The Trumpening?

Informative article, but the DWF masses rising up and collapsing the house of cards? I won't hold my breath. I believe this election is our last hope. After this, the brain washing for masses goes into hyper mode, with only the elites loving it.
Outstanding article!!

Yes very good, but he's hardly the first to notice that hypocrisy rules and the Hag and Zuckerberg and Pope and Barak Hussein and Bloomberg and Ryan and the rest all hate guns and walls, except, of course, when the guns and walls are used to protect their own vast hordes of wealth and their own precious rear ends!

Well, if they fix the election for the hag, I expect her neo-cohen handlers will be starting some big wars, even tho their multiracial military has got its transgendered ass kicked everyplace from Grenada to Somalia - like bombing Iran, and f'g around with Russia, and then I expect that half the fleet in Persian Gulf including aircraft carriers which are very big targets, will get sunk, and then I will be hoping for a military coup to overthrow the occupational government in Washington and end this "democracy" fraud, because "democracy" is the biggest hoax ever, and I've been telling people that since they held their so called revolution in France in the 18th century and killed all the aristocrats and all the best people and left the savages to rule, the Robesperres and Marats and the like, and that was the beginning of the end of western civilization and the start of the democracy rackets which now are fully revealed for what they are all over the western world.
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Looks like it's really going bad at the moment.

Glad it's just the middle of August and not the middle of October.

I've just got a feeling there is more to be unearthed concerning Ms. Hillary that even the presstitutes won't be able to shield her from.
Looks like it's really going bad at the moment.

Glad it's just the middle of August and not the middle of October.

I've just got a feeling there is more to be unearthed concerning Ms. Hillary that even the presstitutes won't be able to shield her from.
I wouldn't say that. I think Trump is really way ahead in the polls and we are witnessing the MSM and the establishment fully uncloak in a last gasp effort to derail Trump. The only thing that Hillary has going for her is the illusion of her support and that she is "ahead" in polls. Reuters has recently been caught rigging their polls. They simply sample more Democrats than before to give The Seahag a 15 point swing. I'm sure other pollsters are doing equally nefarious things.

The press has also jumped the shark in their over the top favoritism of Clinton and their daily attacks and slander on Trump. I think it's become so obvious even many sheeple people are taking notice. What cards do they have left to use against Trump when it gets down to the nitty gritty in October and November? Are they going to say he's a pedophile? Maybe a cannibal?

If anything, I'd say Hillary had a bad week. Having the homosexual hating, Islamist father of the Orlando shooter right behind her couldn't have won her any votes. I'm sure many homosexuals will see that as a slap in the face. Her trouble with getting up stairs was also a huge embarrassment and more people are realizing how poor her health really is.

As for Trump, his comments on Hillary (the USA) founding ISIS is brilliant. It's similar to his comments on Mexicans and Muslims. Shocking at first but it grabs attention. It also is true so it plants a seed. Many people might think it outlandish at the moment but it'll now be in the public discourse. People will look it in. Do research. In a few weeks or a month it'll be more generally excepted as being true. Once the debates begin, Trump will have all his ducks lined up against Clinton and he'll be able to knock them down one by one.

I really think he is brilliant. He's implementing all of the strategies he wrote about in Art of the Deal and he is beating the media and political establishment at their own game.
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I will admit that this election terrifies me. If the beast wins this country continues to go down hill. We are looking at the worst president in history in Obama(only president to never had 3 percent GDP). Hillary could be even worse. That's the scary part.
Man I hope you're right Freethinker. Could be I'm just being fooled by anti Trump snow job along with everyone else. Even if she is ahead, her persona brings to mind the "support is a mile wide and an inch deep" phrase. A lot of the voters don't even bother to read a paper or follow the news (such as it is). They just sense the rest of the herd getting restless and edging in a certain direction and respond accordingly.

Here's a thought: We see how the attitude of many blacks got worse with Obama's presidency. Can't wait to see how females react if Ms. Clinton wins.
Here is another fraud! Pastor Manning, who some of ya'll have been parading as a "good guy"! How long until that black sheriff from Wisconsin turns his back on Trump!
I like a lot of what he says. Again, I go back to the issue of percentages. What percentage of someone do I agree or disagree with? Is it enough to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", and in his case, it certainly is not. I agree with him about 80% of the time. I'll throw the remaining 20% (the "bathwater") out.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Ramzpaul on his latest video. Pretty sobering and bleak.

Hillary - The Black Pill

Unless it's really true that Hillary's health is terminal or near terminal and she can't make it to November.
Great speech by Trump in Milwaukee, yesterday, saying things we've been waiting decades for a Republican to say:
(Trump starts at 2:04:00)
After spending no money on advertising since the GOP convention, the Trump campaign is finally about to launch commercials in the "swing" states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. The Wicked Witch's campaign has aired almost 1,000 commercials just in the Pittsburgh market over the same post-convention time period in which Trump hasn't done any advertising. They're virtually all anti-Trump attack ads and I maintain they're the main reason Trump's former lead in Pennsylvania is now a deficit.

Trump needs to air very hard-hitting commercials, both explaining his views and attacking Hillary, and, given that the corporate/communist media is openly giving Clinton millions of dollars worth of free advertising every day, he should outspend her at least three to one on commercials between now and Election Day. That, and a winning performance in the three presidential debates, should lead him to victory (assuming the results aren't rigged, which is a huge assumption but at least the Trump campaign is now recruiting poll watchers).
No arrests(!) made by Minneapolis Police of utter thugs assaulting Trump rally-goers. This is pure hatred by these Leftist scum and the Police do nothing. The Trump people are in literal fear for their lives. And to think these are only the assaults that were caught on camera. This is pure Cultural Communism allowed and therefore aided by liberal mayors and City officials. Once again, Trump followers are berated, assaulted, spit on, pelted, have their vehicles damaged, and yet Police arrest NONE of the scum doing this. This is a war, and the peaceful people better wake up. Yes, I know they aren't the fighting type, especially the elderly, but to have this happen at all these Trump rallies this year and and we see over and over Police do nothing, mainly in Democrat-run cities... Totally evil.:
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"Fascist tactics" it says in BFU's otherwise good link. Baloney. Those are commy scum tactics. Commy scum always try to strongarm thir opponents and break up their meetings.

Trump should be organizing defense squads to protect his rallies. The police are on our side. It's the political fatcat bosses, including the police chiefs, who are ordering the police to stand down - and of course the police now have to worry about someone taking a picture of them messing up the wool on a rioter's - i mean protester's - i mean unarmed african american college bound gentle giant's - head and the ziomedia making it international news.
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I vaguely remember Trump saying he would spend his own money to get elected - up to a billion dollars if I recall correctly.

If that was his plan what's he waiting for? What good is your money when your children and grandchildren have no future?

He needs to start spending big to get his views across. He has to win this election.
The Coming Legitimacy Crisis

by Gregory Hood

The wrecking ball that is the Trump campaign has already smashed through the Republican Establishment and “movement conservatism.” The next target is the System itself. And this requires blowing apart the indispensable support of the occupying government—the lying press.

Ezra Klein (Is there an echo in here?) says the election is not between Left and Right but between “normal” and “abnormal,” which explains the media’s increasing willingness to dispense with objectivity and openly attack Trump. More importantly, Klein admits that the press is “afraid” of Trump because he “is a threat to the free press as an institution.”

Of course, the “free press” is anything but. As we are learning from the Soros leaks, the Narrative of White dispossession promoted by the lying press is simply a product, bought and paid for. Western reporters scream for citizens who criticize mass immigration to be jailed. The Fourth Estate acts as an instrument of repression, serving the interests of those in power, hunting down dissidents and comforting the comfortable.
Journalism is about as “subversive” as late-night comedy. Reporters are enforcers for the political and cultural regime. And certain journalists can be explicitly identified as morally culpable for everything we face.

The lying press is screeching because Trump calls reporters “liars” and “scum” at his rallies, and his supporters are taking notice. One attendee was taking photographsof people in the press pen at a recent Trump rally, leading to kvetching from the journalists about the lèse-majesté of a random citizen doing the same thing they do to Trump’s voters.

After all, thanks to the media’s hate campaign, it’s Trump supporters who areconstantly attacked by leftists around the country. Meanwhile, those of us who constantly have the entire mainstream media and quasi-government intelligence agencies trying to destroy us are portrayed as ruthless oppressors because we occasionally send a reporter a cartoon of a smug frog. Spare us the moral indignation or the lectures about how a “free press” is a check on the state. Reporters are far more interested in attacking individual Alt Right supporters than they are exposing government corruption or the crimes of those in power.

Indeed, nothing exposes the myth of the “adversarial press” like journalists’ relationship with Hillary Clinton. As of this writing, it has been 262 days since Clinton held a press conference. The Clinton Foundation’s nature as a “pay-to-play” influence-peddling operation is so overt and blatant even outlets like The Huffington Post are having to act embarrassed about it. And Clinton is nowincorporating the neoconservative foreign-policy advisors who gave us the Iraq War into her team. Her corporate liberalism is precisely the kind of inherently corrupt and shadowy edifice you would think reporters LARPing as Woodward and Bernstein would want to deconstruct.

Instead, on the rare occasions Hillary emerges from whatever protective cocoon they have her in, she’s applauded by journalists. There’s a vast cultural establishment protecting Hillary like some kind of Imperial Guard. From Hollywood celebrities to academia, from Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post to Carlos Slim’s New York Times, all the institutions of the Great and the Good have formed a protective bubble around her. And Trump is taxing their resources to the limit. Whether it’s from a supposed comedianne, a journalist, or some political “insider,” every article carries that same insufferable hectoring and scolding tone Americans are increasingly tuning out.

Even if they pull it off, who is the System left with as a frontman . . . er, -person? Hillary Clinton is a sick old woman, even if some of the more spectacular health rumors are exaggerated. The vast majority of the American people find her untrustworthy. The policies she has supported have been a disaster. Most Republicans believe she should be punished for committing crimes that would have led to jail time for any low-ranking national security staffer or intelligence officer who did the same things. She only has a political career because she hung on to Slick Willie like grim death for decades, giving us the ultimate example of a supposed feminist and “strong woman” who is utterly dependent on a man for everything she has ever “accomplished.”

Though political rallies don’t actually tell us much about how the vote will go, they do tell us Hillary Clinton has few passionate supporters excited about her candidacy or dedicated to what she represents. And what does she represent anyway?
If Trump wins—though there are obviously dangers about him becoming a safety valve—the Alt Right will have increased freedom of action. But if the decrepit hag somehow limps across the finish line with a heavy assist from the media, she’ll be illegitimate from day one in the eyes of many Americans. The brand of #CrookedHillary will last beyond November, whatever happens.

And this illegitimacy will extend to the entire system. Already, thanks to Trump’s charges, his supporters will (accurately) blame the media if the would-be God-Emperor is finally Stumped. Each Trump haymaker calling the System into question may be costly for him in the short-term, but is beneficial in the long-term for us. Charges of voter fraud will circulate widely, as will talk of secession. Having pulled out all the stops to defend their System, the lying press will own it. The System’s ability to survive a crisis, should one arrive, will be dramatically reduced.

It’s not that anything fundamental will change. However, the System works best when power is concealed. Under President Hillary, it will be harder to disguise how we are ruled like peasants by a corrupt and sociopathic political class, propped up by its media servants. The Jewish role, the real “third rail” of American politics, will be more overt and obvious than ever before.

Ultimately, journalists are courtiers. They rely on stability and a predictable power structure. Revolutions are bad for courtiers. Klein seems to believe Trump is going to start rounding up reporters or destroying their outlets. It’s more likely we will seeThe Great Shuttening accelerate if Trump loses, cheered on by the “free press.”

The real reason Trump is a threat to the press is because he’s calling the policy consensus into question and creating the possibility of a populist force overtly hostile to the media. He also provides legitimacy to dissident outlets most reporters would rather see destroyed. In the Information Age, all politics is a media war.

If Trump wins, the press is neutered. If Clinton narrowly wins, the press is exposed as shills. The only way they can preserve their position is if Trump is so roundly defeated journalists can pretend that his rise was a massive fluke.

The Lügenpresse recognizes something fundamental is at stake. In an extraordinary confession earlier this month, Jim Rutenberg of The Old Grey Lady admittedjournalists are throwing out “the textbook [they] have been using for the better part of the last half-century, if not longer. . .

You approach [Trump’s candidacy] in a way you’ve never approached anything in your career. If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that.

But dangerous to whom? What is the wonderful policy consensus that Dangerous Donald is challenging and which the press is now sworn to defend?

We are now witnessing the wholesale destruction of German society, and possibly all of Europe, by Angela Merkel’s utterly unnecessary decision to admit an unlimited number of “Syrian” refugees to her country. The vast majority are young, male, uneducated, unemployable, and hostile. Even now she refuses to confess that she has done anything wrong, mindlessly repeating “we can do it!” without ever giving reasons why we should. Mainstream journalists never treat this as an act of criminal lunacy or sadistic treachery, but as a responsible, statesmanlike policy only opposed by creepy “extremists.” Clinton is never challenged on whether she still admires Merkel.
The ostensible cause for this refugee crisis is instability in the Middle East. The period of chaos began with America’s utterly unnecessary and insanely costly invasion of Iraq, an invasion championed by the same neoconservative “experts” now decrying Trump and lining up behind Hillary. Europe’s southern defenses against mass immigration were destroyed by the overthrow of Gaddafi, a policy championed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The catastrophe in Syria, and the rise of the Islamic State, was also a creation of our government. And it’s becoming increasingly clear a second Clinton Administration would move us into an another unnecessary confrontation with Russia.

America’s middle class is well into a collapse. Many cities are literally in flames.Universities turn out mentally crippled degenerates. The financial situation is obviously unsustainable, with skyrocketing rates of debt and dependence and a potential crisis looming when automation meets the mass of unskilled immigrant workers. Most importantly, our leaders take as the fundamental premise of all their policies that dispossessing and then replacing the traditional ethnic population of every Western nation will have no ill effects whatsoever and that questioning The Great Replacement is not something that can even be debated.

The only two possibilities are that “our” leaders are astonishingly stupid and incompetent or they are deliberately trying to destroy Western Civilization. Either way, it is a question of our survival or theirs. And regardless of what happens in November, the battle will be taken to a new level of intensity.

Trump has already done what we needed him to do. So for all the reporters reading this, you do what you must. For we have already won.
Great article by Gregory Hood. The "decrepit hag". I like that description of the wicked old witch.
Hillary is supposed to give a speech on Thursday about the "alt-right". It will be an opening salvo to paint Trump and his supporters as uber-racists going into the end of the election cycle. It's a good strategy as most whites are pussies when confronted with this kind of BS. Furthermore Trumps seemingly "softening" on immigration is going to lose him support. I expect him to be down in the polls quite a bit in a week. He's going to need a good debate or more Trump "luck" to pull a victory off.
If Trump loses it will be because of Whites that didn't vote for him. Every single one of them deserves to have their asses kicked.
Trump is pulling a lot of independents, democrats and former democrats as this video from an Akron Ohio rally shows. I honestly do not think Hillary can win without massive voter fraud and election rigging.

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