The Sopranos


The show definitely did not glamorize mafiosos. It humanized them to a point, in fact to the point of casting them as unglamorous, unhip, sociopathic lowlifes. Yet, you still didn't want the FBI to "get the goods" on Tony! And I hoped in every episode that Chris and his foul girlfriend would get whacked or overdose or meet some horrible end.

I'm not really qualified to debate a tv show since I only saw a few minutes of it on Youtube - the Pine Barrens one - since that was the one they were talking about, and since I know the NJ Pine Barrens - but is this the result? - Someone asked my brother's little kid what he wants to be when he grows up, and he says he wants to be in the Mafia.

Do they always romanticize criminals? Everyone knows about the famous bad guys of the old west, but nobody remembers the honest hard working people whose lives they destroyed, people they robbed and murdered. Likewise organized crime. I suppose it's part of the dichotomy of the human condition - a propensity to say fancy sounding things like how much they love peace and democracy and freedom and all that, but what they really love is killing people from some other country or tribe or family or anything at all will do.
Hands down, the greatest show ever and there isn't even a close second. One great aspect of the show-- they constantly put down, kill and beat the crap out of blacks during the series. They make no apologizes for treating blacks like the "telephone tough guys" that they are and as second class citizens.
Dwid -

Ooops, you're right, I meant to say opium, not cocaine.


Afghan poppy fields back in full production since the USSA liberated them.

Was the Taliban getting into drugs too? If so, I didn't know about that. I'm under the impression that they pissed off the Washington "war against drugs" drug lords by shutting it down.
yeah they did piss people off by banning it, but there was a report a few years ago about them busting a group of Taliban members trying to sell a massive amount to get weapons, which was a setup to an undercover agent. It could just be false information to make things look better, like oh the good ole usa stopped the evil terrorists from selling drugs, which is what the story looked like to the dumbed down person, but no doubt our government is profiting tremendously from the opium derived things out of Afghanistan and it keeps guys like tryone making profits ( the blacks who couldn't be pushed into sports), although I hear on the west coast its mexicans selling it

and they don't like clandestine chemists who make fentanyl derivatives (at least 40x stronger than heroin, of course cut more and sold as such, so more money coming in, have to be a very smart chemist to make it, like breaking bad walter white level which is why I never understood why waste his talents on meth, but it fit the show better). I have read about rich people like yuppies in Washington (Seattle, not DC) doing fentanyl, sold as fentanyl though. It is very hard to show up on a drug test, they have to do some special, very expensive gas test? I believe, which is rarely used. Some story a while back about someone getting into it not thinking it was a big deal because it was fentanyl and not what you think about when you think of heroin, which is junkies.

the glorification of mafia type things is mainly emulated by blacks and other minorities, of course probably nowhere near as organized but they do seem to have connections to law enforcement, guys getting busted with bricks getting out several days later, if that long, along with illegal weapons.

seapking of which, i remember a proessor talking about how racist it was to lock up someone longer for crack than cocaine, because "more white people use coke", cocaine is schedule 2, which means it is highly abuseable but has medical use. crack does not. I forget what the medical use is, I think as an anesthetic during certain type of eye surgeries (lidocaine is crap, so I can see the reasoning behind it), just weird to think of hospitals having medical grade cocaine haha.Crack has no medical use, except for experiments with monkeys, I remember reading a story about a researcher who got busted because he was caught "just showing the monkeys how to smoke the crack", so it is schedule 1 like heroin, although in the UK heroin has medical use, it is just diacetylmoprhine.
Hands down, the greatest show ever and there isn't even a close second. One great aspect of the show-- they constantly put down, kill and beat the crap out of blacks during the series. They make no apologizes for treating blacks like the "telephone tough guys" that they are and as second class citizens.

Yes, the racial attitudes were not presented in an apologetic way. Even the show's women believed in staying with their own kind other than Meadow's brief dalliance with what Tony called a "charcoal briquette."

One episode Chris was with Adrianna in a burger joint in a slow-moving line. Everyone else, including those working behind the counter, was black. Chris started mouthing off racially tinged insults about the lack of service and while some of the blacks grumbled and gave him looks, none of them took him on (Michael Imperioli looked to be about 5' 9" and maybe 160 pounds soaking wet during the show's run). And I can't remember any blacks ever getting the better of one of the wiseguys in any of the altercations that took place during the show's run.

It was also cool that there were no black central characters, just fleeting ones occasionally.
the glorification of mafia type things is mainly emulated by blacks and other minorities...


You can see a lot of them right here think the Mafia - or at least the actors portraying Mafia - are pretty cool because they figure they hate n's so they must be cool. Well yeah they hate n's. Everybody with any common sense hates n's. Even high class n's hate n's. Jews hate n's too. They contemptuously call them schwartzes - but that doesn't stop them from using them for their own purposes, namely trashing our race and civilization, and if any white person thinks the Mafia thugs would hesitate for one second to use n's as strong arm to f them up if it means $$$ for them, they're dead wrong. The boxer, Sonny Liston*, for instance, worked for them as a strike breaker and enforcer.

*"Boxing: Sonny Liston was murdered by Mob, claims hitman's son"
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You can see a lot of them right here think the Mafia - or at least the actors portraying Mafia - are pretty cool because they figure they hate n's so they must be cool. Well yeah they hate n's. Everybody with any common sense hates n's. Even high class n's hate n's. Jews hate n's too. They contemptuously call them schwartzes - but that doesn't stop them from using them for their own purposes, namely trashing our race and civilization, and if any white person thinks the Mafia thugs would hesitate for one second to use n's as strong arm to f them up if it means $$$ for them, they're dead wrong. The boxer, Sonny Liston, for instance, worked for them as a strike breaker and enforcer.

Yes, I'm in third grade.

I happen to enjoy the show for its entertainment value, one of the very few shows I have. It doesn't mean I'm a fan of the Mafia. You never watched the show, we don't need your simplistic psycho-analyses of something you know nothing about. Why don't you go back to Werewolf's Cookbook thread or whatever it is where you can meander all over the place with your priceless wisdom and snap judgments.
Maybe I'll even join you guys, a little. At least the mobsters stick together - sort of - at least they do before they whack each other when they're not looking - or go into the Witness Protection Program -and at least they're not homos - except the ones that are - - and Uncle ___ was one of my favorite relatives, but I never saw him "at work"...

Furthermore, I'm going to try to watch a whole entire "Sopranos" show.


PS Speaking of my cookbook thread and the Mafia, Henry Hill's "The Wiseguy Cookbook" is excellent.
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It's one of the best shows ever. Pretty low on the CM propaganda, especially for HBO. It was kind of annoying to see all the white looking positively portrayed Jews as side characters but I can live with it. And like someone else mentioned at least there were no blacks as main characters. That would have ruined the show .
Yeah Sirico could go from comedy, such as chasing the Russian through the Pine Barrens, to cold blooded violence when he shot the Puerto Rican to send a message.

I saw an interview with a visibly older Sirico and you could tell he really missed working on the show.
RIP to Paulie\Sirico !! "Aye Tone" classic.

I watched the Sopranos all the time back in college and would re-watch episodes again and again over the years. It never got old. Paulie was a great character/Sirico a great actor in the part. Sad to hear he passed away.
I too used to watch the show but have just watched scenes here and there since the series ended. I loved this scene with the waiter..
For any of you who enjoyed the sopranos (I loved the first couple seasons then faded it), do yourself a favor and avoid “the many saints of Newark “. It’s absolute garbage. It doesn’t get the history of Newark and the riots correct and it’s just pandering garbage.

rip Paulie walnuts -

lil trivia. his brother is Father Robert Sirico - priest and free markets promoter on the acton institute website. Amazing the different directions two brothers can take!
Michael Imperioli is yet another know-nothing sheltered Hollywood actor.

Will he now disown this scene and others surrounding the character of Vito, the homo mobster whose story line marred The Sopranos in its last years as too much "politically correct" bs was added to the show.

Michael Imperioli is yet another know-nothing sheltered Hollywood actor.

Will he now disown this scene and others surrounding the character of Vito, the homo mobster whose story line marred The Sopranos in its last years as too much "politically correct" bs was added to the show.

Turns out Imperioli is just as big of a liability as was Chrissie in the show. Paulie should have popped him in the pine barrens and blamed it on the Russian! One of the funniest all time lines for me in a movie/series was Paulie marching the Russian out to his execution and says “ not that it matters but you really need to learn to stfu!”
Pretty much every dago that plays a gangster is cucked in real life… Another reason I can’t even enjoy gangster flicks like I used to. DeNiro, Imperioli, Sean Penn all Left Wing nut jobs.. List goes on and on.
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Pretty much every dago that plays a gangster is cucked in real life… Another reason I can’t even enjoy gangster flicks like I used to. DeNiro, Imperioli, Sean Penn all Left Wing nut jobs.. List goes on and on.
They’re actors. In Hollywood. Doesn’t matter what role they play. They are a part of the culture as much as anyone else.

Every once in a while there is a based actor but by and large they all suck.
They’re actors. In Hollywood. Doesn’t matter what role they play. They are a part of the culture as much as anyone else.

Every once in a while there is a based actor but by and large they all suck.
True. They know ((who)) pays the bills.
True. They know ((who)) pays the bills.
Well there is that, and there is also the fact that precious few of them are playing roles like they had in real life. Tony Sirico was the only one who legitimately had ever been a part of mafia life and interestingly his brother Robert is a priest who runs the Acton institute think tank.

Maybe there was a time when Deniro wasn’t an annoying lefty, but after 50+ years in Hollywood I wouldn’t expect different.

No self respecting Italian American from New Jersey thinks these guys are anything but clowns.
There is also the fact that most actors are low IQ, non critical thinkers who play make believe for a living.
There is also the fact that most actors are low IQ, non critical thinkers who play make believe for a living.
And because they get paid so much for it, they start to believe their stupid ideas ah e much more value than they do. Their egos are so inflated they believe their own BS.

Bruce Springsteen anyone? Jon BonJovi? I mean take your pick.

Popular Entertainers in general are fools.

We aren’t speaking of Shakespearean thespians here or classical pianists after all.
HBO is currently showing The Sopranos from the beginning on two of its channels. I always find it watchable, especially after not having seen it for years.
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