The Numbers Racket...

Jager said:
I annoy you by virtue of who I am; a
Black opposer capable of making relatively valid and compelling
arguments, and one who doesn't roll over and die like the typical
"anti" ought to, in your views. That is why I annoy the crap out of
you, just as the folks at stormfront got annoyed. They don't mind
opposition, as long as its stupid opposition.

This is the same reason why I got banned twice from Blackplanet. ;-)

Acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s^2. Please yell at
your Earth Science teacher for me. Edited by: C Darwin
Jager said:
This exact same thing happened on stormfront; the WN say "Ok, you have an opposing view, lets talk since you're not an idiot", and then when you show yourself to be too intelligent, they'll ban you and give no good reason for it...

That's right. You were banned for being too intelligent.!
Bart said:
That's right. You were banned for being too intelligent.!

There is no other logical conclusion.

1. I had broken no rules.

2. I had behaved respectfully.

3. Even other Wn on that site openly admittedthis, to a point at which some of them ended up defending me.

There was no reason for my getting, except for the fact that I am a negro and an anti. You complain about "the jews" and how they have a supposed 'conspiracy" with censorship and whatnot, and here WN go ahead and do the same thing.

Its hilarious. That's fine, you can keep banning me, it's a-ok. I see straight through the facade.
Jager said:
Bart said:
That's right. You were banned for being too intelligent.!  

There is no other logical conclusion.

1. I had broken no rules.

2. I had behaved respectfully.

3. Even other Wn on that site openly admittedthis, to a point at which some of them ended up defending me.

There was no reason for my getting, except for the fact that I am a negro and an anti. You complain about "the jews" and how they have a supposed 'conspiracy" with censorship and whatnot, and here WN go ahead and do the same thing.

Its hilarious. That's fine, you can keep banning me, it's a-ok. I see straight through the facade.

Don't feel bad. I too was banned from here before and I'm white. No flaming, hostility, or swearing; just offering a different point of view. Now you know why groups like this are always on the fringe; they can't deal with honest and factual debate.
You got banned by Don because you didn't show the rest of us the
courtesy of actually answering our points, and you took up an ungodly
amount of space in not doing so.

Look, I have no idea who you are, but when you get on a board and tell us
that all our experiences, observations, objective statistics, etc, are bunch
of baloney, nobody here is going to take you seriously. You would
operate the same way, so I don't see what the problem is.

The fact of the matter is white americans (and now, europeans) are
suffering because they have large, non-white populations in their
countries. All our experience says so, from economics, to crime, to a loss
of liberites, loss of our culture, etc. You being here is a big win for you,
and big loss for us. I don't even think that's arguable.

If you want to have any dialogue with people like us, you better start
understanding that, because we are not falling for the propaganda that
says otherwise. We are not the problem. Not enough of us giving more
money to you is not the problem. Not enough of us giving you
opportunities and a leg up is not the problem. Non-whites are the

Like many non-whites, you rack up our positions of our situation as
siimply prejudice. But they aren't. They are real. We know us and our
country a lot better than you do. We have seen the decline. We have tons
and tons of statistics documenting it. This is not arguable.

You know you can't change black people. So you look to us to do it. But
we can't either. What huge gaps are there would only become far larger
with the end of AA.

Black people really don't belong here. They will never assimilate. And
when the population of the other non-whites gets big enough, they won't
either. They are mostly economic vagabonds--they don't hate their home
countries, they didn't flee them to escape from one thing or another.
They just came here for the money and have no reason to reject their
culture for ours. Its ridiculous that we put up with this.

This is ruining the greatest country in the world, and the former homes of
our ancestors. That's not prejudice, that's a fact, and we know it. So deal
with it or move on.
PitBull said:
Black people really don't belong here. They will never assimilate. And
when the population of the other non-whites gets big enough, they won't
either. They are mostly economic vagabonds--they don't hate their home
countries, they didn't flee them to escape from one thing or another.
They just came here for the money and have no reason to reject their
culture for ours. Its ridiculous that we put up with this.

This is ruining the greatest country in the world, and the former homes of
our ancestors. That's not prejudice, that's a fact, and we know it. So deal
with it or move on.

Exactly.Well said. The visionary James Monroe saw this in 1820 and warned America's elites about what was going to happen,but they didn't listen.That cheap labor was too good to pass up. I think George Lincoln Rockwell hit the nail on the head-"Peace Trough Separation". But,THEY aren't gonna leave-they never do..they have a cakewalk here.Edited by: Blue Eyed Devil
I'm not a moderator or owner of this site, but I will say this:

What makes you think that any site MUST acknowledge or tolerate dissenting points of view? The Internet is one of the last places where people can have freedom of association. The owners and administrators of this site (or any other) have the sole right to determine who they will allow to post and what type of posts they will entertain. Period.

Don't confuse being banned with having won an argument or being 'too intelligent' for any one around here to stand further discourse with you. More than likely (both of you), you were banned for 'argumentum ad nauseam.' I know I certainly tired of the discussion when even the very facts of the debate were being argued, including simple calculation of risk. After each side has had it's say, what's the point in further debate? Unless there is some new information presented, some new set of 'facts' that change the outcome, arguing for the sake of arguing is pointless.

Which of course leads to those with dissenting viewpoints being banned. Why should the site owners and moderators allow a person who is arguing for it's own sake, or to 'prove a point' through repetition, continue to post? In my view, I'm glad that such nonsense isn't permitted on this site, and that Caste Football continues to be somewhat of a haven from this same sort of idiocy I see everywhere else.
You guys know why you were banned and it's not for being "too intelligent". This place is like a club. A private club. I know the idea of people meeting with like minded people who do not agree with your point of view is difficult for you to understand. But free association is one of those "white" things that blacks only 'get' when someone wants to join their clubs.

This forum is not a debate club. It's not stormfront either. It's about celebrating white athletic acheivement and discussing some other issues of interest. Your occasional visits were OK when they were not intrusive but that changed. Like any guest that overstays their welcome or becomes tiresome it was time for you to leave.

Clearly your point of view was not supported by anyone here from their personal experiences or relevent statistics. You feel otherwise. So what? What else is there to discuss?

There is this odd way of thinking today that everyone should be allowed to speak or that all points of view are valid or worthy of being heard even on a private forum. I don't get that. We hear what you have to say from the media everyday. Why do that here? As an excersise in frustration?

You should also keep your private life private. I don't really care to hear (or see) anything concerning your private life. I think it's distasteful.
If i'm to be honest i think you were banned for being extremely annoying,not on account of the arguments you presented as you were beaten time after time in the range of heated ideological/political debates who've engaged in whilst a member.
jaxvid said:
You guys know why you were banned and it's not for being "too intelligent". This place is like a club. A private club. I know the idea of people meeting with like minded people who do not agree with your point of view is difficult for you to understand. But free association is one of those "white" things that blacks only 'get' when someone wants to join their clubs.

This forum is not a debate club. It's not stormfront either. It's about celebrating white athletic acheivement and discussing some other issues of interest. Your occasional visits were OK when they were not intrusive but that changed. Like any guest that overstays their welcome or becomes tiresome it was time for you to leave.

Clearly your point of view was not supported by anyone here from their personal experiences or relevent statistics. You feel otherwise. So what? What else is there to discuss?

There is this odd way of thinking today that everyone should be allowed to speak or that all points of view are valid or worthy of being heard even on a private forum. I don't get that. We hear what you have to say from the media everyday. Why do that here? As an excersise in frustration?

You should also keep your private life private. I don't really care to hear (or see) anything concerning your private life. I think it's distasteful.
This is a private site Don can set the rules to what he wants discussed. The beauty of this site is he isn't beholden to any corporate sponsors that have him by the balls and force him to conform to their values. Myself I don't have a problem with opposing views, but this isn't my site....
BTW, thanks for the personal info. I'm filling out a credit card application as
we speak...
white is right said:
I don't have a problem with opposing views, but this isn't my site....

I don't think anyone here has a problem with opposing views within reason. But this was a situation where someone was trying to bully us on our own site by insisting on posting on a subject that only he agreed with. It was just too much.
First of all, PitBull, you know exactly who i am; I went through the trouble of installing a whole new program on my computer just to prove to you that i am who I say I am, and not an "anorexic jew" or a white liberal or any other farce like that.

PitBull said:
You got banned by Don because you didn't show the rest of us the
courtesy of actually answering our points, and you took up an ungodly
amount of space in not doing so.

Ianswered every point you threw at me.

Look, I have no idea who you are, but when you get on a board and tell us
that all our experiences, observations, objective statistics, etc, are bunch
of baloney, nobody here is going to take you seriously. You would
operate the same way, so I don't see what the problem is.

You tell me everything i know is also bologna; I too have statistics and experiences, despite my age.

You call all that crap to, because you disagree with it, just as I disagree with you.

The fact of the matter is white americans (and now, europeans) are
suffering because they have large, non-white populations in their
countries. All our experience says so, from economics, to crime, to a loss
of liberites, loss of our culture, etc. You being here is a big win for you,
and big loss for us. I don't even think that's arguable.

How is my presence here a loss, exactly? In terms of literary asbility I'm in the 98th percentile(according to my PSATs). How is that somehow a loss?

If you want to have any dialogue with people like us, you better start
understanding that, because we are not falling for the propaganda that
says otherwise. We are not the problem. Not enough of us giving more
money to you is not the problem. Not enough of us giving you
opportunities and a leg up is not the problem. Non-whites are the

Basically, if people want to talk with you, they MUST agree with what you say, because if they say something otherwise, they're using propoganda and you won't fall for it. You are right; everybody else is wrong about everything, they are the problem. There is nothing wrong with you, you're 100% correct about everything.

Even I can admit my own failings; your own failure to do the same will ultimately be your downfall.

Like many non-whites, you rack up our positions of our situation as
siimply prejudice. But they aren't. They are real. We know us and our
country a lot better than you do. We have seen the decline. We have tons
and tons of statistics documenting it. This is not arguable.

I don't simply "rack up". i study you. I've been debating on Sf since Feb. of 06, and i first came to castefootball way back in early 2005. I come to these conclusions based on objective analysis.

As for your "facts", well, you also talk about things like "high crime in all black countries world wide" and 'every single black country being third world".

Maybe some of your opinions do come from some experiences you've had. But when it comes to some of your other opinions, they are far from "real". I can, for example, debunk those last two assertions in minutes. You're not right about everything.

You know you can't change black people.

Where did you get that idea? I can do plenty just by speaking out. The fact that I'm going out of my way to discuss the problem proves that I know what I'm capable of.

So you look to us to do it.

I know you don't want to change black people, don't take me for a fool. If anything, you'd be happy to see us all die from AIDS or something. After all, the world would be "better without us", right?

They are mostly economic vagabonds--they don't hate their home
countries, they didn't flee them to escape from one thing or another.
They just came here for the money and have no reason to reject their
culture for ours. Its ridiculous that we put up with this.

Never mind whites who do the same thing when they immigrate here from Eastern Europe and south america.
Edited by: Jager
Don't you have homework? tomorrow is a school day ya know!
White Shogun said:
I'm not a moderator or owner of this site, but I will say this:

What makes you think that any site MUST acknowledge or tolerate dissenting points of view? The Internet is one of the last places where people can have freedom of association. The owners and administrators of this site (or any other) have the sole right to determine who they will allow to post and what type of posts they will entertain. Period.

I suppose you don't have to. it only looks hypocritical when castefootballers start talking about becoming 'more mainstream". They talk about spreading outside of the site, talking with supposed "fence sitters", and getting more people to believe in the "system". You're all always talking about expansion as the ultimate goal in order to "save the white race"; don't try denying it, because in the 2 years I've been viewing this site, I've seen plenty of it.

You're not going to grow or spread any views if you keep thinking the way you do. If you insist on completely refusing to acknowledge any failings or alternate theories, or to even talk with other people. You are a "private club" and you can stay one if you like, but then don't bother talking about becoming anything more than a fringe organization.

To get anywhere, sometimes you have to acknowledge other positions. When i was 14, and I first came to SF, I had views that vary from the ones I have now. My views on the racial issues of this country were altered by my early discussions there; many of my newer theories exist because of this. At that time, I didn't believe there was anything wrong with modern culture and AA. Now I admit the faults when i see them, although I still differ when it comes to views on what can be done about it.

You're not always going to be right. To find the true answer, sometimes you have to give a little ground. Staying doggedly on one path will get you no place. You can stay on that path if you like, just don't expect to get too far.
That was a stupid thing to do Jason. We are not intimidated by your arguments, just annoyed. You are wasting your time. But as long as you're inside typing away, that's one less black man on the streets to rape white women.
jaxvid said:
You guys know why you were banned and it's not for being "too intelligent". This place is like a club. A private club. I know the idea of people meeting with like minded people who do not agree with your point of view is difficult for you to understand. But free association is one of those "white" things that blacks only 'get' when someone wants to join their clubs.

Like I said: thats fine if you want to stay that way, but do not hope to become anything more than a fringe movement.

When you say this and then later go on to talk about getting your site and your movement to grow bigger than it is and expansion, you just contradict yourself.

It's about celebrating white athletic acheivement and discussing some other issues of interest. Your occasional visits were OK when they were not intrusive but that changed. Like any guest that overstays their welcome or becomes tiresome it was time for you to leave.

translation: We don't want to hear views that are not in agreement with our own, no matterif they could be credible or not. Thats why you are annoying. go away.

I knew I was right.

There is this odd way of thinking today that everyone should be allowed to speak or that all points of view are valid or worthy of being heard even on a private forum. I don't get that. We hear what you have to say from the media everyday. Why do that here? As an excersise in frustration?

Wn keep talking about expanding their views, becoming more than just "fringe extremists".

To do that, you need dialogue with others. If you're incapable of doing that, you'll go no place. You guys talk all the time about expanding and bring the views outside of the fringe arena, and yet you can't tolerate views differing with your own.

You should also keep your private life private. I don't really care to hear (or see) anything concerning your private life. I think it's distasteful.

I don't care if you find it distasteful; that fellow upthere(PitBull, plus your admin, plus others) continued to insult my character by caling me a flat out liar; saying I was not who i was. If you don't want me to get info to prove that I'm not a liar, then don't call me a liar.

I won't sit and just let that notion run on and on. I am not an anorexic jew, and old white liberal, a white teenager or anything else; i am exactly who i say i am, and if I have to prove it i will.
C Darwin said:
This is the same reason why I got banned twice from Blackplanet. ;-)

Acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s^2. Please yell at
your Earth Science teacher for me.

I skipped a grade in science; no earth science. Went straight to bio.
PitBull said:
BTW, thanks for the personal info. I'm filling out a credit card application as
we speak...

Go ahead, i don't have an account, and my last name is not shared with my parents. You know my name, my ethnicity and the sports I play; have fun getting me a credit card with that.
Iron said:
If i'm to be honest i think you were banned for being extremely annoying,not on account of the arguments you presented as you were beaten time after time in the range of heated ideological/political debates who've engaged in whilst a member.

Beaten? Really? I'd love to hear this.
jaxvid said:
Don't you have homework? tomorrow is a school day ya know!

I do the vast majority of my homework at school; I do have extra credit work due at the end of the quarter;5 essays on subjects having to do with WW2. I've already done 3, so I'm well off as it is. When i come home, i spend most of my time writing political fiction stories(250 pages done so far) or surfing the net. That and weightlifting.

In other words, no; I have no homework, nor do I have a lot of time. I know very well Mr. Wassall will soon IP ban me permanently. I'll talk while I can.
In fact, perhaps I'll go right now while the going is good. I've proven my point.

Best of luck to the lot of you, despite our differences.

Salus, quod bonus fortuna.
KG2422 said:
But as long as you're inside typing away, that's one less black man on the streets to rape white women.

Do the math on that!
Jager said:
i spend most of my time writing political fiction stories

Judging from your posts, you should do very well writing (more) fiction.
American Freedom News