The Knoxville Murders

Please spread the word,and know that this is happening all across the U.S.! And will only get worse!We must,and will protect our loved ones!

Three of the suspects were arraigned yesterday. Next court day is May 17th. My how our wheels of justice turn slowly.

To date the prosecuters haven't determined if they will seek the death penalty.
A lot of the internet rumors about the crime are gradually being proven true:

Lemaricus Davidson, 25, his brother, Letalvis Cobbins, 24, and George Thomas, 24, were named in all 46 counts, including 16 counts of felony murder and 20 counts of rape involving BOTH victims. ArticleEdited by: Triad
NotreDameIrish said:
It makes me so f**kin angry to see this beautiful white girls life ended by these animals.

I know I've said this before, but if this incident had happened fifty years ago in that city, there would have been a hanging scheduled for high noon in the town square. And thats if the townspeople were feeling "generous" on that particular day.Crap like this was not tolerated back then, and it shouldn't be tolerated today either.

Break out the noose.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Over two months after the crime and still no national coverage. The crime is still very popular on many message boards and on Youtube; however. Many, many people on the different forums claim they've emailed, written, called, etc. every major/minor news org and still nothing.

Latest youtube video is powerful, you may want to email a link to some friends before they remove it.

Knoxville Blackout
I have read that a rally is being planned to be held in or near Knoxville to call attention to the murders. Sounds like it's in early planning stages and may not take place for at least a few months.
Here is an infuriating article about this case: tml

An excerpt from the article:

What if Christian and Newsom had been black, living in the projects? Would their murders have been given as much coverage? (emphasis added by me)

"It's a tough question," says Kelly Johnson, a local criminal defense attorney, "because the media is in a position where they have to report those things, and what they have is two young, white people allegedly killed by three African-American gentlemen and an African-American woman. Does the media take more interest in a case when there are white victims? I don't know. Maybe."

A 2001 study prepared by the Berkeley Media Studies Group and the Justice Policy Institute suggests that the answer is yes. The study, which surveyed a range of print and broadcast media sources and analyzed their content for coverage of violent crimes, found that the proportion of crimes committed by people of color (mostly blacks) was over-reported, while black victims were underrepresented: Edited by: Roundabout
Roundabout said:
An excerpt from the article:

What if Christian and Newsom had been black, living in the projects? Would their murders have been given as much coverage?

If they had been black and living in the projects, their killers most likely wouldalso have been brothers, not exactly a man bites dog scenario. Now, if the victims were black and the killers white, we would have seen coverage dwarfing that of the Duke bogus rape scandal. Every media outlet wouldhave beenused to inform the American public of the outrageous acts. Talks show hosts would be interviewing black leaders for months and Congressmen would be giving speeches and drafting more -hate crime- legislation. And of course Oprah would devote a few shows to the subject, interviewing the cast of the new Hollywood movie being produced by Spielberg. Sharpton would rally his troops and Knoxville would be reduced to smoke and ashes.

Edited by: Bart
It's vicious, unprovoked attacks like this that spawn even more devestating backlashes. Some old-school, frontier style justice would be great to see here. If/when the "favor is returned", then we'd see the Globalist controlled "mainstream" media coverage hyped to ridiculous proportions! Spread the word on this to your Conservative friends & family. They need to see a classic example of the bogus "MSM" double-standard.
The media never has given a lot of coverage to crime with black victims because they would have to identify the race of the perpetrator. The press thinks it is better to play down the crime in black neighborhoods. Thus, the wailing about "not caring when the victims are black."

This case has been posted about frequently on the Court TV massage board. However, no coverage from Court TV itself.
In the article, Chris Newsom is referred to as "the corpse" Channon Christian, "the female." Dehumanizing, describing them like they were animals.


"In some respects, every city has its Chipman Street--the crime that's so brutal...... In Knoxville, murders of an especially brutal nature tend to surface every few years like clockwork,....and to a greater or lesser extent that's the pattern you'd see in any city, anywhere in the United States......Knox County's murder rate is about on par with what is to expected of a municipality its size."

So, the article is saying that weshould expect these kinds of atrocities! No need to get worked up, this is typical for America today.
Edited by: Roundabout
Roundabout said:
So, the article is saying that we should expect these kinds of atrocities! No need to get worked up, this is typical for America today.</font>
Generally, when these crimes occur the victim is also black and very little coverage is afforded. However, there are several cases of this black on white genocide and these crimes are particularly violent and grueome and also ignored nationally. To receive national attention for a gruesome crime the murderer needs to be a white male and the victim can be a spouse, a child (in the case of pedophiles), or any minority group.

In the case of these graphic black on white crimes invariably the local media reports that the victim's family wishes for privacy and forgiveness to those involved. While I could understand their need to grieve, IMHO, this is exactly opposite of what needs to happen. They should be holding press conferences, allowing open caskets, and generating as much publicity as possible (a la Emmitt Till's mother). The parents should have a new conference with Wichita Massacre and other similar crimes as a backdrop against this common epidemic.
A black supremacist website is claiming that Channon Christian was a "crackhead" who knew the black perpetrators and schemed with them to have her boyfriend killed! No evidence is offered, only what one of the posters is "told."

Warning: Very vile language. Read these kind of posts and one can see just how much sentiment to exterminate whites has been built up in certain segments of society.
My God they are simpletons! When they begin to outnumber us... I don't even want to think about it. We should e-mail that link to our friends and family members. We must awake from our slumber before it's too late.

Isn't it interestinghow our public officials and clergy are keeping silent. No marches, memorials or candle light vigils.Where is Nancy Grace, Hannity and O'Reily? Where are the newspaper columnists?
Wikipedia Article

Someone took the time to make a wikipedia article about the crime. It makes a great source with many, many links that you an send out via email.
Well the story may finally be getting some traction. I was watching a little bit of FOX NEWS yesterday around 430 pm or so and this story got some airtime and it was being discussed among three people, two of them were black. Juan Williams said this was of course a terrible thing but that the criminals may have known the victims and therefore it might not be a hate crime. Typical.
I finally made myself read all the details on this case today and I may have never heard of a more horrific crime in this country. It makes me sick. This should have been a front page news story on day one.
guest301 said:
Well the story may finally be getting some traction. I was watching a little bit of FOX NEWS yesterday around 430 pm or so and this story got some airtime and it was being discussed among three people, two of them were black.
Apparently, in the past few days Geraldo and G. Gordon Liddy have done stories on the case. Maybe the traction will happen.

Again, the best source of information is Court Tv's message board.

Court Tv LinkEdited by: Triad
Triad said:
The parents should have a new conference with Wichita Massacre and other similar crimes as a backdrop against this common epidemic.

You could fill The Meadowlands with families of white victims of black/brown/yellow savagery. No outrage,just typical "Christian" forgiveness and "healing process". Makes me sick-WHERE'S THE RAGE!!!
Below is a link to the 46 count grand jury indictment. Next court appearance is on the 17th.

46 Counts
Blue Eyed Devil said:
Triad said:
The parents should have a new conference with Wichita Massacre and other similar crimes as a backdrop against this common epidemic.

You could fill The Meadowlands with families of white victims of black/brown/yellow savagery. No outrage,just typical "Christian" forgiveness and "healing process". Makes me sick-WHERE'S THE RAGE!!!

The Meadowlands? I thought you were from Massachussetts? The Meadowlands are in Jersey, so which is it?
Kaptain Poop said:

Wake up America! We need to re-educate the masses quickly. Not wishing to offend anyone, but I prefer the word - Negro - over black. People would have us believe that all races are the same, but for our external paint jobs. You know, a Ford Explorer can be black, white, brown, red or yellow on the surface, but everything else is basically the same. To say a person is white or black implies there is only a miniscule, superficial, degree of differentiation between the two races, which is totally untrue. So, getting back to my point. The term - Negro-evokes a far, far greater degree of distinction. Negroes are not Caucasians! We had better come to grips with all the impications inherent in that statement ... or we will suffer fates worse than death. Edited by: Bart
This past Wednesday, I heard 2 Memphis DJs talking about the Knoxville murder case and the racial double standard that exists in regards to behavior. They were ticked at the lack of coverage the story was getting within Tennessee, let alone the country. Evidently, it was just reported on in Memphis in the last few days prior to their broadcast. It was refreshing to hear some outrage for a change. By the way, it was "The Morning Crew" on Rock 103.
Although it has been reported that the victim's families have both repeatedly said they didn't believe the crime had anything to do with race, the following tidbit has been reported from two different sites. I think it would do some good if the two families became more involved.

CourtTV Message board said:
Christian's father, Gary Christian, wore a Confederate flag T-shirt to the first hearing for one of the defendants and then pointed at the man as if firing a gun. But family lawyer Joe Costner said Channon Christian's parents have repeatedly said they do not believe their daughter's killing was race-related.