The Hierarchy of priviledged minorities

Oct 24, 2005
It seems that when prividged minorities are in conflict, some are more equal than others. Here is what I think the rankings are:
1) Gays
1.5) "Womyn"
2) Jews/Moslems
3) Orientals (?)
4) Hispanics
5) Blacks
Gays always win. My best example was when the Black guy complained about the gay co-star, The black guy disappeared and the gay remained. There are many reason why gays seem to have so much power.
I would rank women next, but some examples may win because they are gay not because of their gender.
If you make a staement that a jew or moslem would consider an insult, your career is over. The only exception is when talking about the arab/Isreali conflict, them you can get away with it. That is why I rank them as a tie
I cannot see any examples of conflicts between orientals and others I just presume that we would like them better than Hispanics or blacks. That is why I put a question mark in.
People only like the hispanics a little better than blacks. That would always change.

Any comments or opinions on this?
1. jews. it's the type of racism that is soooo bad, it has its own name
2. gays. the need to protect non-breeders is vital.
3. blacks. they kill more white people every year than 'terrorists', they are a capitalists wet dream in how they consume, easily influenced, very little in history shows that this group can self organize.
4. women. keeping them working and not reproducing is a huge necessity.
5. (tie) amerindians, asians & a-rabs (they hate being called a-rabs). the ruling class has no real affection for these people, but if they can be used to keep whitey in line, that opportunity will not go unutilised. Edited by: C Darwin
I think screamingeagle has it correct. Actually, I wouldn't even put the Jews on any list because that one already comes by default, it needs no explanation, and it's been that way probably for the past 50-60 years.

But speaking of contemporary times, I agree that it's almost a tie between gays and wimmin at the moment. Things have gone into overdrive for the past year or so, and it's happening at a very rapid pace. Not a day goes by it seems, that someone of some prominence in some field (sports, politics, academia, entertainment, etc) says, does, or writes something that is deemed offensive by the homosexual or feminist establishment. What follows is official press releases, condemnations, calls for firings, fines and punishment, and it snowballs from there. If the "offender", usually a man, is lucky, he'll escape after enough groveling and does whatever else satisfies the feminist/gay overlords. In the worst case, the person is history and you probably never hear from them again.

Again, I'd say it's a tie for 3rd place between blacks and hispanics. The margin of error compared to the first group above is slightly higher here. Unless you do something totally unforgivable (the CM masters probably decide the severity of the "offense"), you are not on a razor-thin platform compared to gays/wimmin.

Then it's the muslims, asians, american-indians, people with mental disabilities (can't use the word retarded anymore, or you're in deep trouble) and so on.
exhibit 'a' submitted as evidence as to the positions of backs v. women on the hierarchy of the protected class...

From today's Buffalo News...

Trying to make a clean break
Kevin Concepcion couldn't escape the streets when he played football at UB. Now, he's trying to resurrect his life and career.

The police interrogation began with a simple line of questioning for Kevin Concepcion. The accusations were serious â€" rape, sodomy and sexual abuse â€" and they needed answers.


Trouble finds him

Concepcion should have never attended UB. He realizes that now. Too close to home. Too close to the temptation of the streets. But he couldn't help himself.


Even in a league hell bent on scoring, Concepcion's indoor football numbers are strong and there's hope that the Canadian Football League will take notice. Concepcion and his wife recently visited Charlotte with the hope of relocating to the city by August to escape his bad influences in Rochester.


The whole article is about how he turned his life around from being a rapist, to a family man without regard to his victim, a woman. Edited by: C Darwin
#1. Lesbian Jewish Black Female Atheist (same person)
#128. Heterosexual White Christian Male (same person)
In reality, a Khazar Jew would out rank a black Jew, the Khazar Jews don't even like Middle Eastern Jews and real African Jews are even lower, especially ones who don't follow the Talmud. . Also, it is likely that a male Khazar Jew would outrank a female Khazar Jew. Jews appear to believe in male superiority in their own society much of what they say for others they don't practice themselves.

A White Heterosexual Christian female is just barely ahead of a White Heterosexual Christian male on the political correctness scale. Of course if White Heterosexual female is racially aware or of a lower social economic class than the White Heterosexual male will outrank her.

Here is an article about a White woman being falsely accused of rape by a man of higher social economic class no mention of the man's race but probably White.

Mestizos probably outrank blacks as the new slave/servant class, which gets one thinking what are the egalitarian plans for blacks if they manage to get rid of common Whites, the Zoo?

South Asians appear to outrank rank Northeast Asians with Northeast Asians barely above Whites.

Arabs are hated in their own lands but welcome by the "elite" into White lands.

The political correctness scale is probably an inversion of real value of people, with a few exception like blacks really being less value than Mestizos but not by much, with those on the top truly being the most destructive elements to a society and those on the bottom are the most valuable to society.
I would put blacks as number one due to the fact that they have slavery and the race card held against us. Never once due we mention the high amount of crime and the damage they are doing toour educational system.
I am not sure where American indians would rank in this list, or asian indians. The orientals could be subdivided. A hmung would not rank as high as a Han Chinese, or would a Korean be ranked higher than the Japanese. This is so hard to determine!
I agree with hawkeye.
No other group with so little ability or resources has managed to acquire so much in life simply through guilt-leverage. The negro race owes EVERYTHING it currently has to its neverending deployment of the "Race Card". It never runs out, and they know it.
Riddlewire said:
I agree with hawkeye.
No other group with so little ability or resources has managed to acquire so much in life simply through guilt-leverage. The negro race owes EVERYTHING it currently has to its neverending deployment of the "Race Card". It never runs out, and they know it.

Very good point, Riddlewire. Eventually, the negro race will be the biggest loser in my opinion. Even the drunk white liberals will come to their senses in the future. Enough is enough and these failures will get their little privileges cut.
i felt this was an appropriate thread to post this "news" item. Steven Spielberg was behind Megan Fox being fired for the 3rd Transformers movie.

just so you know, Spielberg (not an Irishman) demanded that director Michael Bay (also not an Irishman) fire Megan Fox for claiming that Bay ran his movie set "like Hitler."

oy vey!

so, once again, we see that a member of that most specialtribe (from that tiny nation overseas who repeatedly insist that they don't have any poweror influence)has both the audacity (dare i say chutzpah?
) and the power to get someone fired for saying something the holy-hebrew deems offensive.

can you just imagine what would happen if they DID have power and influence? oy vey, indeed.
I bet she meant the Hitler comparison as a complement. She doesn't look like the smartest girl that ever lived.
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