The Violence of "Black Lives Matter"

This is going to be one wild summer. All the most vile demons are gathered in Minneapolis for the blood harvest. I saw Maxine Waters and Jesse Jackson were there stirring things up. White residents should make sure their insurance is paid, and leave for a good long vacation.

I was watching Red Ice Radio yesterday. The hosts, Henrik and Lana are up in Idaho. Lana was saying that as soon as any house goes on sale there, it is immediately bought sight unseen by people from out of state, many from California.

Yeah that's true. I've watched this area steadily go to the dogs after being an escape destination for many years. Enough people have fled from down south that it is now a place many are fleeing from. Idaho, Texas, Oregon, Washington etc. I've seen a lot of people move to those places in the last couple decades and it's picking up. If the borders really open up who knows how bad it will get. I'm thinking about my ancestral Utah myself.
The Chauvin verdict is expected at any moment...look for the powder keg to explode no matter what the verdict is. There is also no way Chauvin received a fair trial.
Libs don't want to defund the police - they want to control and staff the departments with their people. Their ideology already reigns over the rest of the justice department. This is simply a final step in that takeover process - a means to an end. The media should be included in that "justice" umbrella.

The only takeaway from the verdict is: "You're next, whitey!"
No worries. Nothing but fake news propaganda event and show trial with actors. Sportscenter and NFL Network are all over it, because this a “sports” news story...just like the scamdemic...just ignore the clown show.
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Didn't expect any other result, the justice system has been appeasing non-whites for a while now.
The Chauvin verdict is expected at any moment...look for the powder keg to explode no matter what the verdict is. There is also no way Chauvin received a fair trial.
If you are juror in this trial in the back of your mind is will I get outed as the guy who let Chauvin skate and will my city burn down if find him not guilty. The whole system was rigged against him from the police brass down.

The few Whites on the Simpson jury had the same dillema, plus they did a year of house arrest in that media circus.
If you are juror in this trial in the back of your mind is will I get outed as the guy who let Chauvin skate and will my city burn down if find him not guilty. The whole system was rigged against him from the police brass down.

The few Whites on the Simpson jury had the same dillema, plus they did a year of house arrest in that media circus.

Glad you mention the Simpson case. This has exactly the same outcome - black appeasement. Are blacks any better off since Simpson was found not guilty of a murder of a white woman and man? Have they tried to improve their collective lot in life? Nope they have doubled down on their whitey be racist mentality while the communists in this country continue to stoke the fake flames of racism. Blacks and minorities have been placated to since the 60s and the end result has been the destruction of their family unit, the highest percentages of criminals in the country, inner cities being turned into slums, their collective culture being one that worships crime through media - life truly imitates "art".

Social justice is the nation's official religion now - pushed upon us by a small vocal minority, indoctrination through public schools, colleges and universities, enforced by most large companies/businesses because if you disagree you are fired/excommunicated, financially propped up by multi-billion dollar companies who make a living exploiting cheap labor throughout the world and kept under the close eye of the three letter agencies who's ranks now swell with the cultural communists seeking to eradicate independent and critical thought.
Dershowitz found grounds for appeal with possible jury intimidation by the usual suspects of Jackson, FBI informant Sharpton and AARP Panther Waters.

PS Dershowitz may have his own possible trial for being a frequent guest of "Rape Island", I find it hard to believe any young underage girl would be reading The Harvard Law Review and know who Dershowitz is unless they confused Woody Allen with Dershowitz.
Dershowitz found grounds for appeal with possible jury intimidation by the usual suspects of Jackson, FBI informant Sharpton and AARP Panther Waters.

PS Dershowitz may have his own possible trial for being a frequent guest of "Rape Island", I find it hard to believe any young underage girl would be reading The Harvard Law Review and know who Dershowitz is unless they confused Woody Allen with Dershowitz.

There's grounds for an appeal only if any of the juror members actually heard or became aware of any of the threats by Waters or anyone else. Since juries are almost always sequestered and aren't allowed to view the news or read newspapers during trials (or presumably check the internet or even their own smart phones), an appeal is highly unlikely to get anywhere on that issue (or any other).
There's grounds for an appeal only if any of the juror members actually heard or became aware of any of the threats by Waters or anyone else. Since juries are almost always sequestered and aren't allowed to view the news or read newspapers during trials (or presumably check the internet or even their own smart phones), an appeal is highly unlikely to get anywhere on that issue (or any other).

That's the point. The jury wasn't sequestered and was able to catch all of the news on the issue. There is more then enough reason for appeal, though it probably still won't happen. Maybe the judge did the right thing, make sure Chauvin gets convicted, but with possibility of overturn some years down the line when the emotion around the issue has disappeared.
They were sequestered during their deliberations, so it depends on whether they were aware of the threats or not. And it's not going to be overturned anyway on appeal, Chauvin is going to spend the rest of his life, or most of it, in prison. And it'll be surprising if he isn't offed while incarcerated.
Here's another great segment from Tucker's show tonight. Candace Owens' anger and passion is very real, and right on target.

I actually listened to news radio ( I wanted to hear the "verdict" - I waited until this morning) yesterday and there were a couple of women on air gibbering about the Chauvin case for upward of 73 seconds (all I could handle - then I fled back to my classical music station). But in that short space of time the two females cooed about how "diverse" the jury was, three times. So here's my question, isn't a jury supposed to be made up of the accused "peers"? How could this/a diverse jury be thought of as a jury of his/Chauvin's peers? There I go again thinking logically.
Chauvin will be housed in a supermax prison in Minnesota until his sentencing in 8 weeks. He will most likely be placed in a PHU until he is sentenced so he should be alright until then. When he is placed in the general population that's when his problems begin. He may ask to be placed in solitary confinement but he will be crazy as bat s### in a few months unless he is a very strong-minded person.
Chauvin will be housed in a supermax prison in Minnesota until his sentencing in 8 weeks. He will most likely be placed in a PHU until he is sentenced so he should be alright until then. When he is placed in the general population that's when his problems begin. He may ask to be placed in solitary confinement but he will be crazy as bat s### in a few months unless he is a very strong-minded person.
He will never be placed in general population due to being a former LEO. I hope he wins on appeal due to the idiot Biden , Waters and the jury not being sequestered for such a high profile trial.
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