The NHL Assassin


Nov 2, 2004
Anybody still think that Gary Bettman is a "good" NHL Commissioner?

The 2013 season will be disastrously interrupted by a Bettman-inspired "lockout." I've never trusted Donald Fehr and I count him as an accomplice.

The NHL and owners got EVERYTHING they wanted during the 2004-5 lockout. Now it's time to renew the agreements; suddenly "everything" isn't nearly enough.

The NHL was doing really well the past three years. Too well. Now it's time to take the NHL down a few notches. Or maybe into total oblivion, which would suit Zionazi Bettman just fine.
What's most striking to me is how little coverage the looming lockout is receiving. Hockey is always treated as a minor sport by the Cultural Marxist corporate media, but the 2004-'05 lockout that wiped out an entire season got a lot more airtime leading up to it than this time around.
It seems like the high revenue generating teams like Toronto, NY Rangers etc are driving up the cap floor for near comatose type teams like Cbus, Tampa etc. So the league wants to make more cuts so that the dead wood can still survive. The league really needs contraction or to move to middle sized Canadian markets that can support the NHL. I know playing in Hamilton or a bedroom community of Toronto isn't what the league wants but who needs papered crowds in cities like I mentioned. I remember when Tampa made their championship run you could get in the building for less than a ticket to a movie in Toronto.....:grin::scared:
Great analysis, Gents.

Practically zero media coverage for the NHL labor strife. Of course. The Powers That Be passionately HATE the NHL and its White players and fans, so negative press coverage is de rigeur.

Big Franchises bullying small franchises? Noooo, it can't be!

Most striking to me? The oily, arrogant, objectionable pimp that the NHL Zio-owners have selected to be their voice. And the collective brain-power of the 700+ NHL players amounts to the same as one Seventh-grade geometry pupil in Hackensack NJ.

Hate to admit it, but I'm losing it for the NHL. It was fun for some years. The NWO in America has succeeded in enfeebling the NHL and making it hideous.
It seems like the high revenue generating teams like Toronto, NY Rangers etc are driving up the cap floor for near comatose type teams like Cbus, Tampa etc. So the league wants to make more cuts so that the dead wood can still survive. The league really needs contraction or to move to middle sized Canadian markets that can support the NHL. I know playing in Hamilton or a bedroom community of Toronto isn't what the league wants but who needs papered crowds in cities like I mentioned. I remember when Tampa made their championship run you could get in the building for less than a ticket to a movie in Toronto.....:grin::scared:

that is sad but very true (about Lightning). i fully agree with you on all counts.
I've been watching hockey seriously for 5 yrs. now. I don't know how stable the league is right now. Unfortunely as much as I hate it, hockey just doesn't have the popularity of the other sports in the US. My hope is that it can stay profitable and stay a solid league.
Living in Detroit I have a warped view of the perception of hockey. Detroit likes to call itself "hockey town" and even blacks in position of importance acknowledge it. You cannot believe what the Red Wings mean to the city of Detroit and how tens of thousands of White people from the suburbs venture into the city for hockey games and spend lots of $$$ having fun in the specially designated "White safe" zones of the city.

We are also not far from Toronto, probably the hockey madness center of the universe, and I know it's popular in Chicago as well. The can be no greater example of how bad an executive Gary Bettman is then his failure to generate a stable operating environment for his corporation. Under any other rational system of corporate leadership that man would be sent packing. Imagine any other corporation with highly profitable franchises having repeated labor stoppages that effect overall profitability. Would not happen.

The idea that the NHL is flawed in some way because, black people in Florida or Mexicans in southern California don't follow it is a perfect example of how the multicult elite control public perception through their media organization, in this case ESPN especially. Obviously a company can be successful in specific areas of the country and be considered a success. There are many companies like this that are regional in scope and tremendously popular and successful. Why not hockey? Why does hockey have to be a sport with diverse, multicultural appeal? Because as we well know, that is the program, and hockey is either to get behind that or be punished for failing to do it. Just like all other aspects of amerikan society.
Yes, Gary Bettman and his fellow mohel-mangled mates cannot abide seeing the "hideously White" NHL enjoy too much popular success. The merest mention of that prick's name precipitates a clenching of the fists. The sight of his smug Judaic phiz conjures up visions of awfully useful baseball bats, steel-capped boots and old fence palings complete with twisted brown nails:


white is right/ said:
The league really needs contraction or to move to middle sized Canadian markets that can support the NHL. I know playing in Hamilton or a bedroom community of Toronto isn't what the league wants but who needs papered crowds in cities like I mentioned. I remember when Tampa made their championship run you could get in the building for less than a ticket to a movie in Toronto.....

I am likewise a proponent of paring back the number of NHL "franchises" (thirty is too many, especially from the perspective of talent dilution) and basing more of them in Canada. Quebec and Hamilton would be far more "fan friendly" and "atmospheric" locations than, let's say, Sunrise, Tampa, or Phoenix.
Looks like it's going to happen. I believe this will be the third lockout during Bettman's tenure.

BTW he reminds me of Count Von Count from Sesame street.
What a pity. The major league of one of the whitest sport in the world cancelled because of ****ing money. The only good news is that a lot of good players could come to Switzerland to play this season in Swiss clubs like during the last lockout.
What a pity. The major league of one of the whitest sport in the world cancelled because of ****ing money. The only good news is that a lot of good players could come to Switzerland to play this season in Swiss clubs like during the last lockout.

I heard a radio interview with a player (I didn't catch his name) who was asked about going to Europe. He said for most North American players Russia is NOT a country they want to go to because of living conditions, language differences, and possibly even concerns about air travel safety. (You probably heard about the Russian team that was killed about a year ago in a plane crash). Anyway, the player said Sweden and Switzerland are the most popular choices. Sweden, however, has introduced a rule that means NHL players can't just join their league on a temporary basis so Switzerland will be the #1 choice of North American NHLers looking for work in Europe.
End Your Interest in "Organized" Professional Sports

While I applaud the CasteFootball.US crowd for chronicling the anti-White orgy of the NFL, I pursued the different approach -- dropping football altogether.

The only right thing for a White Patriot to do with the NHL is caste it into the ocean -- and replace it with worthwhile. Observe:

"The Fender Standard Telecaster FSR Ash Electric Guitar combines the best of the old and new. Fender equips the Tele with vintage noiseless single-coil pickups, shielded body cavities, medium jumbo frets, cast/sealed machine heads and a 6-saddle string-thru-body bridge.

Since its introduction in the early '50s, professionals in all musical genres have relied on the Fender Telecaster for its powerful tone and smooth playability.

The vintage noiseless Telecaster pickups offer sound like a '60s Tele's without the 60-cycle buzz. They're made with the same Fender technology as the noiseless Strat pickups, but are voiced for traditional Telecaster tone. Special Alnico 5 magnets and enamel coated magnet wire along with Fender's Noiseless technology produce a uniquely quiet vintage sound."

See? That was easy!

Go soak your head, Gary Bettman!
And ditto all you greedy Zionazi NHL Team Owners!
Yes, Gary Bettman and his fellow mohel-mangled mates cannot abide seeing the "hideously White" NHL enjoy too much popular success. The merest mention of that prick's name precipitates a clenching of the fists. The sight of his smug Judaic phiz conjures up visions of awfully useful baseball bats, steel-capped boots and old fence palings complete with twisted brown nails:


I am likewise a proponent of paring back the number of NHL "franchises" (thirty is too many, especially from the perspective of talent dilution) and basing more of them in Canada. Quebec and Hamilton would be far more "fan friendly" and "atmospheric" locations than, let's say, Sunrise, Tampa, or Phoenix.

Looks like Edmonton's Jewish owner (Daryl Katz) and Jewish Mayor (Stephen Mandel) are arguing over money -- Katz wants Edmonton's taxpayers to build him a brand new 18,000 arena. Now, word comes out that the Edmonton Oilers are looking into a possible relocation to Seattle. Even though Seattle is NOT a typical Southern hockey, with little interest in hockey, so much for Quebec City and Hamilton receiving serious consideration?
Looks like Edmonton's Jewish owner (Daryl Katz) and Jewish Mayor (Stephen Mandel) are arguing over money -- Katz wants Edmonton's taxpayers to build him a brand new 18,000 arena. Now, word comes out that the Edmonton Oilers are looking into a possible relocation to Seattle. Even though Seattle is NOT a typical Southern hockey, with little interest in hockey, so much for Quebec City and Hamilton receiving serious consideration?
Hamilton will never get a team if Buffalo wants to be viable franchise. Many of the fans that attend Sabres games are from Hamilton and border towns like St. Catherines and Niagara Falls. Before they changed the rules of crossing the border I used to go to games as I am only about 40 minutes away from the arena. Buffalo has blocked any attempts to get teams into Hamilton. I don't think Buffalo can do anything about a team in Kitchener-Waterloo but the league doesn't want anything to do with that area either as no direct commercial flights go there and those twin cities have no glamour on a billboard or in television commercials for NBC Sports Channel. PS Quebec city has gotten positive reviews from the league but I don't think they have a major league arena.
PS Quebec city has gotten positive reviews from the league but I don't think they have a major league arena.

white is right -

With regard to the lack of a suitable venue, work on the new arena in Quebec City commenced on the 3rd of September. It shall have a capacity of 18,000 and is due to be completed in 2015:


The Nordiques' old arena, the Colisee de Quebec (or, to employ its present, commercial-age appellation, Colisee Pepsi...) is currently used by the Quebec Remparts of the QMJHL and holds just over 15,000.
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Looks like Edmonton's Jewish owner (Daryl Katz) and Jewish Mayor (Stephen Mandel) are arguing over money -- Katz wants Edmonton's taxpayers to build him a brand new 18,000 arena. Now, word comes out that the Edmonton Oilers are looking into a possible relocation to Seattle. Even though Seattle is NOT a typical Southern hockey, with little interest in hockey, so much for Quebec City and Hamilton receiving serious consideration?

States that are not anti-white (like Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, etc should have more pro sport teams). Does the Blacks in Georgia care about anything? Who goes to the majority of sporting events down south? The whites that are obsessed with greed, not breeding, and dying out that's who lol. All the idiot whites wearing cam newton jerseys, do they realize how pathetic they look.

The NHL is ruined so long as Gary Bettman remains as the dictator. Make the players lose even more money, so money bleeding teams can stay a float? LOL joke, go play in the KHL, screw the NHL. I'm done with hockey, i know it gets the least press because it's a white majority sport, but until they put a pro-business leader in charge (having a salary cap? ah awful) i'm done with it.
The main "problem" with Canadian cities is that city governments and the large corporations based in them don't submit to blackmail like U.S. cities do when it comes to refurbishing existing facilities or building new arenas. Lack of corporate support is a major reason why the Nordiques fled to Denver, and why there aren't more Canadian-based teams.

I think the Canadian cities are right in that stance, but as long as governments and corporations in U.S. cities continue to bend over when owners make noises about relocating, Canada will continue to be under-represented in the NHL.
The main "problem" with Canadian cities is that city governments and the large corporations based in them don't submit to blackmail like U.S. cities do when it comes to refurbishing existing facilities or building new arenas. Lack of corporate support is a major reason why the Nordiques fled to Denver, and why there aren't more Canadian-based teams.

I think the Canadian cities are right in that stance, but as long as governments and corporations in U.S. cities continue to bend over when owners make noises about relocating, Canada will continue to be under-represented in the NHL.
Winnipeg lost their team in 95' because of this. When the ownership group looked at the books and saw that the team would bleed millions every season, the city, province and federal government cried poor. No junk bond proposals were floated. There was more effort at the grass roots level where school children rolled pennies and symbolicly gave the ownership money to save the team. Also this was back when the top players made much less than they do now.
Inside an NHL Focus Group:

I laughed at this bit:

Then, the focus group watched a series of televised speeches from players, owners, executives, and the commissioner himself. From the room's reaction, and Luntz's follow-up questions, it was clear that the group did not have a favorable impression of Gary Bettman. "A New York lawyer," one participant called him. Jonathon Gatehouse's Bettman bio points out how many times this specific phrase has been leveled at the commissioner, usually with the unspoken descriptor "Jewish." As if to hammer this point home, one focus group participant said: "I don't like him. He reminds me of Woody Allen."
Sports talk radio in Detroit has been having a bit of fun with the strike. They have been playing "virtual" games, through some computer simulation I guess, and they will announce the scores and talk about the game as if it really happened. Something along the lines of "virtual Jimmy Howard played poorly again and the Red Wings lost in overtime to the St. Louis Blues when Jonathan Franzen couldn't net the winner in a shoot-out". Fans will call or text in their "disgust" with the poor play of the virtual Red Wings and complain how they really miss a virtual Nic Lidstrom. Pretty funny satire and rare for sports talk radio which is usually simple minded and caste orientated.

I don't mind if they delay the start until Nov anyway, I think the season starts too early and I don't get into it until the baseball season is over (which won't be until Nov for Detroit this year).
Hi JaxVid

It's almost not even worth discussing ... but the Lockout is so obviously a New World Order reaction to the stunning success of the NHL of the past six years. The NHL had become way too successful, its fans too willing to pay top buck for tickets and TV, and its player base too Hideously White.

It would have been better, in 2005, if the NHL had been allowed to be purchased in bulk, for $3.5B, by the several concerns who were willing to so purchase. The league would then have been administered much like Pro Soccer and other sports where the whole enchilada is owned by a single company. It would be total domination for sure, not much different than the Good Old Jew Boy system ... but lockouts and strikes would never occur.

Instead, the very best and highest priced would jump to Europe and play there, being paid more and worshipped as Gods. The unified NHL would have lesser vintage than Ovechkin and Crosby ... but ticket prices would plummet, fights would skyrocket, and I'd be pleased as punch to follow my local Black and Blue NHL team in the new system.

The best possible result now: The NHL folds altogether. Eight franchises go away. Gary Bettman is deposed. Fehr is outed as the traitor that he is. Maybe the thing re-constitutes as a 1972 NHL with 18 teams. N'est-ce pas!?
The Winter Classic between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit has been cancelled. This was going to be the biggest Winter Classic and a huge event for Michigan with tens of thousands of Canadians coming down for the event spending loads of $$$$ on hotels, restaurants, and beer. The latest is that the owners known as the "hawks" (the no compromise wing of ownership) are becoming dominant so there's now a serious possibility of no NHL season at all for 2012-13.:icon_sad:
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