hater, Del Rio is probably drooling over the opportunity to convert Tim into a receiving tight end, or H-back.

As much as I like Tebow I just don't see him playing quarterback in the NFL. He will probably be moved to H-back or even fullback.
As Don wrote above, the media types don't like Tebow's religiosity. A good many DWF's don't either.

Writing as an old-line SEC fan, last night Tebow reminded me of Ken Stabler at Alabama (1965-67). Before a knee injury, Stabler was similar to Tebow as a dual threat QB as well as a left-hander. Tebow even looked like Stabler as a pin point passer last night.

Off the field, Ken "Snake" Stabler was about the exact opposite of Tim Tebow. Stabler was famous as the QB of the 1970's Oakland Raiders.
Most negro black quarterbacks have an unorthodox throwing motion. Not allowing Tim Tebow to play quarterback in the NFL because of his passing mechanics is plain and simple racism.As evidenced by last night's game, Tebow has no problems accurately hitting his receivers on various pass routes. The icing on the cake of course, is his mobility and duel threat presence, something the MSM, DWF's can't seem to abide in with a White athlete.
I really enjoyed watching Tebow's last game as a collegiate QB. Under normal circumstances I hate SEC teams but I was hoping for Tebow to have a good game. He performed brilliantly.

During the pregame Jimmy Johnson said that Tebow was not accurate enough to be an NFL QB among other things. His mechanics are routinely bashed as well, If Tebow were black Jimmy Johnson would be drooling all over him.

Tebow can become a pro qb, especially with so many teams going to the spread offense. Like any QB drafted, Tebow's performance will really depend on the coaches and players already in place. That being said Tebow does have all the tools to carry a team on his back.Edited by: Leonardfan
That was nice when the play by play announcer called Billick on comparing Tebow's speed of delivery of the football to Marino's. Virtually everybody falls short in that category. At times Montana and Steve Young had wind-up deliveries, maybe not as low as dropping the ball to thigh level in the take back.

Brian Billick seemed lost most of the game anyhow, talking about penalties that didn't happen and such.
Don't know if these quotes have been posted, but just found this on wikiepedia:
According to former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden, he could "revolutionize" the pro game. Says Gruden: "Tim Tebow is 250 pounds, and he's the strongest human being that's ever played the position. He can throw well enough at any level."[97]

Former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy said he would pick Tebow with a top 10 pick, and would take him over any quarterback in the 2010 draft.[98]

On the other hand, NFL analyst Mel Kiper, Jr. believes Tebow does not have the intangibles to play quarterback in the NFL. "I don't think he can be a fulltime quarterback. I don't think he can be the quarterback of the future for you, but I do think in the third round, maybe the second round, he'll be the same as Pat White," said Kiper.[99]
Don Wassall said:
They don't like his unabashed Christianity for one thing.  They tolerate it when players thank the Lord or thank God, but when Jesus is mentioned that's taking it to another level for the anti-Christian Cultural Marxists.  Chris Myers looked like he cringed when Tebow thanked "my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" after the game. 

Yes, Tebow and Kurt Warner are very similar in their outspoken Christian faith and I know the elitist east coast media types can't stand it. More power to them. Tebow seems to care alot about his public platform to get his message across, if he want's to continue to have that platform a NFL QB is much better for that than some glorified TE/FB hybrid. I wish he would read this thread, it would do him some good.
gentlemen, here's the real deal regarding the NFL's treatment of Tim Tebow. i'll try to be brief.

the Powers That Be have been dreaming of aplayerlike Tim Tebow who would revolutionize the quarterback position for decades now ... only Tebow is the wrong color to be "that" quarterback. or should i say black quarterback?

how many times have we been inundated with mythological tales (these are more correctly known as lies) about some affirmative action project taking the snaps who could throw the ball 80 yards in the air from his knees AND run like a tailback AND has the type of leadership skills that willlift his teammates to new heights?

the answer, of course, is that we've heard these liesevery single time a team trots out a new black quarterback ... and we continue to hear them until it becomes so obvious that said negro is such a piss poor shadow of what a real quarterback should be that they can't convince even the DWF's that he's more than a turd-skinned facade. then they trot out the next "game changer," and begin the lies once anew.

therein lies the problem with the White Knight.

you see, Tebowactuallydoes have the athleticism, arm strength, and leadership ability that they've been craving all this time. only he isn't black. "sadly," he is very, very White. and not only in skin tone, butin character, as well. he's a great player who is also a great guy ... and he's too much like the heroes in action movies from back in the era when bigger-than-life characters were portrayed by White men.

and "they" have done everything within their power to destroy that figure in White America's consciousness.

if they allow Tebow an opportunity, then it is possible that the old powers of our people would begin to re-surface in the common man's mind. that's why all the "problems" with Tebow are repeated incessantly, when in reality the "problems"are actually just the opposite. in fact, if he were black, these "problems" we keep hearing about would actually be referred to by another term (one that is always associated with the negro afflete).

that word is upside.

you see, all Tebow's negative issues are technique related. he has sloppy footwork. he has an elongated throwing motion. his accuracy is sometimes erratic. he rarely has taken snaps from under center.

gentlemen, ALL of these issues are readily correctable and improvable if a player has a strong work ethic and good coaching from the people who are paid to improve quarterbacks' technique. they are called quarterback coaches. Tebow certainly has the work ethic, as we all know. and since his "issues" are correctable, he has tremendous potential to improve because of his upside. he has been incredibly dominant while still having huge areas of improvement that can be tapped into ...which is what we're told time and again that "talent scouts" are looking for in a player.

and that's just the thing. he has everything else the position needs, at least fromthe mental and physical aspects of the game. he has the arm. he has the speed. the strength. the toughness. the leadership skills. the desire to be THE BEST.

and that's why "they" don't want him to have a chance. because he would be what they've always wanted ... except that he'd do it while being White.
Jimmy C during the beginning of the season I mentioned "upside" as being linked only to affelets. Keen observation on your part.

Regarding Tebow, he has to instruct his agents that quaterback will be the ONLY position he will be playing next year.
The ridiculous part of all this is that some of the so called "experts" are saying that Tim Tebow will be the next Pat White. If Tebow was on the same skill level as Pat White we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The truth is Tebow is much better fundamentally than Pat White ever was.
whiteathlete33 said:
The ridiculous part of all this is that some of the so called "experts" are saying that Tim Tebow will be the next Pat White.  If Tebow was on the same skill level as Pat White we wouldn't even be having this conversation.  The truth is Tebow is much better fundamentally than Pat White ever was.

Pat "Not So" White couldn't carry Tebow's jock on his best day (& Tebow's worst)!
Tim is bigger, stronger, more powerful, smarter & 10x the leader. Kiper is full of mule squeeze!

FTW, regarding Gruden's statements on Tim's strength. I wonder how much he benches (225 reps & max) + squats. I've read (online) he benches from 400-480 lbs...but I don't know what's legit. If throws up some very impressive #'s at the combine, that'll help him land in the 1st round (where he belongs). He needs to aim for a sub 4.6 40 y/d & a 35"+ vertical leap as well.
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
The ridiculous part of all this is that some of the so called "experts" are saying that Tim Tebow will be the next Pat White. If Tebow was on the same skill level as Pat White we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The truth is Tebow is much better fundamentally than Pat White ever was.

Pat "Not So" White couldn't carry Tebow's jock on his best day (& Tebow's worst)!
Tim is bigger, stronger, more powerful, smarter & 10x the leader. Kiper is full of mule squeeze!

FTW, regarding Gruden's statements on Tim's strength. I wonder how much he benches (225 reps & max) + squats. I've read (online) he benches from 400-480 lbs...but I don't know what's legit. If throws up some very impressive #'s at the combine, that'll help him land in the 1st round (where he belongs). He needs to aim for a sub 4.6 40 y/d & a 35"+ vertical leap as well.

Quite a few mock drafts compare Tebow to Pat White. White was nothing more than a product of the system and could never play quarterback in the NFL. Tebow can be a good qb but I don't think he will be given that chance. Also many of these sites have Tebow as running a 4.68. He is much faster than that and will probably run in the 4.5 range.
Tim Tebow was compared to another freak of nature QB that played for FSU (Caste whore Bowden even compared Kendra to having the athleticism of an afflete) during the 90's named Dan Kendra. Dan got a knee injury and Chris Weinke took the #1 spot from him so he switched to FB (Bowden always believed he was to "big" to play QB anyway) to be a team player. He got drafted by the NFL as a FB and was never heard from again. Tebow said last night that he's going to play QB in the NFL and he needs to stand firm or he'll end up like Kendra as a pro FB. A guy that talented will never be happy blocking for and watching inferior player doing what he should be doing, playing QB.
Well it looks like the NFL "powers-that-be" have their work cut out for them then....because next year Jake Locker "a faster/sleeker" version of Tim Tebow will arrive on the scene...whether they like it or not; they need to learn to love it!

Locker's 4.39/4.4 speed on serious upside already have some scouts drooling....if it doesn't happen for Tebow(which I hope it does)...Locker will be their "dream player"; theone that revolutionizes the QB position; nearly the total package! Despite his skin condition...

I would not count out Dan LeFevour either...the name of the game is winning....and in these tough economic times filling seats will be at a premium....this is their chance to shine!

If for some reason Tebow does not become a starting QB....he should get a chance as a Runningback....no doubt he could get some 100 yard rushing games...to compare him to Pat White is silly!

Edited by: TwentyTwo
Jimmy C's assessment of the situation is brilliant.

Ignore the 2 national championships, the Heisman, all the records, all the winning on the field, and his unmatched personal character. He drops his arm too low when he passes the ball, and after all, isn't that what it's all about?
TwentyTwo said:
Well it looks like the NFL "powers-that-be" have their work cut out for them then....because next year Jake Locker "a faster/sleeker" version of Tim Tebow will arrive on the scene...whether they like it or not; they need to learn to love it!

Locker's 4.39/4.4 speed on serious upside already have some scouts drooling....if it doesn't happen for Tebow(which I hope it does)...Locker will be their "dream player"; theone that revolutionizes the QB position; nearly the total package! Despite his skin condition...

I would not count out Dan LeFevour either...

that's just it, TwentyTwo.

they've been crying out for a quarterback who can run like a tailback and throw like a quarterback for decades. and now, they're everywhere ... Tebow, Locker, LeFevour, Colt McCoy, Andy Dalton, Case Keenum, Christian Ponder, Andrew Luck, and so on.

the only problem is, even with all the pro-negro bias in scouting services, recruiting, and media hype, all the gifteddual-threat quarterbacks are White. even the few non-White quarterbacks who are adequate passers aren't black ... such as Colin Kaepernick and Jeremiah Masoli.

and for them, that's a disaster.
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