The Numbers Racket...

We can create any kind of fake ID we want. All we need is your name.
Speaking of which, I just found out you have a rich uncle in Nigeria. He
has set aside a large amount of money for you. All we have to do is
confirm your identity, with a social security number, and we can then wire
you the money. You must respond within the next week, or the account
will be closed, because the bank is moving its operations overseas.
Please hurry!

I love it when you yourself get to decide if you win in any kind of contest.
Must be that high self-esteem training he gets in his public school. Must
be a pretty easy school if you can get all the homework done there. No
wonder you can't think worth a damn.

You've proven yourself to be ignorant, bad at math, unable to construct a
coherent argument, and an annoying blowhard, nothing else. Its good
that you can type. You have an exciting career in data entry awaiting you.

P.S. The people here are only trying to convince other whites, not blacks.
When anybody talks about the mainstream, they aren't talking about

Good riddance.Edited by: PitBull
The debates were entertaining if redundant. My first experience with a Jamaican youth. Relatively polite, articulate, and definitely persistent. A lot of black talent wasted splitting hairs on a pro-white message board.

After the ban when he snapped did those home pics remind you of anyone?


Don Wassall said:
Gohan, if you are a black (Jamaican) high school student then I'm the Man on the Moon.

And if by some miracle you are who you claim you are, you need to be spending your timereading and learning (and playing sports), not spending an inordinate amount of time showing your "amazing erudition and repetition abilities" on a board where no one agrees with you.

Gohan, I stand bywhat I wroteone hundred percent, and here's why:

Read the posting guidelines. This is a troll-free site. Or to put it another way it is a sanctuary for the supporters of this site. We're all very aware of the arguments of opponents ofvarious stripes.

You're a study inrepetition that eventuallyleads not tonew understandingbut to endlessrunning on the hamster wheel. You're a study in overkill, posting the samesingle pointover and over and over.I remember well what PitBull posted inanother thread -- "I'm exhausted." Son, that doesn't make you right, it makes you a pest. The people who post here have jobs, families, school, and other time-consuming responsibilities. I greatly enjoy reading PitBull's posts but no one wants or expectsPitBull or anyone elseto postdozens oftimes in the same thread when you are merelypreaching thesamesingle noteover and over again.

I've complimented you in posts and still do sincerely wish you the best in life. Iknow there are many intelligent blacks, just as I know there are many white tailbacks, receivers and cornerbacks, perhaps in sheer numbers quite afew more than there are qualified black ones.

But you have changed no one's opinion here; imoyou're wasting the time of everyone else who posts on the Caste Football discussion board. Think long term and use your time accordingly.Be an asset to all of humanity, God knows weurgently need leaders who believe in the best that mankind has to offer.
We have banned you because you are making useless arguments with no real point in an effort to show you are mentally "superior" to us (sounds racist, doesn't it?). I haven't seen a single thing in any of your posts that was based on facts. In fact, all of your arguments were ended with something of the lines of "The people don't buy it, and I don't either." or "this is a misconception" with no reason why this crime fact would be a incorrect.

For example, what are the "environmental elements" that cause blacks to score 15 points lower on IQ tests on average? And why then do blacks in countries besides the US get the same low scores? It can't be white racism in Africa, Gohan.

Did you notice that he was telling us that we can't get any "mainstream attention" without "accepting other views" aka political correctness?You are afraid of us becoming something powerful, aren't you? You wouldn't spend so much time on this site arguing facts you wish weren't true if you didn't.

We get a lot of web traffic on this site, especially during the football season, and there are a lot of football fans out there. We talk to plenty of people, Gohan. In fact, a lot of my friends have started reading this site, fence sitters as you will. And the guys on stormfront are nothing like us, they speak nazi propaganda that immediately turns off "outsiders". We speak nothing but truth, and you can't refute it by calling us racist or denying it like you did in your posts above.

Tell your white friends (do you have any closewhite friends,Gohan?) to come judge for themselves this racist propaganda site. Edited by: InfamousOne
White Shogun said:
More than likely (both of you), you were banned for 'argumentum ad nauseam.' I know I certainly tired of the discussion when even the very facts of the debate were being argued, including simple calculation of risk. After each side has had it's say, what's the point in further debate? Unless there is some new information presented, some new set of 'facts' that change the outcome, arguing for the sake of arguing is pointless.

Which of course leads to those with dissenting viewpoints being banned. Why should the site owners and moderators allow a person who is arguing for it's own sake, or to 'prove a point' through repetition, continue to post? In my view, I'm glad that such nonsense isn't permitted on this site, and that Caste Football continues to be somewhat of a haven from this same sort of idiocy I see everywhere else.

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Had to take Mrs. Menelik out it being mothers day and everything. I usually don't get too uptight about comments on the net but I felt that I had to respond you Mr. White Shogun. Before I was banned the first time I had several 'pm' conversations where you didn't think that my comments were 'argumentum ad nauseam.' Of course in the public forum you took a different stance. I'm trying to be civil but you sir strike me as not only a coward but also a hypocrite. Are you worried that you will be banned?
I don't know why you were banned. I do not have the authority to ban anyone and have not had any discussions with Don Wassall or any of the moderators as to why you were banned. It is unlikely that you were banned for being impolite or for posting material against the guidelines, so my guess is that your posts were at least bordering on the repetitive. I haven't done a search of your posts but if necessary I suppose I can research it and perhaps I will come to a different conclusion. Why do you think you were banned?

I do not recall treating you any differently in private conversation than I did on the boards. I do recall that I felt you were attempting to 'feel me out,' as it were, to see if I shared any views of yours contrary to those espoused by most of the members on Caste Football or in disagreement with my own posted views. Although you were polite, I believed then and believe now that you are a troll. I do not believe that you are here to support white athletes.

I stand by what I said in the post which you quoted. The administrators and moderators of this site are free to ban anyone they see fit, without explanation as far as I am concerned. I personally feel they brook more disagreement than I would were it my site, but I am also appreciative of the fact they are slow to act.

Any good will that you might have fostered with me is lost, Mr. Menelik. Perhaps you should have contacted me via one of the PM's of which you were so fond before resorting to insults in public. I personally am man enough to issue retractions where necessary, and have more than once changed my opinion on various issues discussed on this board when presented with sufficient facts and supporting arguments warranting such change of opinion. However, in this particular case I do not see such change of opinion warranted.

Best regards to you and the Empress, Mr. Menelik
American Freedom News