The NHL Assassin

"USA......USA......USA..... " !!!!!!!!!!

USA 3 Sweden 1.

I love hockey. I wish we could go back to the good ol' days when the goalies did not look like the Michelin Man and average defensmen were not 6'6" and 260 lbs. We will never have another Gretzky or Messier or Leach with out widening the ice.
Play Ball !

The always oily Zionist-in-charge, Gary Bettmonster, comes out smelling like a rose. Looks like Back-to-work in about a week with a 48-game short season. As a dedicated NHL addict, I'll be watching.

But the fifteen-week wait was most miserable. The "settled" issues were ridiculously trivial. Many of the final positions were similar to entry positions back in September.

The whole delay seems to me to be largely a stalling tactic. Stalling for what? Probably to allow multiple cash-starved, near-bankrupt NHL franchise do a bunch of things the past three months, while not having to pay out payroll and other out-gos. VERY suspicious to have the New Jersey Devil's franchise, an organized crime syndicate if there ever was one, go from nearly bankrupt to brand-new Sugar Daddy arriving with bucks, just days before the lockout-ending agreement was announced.

So it's all smiles for NHL Brass, owners, and hockey support industries.

Drop the Puck! :eek:hwell:
But the fifteen-week wait was most miserable. The "settled" issues were ridiculously trivial. Many of the final positions were similar to entry positions back in September.

The whole delay seems to me to be largely a stalling tactic. Stalling for what? Probably to allow multiple cash-starved, near-bankrupt NHL franchise do a bunch of things the past three months, while not having to pay out payroll and other out-gos. VERY suspicious to have the New Jersey Devil's franchise, an organized crime syndicate if there ever was one, go from nearly bankrupt to brand-new Sugar Daddy arriving with bucks, just days before the lockout-ending agreement was announced.

They weren't trivial issues. The main issue was that the owners were dealing with a union, which like most labor unions in the US, was extremely corrupt. People want to blame sunbelt teams as being the weak sisters of the league but the reality is, the PA hired a leftist commie labor boss to represent them and essentially tried to pick a fight with the league. A part of me was hoping for another cancelled season and that the owners would take these players to the woodshed with the new CBA. I can forgive the owners for being greedy as they take the financial risks, the players however should simply be happy they can make the kind of money they do by simply playing a game for a living.

I'm thrilled that hockey is back. I can't wait to go to the games. However, I am less than enthralled by the tactics of the greedy players union. I hope Donald Fehr goes back into retirement and stays the hell out of hockey once and for all. He already ruined baseball, we don't need him ruining another sport.
I agree that hiring Fehr was a mistake by the players. When baseball was having continual lockouts and strikes there for a while, Fehr was always in the middle of it. That said, the owners and Bettman deserve a lot more blame than the players. The NHL was thriving and profitable, there was absolutely no need for a lockout. All it did was give the corporate CM media an excuse to ignore the league altogether rather than just most of the time, along of course with ticking off the league's large base of hard-core fans that are as loyal as they come. The owners still seem to think that because the players are overwhelmingly White and mostly from rural backgrounds that they will cave; the players had to prove yet again that they won't.
That said, the owners and Bettman deserve a lot more blame than the players. The NHL was thriving and profitable, there was absolutely no need for a lockout.

I have to disagree here. The league was not thriving. Nearly half the teams were losing money so I feel this lockout was completely justified. The union was simply trying to squeeze more money out of the league in a feeble attempt to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. The same thing happened to Hostess where these union cronies ended up killing the company that employed them. I think most hockey players are good, decent white people, but their union has led them astray.

The moral of the story is, unions are not a friend to White America.
How do we know if teams were actually losing money or not? The owners make the same complaint in every sport, including the ultra-profitable NFL. Yet every time a pro sports franchise is sold, it's for multiples of what it sold for previously, increases that are far higher than the real pace of inflation. If they were actual money losers, no one would buy them at those prices. What exactly occurred in the past few years to make so many NHL teams lose so much money? Most owners are rapacious bastards from the same class that has been deindustrializing the country, plundering the working and middle class, and who hold cities hostage by threatening to move the team elsewhere if they don't periodically build state of the art arenas for them at no expense to the owners.
You bring up a good point Don, about whether or not the owners are actually losing money. I kind of tend to believe that they are just by the amount of doom and gloom articles put out there by the hockey media. I agree that the owners are probably less-than-ideal people and are probably amongst the powers that be promoting flawed ideas such as multiculturalism (ie their 'hockey is for everyone' ads) But my support of the owners in this lockout mainly stems from the fact that I despise labor unions and we all saw first hand what the players union in baseball did to that sport. When you have the inmates running the asylum like in baseball, it leads to less parity and an extremely boring league. I believe the only way to prevent lockouts is for the owners to come out on top in these labor negotiations to where they're making money hand over fist and it becomes costly to have them.
Athletes are ridiculously overpaid in all pro sports. I can't even stand to read the salaries that are thrown at mediocre baseball players. But the owners are making far more and they wouldn't pay the players as much if it didn't ultimately mean more money for them; as with every institution, pro sports has been totally corporatized and thus thoroughly corrupted.

In this case I think the lockout was unnecessary, it was an act of aggression by the owners and if it was needed that means the owners signed off on a bad collective bargaining agreement following the cancelled season of just eight years ago. It doesn't say much for the owners and Bettman that the NHL is still periodically losing big chunks of seasons and an entire season when the NFL and MLB have had labor peace for so long.
Considering the way the strike ended, settling on basically the same offer that was there at the start of the season, and the timing, I think it's obvious that this was a calculated thing by the owners. Clearly they feel the season is too long but for many reasons (greed) they can't bring themselves to shorten it. So instead they use a contrived labor problem to delay the start of the season until January and hope that the pent up demand will lead to increased ticket sales and fan interest over the shortened period.

When you consider the financial state of some of the teams it may have been a good business move however lousy it was for the fans. However whatever the reason it's doubtful the delay or the new contract is going to fix what's wrong with the basic business model of the league so from that perspective it was a losing proposition.
Considering the way the strike ended, settling on basically the same offer that was there at the start of the season, and the timing, I think it's obvious that this was a calculated thing by the owners. ..... When you consider the financial state of some of the teams it may have been a good business move however lousy it was for the fans. However whatever the reason it's doubtful the delay or the new contract is going to fix what's wrong with the basic business model of the league ...

JaxVid you are all-over-it, as usual!

Absolutely the "Lockout" and all its details were planned long in advance. Like previous commentator said, planned by team "owners" who are in the same class as the major Zionazis who dominate all other institutions in American life. The NHL lockout was as planned as the World Wars, depressions and recessions, desegregated schools, 9-11, and eight years of Barak OKenya as our "president."

Two things would make me happy as hockey "moves forward" (Good GOD how I hate that overused workplace phrase!):
1) Gary Bettman somehow, someway, goes away
2) The NHL players dissolve their union into a "Trade Association." Labor Unions bad? Maybe so -- but any collection of sentient White Men who work directly for a bunch of corrupt rich Jews, would be insanely stupid not to organize and cooperate against Chutzpah vicissitude.

Now will the season start 15 Jan or 19 Jan? 48 or 50 games?
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The owners wanted the business model they've had since they "won" the last lockout yet only 7 years later they started another lockout because they said the current situation was unsustainable. The reason Don Fehr was brought in was because there was a consensus in hockey circles that the players got rolled easily during negotiations in the last lockout. The NHLPA knew there was going to be another lockout ages ago because the owners seemed to be planning it in advance. Fehr was deemed ideal because he has no personal connections within the very inward-looking hockey fraternity so unlike his predecessor he'd not be as susceptible to pressure to cave in "for the sake of the sport".
Here's a fun fact I just came across:

Writes Sarah Jaffe at, "a full 10 percent of games under Gary Bettman have been canceled -- more than three times as many games as have been canceled in any other league, under any other sports commissioner."

Bettman must be very proud. . .
The owners wanted the business model they've had since they "won" the last lockout yet only 7 years later they started another lockout because they said the current situation was unsustainable. The reason Don Fehr was brought in was because there was a consensus in hockey circles that the players got rolled easily during negotiations in the last lockout. The NHLPA knew there was going to be another lockout ages ago because the owners seemed to be planning it in advance. Fehr was deemed ideal because he has no personal connections within the very inward-looking hockey fraternity so unlike his predecessor he'd not be as susceptible to pressure to cave in "for the sake of the sport".

very good summary, I remember when the rumors started of a lockout. Bettman gave an interview in which he was very smug and I realized right then it was coming...
Here's a fun fact I just came across: Writes Sarah Jaffe at, "a full 10 percent of games under Gary Bettman have been canceled -- more than three times as many games as have been canceled in any other league, under any other sports commissioner." Bettman must be very proud. . .
I keep seeing people say it's all Bettman's fault he's been here for all 3 lockouts but you looked at the NHLPA's leadership? These guys are a total cluster. You had Alan Eagleson who plead guilty to fraud. Then you had Bob Goodenow who struck right before the playoffs then led the players over the cliff in the last lockout. Then they hired Ted Saskin Who was spying on their e-mails so they had to fire him for misconduct. Then they hired Paul Kelly Who lasted a whopping 2 years and was voted out in the middle of the night because he tried to work with the league instead of being an antagonist. After Kelly they hired Donald Fehr who's greatest accomplishment was canceling a world series.

Fehr also proceeded to ignore all calls to negotiate until basically the last minute and he's so organized that he shows up to meetings 3 hours late without "running the numbers." I'm not a huge fan of Bettman but I don't blame him for all of the leagues ills. It's not like he was negotiating with the same people all the time or the people he is negotiating with have a clue how to run their own union. The NHLPA is a joke and you can tell that whenever half it's members speak in public or take to twitter.

I agree with RealGeorge who stated they should dissolve their union and form a trade association instead. Unions by nature are communist and anti-white. I'm just glad we can put all this stuff behind us and look forward to 10 years of labor peace. It was also nice to see opening night here jam packed here in Florida with the Panthers winning 5-1. That Huberdeau kid looks like the real deal. He will be the next Jonathan Toews in my opinion
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