The Greatest Danger from Obama

Not to mention the trillions of dollars white taxpayers will have had to pay and continue to payto finance this unconscionable adventure on behalf of Israel and the oil companies. And though it doesn't seem possible, McCain is even more of a warmonger than Bush.

Letting American infrastructure go to hell to pursue imperial adventures, while at the same time being four-square for unlimited legal and illegal mestizo immigration and for so-called free trade and outsourcing of American jobs are not exactly pro-white positions. Edited by: Don Wassall
Good thread.

Should Obama/Biden (Obiden?) lose the MSM will absolutely go through the roof, striped-ass-ape crazy with anti-white commentary. Can't wait.

I get the feeling that the left has gone "all in" on this one. Obiden seems like their endgame. What do they have when he loses?

I understand that McCain is bad but there is no way I will vote for a black radical communist. Never.

I guess having that babe on the ticket will help. Who knows?

I should vote third party but I can't. I will cart my sorry ass to the booth and hit the touch pad for McCain and pray for some good to come out of it.
Don, InfamousOne requested ONE reason why McCain supports White people. I believe I gave a good example without "quier feelings".

That money provided by taxpayers would have been spent on a unworthy cause....That certain "group" who was victimized during Katrina. It seems now they have learned a lesson and got on those buses days prior to Gustav.

Your other points are valid. But I will forever question Israel as being the puppet master of America. Just my opinion. So are you voting or staying home and post on Castefootball?
Kukulcan said:
I present my agrument based on facts and evidence. You (my brother) base your arguments/assurtions based on quier feelings(no evidence).Don in no way am I calling you gay, just describing my arguments with my brother, that is all.

What exactly do you mean by quier feelings? You have used the term in two posts? Also,.are you saying Don does not base his arguments on evidence?
Correct me if I have misunderstood, or if something has gone over my head.
Kukulcan said:
So are you voting or staying home and post on Castefootball?

That's adumb question. Read my other posts on this election and the current political systemand you'll know what my recommendation is, in general and personally. And it's not based on "quier [sic] feelings" whatever the hell that is.
Wars and rumors of wars...

Well, nation-states, like those who inhabit them, are mortal. That this thread is full of WTF passionate arguments about how to vote is evidence of such IMO.

Did anybody in CF-land really believe that the USA would last forever? Hey, I don't like witnessing its deterioration either, but...

I invoked similar feelings in post #77 of this thread #77

(yes, I use my CF handle there too; when I signed up on CF I was too lazy to think of a different handle)

Bart the expression of "quier feelings" is a term I use with my brother when we get into Political arguments. I already informed Don, in no way does it indicate that he is gay. I was just sharing a term that I use with my brother who is "strait as an arrow" I thought it was kinda funny.

And Don, that line of mine you referenced was just a joke. Man, the start of the week must be upon us.

Peace my brothers, I am and forever will be down for our cuase. Go McCain or at least the fine White Woman Palin as our next President!
Kukulcan said:
On InfamousOne, challenge accepted.

I am a former active Marine. I know for a fact that the majority of the military is largely White! I know McCain does not self loathe himself nor hate white people.

You may disagree for the reasons why we went to war in Iraq, but the major issue now is that we are there. John McCain pushed for the "Surge" in order that we(white armed forces, especially the Army and Marine Corps) would not suffer a defeat to terrorist in American eyes nor the Worlds Eyes. The "Surge" advocated by McCain and implemented by the President has been a SUCCESS! He wanted to see our military succeed in this war. This is an interest of WHITE America, is it not! McCain championed this over a year prior to its implementation. This is the action you requested.

I challenge you to ask any Army or Marine combat operator if they don't feel the same way. America believes in a winner, if we would have left Iraq in rubble without helping it get back on its feet, the consequences would have dire and we would have looked like a paper tiger(remember the Soviets in Afganastan). We are now on the path to victory. John McCain had a big hand in that.

So InfamousOne I believed I answered your question. Just remember that McCain is the White Guy in the GOP.

Im ... speechless about this post. How can the surge be a "success" if there are no conditions for victory? Why are we there if there was never any connection with Osama Bin Laden?

How did we make ourselves look good in the war on terror sir, we are bankrupt with a broken military that can not defend against threats economically or militarily against real enemies like Russia and China. Terrorists can sneak across the border anytime. We never captured Bin Laden. We did prosecute his DRIVER though.

We have tortured people like some third world country. Our reputation in the world is that of a warmongering, lying, materialistic country and frankly i agree with the rest of the world.

Your logic about "winning the war on terror" has nothing to do with white people. I think Shogun summarized that pretty well above me.

Kukulcan McCain and the necons are using your pride against you. He is an oil baron, please wake up he is using the military to steal and murder innocents and i know you dont support that. There is nothing noble about it.Edited by: InfamousOne
InfamousOne, you sound like Keith Olberman from MSNBC, BO's network. The Victory in Iraq will be a functioning democracy like Turkey I hope. That will be the condition of victory!

The term I use "quier feelings" means no proof or evidence regarding torture and the robber baron line(sounds very liberal/weak). Just misguided ideas and thories, sorta like "911 was an inside job" bs.If they were true, old W would be imprisoned or at least impeach. Both are not going to happean.

Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world thinks! How many times have we saved their sorry asses. Right now Europe should be the tip of spear against Imperialist Russia. But they are not and wait for us to protect them. So f..k them!

I speak for the white warriors who want to win wars and conflicts not for the isolationist/passifist, misguided individuals like you. Men in our military want to be victorious in battle and to win the war, not lose buddies and not see victory. I can say this becuase I fought over there.

InfamousOne, war is brutal and some innocents will die, but our focus is and always will be on terrorist. Got it. I support victory for our soldiers and killing as many Isamic terrorist as possible. That should not be hard to understand. Lastly, I am not using pride against anyone, just stating my opinion based on the facts on the ground. You might understand this logic if you ever served in the armed forces, instead of going off on this site.

I gave a reason why I think McCain supports white men, I did not think I would hear Castefootball's version of Keith Olberman of MSNBC. Wow!
quier = queer, imo.

And wtf we need to make war on Russia?? Over some sh*thole country north of Azerbajianighanistan???
Edited by: White Shogun
Damn, I knew quier did not look right, I stand corrected. Too lazy to get the dictionary. Thanks White Shogun for pointing it out.

W.S. never said we should make war against Russia. In fact I am against it. We should just pursuade the wimpy Europeans that it is their best interest to stare the Russia bear down, not us. We will just take a back bencher support role on this one. Hell, our hands are full with Iran/Iraq.

W.S. remember when people thought the Sudenland and Czechoslovakia(I got the dictionary for this one
) were sh.thole countries back in the late 30's. Know your history.
Kukulcan, these guys are more than a bit confused. They don't seem to realize that the only universal language of the world is strength, and they can't see through the b.s. critiques of the US as a form of psy-ops against us.

Apparently they'd rather our country be led by a feminized half-black leftist than by a strong conservative former-military White man.

What is so hard to understand about this? In all racial/national conflicts: STRENGTH FIRST. All these doom and gloomers have been mentally feminized and eagerly await the impending doom of our proud nation.

The kind of fu@#ing pu$$ies who talk about emigrating to some far off land, who wouldn't understand STAND AND FIGHT if it smacked 'em in the face.

I also agree that it a shock that on a board devoted to strength of the white man, we find so many people who are cut-and-run in basic outlook and who only rejoice in the thought of things getting worse and worse for their own race and nation.
Thanks 89Glory, I was starting to believe I was in a bad dream of sorts. I am glad we have the same logic and don't have queer feelings about torture against less than humans who blow themselves up and trick children and retarded people to do the same. If water boarding is torture, I say our government needs to do more and add a little chorline in it, to keep things sanitary!
InfamousOne said:
OK, heres the "I will vote for John McCain challenge" for kukulcan and johnnyboy.

Your argument for McCain is that he supports white interests.

Show me ONE thing McCain has done for white people and he has my vote. Nothing arbitrary either like "he said he was once against ..." thats just words. Actions.

Take the challenge.

here i will male it simple

McCain = white

Obama = black

this isn't a fairy tale. Barr or Baldwin are not going to even come close to winning.

the only question is, who are you going to support?

will you vote for the white guy or will you vote for the black guy?

don't try and rationalize it man. it's simple. all the blacks will back there man all the way. will you join them or will you atleast try to keep our highest office free from Obama?

believe me i get that there are guys out there who might have a better platform or track record or persona. i get that. but we're not in kansas anymore. this isn't a movie. only two men have a shot at our highest office. the blacks chose their man, now whom will you choose.
Again, how is the "white guy" going to represent white people? How is a McCain administration going to differ from an Obama administration when it comes to concrete policies affecting white people?

Ifmost whites vote for McCain and he's elected, what will be our "reward"? The same rewards we've gotten from Bush Sr. and Jr., who both carried the white vote?Looking back, who was the greater "evil," Bill Clinton or George W. Bush? Neither is pro-white, butthe Clinton administration looks like thegood old days compared to what's happened since.

I understand the argument of the pro-McCain posters, butif McCain is elected, GOP supporters will be making the exact same lesser of two evils argument four years from now after four more years of whites being shat on when it comes to immigration, the economy, affirmative action,launching endless wars of aggression abroad, the end of genuinelibertyin the "homeland" and all the rest of it.Anyone voting Republican or Democratis in reality sanctioningand legitimizing an agenda of eventual white extinction even if they are vehemently opposed to it. That'sa more importantissue than thecolor of the system's front man at any given time, and that's why many racially aware whites cannot in good conscience continue to play the lesser of two evils game.
Fact: Bill Clinton was the greater evil.

History lesson: Most people forget that from 1994 to 2000 both the senate and congress were GOP dominated and forcing Bill's hand. Bill vetoed the Welfare Reform Act(stop blacks getting free money forever) twice before giving into the republican demands.

Good old Days? I have working class professional job and make the twice the amount as I did during Bill's regime. Part of the reason the housing market tanked and it always does was that both dumb whites and blacks were "buying" more house than they could afford with these ARM loans. I suspect the bottom is a year off and it will rise again. It always does, not rocket science.

Contrary to popular belief we are not in a recession. the 2nd quater is up 3.3% All facts.

Perception: If BO is elected the above doom and gloom scenerio will be expedited on the prior post , count on it.

The lesser of two evils game? It is the game right now. Either play in it, or bitch, whine and moan and entertain yourself with obscure candidates. Fantastize about the good old days and man love of Bill Clinton.

Reward: If we elect McCain, BO will regulated to an ineffective senator status, where he can schime as a closet marxist until the next election. Not to mention less taxes on me. Horaay!
David Duke is exactly right - electing McCain would actually be worse than BHO. I might give a few more reasons though:

It's well known and little discussed that a large part of the Ron Paul movement came from white nationalists and just plain fed-up white people. For a brief moment it seemed that RP actually had a chance. What happened? His own party opposed him along with every major media outlet. John McCain may have been the biggest single opposer of RP. If those who still think that the GOP is still the "white party", then how does the slap-down of RP reinforced by a McCain victory help the white cause, specifically, the hope for taking back the Republican Party?

For those that hope that the GOP might actually follow some of its official but oft-ignored platform in the future, McCain is a death sentence. Being a race-traitor will be the order of the day. Winning is not as important as what you actually win.

How do other races treat race traitors? The answer is that while white people have been conditioned to applaud race traitors, for every other race in the Universe no one, not even one of another race, is more hated than a traitor to their own race. Vote third party or stay home. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kukulcan wrote:

"Contrary to popular belief we are not in a recession. the 2nd quater is up 3.3% All facts"

Do you know what "annualized rate" means?

"I have working class professional job and make the twice the amount as I did during Bill's regime."

I hope you are not a writer.

Don Wassall wrote:

"I understand the argument of the pro-McCain posters, but if McCain is elected, GOP supporters will be making the exact same lesser of two evils argument four years from now after four more years of whites being shat on when it comes to immigration, the economy, affirmative action, launching endless wars of aggression abroad, the end of genuine liberty in the "homeland" and all the rest of it."

This makes a lot of sense to me. I don`t want to see Obama in the White House, but do we really want McCain and 4 more years of GOP mistakes on everything from the economy to foreign policy?
89Glory said:
What is so hard to understand about this? In all racial/national conflicts: STRENGTH FIRST. All these doom and gloomers have been mentally feminized and eagerly await the impending doom of our proud nation.

So when are you planning on starting the revolution, buddy? All I see is talk. Not even smart talk. Get it through your head, the US isn't a white nation anymore. It doesn't look out for white interests.

The kind of fu@#ing pu$$ies who talk about emigrating to some far off land, who wouldn't understand STAND AND FIGHT if it smacked 'em in the face.

I also agree that it a shock that on a board devoted to strength of the white man, we find so many people who are cut-and-run in basic outlook and who only rejoice in the thought of things getting worse and worse for their own race and nation.

A basic go f**k yourself is really all this merits. You seem pretty good at making pronouncements but since I'm not afraid of your 'strength first' or pathetic name calling, don't tell me what a real white man is. Don't tell me how to vote, and that doing otherwise makes me a traitor. White men are not some monolithic bloc that all think the same way because we're fed up over the way we're now treated.
Kukulcan said:
InfamousOne, you sound like Keith Olberman from MSNBC, BO's network. The Victory in Iraq will be a functioning democracy like Turkey I hope. That will be the condition of victory!

The term I use "quier feelings" means no proof or evidence regarding torture and the robber baron line(sounds very liberal/weak). Just misguided ideas and thories, sorta like "911 was an inside job" bs.If they were true, old W would be imprisoned or at least impeach. Both are not going to happean.

Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world thinks! How many times have we saved their sorry asses. Right now Europe should be the tip of spear against Imperialist Russia. But they are not and wait for us to protect them. So f..k them!

I speak for the white warriors who want to win wars and conflicts not for the isolationist/passifist, misguided individuals like you. Men in our military want to be victorious in battle and to win the war, not lose buddies and not see victory. I can say this becuase I fought over there.

InfamousOne, war is brutal and some innocents will die, but our focus is and always will be on terrorist. Got it. I support victory for our soldiers and killing as many Isamic terrorist as possible. That should not be hard to understand. Lastly, I am not using pride against anyone, just stating my opinion based on the facts on the ground. You might understand this logic if you ever served in the armed forces, instead of going off on this site.

I gave a reason why I think McCain supports white men, I did not think I would hear Castefootball's version of Keith Olberman of MSNBC. Wow!

Really, because you sound like Bill O'Rielly. PS I hate Kieth Obermann because he doesnt point out how bad the democrats are, but he has Bush and gang down perfectly.

So typical to label anyone who opposes senseless war (that you were manipulated into) as a pacifist. Let me tell you what I see: you are easy to lie to and question nothing. You are so easily manipulated that you have been trained to attack people like me and call me a coward.

Heres a clue for you. There arent terrorists in Iraq tough guy, you killed innocent men, women and children. Bush wanted to overthrow Hussein to A. control oil interests, B. serve isreal's interests. You were a convenient idiot that murdered for him. However you rationalize this that is the truth.

Its funny because conquering other countries to "help them" is a liberal idea going back to WWII era. Hell even good ole Bill Clinton was doing it before Bush Jr. got elected claiming he was against "nation building". Your neocon friends have origins in the left.

And lastly, so even the dimmest among us can grasp it, THE US IS NOT A f**kING DEMOCRACY! We are a constitutional republic. "Exporting democracy" is the funniest propaganda touting you have done, the US just denied the Iraqi vote to have us withdraw.
LOL @ the 'white nationalists' saying war with Germany over Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia was a good idea. And why should anyone in the U.S. be worried about whether Europeans can stand against the 'Russian bear?' The United States can be a world power without fighting everybody else's wars. Do you really think Russia is going to invade Europe? REALLY? C'mon, man.

You guys (89Glory, johnnyboy, and Kukulcan) need to stop putting words in people's mouths and setting up straw men, while you're at it. You are attributing ideas and opinions to posters on this board that they themselves have not espoused, and then patting each other on the back for having 'defeated' their arguments. I suggest from now on that you quote 'these guys' that you're referring to in your posts whenever you feel like engaging one of us in a debate.
Edited by: White Shogun
I'm beginning to hope that McCain will win, just to piss off black people:

And what if Obama loses?

Watching Detroit, LA, Chicago, Houston, and every other U.S. city with a major black population go up in
It might open up the eyes of Middle America even more if McCain wins and they watch all the riots in the inner cities that happen because of it. The thing I worry about in this election is voter fraud, Obama is a part of that Old Chicago Daley machine and they certainly know how to rigg a election and to gum up the works for several months with phony recounts and lawsuits. States like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania will decide the election and those states are too close to call at the moment. Folks, this could get really ugly and I am not so sure that would be a bad thing if it leads to some needed changes.
guest301 said:
It might open up the eyes of Middle America even more if McCain wins and they watch all the riots in the inner cities... Folks, this could get really ugly and I am not so sure that would be a bad thing if it leads to some needed changes.

Yeah, but who would spearhead those changes? Not McCain. Not any major Republican. McCain would probably make Obama HUD Secretary! Put Barry half-White in charge of the "healing process."
Why vote and support a criminal system. I will say this again. It really doesn't matter which of these idiots gets into office. But if you asked me who I would prefer. Then it's obama all the way. I started a post a few months ago about this and my opinion hasn't changed. Now if Mccain actually had the balls to say that he is racist or show any inkling of being a racist then maybe I would vote for him. But this lying piece of sh*t would do or say anything to get into that office. I rather see that half negro in the office than a race traitor any day. But if anybody thinks that by voting for Mccain or obama will do anything for this country I've got news for you WAKE UP. A war is being waged against the white working class and we are getting our asses kicked big time. Unfortunately the people waging that war is our own people. Make no mistake. Right now the power is simply not in our hands nor will it be in the hands of mccain or obama. I used to say( actually wished)that an Obama presidency will make things worse for white people but just by looking at the crowds around obama I realized that things are already worse. Whether it's for the better remains to be seen.& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;
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