The Israel Lobby


Apr 6, 2007
I've always thought that our blind devotion to Israel has been due to fifth columnists; Pollard & Wolfowitz, and evangelical Christian support. Then again I may be wrong.
Edited by: Menelik

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Seems like Jimmy Carters got the neocons and zionists all upset.

Tom Iron...

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Menelik said:
I've always thought that our blind devotion to Israel has been due to fifth columnists; Pollock & Wolfowitz, and evangelical Christian support. Then again I may be wrong.

Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek or sarcastic, but I'd say that your comment is spot on nonetheless. Evangelical Christian support for Israel is practically rabid in it's fanatical devotion to Israel. Without Israel, the Third Temple will never be built. Without the Third Temple being rebuilt, the Antichrist cannot sit in the Holy of Holies and declare himself God, and without the Antichrist sitting on the throne, why, Jesus can't come back!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I have a friend who is one of the brainwashed evangelicals. I told him the support of Isreal(blindly) has led to the slaughter of some Christians(Palestinians), this knocked him for a loop...
The slaughter of Muslim heathen I guess he was cool with him...


Apr 6, 2007
White Shogun said:
Menelik said:
I've always thought that our blind devotion to Israel has been due to fifth columnists; Pollock & Wolfowitz, and evangelical Christian support. Then again I may be wrong.

Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek or sarcastic, but I'd say that your comment is spot on nonetheless. Evangelical Christian support for Israel is practically rabid in it's fanatical devotion to Israel. Without Israel, the Third Temple will never be built. Without the Third Temple being rebuilt, the Antichrist cannot sit in the Holy of Holies and declare himself God, and without the Antichrist sitting on the throne, why, Jesus can't come back!

My comment is sincere. Oh ye of little faith.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
White Shogun said:
Menelik said:
I've always thought that our blind devotion to Israel has been due to fifth columnists; Pollock & Wolfowitz, and evangelical Christian support. Then again I may be wrong.

Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek or sarcastic, but I'd say that your comment is spot on nonetheless. Evangelical Christian support for Israel is practically rabid in it's fanatical devotion to Israel. Without Israel, the Third Temple will never be built. Without the Third Temple being rebuilt, the Antichrist cannot sit in the Holy of Holies and declare himself God, and without the Antichrist sitting on the throne, why, Jesus can't come back!

Totally believe all that Shogun without the slightest bit of doubt. All those things you listed have to happen before the Lord Jesus comes back. I know a small minority of christians believe those prophecies were fulfilled in ad 70 after the destruction of the temple but I am not one of those. For those here who think I am silly and brainwashed to believe in those things, keep on thinking that. Events will soon bear the truth of what I course the rapture can happen before any of those events take place, the second coming is altogether different.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Bart said:
devans said:
This is what the money is spent on... n-of-terror-by-the-israeli-army-811769.html

This is the website of a very reputable London Newspaper.

I think the Pope should visit Israel and tell the Jews to tear down the walls and welcome all the Arabs into their homes. A modified version of the speech he gave to us about welcoming Mexican invaders would be in order. That'll be the day.

But the Jews need their own homeland so we'll never have another 9/11. Er, I mean, Holocaust.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
The book of Revelation is writen w/ a lot of symbolism and there are many interpretations of it. Of course the main theme that we all agree on is that Christ will come again and "most" also agree that there will be a time of great tribulation before his coming. But having said that, even though I'm a strong Catholic I think we are foolish to show so much favoritism toward Israel and Jews at the expense of Muslims.

The Jewish religion actually shares a lot of similarities with the Muslim religion, more so than w/ Christianity. Our goal as Christians should be to try to convert both Jews and Muslims to accept Christ as their savior. Yes Jesus came as a Jew, but he came for us all.

Muhammad actually considered himself a "new era" Jew. Muhammad adhered to the teachings of the 3 most important previous Jewish prophets and also included teachings of Jesus in the Koran as a 4th prophet. Muhammad was "the seal" of the prophets (the 5th and final prophet) and his gripe was more w/ the polythiests than Jews and Christians. Muhhamad clarified and redefined the Jewish teachings and many Jews early on actually converted to Islam.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good points TJR. While I was raised to believe in the Rapture (brought up Church of God/Evangelical) & my current (fundamentalist) Baptist Church also preaches the Rapture, I am not "sold" on the Rapture.While I'm by no means a theologian, I've been studying the Bible my whole life. In my estimation, Christ will return post Tribulation (after the rise of the anti-Christ), and I think this is reflected in the current events around the world (as they obviously fulfill Biblical prophesy).

In my years as a "mainline" conservative/Neocon, I was also pro-Zionist. However, having intesenly researched the Globalist Elite (pro-Zionist) the last several years, I've changed my beliefs to abhor anything supported by the Globalist Elite/New World Order, as I believe them to be the agents of (& enpowered by) Satan himself. With that, I would support Israel IF they weren't Zionist & Elite supported. I don't consider myself anti-Hebrew (in the Old Testament sense), but I am now anti-Zionist & believe the U.S. should be noninterventionist across the board (IMHO). As TJR stated, I believe Christians were commissioned to convert all (including Jews, Muslims, etc.).I now question the legitimacy of Zionist "Christians" like John Hagee & others.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
One cannot speak out about the power and influence that Israel and American Zionists have in the USA or one will be out of work or silenced. Alaa Al Aswany, an Egyptian novelist and political commenter, blogged for 2 years at the World Affairs Journal and is now being called a "anti-Israel conspiracist". Apparently "he often alleges that there are Zionist plots behind political events and decisions". Why the nerve of this chap! Now why in the world would he get that idea?

Maybe because he's censored nearly everytime he tries to write about it. From the article (written by a jewess Goodman):

The Journal’s publisher and editor James Denton said Aswany’s “worldview began to reveal itself months after our relationship began,†and contributed to the Journal’s decision to stop publishing his blog.
“We had concerns about Aswany’s conspiratorial views, for sure, and that certainly factored into our decision to discontinue the relationship,†said Denton.
Denton said Aswany primarily used his blog space “to condemn dictatorship and promote democracy in Egypt,†but at times he would also include conspiracy theories that would have to be edited out before publication.
“Not so often, but occasionally he also offered insight into the disturbing conspiracy thinking that prevails throughout the Arab world, particularly with respect to Israel,†Denton said. “For the most part these conspiratorial-esque comments were edited out prior to publication. Though, frankly, one or two slipped by.â€
Somebody call AIPAC quick.

PS - Aswany will now be contributing to the NYT's opinion page. Maybe he can "slip" a few more nuggets of wisdom past the editors (read rabbis) and wake up a few knuckleheads.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
When Benjamin "911 was good for Israel" Netanyahu, close personal friend of Lucky Larry Silverstein, Jewish lightning profiteer to the tune of seven billion $ from the 911 false flag attacks, appeared before the US Congress his speech was interrupted by 29 standing ovations! You can see "our" representatives looking around to make sure they jump up when everyone else does. In addition to the 29 standing ovations there were many more interruptions for applause. If that doesn't tell you who owns the USSA Congress nothing will.

Video of the event: