Tiger wins British Open


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tiger Woods has won the British Open. At least that's what my local paper says. Final scores to be announced on Sunday.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Korean Birdy Kim wins the most recent LPGA major, and now Woods wins the British Open for the second time. Asians continue to prove they can excel in golf.


Oct 21, 2004
It was so wonderful to have those two years without Tiger Woods winning
any majors. Now, the madness is back in full swing again. What is wrong
with all the the other golfers, and I mean ALL of them? How can anyone
believe that NO ONE ever challenges this guy? During the third round,
Woods looked like he was ready to collapse, but each time someone came
close, they would suddenly falter, while no matter how much trouble he
looked to be in, Woods would somehow manage to get his par. I didn't
watch any of the fourth round, because I've seen that movie way too
many times. I see that the predictable happened (as it always does with
Tiger), so I'm glad I missed it. Tell me, what was the media
explanation forTiger shooting under par again on Sunday, while
Olazabel, Garcia, Goosen, etc. all blew up? Either golf is somehow
fixed, or we have to acknowledge that this one golfer (by coincidence
the most hyped athlete ever, the one the media desperately WANTS to win
every tournament) is that much superior to every other golfer in the
world. This has happened way too many times; all the other golfers
unable to navigate the same course that Woods is playing with

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bigunreal, I thinka huge advantage that Woods has regained is that he is driving the ball extremely long and extremely straight, like he was back in 2000-'01 when he won four majors in a row. TheOld Course at St. Andrewsis also the British Open course that fits his game best, in that there are a number of short par 4s and he was easily able to reach the green onthemwith his tee shots because there was unusually little wind. So even though his putting was again average at best, often he had to only two-putt to get a birdie.

I heard three mildly critical observationsabout Tiger today from the announcers in between their usual extreme Tiger worship. It was noted how he walks off the green with his thuggish caddie when heputts outand begins marching to the next tee rather than waiting for the opponent he is matched with to finish, a breach of golf etiquette.

The second was when Paul Azinger said that some people complain that Woods' play iscovered too much and the shots of everyone else not enough. But then he immediately justified it by saying that everyone must realize that Woods is thegreatest golfer in the world, blah blah blah.

At another point Azinger said that the players on tour grumble that Woods gets all the breaks, specifically mentioning the fortuitous tee times he regularly receives, buthe also could have mentionedthe many breaks he gets on wayward shots and drops, too. It is uncanny how Woods almost always does gets good breaks.

The crowd was openly pulling against him in the third round, when he was matched with Colin Montgomery. The announcers described it as being like a "Ryder Cup" type atmosphere. During the fourth round he received respectful applause and then strong ovations on the last hole and afterwards, but it is clear againto anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see that Woods is not a particularly popular golfer among galleries. The many times over media overkill makes many golf fans quietly eager to see him lose.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
bigunreal you expressed my feelings to a "tee"

all I will add is that golfers are too eager to concede to Tiger. Montgomerie was saying in the 3rd round that they were all playing for second place. even if its true you don't admit it! I know this pisses off Jack Nicklaus who has said before Tiger has no challengers.

And where the hell is Mickelson, hiding out with David Duvall? Els too!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I agree with Jack 100%. Tiger has not had the likes of a Gary Player, Arnold Palmer, Watson or even a Trevino pushing him.It really does seem like they just lay down at the appropriate times and let him walk all over them. Duval wins only one major and loses his ambition. Mickelson has thegritof a teddy bear and the Big Easy would rather play in Dubai for some big money than get down and dirty in the trenches.

These guys are the typical country club types who probably have never had to scramble for a buck, so they don't care. I've heard Mickelson on the Dan Patrick show, he knows a lot about other sports and is always making football bets, I doubt if Woods spends his time studying the Chargers schedule. And don't get me started on John Daly. In a different thread Jaxvid said if you are a Mickelson fan you will get your heart broken, you got that right. Edited by: Bart

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Nicklaus had strong challengers and still dominated for a long time.Woods gears up almost exclusively for the four majors, and this year he has become dominant in them again because when his driving is on he starts off with a huge edge on everyone else. At the Masters he was outdriving DiMarco by 60 yards and more in the final round and DiMarco hung in there and nearly won only because his iron play was brilliant.

Woods can win without putting well because he has a super-fast, very powerful swing, and when it goes in a straight line on a regular basis he is a notch above everyone else. And he is mentally tough as nails to go with it. It's a hell of a combination.

Right nowWoods is clearly the best golfer again. Only Nicklaus in his prime could give him a run for his money over a period of time.Maybe Hogan and others too, but he's the dominant golfer of his era. It doesn't change the fact that golf is a white dominated sport. I thinkwhat's out of jointis the insufferable media treatment of Woods more than it is the caliber of his opponents.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don,I'd like your opinion of something I read which was interesting to me. A writer analyzed Woods game and found that he was very good on some courses and average at best on others. It had to do with percentages par fours and fives etc. He thought that by lengthening courses, supposedly Tiger proofing them, the reverse was taking place as he does so much better on the bigger layouts. If this is true, it would explain why Augusta and the course the British Open was played this year were lengthened recently. What do you think?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart, I'd say lengthening courseshelps Woods and other long hitters as long as they're hitting afair amountof greens in regulation. Longer courses makes it more difficult for the players who aren't long hitters because they have to beon with both their irons and putter to win a tournament.

Mickelson used to wail at the ball as hard as he could. As a result he was a very long hitter but also hit a low percentage of fairways. In '04 he took a little off his swing; he was still long but hit a lot more fairways and had his most successful year, especially in the majors.

It would seem to me that the best way to "Tiger proof" a course would be to make it shorter, so that the guys who are accurate drivers but not long hitters would be hitting a lot more wedges into the greens on par fours and going for more par fives in two. The short game and putting would have a better chance of overcoming Happy Gilmore lengthtee shots. But the key to Woods' game is driving accuracy. When that's off he's more beatable on any course.


bigunreal said:
It was so wonderful to have those two years without Tiger Woods winning any majors. Now, the madness is back in full swing again. What is wrong with all the the other golfers, and I mean ALL of them? How can anyone believe that NO ONE ever challenges this guy? During the third round, Woods looked like he was ready to collapse, but each time someone came close, they would suddenly falter, while no matter how much trouble he looked to be in, Woods would somehow manage to get his par. I didn't watch any of the fourth round, because I've seen that movie way too many times. I see that the predictable happened (as it always does with Tiger), so I'm glad I missed it. Tell me, what was the media explanation forTiger shooting under par again on Sunday, while Olazabel, Garcia, Goosen, etc. all blew up? Either golf is somehow fixed, or we have to acknowledge that this one golfer (by coincidence the most hyped athlete ever, the one the media desperately WANTS to win every tournament) is that much superior to every other golfer in the world. This has happened way too many times; all the other golfers unable to navigate the same course that Woods is playing with ease.
You have to want it more then the other guy. Tigers Talent and learned skill combined with his will to win make him the best player.

Edited by: fistfighter


Dec 28, 2004
Kind of like the Russians winning the Boxing Tournament-skill plus will make them the best in the world. The Russians need to teach the colored Africans how to fight like they taught the Cubans[who they still beat].Arnold Palmer,Sam Snead,Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklas are the best golfers ever,but the thin mixed race Woods is fair.


Gary said:
Kind of like the Russians winning the Boxing Tournament-skill plus will make them the best in the world. The Russians need to teach the colored Africans how to fight like they taught the Cubans[who they still beat].Arnold Palmer,Sam Snead,Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklas are the best golfers ever,but the thin mixed race Woods is fair.
Woods is the the best player ever and when he retires he will have surpassed Nicklaus number of majors.He only Needs to win two a year at least to do it in 5 years.

And this is a golf discussion not boxing.


May 20, 2005
fistfighter said:
Woods is the the best player ever and when he retires he will have surpassed Nicklaus number of majors.He only Needs to win two a year at least to do it in 5 years.

Note that Fistfighter does not have a racial agenda, despite all glaring evidence to the contrary. Despite the fact that he feels the need to "prove" the greatest athlete(s) in all sports were/are ********, there's no Supremacism involved here, really folks, just love of every conceivable sport (As long as there are negroes in it of course, otherwise it's not a real sport) After all, he says he doesn't have a racial agenda, that's proof positive, and besides, only whites can really be racist anyway.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The local sports talk show host was fielding calls about Tiger Woods and Nicklaus. The younger kids think Tiger is great but the older guys feel he has a long way to go to catch Jack. A few called in to say they followed Woods at Whistling Straights, said he is foul mouthed, surly and is a pr*** to the fans,thetotal opposite of Phil Mickelson.


May 20, 2005
BTW, I expect we should be prepared for some new pseudo-scientific explanation as to how ******** are genetically superior at golf, the fact that Tiger's been trained to play golf practically since he was in diapers notwithstanding. (I believe David Duke even wrote an article in this general mode at the beginning of Tiger's career, which is another thing that makes me wonder where Duke's head is at...)

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
The local sports talk show host was fielding calls about Tiger Woods and Nicklaus. The younger kids think Tiger is great but the older guys feel he has a long way to go to catch Jack. A few called in to say they followed Woods at Whistling Straights, said he is foul mouthed, surly and is a pr*** to the fans,thetotal opposite of Phil Mickelson.

Early on in Tiger's career his father made some provocative comments to the effect that Tiger would eventually be the most powerful person in the world. He also responded to those who thought that Tiger didn't act respectfully enough toward the game's traditions by saying that those blacks that came after Tiger were going to be far worse, meaning first of all that the rise of Tiger would unleash "natural black superiority" in golf, and that those blacks would be gangsta-like in attitude and behavior. Sport Historian or someone else might remember what Earl Woods said more specifically, but that was the gist of it.


Bart said:
The local sports talk show host was fielding calls about Tiger Woods and Nicklaus. The younger kids think Tiger is great but the older guys feel he has a long way to go to catch Jack. A few called in to say they followed Woods at Whistling Straights, said he is foul mouthed, surly and is a pr*** to the fans,thetotal opposite of Phil Mickelson.
A prick to the fans ?. So what being champion does'nt mean being a nice guy infact it often means the opposite . In other words you cant fault Tigers game so you seek to fault his behavior.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Being a champion does mean being nice to the fans, especially in golf, where fans and players interact more directly and intimately than in any other sport. The only reason Woods makes all the money he does on tour is because there are millions of people who follow the PGA. Without fans, what Woods or any other golfer does is no more interesting orimportant than how the local beer league team does golfing on the weekend. There are very few pro golfers who don't understand and appreciate this connection, or who understand and just don't care.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Earl Woods has made some interersting comments over the years. What was his motivation for the comments about Scotland?I'm sure he didn't get the Fuzzy Zoeller treatment.

Earl Woods once said of Scotland, birthplace of the great game: 'That place sucks. It's for white people. People had better be glad that the Scots lived there instead of the soul brothers or golf would never have been invented. We wouldn't have been stupid enough to go out in that weather and play a silly-ass game and freeze to death. We would have stayed inside, listening to jazz, laughing and joking and drinking rum.'


Dec 28, 2004
You can always depend on fistfarter/godking/pugnus or whoever he is this week to say something very stupid. Woods is a overhyped bum-like Mark Henry when the PC media had him on all the talk shows as "the worlds strongest man"
Everybody who knew anything about lifting iron knew what a joke it was and sure enough in the Olympics, Henry was a joke! The only thing he was good at lifting was a fork to his mouth. The Winner was Chermerkin of Russia!!!


Woods is the best ever Gary and has proven it many times over the years . And soon enough he will break Nicklaus record.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If he breaks Nicklaus' mark of 18 majors then he will be generally acknowledged as the best ever. In the meantime he still has 9 majors to go.

The local rag's sports page has three stories about Woods (again) today. Gee, I wonder if there will be three articles about Lance Armstrong day after day if he wins his seventh straight Tour de France.

One of the threeis mildly interesting, in that an establishment writer acknowledges the Big Lie by the corporate media that Woods is wildly popular among golf fans. His reasoning is skewed of course, but at least he admits it. Any grain of truth these days from the media is a rarity. I also like where he calls Tiger's caddy the same thing I do, a thug.

He's Too Good to be Truly Loved, and That's Too Bad
[url]http://www.latimes.com/sports/golf/la-sp-plaschke18jul18,1,2 651493.column?coll=la-headlines-sports [/url]


Dec 28, 2004
Breaking someone's record don't make you better then the man whose record you broke-Cal Ripken broke Log Gehrig's record -but most would agree Gehrig was better,Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's HR record but again most would still pick Ruth homer for homer.


Gary said:
Breaking someone's record don't make you better then the man whose record you broke-Cal Ripken broke Log Gehrig's record -but most would agree Gehrig was better,Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's HR record but again most would still pick Ruth homer for homer.
It does when The player who breaks the record shows dominant and great playing throughout his carreer.