The Nonwhite Invasion


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's some great news...IF it can stand up against the statist tyrants in the judicial system.

GA Governor signs Arizona-style immigration bill into law

New Georgia law will now empower police to check status, require employer verifications

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Gov. Nathan Deal signed one of the nation's toughest immigration enforcement measures into law Friday, thrusting Georgia to the forefront of this country's thorny debate over illegal immigration and triggering immediate threats of court challenges.

Enlarge photo Bob Andres, A group of protestors gathered in front of the Capitol on Friday, chanting and waving, as Gov. Nathan Deal signed an Arizona-style immigration enforcement measure.

Governor signs immigration bill
Renee Unterman: "Gwinnett Medical Center is operating in the negative," in part, because of illegal immigrants.
Georgia is now one of only three states to adopt this type of immigration law as efforts to get comprehensive immigration legislation through Congress have failed. Officials in Arizona and Utah have also enacted tough laws targeting illegal immigration, complaining the federal government has not secured the nation's borders. But federal judges have halted both of those states' laws amid complaints that they are unconstitutional.

Starting July 1 under Georgia's House Bill 87, police will be empowered to investigate the immigration status of certain suspects. The measure -- which is partly patterned after Arizona's law -- also sets new hiring requirements for employers and penalizes people who transport or harbor illegal immigrants here.

Deal, who campaigned for governor last year on bringing an Arizona-style law to Georgia, called his signature on HB 87 a historic moment.

"While I believe immigration is an issue that ... should be addressed at the federal level," he told reporters at a state Capitol news conference, "this legislation I believe is a responsible step forward in the absence of federal action."

Deal and other supporters of HB 87 have hailed it as a victory for taxpayers who have borne the cost of illegal immigration in Georgia. A recent estimate by the Pew Hispanic Center puts the number of illegal immigrants in Georgia at 425,000, the seventh-highest among the states. Those illegal immigrants, supporters of HB 87 say, are taking jobs from state residents and burdening Georgia's public schools, hospitals and jails.

Local opponents of the measure said Friday that they have been working with some national organizations in drafting a lawsuit to challenge the measure in Atlanta's federal district court, arguing Georgia is overstepping its bounds.

"We look forward to stopping this unconstitutional law from ever taking effect,"Â￾ said Charles Kuck, an Atlanta-area immigration attorney and past president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Kuck and other opponents are hoping the federal Justice Department will join the fight and sue to block Georgia's law as it has in Arizona. A Justice Department spokeswoman said Friday that she had no comment.

Last year, a federal judge put some of the most controversial parts of Arizona's measure on hold after the Obama administration argued they were pre-empted by federal law. A federal appeals court recently upheld that judge's decision. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced Monday that she is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

President Barack Obama waded into the debate over illegal immigration in Georgia in a televised interview last month, calling HB 87 a "mistake."Â￾

"We can't have 50 different immigration laws around the country,"Â￾ the president said. "Arizona tried this, and a federal court already struck them down."

Deal expressed confidence Friday, saying Georgia's legislation "went through several iterations."

"Thanks to the diligence and hard work of the General Assembly, I believe the final product avoids many of the pitfalls that have been alleged to exist in Arizona's legislation," said Deal, who leaves this weekend for an economic development trip to Europe.

Many other states have considered adopting an Arizona-type law. But Utah is the only other state to do so. On Tuesday, a federal judge halted that law, citing how it is similar to the Arizona legislation, Senate Bill 1070.

Georgia's measure, meanwhile, has drawn stiff opposition from the state's agricultural, landscaping, restaurant and tourism industries in recent weeks. These groups fear the law will damage the state's economy by scaring away migrant workers and conventioneers.

For example, the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau went on record last month against HB 87 over concerns that it could hurt the region's $10 billion tourism industry. One group -- the U.S. Human Rights Network -- has already announced it will cancel plans to hold its annual conference in Atlanta because of HB 87. Opponents of the measure are seeking to organize more such boycotts like those Arizona has experienced since it mounted its crackdown on illegal immigration.

HB 87's sponsor -- Republican Rep. Matt Ramsey of Peachtree City -- addressed concerns from Georgia's business sectors Friday after Deal signed the bill.

"To the extent that there is concern out there in the business community, just know we understand how important business is to our state," Ramsey said. "Georgia is going to continue to be a business-friendly state. HB 87, though, represents our responsibility to watch the taxpayers' bottom line just as the business community vigilantly guards their bottom line."

Supporters of HB 87 say its most important feature is the one that targets the hiring of illegal immigrants. Many immigrants illegally enter the country to find work here. Under Georgia's law, many employers will be required to start using a federal program called E-Verify to confirm their newly hired employees are eligible to work in the United States.

Arizona has a similar E-Verify law. A coalition of businesses and immigrant rights groups is suing to stop Arizona's law, arguing it is unconstitutional. The case is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

About two dozen opponents of HB 87 gathered outside of Deal's office Friday, shouting "Shame on you" and "Undocumented and unafraid." Dozens more demonstrated outside the state Capitol, carrying signs proclaiming "R.I.P. Southern Hospitality" and "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights."

"This action is not only an insult to the Latino community and other immigrants, but is also an exercise in cheap political pandering that will cost our state dearly,"Â￾ said Adelina Nicholls, executive director of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights.

Others praised Deal's decision.

"House Bill 87 is good legislation and will provide law enforcement in Georgia with another tool to perform their jobs in an effective and efficient manner,"Â￾ Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren said.

Staff writer Katie Leslie contributed to this article.

When provisions of Georgia's House Bill 87 will take effect:

July 1

Local and state police will be empowered to arrest illegal immigrants and take them to state and federal jails.
People who use fake identification to get a job in Georgia could face up to 15 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.
People who -- while committing another crime -- knowingly transport or harbor illegal immigrants or encourage them to come to Georgia could face penalties. First-time offenders would face imprisonment for up to 12 months and up to $1,000 in fines.
A seven-member Immigration Enforcement Review Board will be established to investigate complaints about local and state government officials not enforcing state immigration-related laws.
Government officials who violate state laws requiring cities, counties and state government agencies to use E-Verify could face fines up to $10,000 and removal from office.
The state Agriculture Department will be directed to study the possibility of creating Georgia's own guest-worker program. Some Georgia employers have complained the federal government's guest-worker program is too burdensome and expensive.
Jan. 1

State and local government agencies must start requiring people who apply for public benefits -- such as food stamps, housing assistance and business licenses -- to provide at least one "secure and verifiable"Â￾ document, which could be a state or federally issued form of identification. Consular matriculation cards will not be accepted. The state attorney general's office is required to post a list of acceptable documents on its website by Aug. 1.
Phased in:

Georgia businesses will be required to use the federal E-Verify program to determine whether their new hires are eligible to work legally in the United States. Businesses with 500 or more employees must start complying with this provision Jan. 1. Businesses with 100 or more employees but fewer than 500 must start complying with this provision July 1, 2012. This requirement applies to businesses with between 11 and 99 employees starting July 1, 2013. Businesses with 10 or fewer employees are exempt. by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Totalitarian bull-dyke "Big Sis" shills for her inept fedgov komrades...

Napolitano: Congress must act on immigration, not states

By Leon Stafford

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

While U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano wouldn't comment on Georgia's Arizona-like immigration bill, she said Saturday that state legislative initiatives are not the way to address the issue.
."This is what [President Barack Obama] has said and I've been saying, state by state won't cut it," Napolitano said in a speech to the Atlanta Press Club. "It's got to be a federal reform of immigration laws."

The secretary was also in town to assess storm damage in Ringgold on Sunday and to address graduation at Emory University on Monday.

Napolitano, who declined to comment on Georgia's immigration HB 87, was governor of Arizona before taking over Homeland Security halfway into her second term. She said states are taking on immigration because of an "underlying frustration that this has not yet been dealt with at the national level, which is really where it should be dealt with so that there is national consistency where immigration is concerned."

Immigration reform was arguably the hottest topic in this year's legislative session. HB 87, which Gov. Nathan Deal said he will sign soon, will create new requirements to ensure new workers are eligible for employment in the U.S. and empowers police to investigate the immigration status of certain suspects.

Brian Robinson, a spokesman for Deal, said the governor agrees Congress must address the issue, but said talks in Washington fall apart because Democrats insist on amnesty. In the meantime, states are burdened with the cost associated with illegal immigration such as schools, police and health care, he said.

"We are taking action in the only way that we can," Robinson said.

Napolitano argued that illegal immigration is down 36 percent and said Homeland Security has beefed up audits of employers to catch those who hire illegally.

What troubles her is that the debate on the issue suggests the federal government is asleep at the wheel.

"I think these efforts on a state by state level first of all have predicated a falsity," she said. "The falsity is that there has been nothing done, and that the border somehow is out of control. That is incorrect."

Rep. Matthew L. Ramsey, R-Peachtree City, who introduced HB 87, said he applauds any effort the federal government has made to curb illegal immigration. But he said the fact remains that states, which have had to cut budgets across the board in one of the worst recessions in history, cannot afford to fund those who are here illegally.

"Any suggestion that states should continue to wait for the federal government to do something, with all due respect, is laughable," he said. "We have been hearing that for decades."

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Mexican Cartels Operate Freely in Southern Arizona"

How extensive is the Mexican organized crime's incursion into American territory? Very extensive, and getting worse, judging from the presence of cartel spotters 100 miles north of the border. Not only that, authorities estimate that there are 200 to 300 cartel scouts occupying mountain peaks in southern Arizona, guiding the delivery of drugs and illegal aliens.

Foreign invaders operate at will on American soil, but the administration pretends there is no problem because of its political reasons of hispandering for the next election.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Some stats from other places

New Zealand.
92percent European
7percent MÄÂÂ￾ori
Asian and Pacific minorities 1percent.

67.6percent European
14.6percent MÄÂÂ￾ori<sup id="cite_ref-230" ="reference"></span></sup>
9.2percent Asian
6.9percent Pacific people

Malmo, Sweden's third city, is one quarter Muslim - and the number is not going down.
Add to that Non Muslim immigrants from India, Asia and Africa and the real Swedes are down to about 60% in that city.

In London as a whole 54 per cent of births are to foreign born mothers - this rises to 75 per cent in some boroughs.

South Africa
Black 67.5%
White 21.5%
Colored 8.6%
Asian 2.3%

2001 (Latest figures I could find)
Black 79.5%
White 9.2%*
Others 10.3%
*Judging by the number of white south Africans I come across in Britain the figure for 2011 has to be lower!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Hispanic population tops 50 million in U.S.

The U.S. Census Bureau reports the Hispanic population has surpassed 50 million and accounted for more than half of the 27.3-million population increase in the last decade.
March 24, 2011|By Stephen Ceasar, Los Angeles Times

The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 43% in the last decade, surpassing 50 million and accounting for about 1 out of 6 Americans, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.

Analysts seized on data showing that the growth was propelled by a surge in births in the U.S., rather than immigration, pointing to a growing generational shift in which Hispanics continue to gain political clout and, by 2050, could make up a third of the U.S. population.

* Demographic EstimatesGet 2010 / 2015 U.S. demographic estimates down to the Block Level
* U.S. Census RecordsSearch the U.S. Census Collection 1790-1930. Millions of Names.

"In the adult population, many immigrants helped the increase, but the child population is increasingly more Hispanic," said D'Vera Cohn, a senior writer at the Pew Research Center.

In 2010, Hispanics made up 23% of people under the age 18, compared with 17% in 2000. In California, 51% of children are Hispanic, up from 44% in 2000.

Overall, Hispanics accounted for more than half of the 27.3 million U.S. population increase since 2000.

About 75% of Hispanics live in the nine states that have long-standing Hispanic populations â€" Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York and Texas.

That figure is down from 81% in 2000, indicating the population has begun dispersing to other parts of the country, particularly in the Southeast, Cohn said.

New Mexico has the largest percentage of Hispanic residents (46.3%), followed by Texas and California (37.6%).

The Hispanic population more than doubled in Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina and North Carolina.

"This is a sign that the Hispanic population is spreading out more widely than in the past," Cohn said. "You now see Hispanic communities in many places that hadn't had them a decade or two ago."

The population growth among Hispanics also kept the population steady in states that would have shown a decline or no growth, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Louisiana.

The non-Hispanic population grew at a slower pace in the last decade, at about 5%. Within that population, those who reported their race as only white grew by 1%.

While the population of those who reported only as white grew in number in that time, from 196.6 million to 196.8 million, its proportion of the total U.S. population declined to 64% from 69%.

As in the 2000 census, individuals were asked to identify their ethnic or racial background. As guidance, the Census Bureau said the term Hispanic refers to people who trace the origin of their parents or ancestors to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spanish-speaking Central and South America countries and other Spanish cultures.

A 2008 Census Bureau projection estimated that ethnic and racial minorities will become the majority in the United States by 2050 and that about 1 in 3 U.S. residents will be Hispanic by then.

"Our country is becoming racially and ethnically more diverse over time, as is clear in the growth rates of minority populations," said Robert Groves, director of the Census Bureau.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer