Tiger Woods

I don't think you can have white only clubs. Clubs are considered public accomadations and therefore can be dictated to by the government.

Why is it you can have black only clubs? Because the court/legal system allows it.
Just turned to CBS for my first glimpse of the PGA this year. I was greeted by an ongoing super-slow motion analysis of Tiger's swing, only the one thousandth time or so I've seen it now.

Ah, all is right with the world.
Tiger Woods(pile) is the quintessential, over-hyped, overrated professional athlete. He's a product of the PC, PR, mass-marketing machine (as are the Williams Sisstuhz).

P.S. - He couldn't hold a sand-wedge to Bobby Jones, Byron Nelson or Sam Sneed in their heydays
DixieDestroyer said:
Tiger Woods(pile) is the quintessential, over-hyped, overrated professional athlete. He's a product of the PC, PR, mass-marketing machine (as are the Williams Sisstuhz).

P.S. - He couldn't hold a sand-wedge to Bobby Jones, Byron Nelson or Sam Sneed in their heydays

I don't much like Woods, and I root against him, but give him some credit--12 majors at age 31 ? 7 tour wins in a row? The guy is doing a pretty good job of living up to his hype.
It's true that Woods is worshipped by the media to a nauseating degree, and also true that he's an all-time great golfer.He's 31 years old and has already passed everyone but Jack Nicklaus in number of majors won; that little fun fact speaks for itself.
I like the fact that he doesn't refer to himself as black. I was discussing this with a friend the other day and he wondered if Woods ever finds it annoying that he is constantly referred to as black, instead of 'Caublinasian,' or just as 'Tiger Woods.' It doesn't seem like he necessarily likes carrying the burden as the black hope of golf as much as the media desires him to do so.

It is so rare these days that a black entertainer or athlete (or politician, for that matter) will acknowledge any part of their race besides black that Tiger's willingness to do so even in passing is refreshing.
To me Eldrick is black. And that C-"word" doesn't roll off my tongues (mental, visual and larnyx-wise) very well. Wonder how much time and thought he put into coining that "word"?

Today, ESPN has decided to devote its webpage to worshipping Tiger Woods. There are two articles with the following headlines, which are not drawn from a National Lampoon magazine or The Corporate Sports Report: "Tiger Revolution" and "Fact or Fiction: Will Woods Impact Future Generations?"

Both articles note that it's now been 15 years since Woods first played PGA tour events. The corporate media was unanimous in its proclamations in 1996, when Woods went pro full-time, that it was the harbinger of a quick black takeover of the sport. Well, 11 years have gone by and no Tiger Juniors are anywhere in sight, even though blacks did indeed take up golf in a big way.

What could possibly account for the gaping and comical lack of good black golfers? It can't be that whites (and Asians) are obviously much better at golf than blacks, because The Big Lie is that blacks dominate any and every sport they decide they're "interested" in. It can't be that Woods has more white and Asian genes than Negro ones, because the corporate media has declared him to be black, and indeed today's lovefest at ESPN is part of its coverage of "Black History Month."

The Cultural Marxists in the two articles grunt and strain to explain the lack of TIger Juniors. It's "classism" or economics or racism. Anything but the truth. My favorite line comes from one John Antonini, senior editor of Golf World: "There's one African-American on tour now. It's hard to envision the tour in 2017 won't have at least double that number." Apparently the timeline for the black "takeover" has been pushed back considerably.

If you need a good laugh, here's the address of the two hymns from today's serviceat the Church of Tiger:


[url]http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/blackhistory2007/columns/stor y?columnist=kreidler_mark&id=2763296 [/url]
Good stuff Don! It is funny that nobody ever mentions Woods as being more white than black. Yeah, the agenda is all too transparent, but at least guys like Antonini realize it won't happen like they thought, even though they don't have the guts to say why.
I wrote that he has "more white and Asian genes than Negro ones," meaning the white and Asian genes combined. He's actually more Asian than Negro not even taking White genes into account, as his mother is Thai and his father was a mix of Negro, American Indian and White. If he's going to be referred to by any single race rather than as multi-racial, the most accurate way to refer toWoods would be to call him Asian, which I do on occasion because it's guaranteed to irk Caste Systemites.
To put it lightly, I have other things and other people on my mind right now.
So, I forgot that Woods is something close to half Asian, and just a quarter white and a quarter black. Anyway, the same can be done with that knowledge, just as you say Don. He's as much white as black, but he's even more Asian. Except for that confounded 1 drop rule!
Colonel_Reb said:
To put it lightly, I have other things and other people on my mind right now.
So, I forgot that Woods is something close to half Asian, and just a quarter white and a quarter black. Anyway, the same can be done with that knowledge, just as you say Don. He's as much white as black, but he's even more Asian. Except for that confounded 1 drop rule!

I've read that his father is one-half black, one-quarter Indian, and one-quarter white. If that's true, then he's more black than white. But Don is right that he's more Asian than black.
Most Hilarious quote from the mass orgasm.

"To carry his bag, that's like dying and going to heaven," Novak said.

Jeez, what is it with these people?
I thought they were going to retire Oakmont as an open course--or am I thinking of another course in PA?

Oakland? Oakland Hills? What's the open course near Pittsburgh?
Oakmont is outside Pittsburgh and is one of the country's venerable old courses. Most of the trees have been removed so the course this year will kind of resemble a British Open one in that regard.

It's been 13 years since the last Open at Oakmont, but the long wait had to do with adisagreement between the PGA and the club over the pedestrian bridge that crosses over the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which splits the course in two. The PGA wanted it widened because it created big-time bottlenecks in '94, and the club finally agreed and came up with the needed $ for the project.
I'm worried about the removal of the trees--because I think this makes Woods' recovery shots a lot easier, and Woods knows how to play the British "links" courses. He'll be able to take more risks.

Thickly clustered Trees and tight fairways are his nemesis, especially in a long open style course with heavy rough. When the trees are widely spaced (as at the Masters), then his recovery shots are obviously a lot easier.

DW, have they done anything lengthen or toughen Oakmont?

(13 years ago there was a buzz that it was too short, too easy for today's Open players.)

You and Bear-Arms and the other Pittsburgh guys should go to the Open--Don't forget to wear your caste football Shirts!
Solomon, I'm not sure if they lengthened Oakmont or not. What the course is known for is very punitive rough and greens comparable in toughness to those of Augusta National.

Even though an Open hasn't been heldat Oakmontsince 1994, it'll be the eighth one played there, more than any other course. Ernie Els won the '94 match in a one-round playoff over Loren Roberts and Colin Montgomery, one of several very close misses for Monty in majors. What I remember most about that tournament was the heat wave that coincided with it, record high temperatures for all four rounds in the upper 90s with oppressive humidity to boot. It was brutal.

Johnny Miller won the 1973 U.S. Open at Oakmont with a final round 63. More than a fewafficianados of the sport and its historyconsider that the best round of golf ever played.
You would see Johnny Miller doing commercials on TV all the time after that Open win. Miller was doing them for a while even after he stopped winning.
I'm looking forward to it. May Lefty reclaim the honor he lost last year!

I remember Miller in '73--that was his greatest year. "The Stormin Mormon"

He tore up Oakmont and I think he won in Scotland (Royal Troon?). Or was that Weiskopf?

For 1-2 years he was the absolute best, then he faded. Go figure.

Now he's the epitome of the Tiger-worshipping caste sportscaster.
Johnny Miller was like a meteor -- he burned very brightly very quickly but after just a few seasonshe fell just as fast.

As an announcer I find him erudite at times but also comically ditzy. He was the main target of the first Corporate Sports Report a couple of years ago. He is very quick to criticize all players but one.
What a life...

Woods doesn't even have to play golf and still gets paid.

Woods won't play in Bucik Open

And he's having a baby with Elin Nordegren:

The Happy Couple
It's the old "I'm a successful non-white sportsmen, therefore I deserve a white woman" syndrome. (And he has the millions to, in effect, buy her.)

I wonder if these successful blacks (or Cablinasians or whatever) ever confront themselves with the fact that they're ashamed of the women of their own race. Can't they find one black or mixed race women who looks decent?

Oh Well, at least these atheletes know in what race the most beautiful, most desirable women are to be found. Guess they know what sort of marriage constitutes upward mobility.
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