The Knoxville Murders


Nov 2, 2004
I enjoin all CasteFootballers to make a quick visit to the main American Nationalist Union website [] to read the primary headline. The story concerns a horrible, particular Black-on-White violence. I think it's important for every CasteFootball enthusiast to read it carefully, let the photographs sink in. The persons in the picture match very closely the makeup and behavior of football players of African extraction. There's a DAMN GOOD REASON why we're here at CasteFootball. Good Day.

Edited by: Don Wassall
Realgeorge I try to tune this stuff out. Why? Not because I want to convince myself it doesnt happen but because I KNOW why it happens and I am against it and I fight it and among most all other whites I am a pariah because of it.

It makes me so bitter that this stuff happens and the weak race of people that I am a member of just hides its head in the sand about it and goes "but they're not all like that" or "whites do that too".

So many white people deserve what happened to these poor folks (probably not them though) as a form of justice. It's just so sad. Why wallow in it? We here as much as anybody are aware of the problem.
jaxvid said:
Realgeorge I try to tune this stuff out. Why? Not because I want to convince myself it doesnt happen but because I KNOW why it happens and I am against it and I fight it and among most all other whites I am a pariah because of it.

Jax, I feel ya. I try to do the same thing, but for some unbeknownst reason, I cannot help but feel so much anger and rage every time I hear a story like this. Its real hard to just pretend it didn't happen, ya know. Its not just the act of murder itself that has me so livid right now. Its the things they did to this couple while killing them that makes me want to put my fist through a brick wall. I don't know what possess someone to hack off a females breasts or put chemicals down someones throat. Just utter savages, I guess.

But, instead of punching that wall, I try to channel my anger through other means of expression. Horror stories like this one, are what keep me going to the gym everyday, training, so I won't become a statistic like that couple. Also, I spend as much time as I can with loved ones, because the more time they spend with me, the less chance they have of becoming victims to an atrocity such as this one.
I have been aware of this story for a couple of weeks. I have only seen it mentioned on a few pro-white sites, no mention of course in any newspaper, tv news or radio. Shock, revulsion, sadness, despair... a few of the feelings that overwhelm me when I read this story. I want to cry and vomitas I try to imagine what kind of horrific hell these young people went through, it haunts me to the core.My God, what their families must be going through now.At the same time I am consumed by burning rage;I feel like, I have got to do something, now, something drastic, just feel like lashing out. A lot of people probably feel the same.But I know that giving in to blind rage only results in disaster, and is counter-productive to say the least. I guess the best thing to do, for starters is to get the word out about this story. E-mail it to people, maybe print it up and distribute it. This story also makes me think about what I have been reading recently about what's going on in South Africa, and of course, the future of the ever darkening USA and every other White country.

One more thing, Ground Fighter, I wanted to ask your advice regarding self defense. Is there a particular fighting system you would recommend to someone looking for basic all around self defense? I have zero experience withand no knowledgeof self defense/martial arts, but am very interested in learning. Thanks.

Edited by: Roundabout
I felt compelled to post again because this awful crime was reminiscent of another horrible murder of whites by blacks in Wichita, Kansas a few years ago. I think it was four or five white people were kidnapped by 2 blacks, the women were raped while the men watched, then all were shot, yet one women managed to survive and tell the story. Thiscrime was not touched by the national media of course, but was only picked up by some alternative news sites.

I know Iam preaching to the choir andstating the obvious by examining what would have happened had the races been reversed. I know that everyone here is prettyused to the media double standard, that's why this site exists. However, I just can't help but envision the national uproar had the races been reversed.

I have visions of the usual clowns, Jackson, Sharpton etc. descending upon the town where the crime occuredwith their gaggle of brain dead followers.The NAACP would declare a state of emergency, The SPLC woulddemand a crackdown on anyand all suspected"racist" organizations throughout the country. TheADL would issuesome scare statement: 'Could the jews be next?"I can see the new Black Panther Party showing up, talking tough. Maybe a solid weeks coverage on the major news networks, talk radio abuzz with angry blacks screaming about how dangerous it is to be black in America, how nothing has changed, legacy of slavery, etc. Spike Lee would do the documentary, NBC would make a movie of the week version.There would be thetribute album featuring the leading lights of the hip hop movement as well as some incredibly-ashamed-to-be-white rockstars.Congress might find it convenient to introduce some European style "race laws." The gun control advocates would be screaming for tougher gun laws. Tavis Smiley would host some nationally televised symposium with his "intellectual" pals West and Dyson who would wax poetic about the evils and injustice of the oppressive white society and promote their new books.Dyson referencing Tupac Shakur at least 7 times and West taking10 minutes to finish one of his fancy sentences. For sure there would be some revengeattacks in big cities. The president would urge calm. And don't forget Oprah.

I know I went overboard, and that all of those things might not necessarily happen if the races had been reversed. However, we all know there would be some national turmoil or outrage, to some degree. with some of the "players" mentioned above involved. Again, I know everyone here is accustomed to the double standard of the media blackouts, but it is just so painful to read about these vicious crimes against our people. Almost as disturbing is what follows: the silence, the eerie silence.
man you hit the nail on the head...roundabout...the only thing I can do is pass this story on to others...and...this may seem weird...but I just hope and pray that the hispanics start doing this to blacks at the same rate, if not higher than blacks are doing it to us...I know it sounds weird, but hispanics, especially the ones in California have a hate and distest for the blacks, and I know it sounds sick, but the gang and race attacks in Los Angeles and in California prisons by Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican Mafia, and other groups just seems like poetic justice, and as sick as it is I love hearing about it every single time...because god knows, most white folks are just to decent or ignorant to stand up against blacks, but if there is one good thing I can say about hispanics its that they are one group who NEVER take sh*t from them...

here is a link to a page with this topic, including some youtube stuff I posted: N=2
Gents, I was thinking more of using your best facilities to make photocopies of the ANU article and posting them in prominent places around your town and business. I am.

In the trains and subways of Weaselville, this article will be placed. And the local wimpy Whites will read it, and hopefully some will be moved to do more than think "More money to Affirmative Action should fix this problem."

Good to hear from you.
Real George,
Thank you for posting this horror story,and thanks to all who have commented!Perhaps Mr.Wassall will reprint same in the Nationalist Times,for further distribution!

The blacks who beat three White women in Long Beach Ca.were put on probation,or recieved "house arrest".It has been said that in the Wichita slaughter,one of the Carr animals laid his gun down after killing two Whites,and a White female had a chance to get it,but did not,because of fear or weapons!Could she have been conditioned to believe that to defend herself would be "racist"?

As these events are ratcheted up,we realize that South Africa is really not that far away!
Roundabout said:
One more thing, Ground Fighter, I wanted to ask your advice regarding self defense. Is there a particular fighting system you would recommend to someone looking for basic all around self defense? I have zero experience with and no knowledge of self defense/martial arts, but am very interested in learning. Thanks.


Good question, and I'll be happy to answer it for you. The type of self defense system that suits an individual always varies on that person. For example, I grew up with a wrestling background, so I just kind of fell into the BJJ discipline later on because the two have much in common. But as you stated, you have no prior experience, so maybe you should opt for something a but more suited for beginners, like Akido. Akido is less about striking and more about "self defense", whereas BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsiu) is more about submission holds and striking. Hope that helps.
The way you channel your rage is to simply bring up the incident with everyone you talk to in a non-threatening way. If you are like me, you're probably concerned about 'offending' anyone right up front. So, bring up something like this in an off the cuff manner and see the response.

Most white people know this crap goes on and they know it needs to be addressed but they are scared, too scared to be the first to stand up. so, in a casual way you bring up the issue, see how they respond and that will create a bit of affinity towards the cause.

Then you gradually introduce them to sites like this. At some point, we'll all channel our anger together and will begin to take a stand in a more public manner. But it's got to start small, one person at a time.

That's the way to do it in my opinion. I truly believe people are sheep and they'll follow whatever crowd keeps them the safest. Right now, our kind is the weakest as viewed by the mainstream, but everyday a couple more of us come on board and then, one day, a mainstream guy will come to the front and take the lead. When that happens, we'll be back.

I am actually pretty optimistic this will happen sooner rather than later. FOr instance, I am beginning to talk more and more openly about the lack of white cornerbacks, that's a very non-threatening way to bring up the conversation. And everytime I do, the person I am talking to agrees.
Roundabout said:
 But I know that giving in to blind rage only results in disaster, and is counter-productive to say the least. I guess the best thing to do, for starters is to get the word out about this story.  E-mail it to people, maybe print it up and distribute it. This story also makes me think about what I have been reading recently about what's going on in South Africa, and of course, the future of the ever darkening USA and every other White country.
Amen Brother! to take drastic action only hurts the cause. Got to get the groundswell by informing our people about this stuff, let them know that it's insane what's going on and that it could easily be your son or daugther too. What then?

In regards to South Africa and such, always amazes me how Robert Mugabe in Rhodesia, ehem, Zimbabwe doesn't ever face scrutiny by these holier than thou liberal organizations. Mind-boggling.

In the meantime, I highly recommend a song by Skrewdriver called Strikeforce off the album White Rider, here are the lyrics:

I want to tell you about South Africa, and the so-called fight for freedom

The much praised black resistance, and the communists who lead them

Not too far away in Angola, or nearer home in Zimbabwe

The marxist backed dictators are looking south in fear to see


Ref: Strikeforce, white survival

Strikeforce, yeah

Strikeforce, kill all rivals

Strikeforce, into the devil's lair


Well her neighbouring regimes are enemies, although we're too blind to see

That they're harboring the marxist murderers of the terrorist ANC

And the leaders of the West use sanctions, and scream "What about the human rights?"

But they don't tell the truth, 'cos they're traitors too

What about the Whites that die?
cslewis1 said:
In the meantime, I highly recommend a song by Skrewdriver called Strikeforce off the album White Rider, here are the lyrics:

I want to tell you about South Africa, and the so-called fight for freedom

The much praised black resistance, and the communists who lead them

Not too far away in Angola, or nearer home in Zimbabwe

The marxist backed dictators are looking south in fear to see


Ref: Strikeforce, white survival

Strikeforce, yeah

Strikeforce, kill all rivals

Strikeforce, into the devil's lair


Well her neighbouring regimes are enemies, although we're too blind to see

Damn cslewis, you love your Skrewdriver don't you?
Thats a great song, and the lyrics, like all Skrewdriver songs, actually means something. Some of my alltime favorite songs from them are "Land of Ice", "Voice of Britain", and "White Power". Here's some of the lyrics from "White Power":

We take no sh*t from anyone 'cause Great Britain rules,
We'll fight the Communists 'cause Communists are fools.
They try to take our nation and give it to the blacks.
Won't take it anymore, we're gonna take our nation back.

N****r n****r get on that boat,
N****r n****r row.
N****r n****r get out of here,
N****r n****r go go go.
Can someone post the ANU link to the article?

The crime was in Knoxville, TN. One of the suspects was arrested in Kentucky, that could explain the confusion.

I was able to find 10-12 articles on this incomprehensible crime. Not one mentioned race at all. Some showed pics of the animals involved, one had a pic of the victims, not one showed the criminals and victims together. Very similar to the Wichita event but had to be much worse for this victim. She spent days with these bastards while the PC police and media didn't bother to publicize the crime efectively.

A contrast: A white woman and her boyfriend are kidnapped at gunpoint, robbed, raped, shot multiple times, mutilated, tortured in a college town and it's not covered. A black stripper is alleged to have been raped for 20-30 minutes in a college town and it's a national media sensation. WTF

More pics

Here's a statement from her family:The family of Channon Christian released a statement Friday morning through the Knox County Sheriff's Office. It reads, "The family of Channon Christian would like to thank everyone for all their prayers and everything that has been done during this time. We have lost someone who was very beautiful and loving. We are grateful for the outpouring of help that this community has given us and would not be able to get through this without you. We also want to thank all of the law enforcement agencies for all of their hard work."


How ironic that even in this mostly white conservative, blue collar town not a lot of outrage is being reported. Probably because it fell so close to National Signing Day and the lemmings were too caught up in the new affletes Coach Fulmer will be bringing to town. This fall the two victims will be all but forgotten while 100K+ whites pile into Neyland stadium and chant "Rocky Top" a few miles from the scene of this outrage.Edited by: Triad
There was a tribute video to Channon Christian on youtube. The person who put up the video wrote: "This is not about black vs. White, its about Channon." Something like that. The posting comments feature was disabled for the video. I guess it would have quickly descended into a vile exchange of curses and insults.

I could not bring myself to watch the video. Edited by: Roundabout
YouTube Tribute

The site has had almost 19000 views. Look's like your All American college girl.
This the kind of story that should get everyone fired up not the stupid sports BS we debate ad nauseum. But it's not the same as long as this doesn't happen to YOUR daughter, or YOUR wife/mom, etc.
There is a hearing or possibly arraignment in this case on Tuesday, Feb 20, in Knoxville. The title for this topic should be changed to "The Knoxville Murders."
Triad said:
This the kind of story that should get everyone fired up not the stupid sports BS we debate ad nauseum. But it's not the same as long as this doesn't happen to YOUR daughter, or YOUR wife/mom, etc.

People here ARE worked up over this, but there's nothing to debate about it, is there? It's not quite the same thing to sit here and analyze the brutal murder of two innocent white kids as it is to compare quarterback stats, is it?

Our complaints about sports and the entertainment industry are a safe outlet for discussion of the type of bullsh*t we're facing in this country on a regular basis. How much death and destruction do you want to talk about every time you log on to the internet?

These things are all inter-related, they're symptomatic of what is happening to us from top to bottom, in politics, sports, entertainment, and yeah down the street on your block and in your neighborhood.

IT MATTERS. But what do you propose we do about it? Want to get a caravan together and storm Knoxville? Burn down the courthouse? You want civil unrest? Revolution? You want to discuss it on a public forum?

It's obviously getting a lot of traction. 19,000 hits you said? How about emailing the article to everyone you know. Ask them if they've even heard of it? Ask them why it isn't getting national attention like so many other cases. Maybe it will open a conversation about crime in this country, and give you an opportunity to talk about racial violence and so-called 'hate crimes.' Email the networks and ask them why this story isn't being covered. Ask people hard questions and let them think about it.

Things aren't going to change until more white people become 'aware' of what's going on. Debating sports is one way to get white people more involved. Unfortunately, more people are interested in sports than crime, so if you show them that whites are discriminated against in sports, maybe it will open their eyes to other social issues as well.
This crime is getting a lot of discussion at the Court TV message board. Posters regularly complain that the MSM is ignoring these murders, and are well aware of the reason why. The posters say that they have been emailing the various news outlets and cable shows demanding the story be covered.
Story from Jan 11

If you look at the map the girl was held hostage in a house in sight of where her boyfriend was found. Also, her vehicle was found two blocks from the same house by her dad using the cell phone company and not the police. There is a possibility that aggressive or even competent police work could have ended her ordeal earlier.

White Shogun said:
People here ARE worked up over this, but there's nothing to debate about it, is there? It's not quite the same thing to sit here and analyze the brutal murder of two innocent white kids as it is to compare quarterback stats, is it?

If you want to keep this thread updated with current information that's a great idea but I don't want to clutter it with senseless debate over whether we should talk about it or Michael Vick's QB rating. Start another thread for that.

IT MATTERS. But what do you propose we do about it?

How about emailing the article to everyone you know. Ask them if they've even heard of it? Ask them why it isn't getting national attention like so many other cases. Maybe it will open a conversation about crime in this country, and give you an opportunity to talk about racial violence and so-called 'hate crimes.' Email the networks and ask them why this story isn't being covered. Ask people hard questions and let them think about it.
That's exactly what CF members should do. We should send out links to everyone we know publicizing the event and asking those concerned to bombard CNN/FOX with emails. This tragedy has a chance to snowball if ever covered by the MSM. I'm already compiling news stories and sending out another round of emails today. If a small percentage of members do the same, the worst thing that happens is information is passed on.





E-mail Greta
Send your comments to:
Edited by: Triad
Triad said:
This the kind of story that should get everyone fired up not the stupid sports BS we debate ad nauseum. But it's not the same as long as this doesn't happen to YOUR daughter, or YOUR wife/mom, etc.

Triad said:
If you want to keep this thread updated with current information that's a great idea but I don't want to clutter it with senseless debate over whether we should talk about it or Michael Vick's QB rating. Start another thread for that.

You brought it up in this thread and I responded. If you'd prefer to drop the criticism of guys on this site for actually discussing sports on a sports forum and simply discuss this case on this thread, and what we actually can do about any of it, I'm all for it.

I'm glad that we do agree on being proactive in this case and bringing it to people's attention. Thank you for posting all the contact information for CNN, Fox News, et al. It's appreciated and very helpful.
For those with an interest in this crime. This is the best summary of the events I was able to find. Again, not all of the information is confirmed (because it's not being reported) but this case is picking up online steam this week. Apparently, this guy has done his research as well and is doing his best to accurately portray what happened. I softened a few of his phrases.

SF said:
I have been watching this hideous race war crime closely. Read carefully what I am about to post. Some is possibility or probability , some is fact. With the media and their dumbed down servants running news outlets it's all we have right now. Here are the articles I have uncovered so far, indicating:

Chris Newsom was gunned down with an M1 carbine. He was shot 15 times which likely means a 15 round magazine was emptied into him (common M1 mags are 15 and 30 rds) He may or may not have been raped, but we can surely bet he was severely beaten first, possibly tortured for the bipedal hyena's amusement. This, alone is a crime that, if whites had done it to non whites, would be front page, nationwide news off and on for 25 years

He was set on fire as well, no word on whether he was still alive when the fire was lit. His body was found a day after the kidnapping not 400 feet from where Channon was still being held, tortured and gang raped. (see the map in the last news story, below) The cops in that town who were involved in this investigation should be fired, immediately. It is possible Chris was alive when set on fire, he may have been taken still alive out to the tracks for a little "live-on-fire target practice". We don't know yet. The tracks were in a semi abandoned area but within direct line of sight of the home where Channon was still being gang raped and tortured. This went on for another day, after his body was found

The 4 Runner belonging to Miss Christian was found less than two blocks from where Channon was still being held, tortured and raped. (same map in the news story) A straight line between the 4 Runner and Chris Newsom's body runs almost through the house where these horrors were still being inflicted on her. The cops involved should all be fired for total incompetence. A house to house search of the neighborhood would have possibly saved her life and caught the savage negro beasts in the act

We don't yet know what other atrocities were inflicted on Channon and Chris before their respective executions, but we can guess pretty accurately from reading the news stories below that she was beaten, sodomized and raped repeatedly by 3 brutal beasts for at least two days while tied to a bed.

They also poured Drano or some other household cleaner down her throat. Maybe just to torture her, maybe in a beastly attempt to eliminate DNA evidence

She was finally cut/dismembered into 5 or more pieces and her body parts placed in 5 plastic trash bags in the residence trash can. No word yet on whether she was vivisected

Note that each one of these news reports leaks a tiny bit more about what really happened. Can't give it all out in one article, might wake up the sleeping masses from the potato chips and beer and ballgames. The full story, IMO is going to be even more horrible than what we suspect:

The face of demonic evil.

And finally the only report with the map of the crime area, and much info:,00.html

Below is a flyer/tribute someone has created.

Finally, a blog dated over a month ago that is still relevant.
Ground Fighter said:
cslewis1 said:
In the meantime, I highly recommend a song by Skrewdriver called Strikeforce off the album White Rider, here are the lyrics:

I want to tell you about South Africa, and the so-called fight for freedom

The much praised black resistance, and the communists who lead them

Not too far away in Angola, or nearer home in Zimbabwe

The marxist backed dictators are looking south in fear to see


Ref: Strikeforce, white survival

Strikeforce, yeah

Strikeforce, kill all rivals

Strikeforce, into the devil's lair


Well her neighbouring regimes are enemies, although we're too blind to see

Damn cslewis, you love your Skrewdriver don't you?
Thats a great song, and the lyrics, like all Skrewdriver songs, actually means something. Some of my alltime favorite songs from them are "Land of Ice", "Voice of Britain", and "White Power". Here's some of the lyrics from "White Power":

We take no sh*t from anyone 'cause Great Britain rules,
We'll fight the Communists 'cause Communists are fools.
They try to take our nation and give it to the blacks.
Won't take it anymore, we're gonna take our nation back.

N****r n****r get on that boat,
N****r n****r row.
N****r n****r get out of here,
N****r n****r go go go.

I just started getting back into Skrewdriver after I was able to order the albums. Pretty sweet! Now I am "saving" up( I mean hiding $ from my wife
) for some more stuff, can't wait.
First ive heard of this now

It makes me so f**kin angry to see this beautiful white girls life ended by these animals.

The only way to stop this happening is for White only Colleges to be built in White majority Towns/Cities across the country,so that White Youth of America can be safe.