The Greatest Danger from Obama

89Glory, excellent point on the Supreme Court situation, forgot about that. I am digging your rational and reasons to support the GOP. The key phrase, "A BO presidency would be so incredibly disastrous for white America, it is hard to describe." Don, 89Glory eloquently stated another view why we must support McCain.
That's the same argument that's been made for the past 40 years. And for the past 40 years it's the Republicans, not the Democrats, who have mostly controlled the presidency and the Supreme Court. What has the Republican Party done for White Americans over the past 40 years? The Republicans always pretend to be against the worst excesses of the Democrats but always capitulate to them."Believe it or not, the Democrats will be even worse than us so keep us in power" is the best the GOP has to offer. I got fed up with the charade of "meaningful choice" long ago. We have a closed and rigged political system. This country is not a democracy, and it long ago ceased to be a republic.

And I would argue that the "slow poison" of the GOP is now worse than that of the Dems when it comes to endless wars, sanctioned torture, and a police state at home. The Bush regime and its policies on every front have been appalling, and many of them are criminal. This country has never seen a gang of looters and robber barons like the one we have running things now. What horrors would occur under an Obama administration that aren't already here? When does voting for the reputed lesser of two evils become an indefensible, immoral, evil choice in itself? The downward spiral won't end until the one-party with two wings system changes. And for it to change it must be repudiated, not just by most people continuing not to vote, but by legitimizing alternative political choices besides Globalist Party A and Globalist Party B.

BTW, I'm glad you guys are stating your case.No one's going tosway me into supporting McCain, but I'm glad to see the robust political discussion taking place here because I think we can all agree that this country faces some very serious problems and talking freely about the best choice to make come November is a good thing.Edited by: Don Wassall
Don I have a brother who is Doctor MD in Beverly Hills. I swear your last posts could have been him. We would both argue for hours and curse at each other over torture, robber baron allegations. I don't know where you get this police state thing from? I always sum up my argument toward him it this manner.

I present my agrument based on facts and evidence. You (my brother) base your arguments/assurtions based on quier feelings(no evidence).Don in no way am I calling you gay, just describing my arguments with my brother, that is all. I then would say to my brother, with the enemies this President has it should relatively easy to impeach him or at most imprison him. Don, I can with confidence say that neither will happean. My brother keeps the dream alive. Thing is, it is only a dream that will NEVER come true! Kinda like a fanatasy.

Out of curiosity, will you be staying home on Election Night believing that it is better to not vote for the lesser evil or posting on
Just joking. Hey man great debating you. I only want was is best for us....White People!
Wow there are some very interesting points of view on this matter. To get back to the beginning, David Duke is dead wrong in thinking that electing BHO will "wake up" white people. It's a rare condition to make something worse for it to get better. As I stated before, electing BHO will only demoralize our white population, and the black pop culture will be rubbing it in our face for 4 years. Granted, I think BHO would have no shot a reelection in 4 years, but the damage will have already been done.

When you want to look at deeper issues, you have to think of it this way. Barack Hussein Obama represents interracial marriage. Anybody who watched the DNC saw the gleaming images of his white mother and grandparents. And I was still astounded that a women so white as his mother can turn out something so black as him. McCain and Palin represent the traditional values. McCain and his current wife have had 4 children together, two of which are serving in our military. Palin is a great example of a beautiful white woman and mother who has had 5 children, and fortunately all with same man.

We have to remember that the whole world is watching this election, more so than any I can remember. All the PC, multiculturalist, anti-white, and self-loathing whites around the world are cheering for BHO to take this election. If we let this happen, it's a simple statement that whites in America are down and out, and hastening the ever shortening time line to when we are a minority.

We all know the saying, and how it applies to so many things that "once you go black, you never go back." And almost all of the time this applies to neighborhoods, schools, sports teams, and unfortunately political office. This is true of mayors, county commissioners, state reps, congressmen, etc. What's to say this isn't true of the presidency???

One last point: I am confident Sen. John McCain does not hate or have anything against white people. The simple matter is, that if he did the slightest thing that looks pro-white, that his chance at the presidency would be over. That's the kind of world we live in. If he were to say something like "We need to control immigration so that we don't become a majority non-white country," right then and there, we would have an anti-white black president.

It's easy for us to say these types of things, but we personally don't have very much at stake by making those statements. McCain says the same things, and he will hand the presidency to a white hating, former Muslim, black man born of an interracial relationship. I'd hate to have that kind of pressure on me.

In THIS election, a vote for a third party IS a vote for BHO!
Bravo Electric Slide.
A couple of more posts like this and I believe we will be able to flip a couple of senior members on this site!
Electric Slide said:
One last point: I am confident Sen. John McCain does not hate or have anything against white people.

Anybody who has followed his career would know that he is, in fact, strongly anti-white, and greatly prefers mexicans.

Also, let's not forget this is the guy who tried to kill UFC in the 90s. If he had succeeded, no more MMA. No more white guys on national television showing that they can, indeed, fight.
Electric Slide said:
...It's a rare condition to make something worse for it to get better. ...
This is true.

89Glory said:
Consider just this one issue: We are THIS CLOSE to retaking the Supreme Court, which has been the bulwark of the liberal takeover of America for the last 40 years. One or two more conservative judges is all that it takes. One or two liberal judges, and we are back to the 1970s.
I think there is also some truth in this, but like a yo-yo, the Supreme Court could rebound back to liberalism very quickly. The checks-and-balances of the Founding Fathers have always had within them fatal flaws.

I'm not blaming the Founding Fathers --- they probably did the best they could with the variety of peoples who composed the colonies, some of whom were in the Americas because they were misfits in the Old World (another example of unhealthy diversity). However, it must be noted that with US system, it was the first time that Christian peoples had governmentally acted as if Christ had never existed. The final arbiter in a case would be the whims of men on a Supreme Court rather than a Church.

Again, I think the Founding Fathers were maybe doing the best they could in the situation in which they found themselves, because their carefully designed governmental structures were certainly better than the radical puritanism of someone like Oliver Cromwell.

The fundamental problem is that the whole governmental structure of the US (and since then foisted upon the world) is built on a revolutionary and somewhat artificial model, rather than the organic traditional systems of the Old World that eventually were destroyed by the end of the first World War.

In spite of Russia's last century of misery, they are one of the few places that still have structures in place where an organic and stable society can again be reborn, and Putin and the Orthodox Patriarch have made stutter-steps in that direction. It is a potent combination out of which someone like an Antichrist can arise, or else the nation that rises to battle an Antichrist.
Edited by: Observer
Observer said:
I think there is also some truth in this, but like a yo-yo, the Supreme Court could rebound back to liberalism very quickly. The checks-and-balances of the Founding Fathers have always had within them fatal flaws.

I'm not blaming the Founding Fathers --- they probably did the best they could with the variety of peoples who composed the colonies, some of whom were in the Americas because they were misfits in the Old World (another example of unhealthy diversity). However, it must be noted that with US system, it was the first time that Christian peoples had governmentally acted as if Christ had never existed. The final arbiter in a case would be the whims of men on a Supreme Court rather than a Church.

Again, I think the Founding Fathers were maybe doing the best they could in the situation in which they found themselves, because their carefully designed governmental structures were certainly better than the radical puritanism of someone like Oliver Cromwell.

The fundamental problem is that the whole governmental structure of the US (and since then foisted upon the world) is built on a revolutionary and somewhat artificial model, rather than the organic traditional systems of the Old World that eventually were destroyed by the end of the first World War.

The primary problem with the US Constitution is that in disputes between states and the Feds, the Feds are the ultimate authority via the courts. There is no check on the federal gov't, given a friendly(or neutral court that won't hear the case) Supreme Court and the 'necessary and proper' clause. Congress could've ended funding for the war in Iraq, if they so chose(one of their checks and balances). They refused to put their political careers on the line, and so it was simply hollow rhetoric.
Some of the rhetoric in this thread is ridiculous.

Calling people race traitors because they won't vote for John McCain is ridiculous, when McCain himself has a RECORD of voting against the interests of white people.

Accusing Don Wassall and others here of voting with emotions because they refuse to vote for McCain is ridiculous. If anyone is voting with EMOTION, it's those of you who have knee jerk reactions to vote for McCain because he is opposing a black man.

Like Don and others have pointed out, white Republicans, at least in the Presidency and the Senate, are the ones responsible for foisting upon us a host of laws and policies that discriminate against the common white man: eminent domain, amnesty, APAIC, the Patriot Act, etc.

Casting a vote for a third party is NOT the same as voting for Obama. This should be patently obvious but for some reason it seems to escape a few here. People who continue to choose the lesser of two evils are part of the reason the two party system functions the way it does - it's impossible for a third party to gain serious traction because people vote out of fear.

I haven't seen anyone here cast an argument that is going to persuade me to vote for McCain, and I doubt Reb or Don or any other 'senior' poster here is going to be persuaded by the "OMG!! OBAMA COULD BE PRESIDENT FOR REALZ! VOTE FOR MCCAIN VOTE FOR MCCAIN!! argument.

Just because a person isn't voting for McCain doesn't mean they're going to stay home and not vote, either. Why is it always either / or? There are more than two choices you know. Even a coin has three sides. Think about it.
Why even bother to vote? Both McCain and Obama both represent the warfare/welfare state. Nothing will change with either of them in office. And they have ensured our "democracy" (we are a constitutional republic!) is tilted to make 3rd parties irrelevant.

The republicans don't represent whites, they represent big business. Why else would they want mass immigration besides the influx of cheap (slave) labor for maximal profits? How else could they agree with the democrats, who simply want more hispanic voters to keep thier power?

The television has lulled too many whites into submission. America needs to collapse, and be reborn in the ashes. Only in chaos will people question the media PR garbage they are force fed every day.
89Glory said:
Anyone who says an Obama victory would help the White race is a brainwashed stooge.

You don't win by losing. You become a loser by losing.

This is a good discussion. I admit to being conflictted. I detest Obama and despise McCain.Now what?Do I cast a vote for a third party candidate, knowing full well my guy doesn't stand a chance in hell? Would I bemaking a statement, or wasting my vote? Does it really matter? Either way, it will be McLame or the Obamanation sporting a grin as "Hail to the Chief" is being played.

Truth is, welost the country more than a half century ago. We just didn't realize it at the time. We should have made a stand then, we didn't. Oh, some good men tried, but they were too few in number. They were villified by their dumb-ass neigbors, who were swaying back and forth, holding hands and singingwith the Negroes, "We Shall Overcome." Terrific!The irony would be lost to most.

Anyway, back to the losing is always losing comment. Not always. The thinking is that if the white house is lost to Obama,it would get so bad for us, that lethargic whites would be forced, finally,to take drastic measuresto reclaim the country. You know, like in the movie Braveheart, where Wallace after suffering through a series of disasters, raises an army of desperate, angry men.I suppose it's possible,butI'm not sure we have the will or the right stuff anymore. More than likely, an Obama victory would mean a quicker death instead of a long, lingering, painful one. Just thinking out loud.
Eventually... white people will fight back. It's in our blood, in our bones. It will come out, when we have finally been disabused of our good will and generosity, traits which are also part and parcel of European culture and heritage. I used to be a doomsayer as well, but I have found renewed faith in the determination, the sheer stubbornness, of our people. There are signs that some whites have awakened, and I feel now we are part of the first wave, with many more to follow, for generations to come.

White Shogun said:
I used to be a doomsayer as well, but I have found renewed faith in the determination, the sheer stubbornness, of our people. There are signs that some whites have awakened, and I feel now we are part of the first wave, with many more to follow, for generations to come.


I hope you're right Shogun. It's not that I am a doomsayer, it's that I see little or no evidence of any silver linings in the dark clouds.Could I ask you of these signs, and wave you speak of? Is it a sense you have from speaking with with people, or is there something more tangible, more concrete that raises your confidence level? My glassappears to behalf empty at the moment, I must confess.
Bart, I see it in several different areas. Not all of it has to do with 'whites' per se, but challenges of the status quo. Awaken people to freedom, and the rest will follow. Cause in the end, that's all I really want - freedom.

Some I see in conversations with young white kids, especially young men. They're tired of being treated as second class citizens. And what's more, they are much more willing to be vocal about it than older adults.

I see it in lawsuits challenging affirmative action in various states. Even the passage of the castle doctrine in most states I see as a sign that people are getting fed up.

I see it in the continued resistance of the Irish to being absorbed into the EU, and the Nay vote on the same issue among many other nations that is ignored by their leaders. The resistance to immigration in some nations is also a sign that people are shaking off their shackles.

I see it on a personal level in conversations with other white men who won't speak out in public but are very aware of what's going on in sports, anti-white commercials, movies, and so on. This has happened to me more than once when I have stepped out and brought these topics up. They are often relieved to see someone else thinks the way they do. I've found many converts to Ron Paul and the Constitution Party, who had never heard of either but agreed with their stance on the issues once they were educated about them.

I see it in the existence of sites like Caste Football. Look at the number of friends CF has on MySpace. The fact that a man like David Duke can actually win a political seat, even if it is a state seat in Louisiana. And it may sound comical to some, but the fact that a religion like Asatru, with it's heavy emphasis on racial pride, is gaining converts and actually exists as a state religion in Iceland.

I see it in the burgeoning home school movement, with more and more families opting to school their kids at home. That's a huge number of kids that will not be indoctrinated by the government run public education system by the time they reach adulthood.

I see it in the increasingly volatile behavior of black people themselves, who are pushing the envelope at breakneck speed. I sense they are playing their cards too soon, but we'll see.

I suppose there is more to it than that, but these are things that came immediately to mind when I saw your question. Hope it helps push back the shadows.
89Glory said:
Consider just this one issue: We are THIS CLOSE to retaking the Supreme Court, which has been the bulwark of the liberal takeover of America for the last 40 years. One or two more conservative judges is all that it takes. One or two liberal judges, and we are back to the 1970s.

But we are OUT OF TIME, demographically speaking! It is now or never for America as a white nation.

Voting for a third party helps NOTHING. It just divides us.

If we switched to proportional representation and runoff elections, supporting third parties would make sense. Support that, by all means, I am right there supporting it with you.But until the system changes, you might as well stay home if you vote third party.

There is one party that is the proven party of the White race: the GOP. That is beyond dispute. I totally agree with you that the national party barely deserves our support in the last decade, but that is what we are stuck with. Rather than abandoning the GOP, we should be working from within to re-take it from the globalists neo-cons.

Yes, we have issues with McCain, but the long and short-term consequences of a BO presidency would be so incredibly disastrous for white America, it is hard to describe.

Dude you are absolutely right about voting for McCain. if people vote for third parties in this election, they are in effect voting for Obama. we can buck the system some other day. today its our job to do all we can (legally) to keep Barack Hussein Obama from geting elected. McCain isn't perfect but then again, no politican is. its the nature of our election system. the politicans who want to win need money to compete. so they sell out to get some cash. all politicians do that. i just try to vote for the ones that arent complete a-holes/crooks.

there are people all over america and on this very website, that 8 months ago were saying that there was no way in hell a black guy was going to win a nomination. guess what? all those guys are eating crow. Obama is here, he's got the media behind him, and he is definitely in the lead. make no mistake, this is a two man race between a black guy and a white man. it will be historic regardless of the outcome. now all you have to do is ask yourself, in this historic race, are you going to thro your support to the white man or the black man?

20 years from now, when a kid, maybe your kid or a grand kid, asks you who you voted for in the election of '08, what are you going to say? are you going to look him in the eye and tell him you wasted your vote on some obscure 3rd party candidate no one even remembers?

the black race has its man. they as a people answered the call. 9 out of every 10 blacks who voted in the Dem. nomination process backed Obama. they backed their man...their race. black people are smart enough to understand the significance of this election...are YOU?

cheers and a happy Labor Day to all.
Twenty years from now, after amnesty has been passed and Mexicans run the country, when our freedom of speech has been taken away, when we have merged with Mexico and Canada into a North American Union, when gas is rationed and use of public transportation is mandatory, while telling my children and grandchildren the stories of their uncles and brothers who died in the Great Middle Eastern War of 2011-2020, I will explain that I did not vote for the man who made it all happen - John McCain.


Bart, I thought of a couple more things to be positive about - we actually have had a famous white athlete come forward and talk about discrimination against whites in sports - Kelly Pavlik. Plus the myth that white men cannot fight has been utterly destroyed by the success of white men boxing and MMA.

As to the rest of the political rhetoric, I've noticed that both sides have begun to repeat their arguments ad nauseum so I will henceforth refrain from repeating myself after this post. My suggestion to everyone is to vote your conscience. If that means holding your nose and voting for McCain, so be it. If that means voting third party for you, by all means - vote third party. Either way, we are screwed - and these bastards won't even bother to kiss us first.
A good article that describes how bad an Obama presidency would be for whites in America, along the lines of what many of you McCain supporters have said:

The Obamanation of Desolation
Kukulcan said:
... I don't know where you get this police state thing from? ...

this isn't a "conspiracy theory," mate. it is real. and it happens every day. all you have to do is look around. try this thread that White Shogun started. or better yet, go directly to the original article.

that happened yesterday (8-30-08). and it is very easy to find other recent assaults on our personal, Constituionally-assured, liberties by our "police" force, too.

Big Brother is alive and well. and voting for either of the two evil choices is going to keep him healthy. now that Ron Paul has withdrawn from this election, Chuck Baldwin is the only candidate left that i can get behind come voting day for this prez election.
White Shogun said:
My suggestion to everyone is to vote your conscience. If that means holding your nose and voting for McCain, so be it. If that means voting third party for you, by all means - vote third party. Either way, we are screwed - and these bastards won't even bother to kiss us first.

truly spoken.
man, the more i read this thread the more i believe Obama is going to cruise to victory. i never thought the day would come when a guy named Hussein would govern us. this is how it ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.
White Shogun just read that article "The Obamanation of Desolation". It was chilling and an argument that I completing agree with. Its the major reason I am supporting McCain/Palin. Having a black Man who hates America History and its white people just can not stand.

Thanks for the article. All members should read it.
Jimmy Chitwood, I have a real life perspective on the so called police state. I have real life experience in law enforcement.

I call what the police did or are doing at the RNC as being very proactive. Look what happeaned in Los Angeles during the DNC when these malcontents gained momentum. CHAOS! As Tony Soprano would say, "If I learned anything, I should have nipped it the bud." Those cops are just nipping the rose bushes with thorns.
OK, heres the "I will vote for John McCain challenge" for kukulcan and johnnyboy.

Your argument for McCain is that he supports white interests.

Show me ONE thing McCain has done for white people and he has my vote. Nothing arbitrary either like "he said he was once against ..." thats just words. Actions.

Take the challenge.
On InfamousOne, challenge accepted.

I am a former active Marine. I know for a fact that the majority of the military is largely White! I know McCain does not self loathe himself nor hate white people.

You may disagree for the reasons why we went to war in Iraq, but the major issue now is that we are there. John McCain pushed for the "Surge" in order that we(white armed forces, especially the Army and Marine Corps) would not suffer a defeat to terrorist in American eyes nor the Worlds Eyes. The "Surge" advocated by McCain and implemented by the President has been a SUCCESS! He wanted to see our military succeed in this war. This is an interest of WHITE America, is it not! McCain championed this over a year prior to its implementation. This is the action you requested.

I challenge you to ask any Army or Marine combat operator if they don't feel the same way. America believes in a winner, if we would have left Iraq in rubble without helping it get back on its feet, the consequences would have dire and we would have looked like a paper tiger(remember the Soviets in Afganastan). We are now on the path to victory. John McCain had a big hand in that.

So InfamousOne I believed I answered your question. Just remember that McCain is the White Guy in the GOP.
The majority of the casualties in the Iraq war are young white men. The case could be made that if McCain truly had the interests of white people at heart, he would have been against the war in Iraq from the beginning, and worked actively to end the war and bring the troops home once it was started.
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