The Violence of "Black Lives Matter"

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
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Here's Salty Cracker's commentary on this poor woman's murder by BLM activists. He also comments on the lack of media coverage of the crime. Warning: profanity.

Its even more messed up when you realize this happened a week ago. Ted Cruz tweeted about it today, havent seen any other politicians mention it. Pretty sure Tucker will tomorrow.
Its even more messed up when you realize this happened a week ago. Ted Cruz tweeted about it today, havent seen any other politicians mention it. Pretty sure Tucker will tomorrow.
It on
It on
It was not reported in the US, except on conservative and local websites. Even Fox hasn't mentioned it, as far as I know.

Of course (((those))) who run CNN, BBC, HuffPost, Yahoo News and MSNBC have ignored it, even though since they despise us, they were probably glad it happened.

Indianapolis Mother Shot And Killed By Black Lives Matter Supporters

This is a story that should boil your blood. It’s a story that you would already be familiar with—if only the races were reversed. If the victim was a black woman killed by white men, you wouldn’t be able to sneeze without someone reminding you ‘bless Jessica Whitaker.’ But the woman was not a black woman. The media doesn’t care.

Jessica Whitaker’s life mattered. It just didn’t matter to CNN. It didn’t matter to MSNBC. It didn’t even matter to Fox News, whose local affiliate covered the story. They all certainly knew about it. They have an army of reporters and a bottomless pit of resources. They chose to ignore it, simply because they do not care about black on white crime—even when it’s a hate crime.

An Indianapolis mother was shot and killed after a disagreement with Black Live Matter supporters who pretended all was well and good before they then took up a position on a bridge and waited to ambush her and her fiancé.
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Negroes usually assault either women or elderly white men. They tend to attack in packs. They are more aggressive in groups, when alone, they are rather passive and meek.

Communist Lives Matters is about turning the apple cart upside down and not caring about any collateral damage in the process. Also notice that this leader Hawk Lawson spouts Black Panther like views on a Black civil defense force.....
"Black Lives Matters" and i'm quite sure that more black lives were lost since it all started... no logic...

I pointed this out to some idiot black guy on another forum. He seems to think that cops are killing thousands of blacks every year for no reason.
I suppose a few brownie points for the shapely young lady protester in Portland last night who caused the "traffic to stop" by prancing around in the buff. Kept things interesting for a spell.

If I was on the force I would volunteer to install my self into the evidence department by carefully pouring over the video footage looking for key hidden details. I would take my time to insure I got all the details necessary before filing my report.

All kidding aside I think the protests in heavily White cities like Portland are a bit baffling. But speaking of hidden clues I think the disaffected youth who make up that Black Lies Matter cling on group ANTIFA have one underlying trait. Heavy drug usage. It was estimated 81% of Antifa members use heavy drugs. The top three are heroin, cocaine and meth. Those are nasty companions. And it obviously adversely affects the minds of these radical White protestors. And what do you know Portland is one of the worst drug infected cities in the country. Seattle, the former grunge music capital of the world, is another drug riddled city.

Two things would stop these protestors cold. Remove Black Lies Matter from the equation and they wouldn't have that key pivot group to lean on. Remove drugs from the situation and they would start to think more clearly and rationally. They wouldn't take a U-turn and become conservatives but they would be less prone to violence. That is my guess.

I am not a sociologist and while I know a lot of young White people are unhappy I can't explain exactly why they would turn to such devastating drugs.

The phony White Privilege theme adroitly avoids the obvious point which is that so many White Americans are living lives of misery and dread. Something the media does not want to discuss.
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I suppose a few brownie points for the shapely young lady protester in Portland last night who caused the "traffic to stop" by prancing around in the buff. Kept things interesting for a spell.
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If I was on the force I would volunteer to install my self into the evidence department by carefully pouring over the video footage looking for key hidden details. I would take my time to insure I got all the details necessary before filing my report.

All kidding aside I think the protests in heavily White cities like Portland are a bit baffling. But speaking of hidden clues I think the disaffected youth who make up that Black Lies Matter cling on group ANTIFA have one underlying trait. Heavy drug usage. It was estimated 81% of Antifa members use heavy drugs. The top three are heroin, cocaine and meth. Those are nasty companions. And it obviously adversely affects the minds of these radical White protestors. And what do you know Portland is one of the worst drug infected cities in the country. Seattle, the former grunge music capital of the world, is another drug riddled city.

Two things would stop these protestors cold. Remove Black Lies Matter from the equation and they wouldn't have that key pivot group to lean on. Remove drugs from the situation and they would start to think more clearly and rationally. They wouldn't take a U-turn and become conservatives but they would be less prone to violence. That is my guess.

I am not a sociologist and while I know a lot of young White people are unhappy I can't explain exactly why they would turn to such devastating drugs.

The phony White Privilege theme adroitly avoids the obvious point which is that so many White Americans are living lives of misery and dread. Something the media does not want to discuss.
Hi it's 71' and we want our ideas back.... I remember the tail end of the streaking phenomenon and that was an experience that was strange to say the least. Protesting Vietnam to nukes, to crashing sporting events. Maybe the last sporting event that I recall a shapely woman crashing an event was the Ali vs Spinks II "super fight" in the Super Dome. It seemed perfectly at home in the Big Sleazy as the French Quarter was a few minutes away...

PS, I have been thinking about this since she is naked and rather shapely and a Communist Lives Matters "supporter", maybe she is a succubus? Note this trailer is for an R rated movie and may contain graphic violence but doesn't have X rated content.
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The black militia marching in Louisville are clowns! Some of them shot their own members by accident. Can't make this up!
We should remember the name Jessica Doty Whitaker. We should also remember the name Victoria Rose Smith, a 3 year old white girl who was beaten to death by BLM avtivists.
Pretty much every single City has seen an increase in Violent Crimes and Murders since the riots. Pure coincidence I'm sure though.
there are so many threads where this could fit, but this one shoehorns nicely ... below please find a lengthy but thoughtful analysis of the angry black condition in the West using the figure Aaron from a Shakespearean play as template.
there are so many threads where this could fit, but this one shoehorns nicely ... below please find a lengthy but thoughtful analysis of the angry black condition in the West using the figure Aaron from a Shakespearean play as template.

Wow. Great article! Shakespeare explains it! He was a genius!

They like to attack white women by calling them Karens. We need to start calling them Aarons.
Blacks hate whites, they always have and always will. They go after white women because they know down deep that no white man likes seeing a white woman with a black man. If you think you have a black friend get rid of them now, for when the s### hits the fan they will turn on you without blinking an eye. My love for my race is far stronger than the fear of dying for it.
the continued upheaval of all things traditional in the West is having a noticeable effect. even folks who make their living with comedic productions like YouTuber Mark Dice are taking their gloves off.

This is going to be one wild summer. All the most vile demons are gathered in Minneapolis for the blood harvest. I saw Maxine Waters and Jesse Jackson were there stirring things up. White residents should make sure their insurance is paid, and leave for a good long vacation.

I was watching Red Ice Radio yesterday. The hosts, Henrik and Lana are up in Idaho. Lana was saying that as soon as any house goes on sale there, it is immediately bought sight unseen by people from out of state, many from California.
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